The War on Christianity

Taking the Fight to the Christian Right

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The Ask

There was this guy, he was a motivational speaker who's workshop I attended somewhere in the 1980's. His name was Jim Rohn. He was a good speaker, and I enjoyed his seminar. During that experience, he gifted me a wisdom, that has lasted me a lifetime.

At one point in his presentation, he asked the audience, "How do you get anything you want out of life?" Then he walked up to the blackboard, took a piece of chalk, and wrote in big bold letters two feet tall, three characters, one word, A…S…K.

You know, I'm fixing to start a war, a war on Christianity, a war on the Roman Catholic Church. The ultimate objective is clear, produce this result called "Pease on Earth." But in order to produce that result, we're going to have to destroy the political power of the four major religions on this planet. That would be Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Islam. That's what it's going to take to produce Pease on Earth. And it won't be easy.

We need to bring Secularism, fully and completely onto this planet. We need the people who run this world, to be the adults in the room. We need to put people who have outgrown religion into positions of power on this planet. And that's what I'm trying to do.

 Now, I'm starting with Christianity, because that's my reality. I live in America. And I can only eat one elephant at a time. You do what you can, you start from where you are.

Okay folks, wars cost money. I cannot do this without support. So, I have to ask, will you support this war? It's a war to free all the women of this planet from Patriarchy, Mahogany, and the imbedded cultural hatred and subjugation of the women on this planet. And for that reason, it's a just war.

Do you love your grandmother, your mother, your sister, your wife, and your daughters? Wouldn't you like to help them find freedom, from Patriarchy?

Okay, so this is my ask:

Ten dollars a month, for ten years, could you do that?

Could you do that, for the women in your life. Look it will be like your Netflix bill, or your sustaining membership to NPR, we'll take it off your credit card, and you won't likely even notice it. But you will know that you are contributing to producing this result, freedom from Patriarchy? Is that something you might be willing to support? I hope so.

So, that's the ask for the adults in the room. This is what I ask you can do, if you can easily afford it. If there are even a thousand people in this country who would be willing to support this effort, I could quit my day job, and prosecute this war full time. And I would love to be in a position where I could do just that.

But, you know, there are 330 million people in this country. I think there are a lot more that a thousand who might support this objective, ending Patriarchy, Pease on Earth, the destruction of the political power of Christianity and the Christion Right here in America, and by doing so, the total and complete destruction of the Republican Party. This is what I'm up to. Are you in?

Other Forms of Support

These words that I have written are targeted to the younger folks here in America. Yeah, the teenagers and the twenty-somethings. People whose postulates have not yet calcified, and who might just be willing to see a deeper truth. And you, younger people may not be able to afford ten dollars a month. Fine, there are other ways you can support this effort of putting an end to Patriarchy.

The likelihood is that you have an iPhone, maybe an Android, or a Galaxy phone. And you probably have Internet access. You, younger folk are likely to be much more cognoscente around things like Facebook, Twitter, U-Tube, and Instagram, than your parents. If you're not able to support this effort financially, you can lend your support in other ways.

I just ask that you help me to get my words to go viral. You know young woman, if you appreciate "The Toy Box", "Recruiting Womankind" or "Equal Representation," just tell a friend. Another teenage girl, your girlfriends, and say unto them, "You really need to read this." Help me to get my words to go viral.

Look, I want to get my words into the heads of every teenager and every twenty or even thirty-something person here in America. That's how we do it, that's how we win this war. We just need to educate the younger generation, as to how the Church has hurt them.

This war is not about bayonets, bullets or bombs. It's an effort to educate that younger generation, to free them from Patriarchy. Especially the young women, our daughters, because, we love them, and we care about them. It's also important for the boys to understand too. You all need to know what the Church has done to you, and how to free yourself. Again, this is what I'm trying to do.
The Freedom from Religion Foundation

It was the mid-eighties before the Internet really took hold. I started this business that I called "Enchanted E-Books". I had been laid off from my day job, but I had some money and an idea. I started out, as a BBS (Bulletin Board System), then later I was on the Internet. It was a publishing company. I published the classics, books in the public domain, and I advertised in Publisher Weekly that you could self-publish your book for $99.

I lost $20,000 on that venture before I ended it. But, you know, that experience taught me something about myself. You never learn from your successes, only from your failures. And I learned at that time, that I am not a businessman. I cannot successfully build, or run an organization. It's not my forte. I'm the creative, I see more deeply than others, and I have my part to play. But I cannot run an organization.

So, what I'd really like to do, is hook up with this other organization called, the Freedom from Religion Foundation. They are a legitimate reality, seeking the same thing I am, and they have the organization I need. I, on the other hand, have the strategy, and the weapons systems needed to win this war.

Now, they're taking the same tack as NORML, they're all lawyered up. They have more lawyers over there than you can shake a stick at. They're taking the legal approach, and it's not going to work any better for them, than it did for NORML. Yes, NORML has made some progress is the repeal of marijuana laws, but it's taken them sixty years to do it. Most of the people who made these laws are dead, and no longer get to vote. And I don't think NORML can take credit for the fact that we, the baby boomer generation, the sex, drugs, and rock & roll generation, are now the old farts in the room, and the reason for whatever level of success they have accomplished.

No, NORML should have done what I suggest in "Guaranteed Not Guilty". If they had done that, we could have ended the War on Drugs thirty years ago.

With respect to the War on Christianity, I have a very simple strategy. You first need to know your enemy; read Sun Tzu. Know your enemy. The Church is Patriarchy, it gets its power by telling young girls that they need to be virgins when they marry. That's the source of their power, because the girls bought into this bullshit.

All you have to do to kill the church, is tell the teenage girls that it's okay to give your boyfriend a blowjob, and to let him lick her vagina. It's okay to enjoy your orgasm. It's okay to be a sexual being. You can still love yourself, as a sexual being.

That's all you need to do to kill any of these four major religions, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam. They're all based on subjugating womankind and promoting Patriarchy, the masculine over the feminine.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Hell has no fury, like a woman scorned?" When the women of this world wake up and realize what the Church has done to them, watch out brother, stay out of her way. You don't want to be the target of her rage. For it will be formattable.

Oops, I digressed, though these were some pretty good words. What I really want to ask, is that you help me to create a relationship with I really want to collaborate with these folks, if I can. So, I ask that you give them some money. Contribute, hey, they want the same thing I do. We're just going about it in different ways.

Just click on the link below, and when you donate, they will ask you where you heard about them. Just tell them If enough people do that, I think I'll get their attention.

Thank you,

Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate



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