The War on Christianity

Taking the Fight to the Christian Right

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The Smell

This is a past life memory. It happened long ago. But whenever you encounter a past life memory, and it comes back to you, it always contains some very significant emotional content. The emotions that were not fully felt back there and then, and are still unresolved. That's why you can remember them. And it is your job, to go back there and help that younger you, for you to feel those feelings, and resolve the issue.

I don't know, maybe it was the fifteen or sixteen hundreds. I don't even know what country were dealing with. It could have been France, Germany, Spain, or Britain. It's just my memory.

It was the olden days, medieval times, they didn't even have gravel in the streets at that time. Dirt roads only and when it rained, it was mud.

I was just a kid, maybe twelve years old. I was in the custody of some burly man, sitting on a bench, watching, as they prepared the spectacle.

First, they dug a hole, and stuck a pole in the ground, there in the town square, maybe three feet deep. The pole was like twenty feet tall. Next they put a layer of straw around the pole. Then they started to stack the wood, maybe a cord of wood. Do you know what a cord of wood is? When stacked, it's four feet, by four feet, by eight feet, a lot of wood. They stacked it up around the pole in a circular fashion, with a little space between each piece of wood, so there would be good air flow. That wood pile extended three feet from the pole.

This went on until they had completed. Four feet above the ground, they built a little platform to stand upon right next to the pole. It was solid, they had built it well.

The crowd had begun to gather to watch the spectacle. Then they brought her out. She was dressed in nothing but a shift, which in todays world would be called a nighty. Her hands were tied. They tied her hands high on the pole. Then they tied her feet to the pole. They tied her at the waist, and then again just below her breast, and finally around her neck. She was totally secured to that pole, a cord of wood under her feet.

I don't know what she had done to totally piss off The Church. Maybe, she was a midwife. Maybe she was arrogant, and would not obey her husband. Maybe she was defiant, and would not submit to The Church, a woman who dared to stand up for herself. Maybe they called her a witch, a servant of Satan. Or maybe, some other bitch just got pissed off at her. I don't know, but there she was, tied to a stake in the ground, with a cord of wood under her feet. And I was forced to watch.

Then the Priests came out, with torches. There were three of them. That big burly man took me close to the scene, held my hands behind my back, and forced me to watch, as those three Priests lit the fire under her feet.

The fire started slowly, but gathered strength because of the straw, kindling. As the fire reached her, I could see she was absolutely terrified. And she screamed, helpless there tied to that pole. The people there watching, the whole town was screaming, "Burn her, burn her, burn the fucking bitch! Burn her, burn her, burn the fucking witch!" And that's exactly what they did. And she screamed.

The fire consumed her shift, gone and she was naked, and I was forced to watch. I saw her pubic hairs being burned away. Then her hair caught fire, and she screamed. Her face began to burn, and I could hear the sizzling of her burning flesh. The wind wafted in my direction, being held there by the burly man. The smell of the smoke, and the smell of burning human flesh. The fire roared, and she was finally taken. She finally died, burned alive, by the Roman Catholic Church.

The memory that persists in me, over these last four or five hundred years, is the smell. Every time I see a cross above a building, a Church, this is what I remember, the smell. The smell of burning human flesh. This is what the Church means to me.



There have been many organizations on this planet who are called terrorists, Hezbollah, Hamas, the IRA, al-Qaeda, Nazi's and Zionists, to mention a few. But compared to the Roman Catholic Church, they're just a bunch of adolescent children, who know nothing about how to terrorize people. Rome has mastered terrorism. Rome is the greatest terrorist organization that has ever existed on this planet. It has lasted 1800 years to date, and will likely live on.

With these other organizations, it's just brutality. You can cut off somebody's head and post it on the Internet, and that will frighten people. You can bury them alive, and that will frighten people. You can bomb them, shoot them, and kill their kids, and that will frighten people, scare the hell out of them. But that's just brutality.

Rome is just, somuch more sophisticated. They get to the children, in very subtle ways. And it's just an agreement. That's all it takes. They get these agreements out of the children, before they ever reach puberty, and those agreements last a lifetime. Fear God. That's a good one. You must be a virgin when you marry, another. Lust is a deadly sin, another. If you defy God (the Church), you will go to Hell, another. And in this way, they subordinate you to a "higher power," God. Which really means The Church. And you enter into these agreements before you ever reach puberty. That's how they raped you, and your kids.

The Church has nothing to do with spirituality, which is about realizing your own divinity, realizing that you are God. The Church was created by Rome, and they are doing everything in their power to deny you your divinity. That's the last thing they want you to realize. And if they can get to you in your youth, they succeed.

The power the Church has over you, is the Power of the Postulate. Your agreements made in your youth. This is how they stole your divinity, and subjugated you to the Church.

They're doing this because they seek political power in the here and now. And while they pretend to be love, and do some good things for the community, they don't really love you, these preachers, priests and ministers. They just want power, political power.

Those folks in the Vatican, they do know what they're doing. This program is just so damn sophisticated, it can't be otherwise. But I wonder if there is any PhD Phycologist on this planet who can see what I see. Because they too have been postulated in their youth. They can't even see the obvious, what's right in front of their noses, because they too have been postulated. A postulate; something that is so obviously true, it is not to be questioned. An agreement made in your youth, that has coalesced, condensed and calcified into a postulate. This is the power of The Church.

God is All That Is, but All That Is, is also God. You are God, Thou Art God. Wake the fuck up!

The Shit Brick House

When the Spanish invaded California, they built these things they called Missions, all up and down the coast. San Diego, San Fernando, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, San Jose, and San Francisco, to mention a few.

The Spanish came with their Conquistadors, the military to conquer the native people of California. Once subjugated, the priests moved in to convert them to Christianity and solidify their rule. There is a quote I remember reading, but cannot attest to right now, where a Priest was reputed to have said, "Burn a few of the Heathens, and the rest will come into line."

Do you know how they make adobe bricks? This are how all these Missions in California were built. The dig clay from the ground. Then they add water, mix with straw or grass, whatever might be available. Then they place it into a form made of wood, and let it dry in the sun. They were typically twelve inches, by sixteen inches, by four inches. It would take thousands of these bricks to build a Mission.

But you know, this how I see the Church, a Shit Brick House. Imagine if you were to build these adobe bricks, not with clay, but with human fecal matter. Then dried and baked in the sun, and used those bricks to build your mission. Then you cover it up with a layer of clay, a façade pretending to be love, and then paint it white. That's how I see The Church.

If you were to take a pocketknife and dig just a little past the façade, you might get a whiff of the shit that you will find inside. Yeah, the smell of human shit. Or maybe we should call it bullshit, because that's what their selling.

So, Say I,

Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate


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