Warriors Secular This War On Christianity/Partiarchy? |
One of the ways anyone can support this effort, is to simply tell a friend. Get on the Internet, Facebook, uTube, Instagram, Twirtter, whatever. Just let other people you know, that this war has begun. The more people who know, the more effective we will be. The objective is to get these words into the heads of every thirteen to thirty-year-old person here in America. Look, I never sought wealth, or power, or even family in this lifetime. I did seek sex, and I will admit to that. Hey, I am a man. But, you know what it is that I sought more than anything else? It's this very elusive thing, called Wisdom. Which I define, as true understanding. True understanding as to how reality itself is put together, how other people are put together and how I am put together. And I think I've made some inroads in that area, in this lifetime. I think I know much more now, than I did in my youth. And I have shared some of these wisdoms with you in these words. At least I can see how the Church operates. I know what they're doing, why they're doing it, and how they get their power. I've moved passed my postulates, and if you have read my words you will know that I really do have the power of true understanding. And I can in fact destroy the Roman Catholic Church. I have the power, but what I don't have is the means, which is to say, the financial support. So, that's what I'm asking of you, Gental Reader. Will you support me? Will you support this effort? It's not going to be easy to take down Rome. And I can't do it without your help. If we're going to win this war, we need the support of womankind. They have the most to gain from putting an end to patriachry. I am a Mother Warrior. I stand as Champian for all women everwhere. Will you support me woman? Will you support this effort. You have to know, I'm putting my life on the line, for you, woman. That has to count for something. I'll probably get my ass killed by some Cowardly Christian Patriachal Cock. And why would I choose to do that? Because I love my Mother! My sister, and all the women who have dyned to bed me in this lifetime. It's because I love you woman, that I choose to be your Champian. We really can win this war, you know. It is a winnable war. Thank you, I love You, I love You, Thank You, Sincerely, Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate
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