The War on Christianity

Taking the Fight to the Christian Right

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A Brothel on Every Base

There are two things that have helped to destroy the political influence of Christianity here in America, over the last 70 years; Birth Control, and Porn. In that time America has gone from a 65% Christian country, to a 35% Christian country, and the Christians don't like that. This is why we have Donald Trump. America is no longer Christian. America is now a majority secular country, like it or not.

The military has taken the lead on many social changes here in America. The integration of the military was a big deal. While we are still a racist bigoted country, as seen by the Police thinking they have the right to kill a black man on sight, that's not true in the military. They took the lead on this one.

It was 1975, I was a Marine in Subic Bay, guarding the Magazine, where we stored bullets, bombs and torpedoes, for use in Viet Nam. We would send out a couple patrols every night into the Philippine Jungle. I was on many such patrols, or stakeouts, rainy nights, hunkered down under a poncho. That's where I lost my racism. When you're on a stakeout, in the middle of the jungle? You don't care about the color of the man's skin who is out there with you. What do you care about? Will he stay awake and be alert while you sleep? He has your back, and you have his. He too, is a Marine.

Now that "Don't ask, don't tell" is gone, we now have openly gay men in the military, both Officers and Enlisted. That's a good thing. Some of the best, most capably warriors that have ever walked this Earth have been gay men. The Spartan Warriors, remember Thermopile? Troy, and the Iliad? The military took the lead on this one too. Gay men are now welcome in the military.

We also have women in the Military in combat roles. Do you know that an Officer cannot make General grade unless they have lead men in battle, into combat? We have women helicopter pilots, women jet pilots, and women in artillery. Have you ever seen the movie "G.I. Jane?" The fact that women are now allowed to participate in combat, means that we might just have some female Generals at some point. This was another great step where the Military took the lead.

Christianity is all about sexual bigotry. The power of the Church here in America begins with the induction of sexual shame, or self-hatred into pre-pubescent children. It all starts with telling young girls that they need to be virgins when they marry. So, they locked up all the pussy.

This then backs up the boys. They can't get laid, and that then pisses them off. So, angry boys then wax misogynistic (hatred of women), which causes them to treat whatever woman they get into relationship with, badly. This then creates a backlash in womankind called misandry (hatred of men). Yeah, this is Christianity. This is how it works, to provide political power for the Preachers, Priests and Ministers, and promote patriarchy throughout Christendom. I wonder if these are unintended consequences, or were they deliberate? I think these boys back in 200 A.D. when this program was created, the psychologists of the time, knew exactly what they were doing.

Do you remember High School mathematics? I don't think this understanding is even at the level of Algebra. If A=B, and B=C, and C=D, then A=D. Do you recall that one? So, let me put it to you this way. If Christianity is Patriarchy, and Patriarchy is Misogyny, and Misogyny is the hatred, subordination and subjugation of womenkind, then Christianity is the hatred, subordination and subjugation of womenkind. Can I be any more clear than that?

Do you remember High School mathematics? I don't think this understanding is even at the level of Algebra. If A=B, and B=C, and C=D, then A=D. Do you recall that one? So, let me put it to you this way. If Christianity is Patriarchy, and Patriarchy is Misogyny, and Misogyny is the hatred, subordination and subjugation of womenkind, then Christianity is the hatred, subordination and subjugation of womenkind. Can I be any more clear than that?

We need to put an end to this reality. And again, the military needs to take the lead. We need a Brothel on every base. Look we need to get our boys laid, so they won't lean misogynistic, and treat the women in their lives well. The women in their lives are our daughters. And they need to be treated well, by the men in their lives. We need to get the boys laid.

Now, there are plenty of women who will happily do that job. More than enough. Sorry to break this to you, but girls like sex too. For them, while it is a job and sex work is work, it's a labor of love, or maybe lust. If we were to open a Brothel on a Base, I suspect you would get ten times the number of applicants that could be employed.

And it's a good job for a young woman. The historical average price for a prostitute has always been four times the average hourly wage for the working man. So, call that $50 for an hour of her time. Do you know what $50/hour is? $100,000 a year. It's a good job, for any young woman. And if she's particularly pretty, or well accomplished, she could make $100 an hour. $200,000 a year? Do you think there might be some women in America who might like doing that job?

The military needs to take the lead on this one too. You see, the cool thing here is that it doesn't take an Act of Congress. As far as I know, there are no Federal Laws prohibiting Prostitution. They're all state laws. And all Military Bases are on Federal Land, over which the state does not have jurisdiction. The State does not get to have any say in the matter of what happens on a military Base.

While it doesn't take an Act of Congress, it would require a policy change at the level of the DOD (Department of Defense), probably requiring the approval of the Secretary of Defense, but that's all. It wouldn't even require a financial appropriation, a Brothel is an income generator, not an expense, if run properly. All you would need is a space, a barracks, or a few rooms, close to the Officer's Club and the Enlisted Club, where the ladies can do their work.

Folks, we have prostitutes in every city in America. Anybody who can't see that is brain-dead dumb. The boys are already partaking of their wares. But with a Brothel on the base, we can test the young ladies for STD's, and protect our boys from that point of view too. And unlike prostitutes off base who are prey for the police, these young women will be well protected from a belligerent boy. On Base, we have MP's, Military Police, whom I think would find being a bouncer in a Brothel on the Base, to be very good duty.

You know, these young women who are doing this work? They're not bad people. They're just desperate women, trying to make ends meet. Some are single mothers, just trying to put food on the table for their sons or their daughters. Sex work is just a job for them. And it is a good job, where they can make a living, and a good living.

While the Military has not put an end to Racist Bigotry, Sexual Bigotry, Homophobic Bigotry, or Misogyny here in America, it has been a mitigating factor in our society. It has made a difference. And the Military can do more. We need to get our boys laid; mitigate Misogyny.

We need a Brothel on every Base in America. And if the Christians don't like it, too bad. If the opposition gets too loud, we can always move the Base out of that state. We need to support our troops, by getting them laid.

So, Say I,

Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate


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