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Love is not a feeling, love is not an emotion, love is a choice. It's about commitment, being committed to that other person. In that moment when you commit, you give her or him your heart and that action begets the bond. That is what love is, the bonding. Being tied together, with genuine caring for that other person; their welfare and their well-being. Anyway, I have a poem for you. This is one I wrote to my second wife before we were married, while we were still dating. It's a love poem, about love. Enjoy. Because
Love is about commitment and caring, being there for one another through thick and thin, whatever may come. That commitment requires a choice, and it's not something to be taken lightly, because once you have given your heart and you're bonded, a broken heart can be very painful. So, trust is very much a part of this bonding process. Both parties need to commit fully to manifest a healthy, committed relationship. Christhood Love is a choice. Christhood is also a choice, but again, it's not one to be taken lightly. It's the choice to create yourself, as legitimately and authentically: "Love for all that is, all that ever has been, and all that ever shall be." It's a simple thing, it's just a choice. And you have the right to choose, because you are God. I think it was 2003. I was working with a woman doing Reiki for me, energy work. It was a therapy, not so different than massage, only this was at the level of the emotional, spiritual and mental bodies. Anyway, we would talk for a bit before I got up on the table and we began the energy work. One day while we were talking, I told her that I had asked God to make me "Richard the Christ." She looked at me and said, "You mean Christ-like." To which I replied, "No, I asked him to make me "Richard the Crist, a Christ in my own right." She was aghast, judging by the expression on her face. "Well boy, you just put yourself on the biggest roller-coaster ride you can imagine." Or something like that. It was a long time ago. Yeah, it has been a roller-coaster ride, which is why I say it's not a choice to be taken lightly. Because there are things that have happened on this planet, and are still happening, that we hate, and will have to find some way to love. And that's a difficult task. It's hard to be a Christ. It means you have to love the perpetrator and the victim, in every kind of human interaction; from love relationships to war experiences. And it's hard to find love for the perpetrator. One thing that helped me, is when I saw that the perpetrator is often motivated by held anger and rage. What I realized is that people don't get angry for no reason. The base being of every human being is love. They only get angry when they are victimized. And a pattern emerges. The victim becomes the perpetrator and the perpetrator becomes the victim, in an endless cycle. And that's the way it's been throughout history. What I trying to do with these words, is to help you, the reader, to realize your own divinity. To realize that you are God. "God is All that Is", but "All That Is, is Also God." Now, I made an agreement with "Spirit, God on High" back in 2003. He asked me to assist him in producing this result called Peace on Earth. And I agreed to do what I could. So, I created this plan, it's taken years. My objective is to bring God physically incarnate onto this planet. And if you would allow me, Gentle Reader, I would use your physical body to do it. For me this is an effort to educate. For you it's an opportunity, a choice. To produce Peace on Earth, we're going to need at least 100,000 Christed beings, each out there doing what they can to produce the result. So, that's my ask, are you up to the task? Would you like to be a Christ? It's just a choice. Jesus made that choice, I made that choice, and you can too. It's up to you. Anybody can. Christhood is just a choice. So, Say I, Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate