The War on Christianity Taking the Fight to the Christian Right |
Her name was Charlene Vickery. She had been Harold's wife and my Mother-in-law, my wife's mother. A few years prior, we had been through this situation, when her father had passed. I had been a pallbearer for Harold, her father, when we planted him. And now it was Charlene's turn. Charlene had become a Jehovah's Witness in her later years. And most of the people who were there at the Service we members of her Church, people who had known her for years. My Wife and I were the only family members present. Her brother and sister could not make it, or chose not to, not sure about them. But we were there. As I sat there on the pew, next to my wife, some Jehovah's Witness preacher gave a Eulogy, praising Charlene for who she had been, as a human being in this lifetime. We listened. He did a good job. I was not disappointed. He knew her, was a friend of hers, cared about her, and all could see that to be true. Then we all formed a line to say our final farewells to Charlene. I took a moment to touch her forehead, and wish her well. I had known her for maybe eight years. She was a nice lady, and my wife's mother. It was sad to see her gone. So, we proceeded, and I assisted in putting the casket into the Hearse, and we drove slowly up to the gravesite, where she was to be buried next to her husband, whom we had buried only a few years earlier in Forrest lawn. The Preacher said a few more words, with all the attendees listening in. And then they lowered her into her final resting place. I and my wife stayed. The attendees all left. But we waited. The workmen brought out a backhoe, and they filled in the grave with dirt, and packed it down. Only when the process was fully complete and the workmen had left, did we lay our flowers down upon her grave, say our final goodbyes, and leave that site. Breaking the Veil There was a movie I saw, a long time ago, where the Director performed what I would call a stunt. He had the actors in the movie telling this tale, and then one actor would break form, look directly at the audience, and talk to the audience watching the movie; out of context. After which, he just went back to playing his part in the play. It was a strange manipulation of the form, but was not unpleasant. It actually worked in this particular case, something like a Woodie Alan movie, who also used this technique in film. So, that's what I need to do here. You see, Gentle Reader, I cannot write fiction. And I cannot finish this piece in the hypothetical; a fictional account. It would come across, as inauthentic, and maybe even unbelievable. That's not how I write. I can only tell true personal experience stories. Because that's my power. Every one of the stories I have told, are genuinely true and an honest representation of me. And it's important that anyone who may read my words, know that about me. So that's why I'm breaking the veil. Dear Muse, You mentioned in our previous session, where we were discussing my last story "Euthanasia," that your mother, up there in age, was a devout Christian who was sure she was going to Heaven. I guess your mother is not so different than Charlene. This is typical of the elder folk here in Christendom. That's their belief, their paradigm, their reality. It's what they grew up with, agreed was the truth, and as such is "The Truth" for them. And we the younger folk, who have outgrown religion, we still need to honor that for them, their reality. For they are our mothers and fathers. Look if the thought that when you die you will go to Heaven, makes that final passing easier for you, then that's a good thing. Death is always a difficult issue to deal with, but it's also a reality we all will face, sooner or later. Anything that helps one to face that truth, that eventual reality, is a good thing. Now, I, for one, have outgrown religion. I have so many past-life memories that for me, well, I live in a different reality. For me, reincarnation is not a question. I know that nine months after I meet my demise, I will be right back here on this planet doing it all over again. I'm actually kind of looking forward to that. This world has changed so much from the 1950's when I was born. It would be so nice to grow up in a world where sex was not such an issue, and fourteen-year-old girls are happy to bed the fourteen-year-old boys. Wouldn't that be nice? A world without sexual suppression, without jealousy, without religion? This piece is a follow-up to "Euthanasia." Your mother is not long on this planet, you know that and from your telling, so do I. I hope that when she goes, she goes peacefully, without pain and in the presence of those who love her. That would be you, and her family. If you happen to be there with her holding her hand at the moment of her expiration, wouldn't that be sweet? It's why I wrote "Euthanasia," because that's the best possible manner that I can think of, to meet one's own demise. You take the pills, hold the hand of someone who loves you, you go to sleep, and you don't wake up. While the idea of Heaven might help these older folks to make the transition, that's not my truth. In my reality, you will reincarnate. You will be right back here on this planet, nine months or more after you give up this body in this lifetime. And you don't have any say about that really. Consciousness cannot be killed. Your body can fail you, but your being will persist. I guess the Christians call that the Soul. To give you my perspective, from what I have garnered in this lifetime, we tend to reincarnate down through our own genetic line. The children that you have brought onto this planet will provide an opening for your mother to return. The mother becomes her own grand-daughter or the great grand-daughter. This is my point of view. And an idea that might provide a little solace for you. So, when your mother passes, and she will, you know it's coming. I say, look down your own genetic line. Sometime, nine or more months hence, a daughter will be born. It may be your daughter, your daughter-in-law, grand-daughter or grand-daughter-in law. But when she arrives back on this planet, I suspect you will recognize her, as you hold her in your arms. When you get a chance to be alone with that child, find a place somewhere where it's just you and her. Kiss her on the forehead, look into her eyes, and say unto her, "Hello Mother, it's good to see you again. You have nurtured me throughout the whole of my life. Now it's my turn to return the favor, and be there for you." Just my point of view. Richard