The War on Christianity Taking the Fight to the Christian Right |
An Open Letter Hello Ladies, Do you know that your very name is a lie? There are prostitutes in every major city, and every town of any significant size across the whole of America. What you're about is trying to stop Human Trafficking of young women, but you're going about it all wrong. You're exacerbating the very problem you say you're trying to solve. The problem is you conflate Human Trafficking with Prostitution, and they are not the same thing, not at all. Now, I'm an engineer. And I understand that in order to solve any problem, you first have to fully understand the problem. The problem is clear to me. Christianity locked up all the pussy, and the boys are pissed off about that. So, that creates an opportunity for the bad guys to profit from providing young women for these backed-up boys we have here in America. The solution is not so different than the marijuana drug trade. When you legalize it, as they've done in Colorado, California, Oregon, and Washington, you put the illegal growers and distributers out of business. Do you understand that you are the problem that you say you're trying to solve? The misogynistic Christian woman? The woman who hates women. Christianity is patriarchy, patriarchy is misogyny and all Christians are misogynists. Misogyny is the hatred, subjugation, and subordination of women and is foundational to that religion. And that is you. How can any woman be a Christian? When Christianity is misogyny? When I realized this is a truth, I was floored, stunned. But it is true. We actually do have women in this world who hate women. They're called Christians. And you know why? Because they've been postulated, when they were three, six, and nine years old. They've been sold a bucket of bullshit, agreements they entered into around sexuality, before they ever had their first orgasm. Everything the Church told you about sex was a lie, intended to subjugate you and promote patriarchy. So sad, that you bought into this psychological conditioning program. You were raped, by the Church. I feel for you, the misogynistic Christian women. Every time some young prostitute gets murdered, Christian Woman, it's your fault. Every time some young prostitute gets raped by her john, it's your fault, because they can't call the cops. They have no protection, because you don't care. Every time some Cop extorts sex from a prostitute, saying to her, "get on your knees and say a prayer to St. Peter, or go to jail." It's your fault. It's the fault of the misogynistic Christian woman. The woman who hates women, the Christian woman. These women who sale the use of their bodies for money, they are not bad people. It's just that it's a better job, where they can make more money than working at McDonalds, or Wall Mart. But you hate them. And do you know what I see, as the reason why you hate them so much is? You're not fucking your husband. You see, the Christian woman doesn't like sex, they've been postulated. They only do it to make babies. And she tends to withhold sex from her husband, as a means of controlling him, to get him to give her what she wants. So, she gives him just enough sex to keep him around. I don't know about any relationship other than my own, but I'll guess on average, it's maybe three or four times a year that a Christian wife will do her wifely duty. Does that sound about right, for those of you who were so unfortunate, as to have married a Christian woman? Look, if you really want to stop Human Trafficking, that's easy. Repeal the law; legalize prostitution, flood the market with legal pussy, and there will be no need for Human Trafficking. But you won't do that, because you're a Christian. The solution to this problem is the same, as prohibition or marijuana, legalize the use. But the Christian Woman won't allow that, because then her husband, who she is not fucking, might bed some other babe, and she would then loose what little power she has over him. We need to legalize prostitution in all fifty states. We need it for the old men whose wives are dead, or no longer interested in sex. And older men have the money to pay. We need them for the young boys, to teach them cunnilingus, how to lick a vagina and where the button is. And we need them for young single men, so they can get laid, and not wax misogynistic. And we need them for the poor suffering men who were so ignorant of Christianity, that they married a Christian woman. You know, any woman who does this job of Sex Work, needs to be protected. She needs to be able to call on the Police for help when needed, and not be afraid that she will be arrested. That reality is your fault too. All because, you're not fucking your husband. You are a coward, who does not want the competition. And so, you're leaving these young women who are doing sex work, as prey for the police. And that's your fault too. You folks working for "Minnesota Girls Not for Sale". You are the problem that you say you want to solve. Yes, you, the Misogynistic Christian Woman. So, Say I, Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate