The War on Christianity

Taking the Fight to the Christian Right

Educate The Children of the Evangelical Christian 
It's a Rescue Mission 

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The War on Christianity



 Equal Representation for Womankind

 Dear PhD Psycologist

 The Rift in America

 Recruiting Womanking

 Shun the 'Good' Christian Woman

 The Toy Box

 Reading and Writing

 Minnesota Girls Not for Sale

 MeToo, Winey Little Bitches (TBD)

 Sex is a Womans Power (TBD)

 A Brothel on Every Base

 My Greatest Regret (TBD)

 The Smell



 Guaranteed, Not Guilty

 Anybody Can be a Christ

 I'm Not So Different Than You

 The Hunt for Red Balony

 The Twitching

 The Day I Shot My Dad

 The Man of the House

 The Taking of Atlanta

 Every Young Man Needs a Fish Story

 The Ask

 Who Might Support This War?

 Strategy for Winning This War
