The War on Christianity Taking the Fight to the Christian Right How these words came to be |
Okay, this book came about, because Donald Trump got elected. And I cried for a year. Then I picked myself up, wiped away my tears, and hired a Muse. I went looking for a PhD Phycologist, and I finally found one. A Muse, a person who could help me get writing again. There were so many words in my head that needed to get put down on paper, but I was blocked, writer's block. Anyway, she helped me, and this is what came out of that. At least I had someone to write for. She was non-judgmental, and though I did not think she supported my work in the beginning, as I wrote more and more, she seemed to come around. As this work came close to completion, and she was the only person to have read these words, she actually said to me in session, "I'm proud of you." That meant so much to me. Look, I knew where I was going from the very beginning, but it's taken a lot of time to pull it all together; eighteen months. These words were really hard to write, because I'm going against the grain. I'm creating a reality in opposition to the generally accepted reality that is perceived to the 'The Truth' on this planet. It's just have a different 'Truth". The purpose of this book, and these words are to:
That's what I'm trying to do here with these words. And in an era of the Internet, Instagram, Facebook and uTube, where every teenager has an iPhone and can get to the Internet on their phone? Well, this can happen very quickly. I really can kill the Roman Catholic Church, and that's exactly what I intend to do. All in the interest of producing this result called "Peace on Earth." Now, please understand, I don't hate Christians, or Muslims, or Hindus, or Jews. I am love for all that is, all that ever has been and all that ever shall be. It's these institutions that I have an issue with, as they all promote patriarchy. And that's my issue. It's because I love my Mother, and all the women that have ever been in my life, that I wrote these words. What can I say, I'm a Mother Warrior! So, Say I, Read on...