The War on Christianity

Taking the Fight to the Christian Right

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Guaranteed, Not Guilty

Dear Judge,

I think it was in 2005, Sommerville, Massachusetts. I got nailed for a DUI.

I was there in Boston, my wife was in Arizona, waiting for a liver transplant. She had a hereditary disease called hemochromatosis that destroyed her liver. I was funding her stable residence while she waited for Mayo to find her a liver. I was drinking every night. That morning I had a "Hair of the Bear", okay I drank a beer before going to work. I made the mistake of making a right on red, got nailed, and blew 0.12 that morning.

During the proceedings that followed, I remember some Officer of the Court, Master of Arms, maybe, I don't know. Anyway, he said to me that I must address the Judge as "Your Honor." I refused to do that. During those proceedings, I addressed that man, as Sir. As I see it, "Sir" is the minimum level of respect that any man over thirty deserves, just for being a man. He didn't seem to mind. I got through it, "Yes, Sir", "No Sir", "Thank you, Sir."

Do you know why I refused to address him, as "Your Honor?" Because there is nothing honorable about being a bully, a bigot, a coward, a liar, and a thief, which is how I see all judges here in America, the entire judiciary. Yeah, that's right, this is how I see you Judge Sir, Ma'am, a bigot in a black robe.

So, I'm writing this to inform you that there are three laws, for which I am a "Guaranteed, Not Guilty Vote", should I be called upon to do my duty, as a Petite Juror. These are:

  1. War on Drugs,
  2. DUI,
  3. Statutory Rape, AKA-Age of Consent,

To enforce any of these laws for me, would be a total breach of my integrity. Understand, I am the caretaker of my integrity, and I will not sell out my integrity to support an unjust law.

I will NOT make war upon my own children (WOD),
I will NOT hurt anybody who has hurt nobody (WOD, DUI), and
I will NOT condone the criminalization of consensual adolescent sex.

I'm just not going to do it. "Guaranteed, Not Guilty." In my mind these laws are nothing more than Christian bigotry and cowardice that has been canonized into law.

The fact that you're willing to enforce these laws, well? What does that say about you and your integrity, Judge Sir, Ma'am? You know what this says to me about your integrity? Yeah, Judge Sir, Ma'am, you don't have any!

So, let me speak to each of these laws, and explain why I will not enforce these laws.

War on Drugs

According to Siri, this war began with Nixon, 1971, nearly fifty years ago. Yeah, that's Nixon, the man who brought despotism to America. I've been living under this despotic regime for all of my adult years. And I'm not going to stand for it anymore.

America, it has been noted, has the greatest per capita prison population, of all the industrialized countries in the world. And it's largely because of this one law; the War on Drugs. It's an American civil war. This truth makes me ashamed to call myself an American.

But the world has changed in the last fifty years. You know Judge, back in 1971, Christianity ruled. This nation back then was 65% Christian, 35% secular. Today, that demographic has reversed. Judging from Donald Trump's supporters, it seems to me that today that this nation is only 35% Christian and 65% secular. And that's a good thing.

The other thing that needs to be noted about this demographic change, is that all those cowardly Christians that brought despotism to America, our mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers? They're all dead, and good riddance. We who are the old farts today, people in our 60's 70's, and 80's? We are the Baby Boomer generation. The Sex, Drugs, & Rock & Roll generation, and we want our freaking drugs! Marijuana, Hashish, Cocaine, XTC, LSD, Magic Mushrooms, and codeine cough syrup for Christ's sake, and anybody over sixty should be able to get Ambien & Vicodin (Opioids pain killer) over the counter.

Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and California have all legalized the recreational use of marijuana; Sweet. Many other states have legalized this for medicinal purposes. So, you Judge Sir, Ma'am, you're on the losing side of this argument. We are the Baby Boomers, flipping the bird at you. Last I heard there were 54% of all Americans wanted to see the recreational use of marijuana legalized. And that's going to happen in all fifty states, as a result of this campaign. I'm not the only one who will refuse to enforce this law; "guaranteed not guilty".

Judge Sir, Ma'am, I would let a drug kingpin off the hook and vote not guilty, just to spit in your face, provided, of course, that we're just talking about manufacture, distribution, or use. I will not condone murder, extortion, or rape, okay? El Chapo goes to jail, and rightfully so.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

In 1919, America was a 90% Christian country, and they instituted prohibition with the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution. That caused all kinds of problems, Christian bigotry and cowardice canonized into law. In 1933 that law was repealed with the Twenty-first Amendment, after this country had suffered through fourteen years of Christian tyranny.

In 1980, the Mother Against Drunk Drivers was established, seeking to bring back prohibition in another form. The were very smart, and they did a good job. Frankly, I must commend them in how they did it. They got in cahoots with the car insurance companies, who saw this as an opportunity to maximize shareholder value by raping "We the People." For them it was a profit motive. And using the lobbyists of the insurance companies, these bitches who called themselves Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, reinstituted prohibition in another form. These women are personally responsible for bringing forth another form of despotism to America. In the years that have followed, a hundred million Americans, who have hurt nobody, have been persecuted by this law. This is just another example of Christian bigotry and cowardice having been canonized into law.

If I ever get a chance to sit on a Petite Jury in a DUI case, I pledge to vote Not Guilty. I don't care if the boy or girl was sloppy down drunk at 3.5% blood alcohol content. If they didn't hurt anybody, I'm a not guilty vote. I will not hurt anybody who has hurt nobody, just because a bunch of damn Cowardly Christian Hens(C-word), are afraid they might have hurt somebody. No, no, Hell No! Not Guilty.

Statutory Rape, Age of Consent

Back to the DUI in Boston, my second time before the Judge. I broke some probation rule. I was waiting for the Judge to hear my case. Another young man came before this female Judge. He was accused of having failed to register, as a sex offender. He couldn't have been more than twenty-two years old. I was aghast. His bail was $100.00, and he couldn't pay it. I had the thought in that moment, that I should just post his bail. I did not, for I was fixing to go up before that same Misandristic Bitch of a Judge for a DUI, and I did not want to piss her off. I am to this day ashamed, that I did not post his bail. I could have easily afforded it, and kept that young man out of jail. I did not. We all have regrets. This is one of mine.

I heard of another case where a young lesbian woman 19-years old, got caught having sex with her 16-year old girlfriend, a case in Florida. The younger woman's father found out, and pressed charges. They were just lovers. But because her father took issue in the matter, that older young woman is now on the National Registry of Sex Offenders. Where is the justice in that Judge?

Another situation I recently heard from Huffington Post. A young man 17-years old boy was making out with his 16-year old girlfriend and happened to stick his finger into her vagina. She didn't like that, and told her Daddy. Okay, maybe he went a little too far for her liking. Maybe he deserved a slap in the face. Fine. But her Daddy pressed charges, and now he too is on the National Registry of Sex Offenders.

This is unacceptable to me Judge, Sir, Ma'am. How can it possibly be acceptable to you? What if this were your son or your daughter, would you be so cruel?

This is another law that I will respectfully refuse to enforce. I condone all forms of consensual sex, the key word here being "consensual", no matter the ages of the participants involved. I will not support this idea of "Statutory Rape." In any case like this the prosecutor must prove forcible rape. That is a law I will enforce, as a petite juror, but statutory rape? Sorry, guaranteed not guilty.

I am the Sovereign, I'll make the call

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Do you remember this phrase, Judge Sir, Ma'am? It's from the Declaration of Independence. You know what this says to me? Sovereignty, here in America is vested in "We the People." That's what we stand for. This is what makes America special, the idea of the Sovereign Citizen. I am the Sovereign, along with every other Citizen of this Nation. You work for me Judge, Sir, Ma'am.

Now, I've been pretty, harsh here, naming you the judges of this country, "Bigots in Black Robes." But to be fair, you deserve that tag. I did not destroy your reputation, Judge, Sir, Ma'am, you did. You have stood in support of canonized Christian bigotry and cowardice, and used these laws to perpetrate injustices upon "We the People", the Sovereigns of this nation. You have no one to blame, but yourself, for your lack of integrity.

That said, hey, we can fix this. Let me be clear, I support Rule of Law. To the extent to which The Law services this concept called Justice, I am 100% in support of The Law. If somebody murders somebody, they need to pay a price. Burglary, rape, extortion? Yeah, I'm in, I support the law. It's only when these Christian Lawmakers pervert Rule of Law, and use The Law for the purpose of perpetrating injustices upon We the People, the Sovereigns here in America, where I take issue. That's where I draw the line, and just say no, I'm not going to enforce your law.

These three laws mentioned above, these are just the most egregious forms of canonized Christian bigotry and cowardice. These are not the only ones. But these three are a good start. These are three laws I think can get nationwide support for repeal. But we don't have to wait for repeal, that will come later. All we have to do is Veto these laws via the power of the Petite Jury Veto, which is the legitimate right of every Sovereign American Citizen to exercise.

The last poll I saw said 54% of Americans wanted to see Marijuana legalized for recreational use. That's at least 50 million registered voters. I just want to see 50 million registered voters, the jury pool, write the County Clerk, or some Judge in their county, and let that County Clerk and the Judiciary know that they will refuse to enforce these three laws. What are you going to do then Judge, Sir, Ma'am?

While it is not okay to prejudge the facts in the case, because that's variable. I see no reason why I as The Sovereign, should not prejudge the law; that's static, it does not change. And once you have judged the law, and found that the enforcement of a given law would be a perpetration against another Sovereign American Citizen, well, the facts of the case do not matter. They're irrelevant.

For there to be a crime, there must be a victim. And the victim cannot also be the perpetrator. No victim, no crime. This is the basis upon which I judge the law.

I see a future reality, where you're going to have to pick and choose your jurors to enforce these laws, when 50% of the jury pool has already said they will veto the law. But you know what that's called Judge, Sir, Ma'am, picking and choosing your jurors? That's called, Jury Tampering. And that's exactly the ethical dilemma, I mean to put you in. In order to enforce the law, as is required by your "Oath of Office", you will then be required to break the law, by tampering with the jury. Yeah, it's a quandary, and an ethical dilemma, that I am putting you into. And I'm doing it deliberately and premeditatedly.

But it gets worse. If you are specifically picking jurors, for the express purpose of stripping me, or any other Sovereign American Citizen of their legitimate right to exercise their power of the Petite Jury Veto, well, Judge, Sir, Ma'am, that's not just Jury Tampering, that Treason.


Judge Sir, Ma'am, I know you want to see yourself, as a man or woman of integrity, but that's not how I see you, at this moment in time. That said, you can redeem yourself in my eyes. It wouldn't take much.

All you would have to do is convene a jury for any case involving the three laws I mentioned above. These laws have brought despotism to America, and turned America into a Police State, and you have participated in that transition. Just convene a jury, and let We the People decide the case. I would honor their decision.

Let them hear the facts in the case. Then in your instructions to the jury, remind them that they are the Sovereigns here in America, that they have the right, nay the duty, to judge the law, as well as the facts in the case. And if they view the enforcement of this law to be a perpetration against another of "We the People," they have the right, the power, the authority, and the jurisdiction, to Veto the Law. That's all you need to do to redeem yourself in my eyes. Let "We the People" decide. Give us the opportunity to Veto the Law.

You know, Judge Sir, Ma'am, if you were to do this for a 0.12 DUI case, you would redeem yourself fully in my eyes. It's the honorable thing to do. Let the jury decide. If you were to do that, I might even be willing to address you, Sir, Ma'am, as "Your Honor," because you will have then earned my respect. Respect is not something that is given freely, just due to your job title. Respect is something that must be earned. You want my respect? Earn it! Show me that you have integrity.

Just let the jury decide, Judge, Sir, Ma'am.

Ultimately, you know what we really need to do? Get these damn Christians out of the Law-Making business. But that may take some time.

Thank you, I love you, I love you, thank you,

So, Say I,

Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate

P.S: And this might be news to you. God is above the law. The law exists at my bequest.

The Campaign to
Put an End to
War on Drugs, DUI, and Age of Consent
(Drug Bigotry, Alcohol Bigotry, Sexual Bigotry)

Yeah, the people who produced these laws, must be Christian. Only a Christian could be so hateful, mean and viciously cruel, as to make war on their own kids, hurt people who have hurt nobody, and criminalize consensual sex.

You know, NORML the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, has been working on this for decades. But they've been working from the top down, trying to get our lawmakers to repeal this stupid law; Christian bigotry. I'm coming at this same issue from a different point of view. Screw the politicians, let us go after the Judiciary. In military terms it's called a...

Flanking Maneuver

That's when you go after your enemy from a direction they were not expecting, and were therefore not prepared to defend against. That's how you can kick they're ass. And win the game.

You see, with respect to these three laws, I think there are fifty million registered voters that would stand with me and refuse to enforce these laws. Look, old farts, like me, our parents who saddled us with these laws are all dead now. And dead people don't vote, except maybe in Mississippi. 

We can do this now, we can put an end to these ridicules' laws, despotism in America. We are the adults in the room. We're the "Old Farts" of the Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll generation. It's on us to clean up the crap that our parents left us. It's on us to fix the fucking problem. Are you in, fellow Baby boomer? Do you love your children? Will you help me to fix this problem, to bring Freedom back to America?

So, what I'm proposing, is the Flanking Maneuver. We're going after the Judiciary. Pollute the Jury Pool. We're going to put they're clits & dicks in the dirt.

Do you know how you teach a dog, a puppy, not to shit in the house? Well, you rub his nose in his own poop, then take him outside and say, "This is where you poop!" Well, this is what I mean to do to the Judiciary here in America. I mean to rub their noses in their own out-integrity, until they get the message. Because they're all a bunch of "Bigots in Black Robes", demanding that they be addressed as, "Your Honor". A title, they don't deserve.

So, this is how we win this game. We shame the Judges, for being "Bigots in Black Robes." We shame the shit out of them, for making war upon their own children, our children, for hurting people who have hurt nobody, and for criminalizing consensual adolescent sexuality. These damn Christians, they hate their own children.

This is how we win this war. Make them feel their shame, their own self-hatred. All Christians are bigots, all Christians are cowards, and all Christians hate themselves. It's foundational to the religion. This is our Judiciary.

The objective

Look, my objective is to put an end to these three ridicules laws, to make them go the way of the dodo bird. I for one, will not enforce these laws. And I ask that you stand with me.

I know that this is bold step. I'm asking you, Gentle Reader, to write a Judge, or the County Clerk in your County, and tell them that with regard to these three laws, you are a "Guaranteed Not Guilty" vote, if you should be called upon to be a Petite Juror. Write them and let them know. I'm seeking fifty million of us to write that e-mail. Copy your senators, this will get their attention. We need to put an end to these laws; canonized Christian bigotry and cowardice.

Stand with me, write the e-mail, if you love your kids. We are the boomers; we are the adults in the room. And it's time to put an end to this shit.

War on Drugs

Let's just start with War on Drugs. This law was manifested by our Grandfathers, Fathers, Grandmothers, and Mothers. It was a war specifically intended to punish we of the "Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll generation;" we the Baby Boomers. It was specifically intended to punish me, and I take issue with that.

I've been smoking pot from the age of fourteen to maybe forty-five. I've also done LSD, XTC, Opium, speed, and many other drugs; I just never got caught. I'm too old now to be taking that risk today, but I would love to take a Pot vacation to Colorado, a civilized state where it's legal, and get a blow-job from my wife when she's high on pot.

But guess what? Times have changed, and we who are now the "Old Farts" in this country are the Baby Boomers, the "Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll" Generation. I'm fine with sex, I'm fine with drugs, and I'm fine with beautiful music, Rock & Roll, but maybe not Rap.

Those Old Farts who proceeded us, and saddled us with these ridicules' laws, and brought despotism to America, these cowardly Christian rosters & hens, they're all dead now. The world has changed, and dead men don't get to vote. Good riddance.

You know, I don't give a damn what drugs you do. Marijuana is a great sex drug. This is why, "The Church" doesn't want you to have it. Because sexual shame (self-hatred) is the bedrock upon which "The Church" was built. If you like sex, lust, one of the "Seven Deadly Sins," you might leave "The Church". And that would deprive "The Church" of their political power in the here-and-now.

"The Church" has a real big issue with the psychedelics too. You see, these wonderful drugs that I did in my youth, mescaline, LSD, Magic Mushrooms, XTC, these were wonderful experiences. You know, typically, as a human being, we vibrate at a rate of about 5,000 cycles per second. That's the normal human rate. But when you inject these psychedelics, your vibration rate jumps to about 50,000 cycles per second. And in that state your experience of reality is exponentially increased. In that state, you just might realize, that you are God. So, this is why "The Church" doesn't want you to have these drugs either. You might stop going to church. You don't need "The Church" when you know that you are God. And they would lose their funding. This is why we have the "War on Drugs".

So, I have a question for you. Have you ever smoked Pot? Have you ever done any other kind of drug, fellow Boomer? If so, how can you convict anyone else for doing what you have done yourself? Are you a man or woman of integrity? Will you pledge to vote Not Guilty?

Stand up and be counted. Write the e-mail. "Guaranteed, Not Guilty."

Driving While Intoxicated (DUI)

Look, I drink. I like my beer. My wife likes her wine.

Have you ever been to a Bar, had three beers or more, and then gotten yourself home safe, without incident, knowing that you were over .08 blood alcohol content? Yeah, that's pretty much everyone in America, is it not? But from the point of view of these cowardly Christian Lawmakers, you're a criminal. You're a Drunk Driver.

I ask you Sir, Ma'am, how can you punish someone, anyone, for doing what you have done yourself? That would just make you a total hypocrite. Do you not see this obvious truth? This is a ridicules law that needs to go. I do not give a damn how much you drink. If you're sloppy down drunk, as long as you can get yourself home safely and you don't hurt anyone, my vote is "Not Guilty". I will not punish somebody for what might have happened. That's just bigotry and cowardice. Hmm, a law made by a Christian.

If you have ever driven your car knowing you were over the .08 limit, write the fucking e-mail; "Guaranteed, Not Guilty". Or be forever known as the cowardly Christian, that I will see you to be.

Statutory Rape

This is another one that really pisses me off. Who the hell are you to tell my daughter that she can't have sex with whoever she want's? It's her call, not yours. And it's not my call either, it's hers. She can do what she wants. Hey, babe, I love you, just don't get pregnant until you want to, okay?

Look, young girls, they don't want the boys their own age. The boys their age don't have a clue about how to please a woman in bed. So, the girls want the older man, someone who knows what he's doing. Fair enough. That's just the truth. But it's a disgusting reality in which we live, this puritanistic sexuality bigoted reality we have here in America.

Look, if you ever masturbated, between the ages of twelve and eighteen, you were having sex with an underage child, according to the law. You are a sex offender. Now, given that thought, is there any more ridicules law than this one?

Only a Christian can make this stuff up. This law is just a demonstration of how all Christians hate their own kids, which is, of course, a result of the fact that they hate themselves, and their own sexuality. Lust is one of the "Seven Deadly Sins". Sexual self-hatred, yeah, that's Christianity.

Do you love your daughter? Write the e-mail. "Guaranteed, Not Guilty".

In Conclusion

Okay, look I want to put an end to these three laws. I think these three laws are such draconian bullshit, that we can get a consensus across America. These laws need to go. Will you stand with me, please?

Now, if you do this with me, you need to understand, you will need to be strait up and above board. I had great fun writing this letter to the Judge, putting the boy in his place. You can write your own letter, it will be great fun. Or you can simply say, I stand with Richard, and point to this web address.

But what I ask, is that we have a common subject line, "Guaranteed Not Guilty". The objective is to get 50 million registered voters to write that e-mail, saying I will not make war upon my own children, I will not hurt anybody who has hurt nobody, and I will not criminalize consensual sex.

If you should choose to write this e-mail now, you need to be strait up. Stand on your own two feet, you need to state your name and give them your physical address at a minimum, your phone number would be bold, so they can verify that you are in fact a registered voter. Look, you must be a registered voter, that's what puts you in the Jury Pool. It gives you a right to vote. So, if you're not registered, register. Then write the fucking e-mail. This is your power, exercise it!

Would you write that e-mail for me, please? Copy your Senators. If I can get 50 million people in America to write this e-mail, we can put an end to these three laws. Wouldn't that be great?

You know, the ultimate goal here is not so much, as to end these laws. It's to educate the American people, to let them know something they should have learned in High School civics class, that you are the Sovereign.

While the Judge is obligated to enforce the laws of the United States, and the state in which he/she presides, because they swore that "Oath of Office" to get that job, you are under no such obligation. You are the Sovereign, and you have the Right, the Power, the Authority and the Jurisdiction to veto any law passed by Congress, at the State or Federal level. You have the power of the Petite Jury Veto. And you have the perfect right to exercise that power.

This is what I want to communicate to you, Gentle Reader. Do you hear me?

So, Say I,

Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate


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