Warriors Secular A
Spiritual Path for Those of Us |
Do Not Speed Read These Words Let me tell you a story to illistrate my point. I was hanging out on my patio in the apartment complex where I lived having my morning cup of coffee. It was a condo complex where they had a large building with several condos. The entrance to two condos were downstairs with two others up the stairs. It was a pretty day in a pretty place. I was unemployed, but I was with my girl. It was a happy time. Then that pleasant moment was interrupted when an older man came around the pathway into my view. He was obviously frantic. He spied me there on my patio and approached. "Do you know where Vanessa lives?" He inquired, breathlessly. "Yes," I replied. "She's my neighbor. She lives next door, right there." I said, pointing the way. "Oh, shit! I just broke down the wrong door!" He exclaimed. And I'm thinking to myself, YOU DID WHAT! Ooopsy, Doopsey. He then proceeded to call 911 and within ten minutes the Cops were there. He explained that he had received a call from his sister and was worried about her welfare, that he had broken down some other persons door, that he was contrite and would take full responsibility for the repairs. Then they together proceeded to wake up Vanessa, banging on her windows and doors until she came sleepily to the door in her bathrobe at the insistence of the Cops. Problem solved. They all left shortly thereafter. Vanessa was a party girl. She liked to stay up into the wee hours of the morning and usually slept till noon or later. Which explains why she had to be woken up that morning. She was also an MBA, graduate of Boston University and had previously been a IT Director for some Bank or Insurance company somewhere back East. She had her own business, was a smart lady, a friend and a nice neighbor. A few days previous to that experience I had given her a hard copy of this book, because she was a smart woman, I liked her and I felt she would give me some feedback that would be of use to me. She had me over a few days after the incident and told that it was my book that nearly pushed her over the edge into suicide. She had made a phone call to her family that let them know that she was not likely to be long on this planet, and her frantic state on the message she left was why her brother showed up and broke down that door that day. She told me it was my poem called "Today" that you can read in the body of this book that pushed her so near the edge. She told me that these were very dangerous words, and that in her opinion it should not be published. I stayed with her until like two in the morning that night, talking metaphysics and the nature of reality. I was right though, it was some enlightening feedback.
It's been over three years since I wrote these words, and I have been struggling with the consequences of what publishing them might mean for the reader. You see, I'm physic and I have seen that some of those who read my words will suicide. I'm not arrogant here, I have walked this path and I know how difficult it is. In the course of reading my words you will take in a soccer ball size of my light, and my light will not play down to your level. You will be required to play up to mine. My light is going to show you everything about you that you do not love about you, and you will be forced to face the Truth about you, whether you like it or not. And there will be some people who when forced to face the Truth about themselves, will choose suicide instead. So be it. This is not a cowards path to God, it's a Warriors path. If you want an easy way out, a cowards path, go with Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism or Islam. But don't read my words, unless you're willing to put your life on the line. Because, I assure you, that's exactly what you're doing here. It's a Warriors path, and it requires a Win or Die commitment. And if you're not willing to commit to that level, don't read my words. Now Vanessa made a near fatal error in judgment. She told me she had sped read this book. She read the damn thing in a single night. And she wasn't doing the work of three to five reframes a day. So, please understand if you're going to do this work, take your time. Take the time to assimilate it at your own pace. Get the Reiki attunements, and do the work of three to five reframes a day. Take your time, as much time as you need. My light will push you, gently and lovingly. But once you take in my light, there is no turning back. Win or Die. Just keep putting the next step forward, and you'll get there. And for GOD's SAKE: DO NOT SPEED READ THIS BOOK! Some of you will die, perhaps a large number, especially in the beginning before our numbers increase to the point where we can help one another. This in my mind , is what is known in military terms as an acceptable level of casualties. Some will die, but those who survive, face their terror, their shame and heal it, will be some extraordinarily powerful people; fully fledged and blooded Physic Warriors. And that's just the truth of it, Warriors must be blooded to reach their full potential. So be it.
You may or may not survive the experience. You may die along the way. But if you will follow my lead and survive the experience, I will give you more power than you ever imagined was possible for a Human Being to have; The power of being God physically incarnate; The power to create Reality Itself. So, with that in mind, let me leave you with a final thought: Why would you be a Christian,