The War on Christianity Taking the Fight to the Christian Right |
I'm sitting at my computer, in a cloistered cave, alone and in the dark, writing these words in the hope that there are people out there who might just be receptive to what it is I have to say. When I look at America and what it has become, how it has changed over time, I see that Christianity has lost it's hold on this Nation. We have changed a lot in the last sixty years. Christianity is losing its grip upon We the People. And I think that's a good thing. Secularism is taking hold here in America. So, who might support this war on the Church, here in America? Let us ponder that for a moment. How about? Gay Men Gay Man, I have a couple of anecdotes for you. My view is that the gay man in America is the most likely person, who might just want to support this effort. And so, I will share a few gay experiences that I have had in this lifetime. They're real stories, and all true. I share this because I want you to know that I'm not homophobic, and that I love you. I was in my twenties, fresh out of the Marines, a buffed-out backed-up boy living in Los Angeles. I couldn't get myself laid to save my soul. I would go to work and do my job. At the end of the day, I just wanted my orgasm. So, I would visit this porn place. They had a booth where I could watch girls getting banged by the boys, hanging out with my right-hand man, which is to say masturbating. Yeah, that was my sex life in the early eighties. One day, I was in there and some person stuck two fingers through a hole in the wall, "Psst," he said, "If you'll put your dick through here, I'll suck it." I was a little surprised, but I accepted. I stuck my dick through that hole in the wall. Hey, it made for a better experience. I could watch girls getting laid and pretend. I was twenty-three, maybe. The church had locked up all the pussy, and a boys gotta do what a boy's gotta do to find satisfaction. So, for years, that was my sex life. It was before AIDs. Then came est, and the Mastery Course. I was invited to a Gay wedding. It was on a Ferry, a big ship, 300-feet long, and 125-feet wide. It was a big shindig, two gay men getting married on this boat, maybe three or four hundred people attended. The went out to sea beyond the six-mile limit, and the theme for this marriage was 'Recognized by no Nation.' That marriage was a fun time had by all. Multiple bands, full catering, and an open bar. It was a great time. Some babe came up to me on that boat, she was looking fine, slim and trim and double-D boobies. She came up to me and kissed me. When we returned to land, she wanted to go to a bar. I said, "Sure," I was hoping to get laid. But when we got to the bar, it was clearly a gay bar. That's when I realized, this was not a girl, but a boy with big boobies. Hey, I rolled with the punch. And we had a bit of a relationship for a few months. If you put him in a dress and bend him over, well you can pretend. If you're a backed-up boy living in Christianson, a hole is a hole. So, that's what I did, and it was great fun. I did finally dump that young man a while later, not because he was gay, but because he was into slasher films, horror movies, and I could just not stomach that. So, I share these anecdotes with you, so you can know that I have been there and done that too. Let it be known, I love anal sex. And while my gay experiences may make me BI, in a way, I do have a preference for the softer sex. But I'm not homophobic, I have no fear of gay men, and I do love you, the gay man in America. Okay, enough anecdotes, I need to get to the point. These people who call themselves Christian, they hate you. Because the Christian men are homophobic, they're so afraid that some gay man is going to rape then, and stick his dick up his ass. That's just cowardice in my eyes. I, for one, have never had that fear of gay men. But I see it in the Christian male, and I'm sure you have too. These Christians want to kill you, just for being who you are, a homosexual. They are sending their sons and daughters over to Africa, seeking to make homosexuality a God Damn Capital Offense! I read recently, that there was a gay bar in, I think it was Zimbabwe, somewhere in Africa, where the police arrested 190 gay men and put them in jail, just for being gay. And they may be put to death. Yeah, if the Christians had their way, they would exterminate all gay men from this planet. Yes, understand gay man, they seek genocide. They want to kill you. They even hate their own gay sons. Have you ever heard the phrase, "Pray away the Gay?" I'm sure you have, probably from your own family members. Maybe your mother, or your father. They call it "Conversion Therapy." I'm sure there are many gay men in this country, who believe their own parents don't love them. So, sad. Now, gay men have pretty much won that fight here in America. We have gay bars; we have gay marriage. And gay men are not seen, as a threat too much here in America anymore. But what about the gay men in Africa. Other people like you, sill under the yoke that Christianity was once, here in America, and not too long ago? Here in America, Christianity is almost dead. We're in the mopping-up phase, but there are still places in this world, where gay men are being severely mistreated. Would you be willing to help me, to help them? Help me to destroy Christianity world-wide? The ask is ten dollars a month. Can you afford that? Will you help? Please? Who else might support this war? How about? The Marines Fellow Marine, I have a simple question for you. Do you like pussy? I like pussy. Isn't that your job, to protect and preserve the pussy? Okay, I'm being crude. I'm a potty-mouth ex-Marine, a Viet Nam era vet. But, as I saw it when I was active, the job of a marine is to be the protector of our women and children here back home. You're on the front lines, you're putting your life on the line for your woman, and that's why we do that job. Now, I'm not just talking to the Marines, but all service members in Americas Military. When you join the Service, that's your job, to be the protector. You are putting your life on the line, and it doesn't matter the particular Service. The Navy, the Army, the Air Force, and even the Coast Guard are all at risk of dying on the job. Yeah, even the Coast Guard, have you ever seen the movie, "The Perfect Storm?" I for one would not want to have been on that boat. Or, a rescue mission, in the Bearing Strait saving the lives of a bunch of crab fisherman in 20-below weather with 30-foot seas. You know Marine, we like to think of ourselves, as superior, maybe not as up there as Recon, or the Navy Seals, but a superior force nonetheless, better than average. That's why I want you in this fight. I'm fixing to start a war. It's a good war, and a war worth fighting. It's also a war that we can win, now that I understand the enemy. And I want you on my side. This is a war to free the Pussy, to be crude. This war is all about freeing womankind from the bondage of Patriarchy, that Christianity has placed upon them for the last 1800 years. It's about you standing, as the Champion for your Mother, your Sister, your wife, and your Daughter. It's kind of like your job, don't you think? Isn't that what you signed up for, when you put on that uniform; to protect the women and children here in America? That's all I'm asking you to do. Your job. If you're willing to put your life on the line for you family, and the women in your life, would you be willing to contribute ten dollars a month to secure their freedom from this paracardial reality that is the Church. The job is to free the pussy, from Patriarchy and the Misogyny. Hey younger man, if you support me in this, I will get you a Brothel on Every Base. All the pussy you can eat, on base and at a reasonable price. Would you like to play? Ten dollars a month. Are you in, fellow Marine? I am. So, who else might support this war? How about? The DNC and DCCC The DNC, the Democratic National Committee, and the DCCC, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. These are two very important organizations, who can have absolutely nothing to do with me. Why? Because they are standing in support of Democrats, and potential democratic candidates, trying to get more democrats, in my mind secular politicians, elected to public office. The problem here is that I mean to destroy the political power of the Church, but many of the constituents of these potential candidates are also Christian, people who might take issue. The Democratic Party may be 80% secular, but they still have a minor constituency of 20% Christian. So, these two organizations need to ignore me, and what I'm trying to do. That said, our objectives are aligned. If I'm successful at destroying the political power of the Christian Right here in America, well, that's the base of the Republican Party, and my work would be of great benefit to the Democratic Party. For me, I just want to see the Adult in the Room. And for now, that seems to be the Democratic Party. Give me a Secular America. Now, okay it's understood that these two organizations, and no person running for office can associate with me in any way. That said, hey, you are the secular party and you have donors. You have to get out there in every election cycle and raise money for your candidates and the causes you wish to champion. Most of those people who give donations to fund your campaigns, are secular people. And they might be willing to support my effort here. Don't you think? I am out to destroy the political power of the Christian Right. I do have a strategy, and I expect to win. All I have to do is tell young teenage girls that it's okay to give your boyfriend a blowjob in the backseat of the car. And it's okay to let him do his cunnilingual thing. That's how you kill the Church. It's easy. That will get them to leave the Church, stop funding their perpetrator, leave the Republican Party and likely vote Democrat in the future. My win is your win, Democrat. So, I have an ask here. When you go out fundraising this cycle, and when you ask that donor to support your Party or your candidate, just let him or her know that I exist. Maybe they'll throw a few crumbs in my direction and help to support my efforts here. Anyway, thanks for listening. Hmm, who else? How about? The Feminist Woman Yeah, the Feminist Woman, the College Educated Woman, the babe with a brain. You know you're being screwed. Women in America are still being paid less than a man on average for doing the same work. And that minimum wage for tipped servers at Denny's and IHOP, yeah $2.15/hr, that truth has to piss you off. I know, it does me. God, I feel for these poor breakfast waitresses. Okay, your educated, your smart and you have a brain. Do you see that the root cause of this disparity, the treatment of women verses men in the workplace, is the direct result of Christian teachings? I think you do; I hope you do, and if you've read my words, I think I've laid it out pretty clearly. Women on this planet have been treated like dirt for the last 1800 years, and all because of Church teachings, Church Dogma. I'm sure you have an opinion on Row V. Wade. I expect you will support my idea for the Equal Representation for Women Constitutional Amendment. We need to get these wait staff at least the full minimum wage, if not more. And I'm sure you love your daughter. Can we agree on these things? Have you had enough? Are you ready to fight woman? The job here is to 'Take the Fight to the Christian Right'. That's what I'm doing. I stand as Champion for all of womankind, but that doesn't mean you can sit back and wait for the men to do it for you. I'll do what I can, but you need to pick up your own sword, woman. And continue to fight, for what's right, and what is rightfully yours. I can't do this alone. I need that Amazon Warrior. Yah, that would be you. Do you think you might be willing to support this effort? Will you help me to get my words into the heads of every teenager and every twenty-something person in the country? The ask is ten dollars a month, for ten years. Can you do that? Who else? Hmm, how about? 53 Million Hillary Clinton Voters We won the popular vote, and lost the election, to this little boy, an adolescent child in a seventy-year-old body. When I look at Donald Trump, America's first wanabe Dictator, what I see is a bully a bigot, a coward, a liar and a thief. And I cringe. I also grieve for America. I cried for a year, so stunned was I. I was in shock. I could not believe that this had happened, and I guess I felt like a bit of a zombie, a dead man walking. It took me a while to get over that disaster. But then I picked myself up, dug myself out of my morose, and wrote these words. It was a resolution, a time to commit. And so, this is where I find myself, back in the battle, starting a fucking war. Shit! This is not how I wanted to spend what is supposed to be my 'Golden Years.' Oh well, sometimes life is just thrust upon you. This is where I am. So, Hillary voter, were you as disappointed, as I was? Did you go to sleep that night in total shock and dismay? Did it take you as long as me to recover? And have you recovered even now, as we move into 2020? Are you in the same space as I? Do you want to get this bastard out of the oval office, as much as I do? Look, I have a plan. I know, it's taken a while for me to recover from my shock and dismay. But I think I have a good plan, a workable strategy and a means by which to win this fight. Read my words, it's all there. It's taken more than a year to get them out of my head and onto paper, but I'm ready now. Hey, it hasn't been all bad, we did take Virginia. In 2020 the Democrats will get to gerrymander that state. Virginia is now solidly blue. We just need to invade Florida, and take over Texas, then America will be blue for a hundred years. And I suggest that Florida will be the next to fall. It's filled with retirees, old people who went there to die. And they have been dying off in record numbers. Dead people don't get to vote. I project Florida will soon turn blue. Something to look forward to, 2020. Maybe? Will you help me, Hillary voter? Will you support this fight? And you know, you're going to have to fight. With the changes in the Supreme Court, we are likely to lose Roe. And if we do, that will beget a real Civil War here in America. And I for one will be fighting for Roe, leading that fight. The ask is ten dollars a month. Will you help me to give that little boy the boot? I think prison for him would be a more satisfying outcome; we still haven't seen his taxes. I would expect anomalies. IRS, are you out there? Hmm, let's see, who else? What about? The Gay Billionaire Oh, there are a few of them out there. Men with money. I said earlier how I felt that the gay man, is the most likely type of person who might be willing to support this war. I stand by that, because the Church hates you, it's homophobic and misogynistic at its core. You ready to fight back? I know I'm asking a lot. And I also know your not a stupid man. But I ask you this, Sir. Have you read my words? Do you see that this is a winnable war, I'm proposing? I have a good basic strategy, that I believe will work to destroy the political power of the Christian Right. Okay, it could be polished. I'm sure there are other people who could help to build it out, and make it better. And I'm equally sure that you know people like that. I'm only one guy doing what I can, but I think I've done pretty damn good. At least I know who the enemy is, and have assessed their weapons systems. I know how they work, and how they get their power. I understand the Church, probably better than any human being that has lived in the last thousand years. It's a good start. But I cannot prosecute this war without support. However, that support can come in many different forms. Let's just explore a hypothetical. If you were willing to invest say ten million dollars into this effort, that could kickstart this project. We would need to have a major fundraising effort, ten million is not going to win this war. But I think there are ten million people out there who would support this war, at ten dollars a month, and that would be a hundred million dollars per month. An organization with that much funding could do a lot towards ending the political power of the Church. And in doing so, produce the destruction of the base of the republican party. It would help the Democratic Party, and add support for gay and lesbian rights here in America. Might that be something you would consider supporting? Hey if you're willing to support that effort at that kind of level, I say put your own man in charge. It would be your money, and you need to know that it would be spent well, and towards the producing the intended result. I'm the creative and I wrote these words. I have my vision. But I can't build out an organization, I know my limitations. But you can, or you wouldn't be a billionaire. I also know that you have to be a Spirit Polarized person. And if you've read my words, you know that I have no love for the Spirit Polarity. They and I have been at war for thirteen billion years. With me, it's an issue of trust. That said, I feel like I could trust a gay man, at least in this circumstance, even if he is of the Spirit Polarized persuasion. Why? Because the Church hates you. The Church is your enemy too, and the enemy of all gay men on this planet. And so there you have the why, 'The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend'. That's why I think I could trust you. I don't know, these words are just a shot in the dark. But I won't know, unless I ask. Maybe something will come of it, maybe not. I don't know. But if you'd like to play, I'm in. Are you? If by some circumstance, you happen to read these words and find yourself interested in supporting this effort, I'm sure you can find me. And I would love to work with you on this project. It's called bringing peace to planet earth. So, what's next? Who else might support this war? How about? Native Americans A few hundred years ago the white man invaded this land. There numbers were few at first. They landed on the East Coast, and set up settlements. Then they got New York, and Island and a perfect port, also known as a beachhead. That Island, sold for a few beads, as I recall and was the beginning of the end for all the indigenous people who once lived there. Those people are my ancestors. Yeah, the people who once lived in that region of this country. As my mother told it, my grandfather was full-blooded Cherokee. She said there were three tribes, very closely related, by birth, marriage, and blood; The Choctaw, Chikuwa and Cherokee. Stories from my childhood. I'm not sure if I am a quarter, or maybe an eight Cherokee, but it seems very likely true, for a couple of reasons. Grandma had lived in eastern Oklahoma, and northern Texas, Cherokee territory. During WWII, her eldest son, Albert shipped off with the Marines into the Pacific. He fought in Iwo Jima, where he was wounded. He was shipped back to San Francisco, where they removed his left leg; an amputee. It was a Grapes of Wrath like thing. Grandma packed up her other eight kids, husband gone, and moved out to California to be near her son. She took a job at Campbells Soup in Sacramento, where she raised her kids, one of whom was my mother. Grandma was prolific, six daughters and three sons. I looked it up on Google. The Cherokee had been relocated from this place called Delaware, to make room for more white people from Europe. So, it all makes since to me. I am Cherokee. I was in a workshop years ago, and I talked about my heritage with this Navaho woman, and she asked me "Why don't you get on the Roles?" I had no idea there was such a thing. But I replied, "What would be the point, I'm just an American. My heritage does give me one thing though, the legitimate right to be here." Too much story? Oops. But there is something in me, it's just a part of me and it's more than just an attitude, it's a resonance. It resonates from every cell in my body. It an inherent love for this planet, our Mother. And it's in me, a basic part of who I am. We are the caretakers of this planet, she who gave us life. And I think I got that from my Mother. The Europeans stole this land from you the Native Americans. First, they used guns to subjugate the indigenous people, then they brought in the Priests. The Priests job was to destroy the culture, the way of life of we who were natives. They got to the children, believe, believe, believe and you will be saved. Yeah. it was a total rape. What these preachers did to the children of the Sioux, ripping them from their families, placing them in boarding schools, not allowing them to speak their own language. Yeah, that was a rape. A deliberate and premeditated attempt to destroy the culture and destroy a people. Every native American tribe has suffered a similar fate at the hands of these European invaders. They don't even think that you exist. In their minds you have been fully assimilated. How many times have you heard the phrase, "We are a nation of immigrants?" Isn't that insulting? They're not even aware that there are still many reservations in this country; Nations, in their own right. Can you understand that it was the Church, that did the greatest harm to our people? We could have handled a few casualties in war, dead sons and daughters, but the Church set out to destroy the entire culture, the very way of life of all indigenous people who had lived in this land before they came. It was worse than rape, they sought obliteration, forced assimilation. How does it feel to be a Borg in America? Does that not make you angry? It does me. Now that we know who the enemy is, what they did and how they did it, getting to the children with postulates. Now that we can understand that it was the Church, that was the greatest threat to the Native American. Would you like to fight back? The Church is the real enemy and I have the means to reveal the Church for what it really is, and destroy that institution. I have the knowledge, and the weapons systems. We can win this war. We can destroy the Church. It's about time, don't you think? Will you go to war with me brother? Will you go to war with me sister? Let us, 'Take the Fight to the Christian Right' and destroy the Christian Church. The ask is ten dollars a month, for ten years. So, who else might support this war? How about? Palestinian Americans Do you remember the Crusades? When the Christians came from all over Europe, to make war on your homeland, your people, to free Jerusalem from the non-believer, the heathens that occupied the Holy Land. Do you remember that? I'm sure you have ancestral memories of that time, when the Christians set out to slaughter anyone who was not Christian living in Palestine. And now they're doing it all over again, with the Zionistic Jews, who have stolen your lands, killed your families, and subjugated your people. Why does America hold steadfast support for Israel? I, for one, do not understand. And that truth sickens me. It's not what America is supposed to be. We stand for the downtrodden in the world, lifting people up, bringing democracy, self-rule to the nations of the world. Why do we steadfastly support Israel? Our support is the absolute reverse, of what it is we say we stand for. These Zionistic Jews are doing the same thing to the Palestinian People, that Hitler did to the Jews, or the Europeans did to the native Americans. Yeah, the oppressed have become the oppressor. At least in Palestine. The Gaza Strip is the biggest prison on this planet. It is indeed a Concentration Camp, not so different than Auschwitz. Only there they don't kill by gas-chambers, they just use missiles, made in America, and fired from American made helicopters. Why does America support Israel? I do not. Not all American's support Israel. It's only a few Zionistic New York Jews, with money and political connections who actually support this rape of Palestine. But it's been going on for decades now, because of Christian support. I think if we, as Americans were to stand by our own professed values, we should arm the Palestinian People against Israel. At least give them Stinger Missiles, so they can shoot down those helicopters terrorizing their children. Just give them the means to protect themselves against an aggressor who has stolen their land, their property and impoverished these poor people, who call themselves Palestinian. Why does America Support Israel? I'll offer a guess, New York Zionistic Jews, and the support of the Christian Right. I don't understand why Christians support Israel and Judaism. After all, it was the Jews who killed Jesus. They crucified that poor boy. Are you upset about this reality we find ourselves in? I am. With all the settlements that Israel has done over the years, all the land they have stolen, all the people they have displaced, with America's support mind you. There is only one solution to the Palrael problem. A one state, secular country. That's the only solution, secularism. People who have outgrown religion, the adults in the room. There can be no Jewish State. I'm not going to stand for that. It is the Christians who have supported this rape of your country, Palestinians, it's just another Christian Crusade. My objective is to diminish their political power here in America and in doing so diminish America's support for Israel. That steadfast support for your perpetrator, is America's great shame. Christianity has to go, but so does Judaism. Secularism must prevail, if we're ever going to be able to live peaceably together and share this planet. Will you support me in this effort? No more wars? The ask is ten dollars a month. Give me a chance, and let's see what I can do. Okay, next. What about? Russia "Hey, Russia, if you're out there." Isn't that they way Donald Trump got your attention? Okay Russia, I have an ask for you too. But let me digress for a bit. Have you ever seen the movie, The Imitation Game? It was about this man, Alan Turing, the man who built the first computer, broke the German Enigma code, and won the war for Britain. Well, I'm sure you're aware of the story, even if you haven't seen the movie. In watching that movie, I learned a new word, when the young woman, said to Alan, "It would be indecorous." A word I think of, as meaning improper to the decorum, in the circumstance of the moment. So, that's why I can't take your money. It would be improper, indecorous. This war I intend to start here in America, must be funded solely by Americans. It must be a grass-roots effort. So, keep your wallet closed, I don't want your money. That said and made clear, I still have an ask. Have you ever read the book Shogun? It was an epic novel, a million words, right up there with Doctor Zhivago. Anyway, at some point in that book the author talked about how sometimes in combat, in the middle of a battle, some warlord would switch sides. Taking his men to fight against the very party who he had started out the battle with. Now, that is treason. You better end up on the winning side boy, or you are dead meat! Seppuku. But I guess it happened back there, in Medieval Times, in Japan. Okay, to the ask. I can't take your money. That said, I would like your help. If I'm reading Russia right, and I think I am; the CIA, the NSA, and all other American Intelligence Services have all concluded that Russia seeks to produce division and divisiveness here in America. Now, I don't think you give a shit about Donald Trump. He's just a pawn on your chessboard. He's an ignorant fool, and a traitorous bastard. You and I can both see that. I actually think that every leader, of every country on this planet, can see that much. I don't think you have any loyalty to Donald Trump. Yet, he's not going to do anything to stop you from interfering in our elections. He thinks you're going to support him by interfering in the 2020 election. He is an idiot; he is a fool. But your objective is to produce division here in America, to weaken America on the global stage. And in getting Donald Trump elected, you have certainly done that. You won that fight in 2016. I just want to plant a seed in your head Russia. What if, in 2020, you did not support Donald Trump, or the Republican Party? What if instead, you choose to support the Democrats? That would totally blindside Donald Trump, switching sides in the middle of a war. But that makes total sense to me, and is something you might want to consider, if your objective is to promote division here in America. Have you ever seen a vin diagram? Two circles that overlap. One side represents your interests, the other my interests, and where they overlap, our mutual interests? It's because Donald Trump is in the White House, that I mean to start this war, the War on Christianity. I mean to destroy the political power of the Christian Right, and destroy the Republican Party. You have produced some serious divisiveness in this country, no doubt. And the backlash is coming, a backlash wherein I mean to do my part. So, this is my ask. I'd like to borrow your trolls. You obviously have a good operation on the internet. You and the folks in the FSB, you know what you're doing. And Donald Trump is not going to do anything to stop you. He thinks you're on his side. So, I'm asking that in this 2020 election, that you switch sides. And use your trolls to support me in my War on Christianity. All I'm asking is that you assist in driving traffic to my website. I want to get my words into the heads of every thirteen to thirty-year-old person here in America. And if your objective is to produce divisiveness here in America, well, what could produce more division in America, than an … AMERICAN CIVIL WAR! This would be the third American Civil War. The first was obviously The War Between the States, the second was The War on Drugs, or what I call The War Upon Your Own Children, and this is the pushback to that, The War on Christianity. If you were to support this effort, well, you can't lose. It will produce division, your objective, and by supporting the Democrats, you will get much more dovish legislators, a sane person in the White House, someone you can negotiate with, someone who values integrity, and will honor their word. Democrats are not hawkish, and maybe we can cut our military budget by 80% and focus more on domestic issues; like infrastructure, education and health care for our people. Hey, Russia wins in this scenario. And so, does America. Win-win all around. So, Russia, can I borrow your trolls for 2020? P.S. To the folks in the CIA, NSA and other Intelligence Services here in America. I know you will read these words, you read everything. Know that I am a loyal American Citizen. I was a Marine, and I put my life on the line for my country. I wore that uniform in time of War, the Viet Nam war to be specific. I love my country. Now, while I am sure the Christians here in America will see what I am doing as an American Civil War. That's because they see America as Christian country. But America is no longer majority Christian. I see Christianity, as a cancer on our culture. The Church is raping all of our children at the level of the emotional, spiritual, and mental bodies. And they're using postulates to do that. Yeah, agreements inducted into pre-pubescent children; your kids. So, I see what I'm doing here, as a rescue mission. A mission to save the children in this country, from being postulated by the Church and turned into sheep, AKA slaves. That's how I see this effort. Understand, please. My enemy is not America, my enemy is Rome. The Point Is So, the point is, there are many types of people here in America, who I feel would be willing to support this war on Christianity. All of whom have been persecuted by the Church in one way or another. Sexual shame inducted into pre-pubescent children is the foundation upon which the Church has been built. An agreement, that's all it is. It's called sexual bigotry, or sexual self-hatred. That's how the Church gets its power. Reality is created, as a function of agreements entered into at free will choice. And it does not matter the circumstance under which one enters into those agreements. Your agreements create your reality. You know, once you accept sexual bigotry to be your truth, once you have chosen to stand for that to be your reality, it's not a big step get to racial bigotry, homophobic bigotry, or any other form of bigotry. Because of Christianity, we are a nation of bigots. We have racist bigots, alcohol bigots, drug bigots, smokiest bigots, misogynistic bigots, misandristic bigots, homophobic bigots, and xenophobic bigots, just to mention a few. Yes, we are a nation of bigots, people who hate other people, because they are not like them. And it all starts with Christian sexual bigotry, sexual self-hatred that we in this country induct into our pre-pubescent children, at the bequest of the Church, in the name of their spiritual well-being. The Church did this to you, and are currently doing the same thing to your kids. It's time to put an end to this reality, don't you think? Let us put an end, to this Christian reign of terror. So, Say I, Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate