The War on Christianity Taking the Fight to the Christian Right |
I have a point I want to make here, but to make that point, I need to share a couple of personal experience stories. Because, it's always better when you can anchor a true understanding in a personal experience. It was 1980 something on a Saturday afternoon. My girl who I was living with at the time, and who was a gregarious babe, well she decided she would like to throw a party at 4:00pm on a Saturday afternoon. So, she got on the phone and called all her friends saying BYOB and we have the Pot and will order Pizza, let's party. They called their friends and by six PM we had seven or eight, 20-something couples show up at our house for that party. We had marijuana, beer and wine, pizza and music, all the things you need for great social gathering. It was great fun. During the course of that evening, I happened to have a chat with some woman I had never seen before. It was a cordial conversation and I don't remember how I came to make this statement, but it was in context to what we were talking about in that moment. It was not inappropriate. But at some point, in that conversation in response to something she had said, I replied quite matter-of-factly, "Well, every woman needs two vibrators." She cocked her head to the left, and I remember her stand-offish response when she asked me suspiciously, "Why does every woman need two vibrators?" To which I replied in a matter-of-fact tone, "One for penetration, and one for clitoral stimulation." She looked shocked, taken aback, like how could any man know this? Then she straightened her head, looked at me straight up, and said, "That's right." I said, "I know, sometimes when my girl and I have sex, I get off before her. And that's just how she does it. She wants her orgasm too, so she breaks out her vibrators and that's what she does. And I stay with her, kissing and cuddling until she reaches her satisfaction." And that's what you do young man. If you get off before your girl, you stay with her, kiss and cuddle with her until she reaches climax. That is, if you want to be invited back into her body tomorrow night. You don't just roll over and say, "Good night, Honey." Look, girls like sex too, and they want their orgasm. Fair enough, give it to her. Do what you have to do. Okay, second story. I had just put down my dog. It was a horrific reality. I killed my daughter, my Collie. Her name was Zoe. It's a word that means Life. She had a back injury and was in terrible pain, and I could not afford to keep her alive. So, I choose to put her down. It was a time of great sadness, it took me six months to get over the loss of my beautiful best friend. A friend that had I killed. That truth still hurts. I also had a cat, a ferial cat, who was one of a litter of seven. She was delivered in the Fall. When Winter came, the other six kittens died. I took pity on this kitten one day when it was 20 Degrees outside, the last of the litter. And I brought her into my home and rescued her. The cat didn't like the dog, and the dog didn't like the cat. And my wife wanted another dog, after having lost Zoe. I was distraught. I love my cat. But how would another dog get along with this cat? I didn't know. Anyway, I asked a co-worker, who was an admitted cat person, "Would you be willing to take my cat, and give her a good home?" Look, I love my cat, but I love my wife more than I love my cat. He said unto me, "No, I can't do that. My daughter is having a baby this weekend and I need to be there for her." Fair enough. This wasn't going to work out. Then he elaborated, his daughter was fifteen years old and pregnant. She wasn't even out of High School. When I heard that, I thought to myself, "So, you were derelict in your duty to your daughter, were you?" I did not speak those words, I just thought them. Hey, he's a good guy, a loving man and I like him, he was just a Christian, and I didn't want to hurt his feelings. But you know, if your daughter is pregnant at fifteen years old, you screwed up as a Father. And so, did her Mother. You were bad parents. Abstinence does not work. Your daughter will defy you. Girls like sex too. Look, if you grew up in a Christian culture, which is to say like America, you were postulated with what they call, "Christian Moral Values." This is to say that women don't like sex, they only do it for making babies. Sex outside of the sanctity of marriage is a sin. And if you engage in sex before marriage you will burn in hellfire forever. Virginity is a thing of value, and any woman who is not a virgin on her wedding night cannot wear white. We live in a misogynistic culture, a Christian reality, where all women are subjugated. It's a patriarchal system, because of Christianity. This needs to end. Women are God too. So, let's bring it together. The Toy Box. Every woman needs two vibrators, and she needs this gift from her parents, the day after she completes her first mistrial cycle. The toy box should include at a minimum:
You need to understand that adolescent people are not children anymore. They are young adults. They are ignorant about sex, and may do stupid things, if left to their own devices. It's your job, as a parent to protect them during this troubling time when their hormones are getting the better of them. You also need to have 'The Talk.' Understand, that young woman is going to engage in sex at some point in the very near future, shortly after she reaches puberty. It's her call, it's not your choice to make. All you can do, as a parent, is to try to influence her. And she's not going to take your advice, if she doesn't trust you. "The Talk" really should be between Mother and Daughter. But sometimes it can fall upon the Father, if Mother is not available to do that job. And it can be a very uncomfortable conversation for Daddy. Now, what I'm fixing to write here, was as a dialog. But as I started, I realized that I just can't do that, as I have never had a daughter, and have no idea how a young woman might respond. I cannot write this, as a dialog, it would be inauthentic. I can however write this piece, as a letter to my Daughter. So, this is my suggestion, gift wrap the Toy Box and a copy of the letter that follows, and present it to her with a card that says, "For Your Eyes, Only. Open in Private." And then say to her, "If you have any questions, come to me and we'll talk." She will likely have questions, still a difficult conversation. But at least she'll have all the basic information she needs to know. She needs to know all this stuff, unless you want to be a Grandpa or a Grandma, when your daughter is fifteen. It is my belief that teenage girls can understand this stuff. It's not rocket science. Know that I love you. But now that you've had your first menstrual cycle, there are things you need to know. You are no longer a child. This is a really important event. As of today, you are a woman. A young woman, to be sure, but a woman, nonetheless. As of today, you are at risk for this thing called pregnancy. As of today, you can make a baby. Now, you can take joy in that truth, and you should. That's okay. But it also represents a risk. Because, you don't want to make a baby before your body is ready to do so. And it's not. In the next four years you will grow another four inches in height. Your hips will expand in preparation for motherhood, and you will grow breasts, beautiful bobbies. All the boys will want you. And that will be great fun for you. That too is okay. It's just the way it goes. There is a lot that you need to know, but first things first. Since you've just had your first menstrual cycle, let's talk about that. It had to be pretty frightening for you, having blood seeping from your vagina. What you need to understand is that's normal. It happens to every woman, every 28-days from puberty to menopause. It's called a moon cycle, your period, or the menstrual cycle. And from this day forward, every time this happens for you, you should be happy, because it means you're not pregnant. This also means you need to be aware of your cycle. It will happen every 28-days. So, get a calendar, and mark 28-days from the start of your last period, so you know when your next one is due and carry a tampon in your purse. Just be ready, it's normal. The good news about reaching puberty, is that you can also have an orgasm. And this is why I have gifted you your Toy Box. Once you have your first orgasm, which you can have today, you're going to want more of that experience, over, and over again. And that's okay too. Have no shame, everybody loves their orgasm, all the boys and all the girls. It's not just you. Okay, so let's talk about your toys. You have one small vibrator. This is for clitoral stimulation. Just north of your vagina is what is called a clitoris, or the button. If you place this vibrator upon your button, you can experience an orgasm. Trust me, you'll like it. The second vibrator is larger, about the size of a man's penis. This is to be used for vaginal penetration. Using these two vibrators together, is how a girl masturbates. Now, with respect to virginity, let me say this, nobody wants a virgin. That's a Christian fiction, virginity is not a thing of value. At best, it's a one-time experience. And given the reality we live in today, if you were to give your maidenhood to a boy, he will be clueless, and it will be a bad experience for you. So, don't do that. When you're ready, hopefully a year or two from now, you should use this larger vibrator to relieve yourself of your own virginity. That way, you can take responsibility for having made that choice, and it will empower you. Do not give your virginity to a boy. When you have done that, you come and tell me. We'll do something special to celebrate, because that's another milestone in your evolution, as a young woman. Hey, I'll gift you a Visa Debit card, drop you off at the Mall with your girlfriends, and you can buy whatever you want. But definitely, take a stroll through Victoria's Secret, where they sell gift wrapping for the female form. You may want to shop there someday. Next, you have your butt plugs. Why? Because it's fun stuffing stuff up your ass. Everybody does it, and it's nothing to be ashamed about. That's okay too. You just don't want to use anything that wasn't specifically meant for that purpose. So, I'm being proactive here. No Bic lighters, no plunger handles, no handles of butter knives, and definitely never anything made of glass, okay? Not a good idea. Look, every person is different, and you'll do, as you do. The important thing here is to love yourself and your sexuality, however you want to express it. It's your call. Ah yes, the anal love beads. These are meant to be inserted into your bum, prior to your masturbating. They're intended to increase the duration of your orgasm, which might typically be 20-30 seconds, to as much as 2-3 minutes. So, once you begin your orgasm and it starts to fall away, grab the string and pull one out while thinking to yourself the words "feel out, feel out, feel out." You want to feel out, all the way down to your toes. And you can do that over, and over again, until you run out of beads. It will be great fun for you. Enjoy. Lastly, you have your douche/enema bag. This is something to hang in the shower. It's just a tool every woman needs, and it's not even really about sex, it's not a toy. It's about personal hygiene, keeping your vagina clean. Understanding Your Risk of Pregnancy Young Lady, my purpose in writing this is to educate you. It won't be long before you're going to want to fool around with the boys. That's okay, you can do that, everybody does. Feel no shame, but there are risks and you need to understand the risks. I do not want to see you pregnant, before you are ready. That means, after High School, after you've finished College and you're two years in the workplace. You're not ready to be a Mother. You may be a Young Women, but your body is not ready, you still have further to grow and you're not even close to being mature enough, to be responsible for raising a child. And I don't want to be put in a position where I have to raise your children for you, that's your job. So, you need to know what you can and cannot safely do. This is to say, you need to understand the level of risk you're taking when it comes to expressing your sexuality. Sex is a woman's choice 100% of the time. It's your call, not mine. I just want to give you this information, so you can make wise choices, and responsible decisions, taking every precaution to avoid making a baby before you want one, and more importantly, when you are ready to raise one. Understand, a baby is a human being. She/he is not a dog, or a cat, or a hamster. It will be your child. And once you bring that child onto this planet, he/she will be your responsibility. You will be responsible for the life and death of that child. This is not something to be taken lightly. All that said, you can still have your fun. There is nothing wrong with having an orgasm with a boy. You are the woman, it's your choice. You just need to understand the risks that you're taking at each different level. This is why you have these other two components in your Toy Box. There not toys, they're your sword and your shield, your protection; the condoms and the spermicidal jelly. Okay, so let's talk about sex. Level 1: Making Out; Zero Risk, Absolutely None This is likely the first thing you will experience, as a young woman; kissing the boys. And it's a good first step into experiencing your own sexuality. I once had a woman who I was dating. We were in my home making out; it's called foreplay. She looked up at me and said, "You're a really bad kisser." Now, I could have taken this in, as a rebuke, and felt taken aback and gotten resentful. But I did not. Who knows, maybe she was right? At least she thought so. Wake up and listen, boy. She did like me, or she wouldn't have been there. Then I was hit by a brilliant light of understanding. And I replied to her, "You think I'm a bad kisser, do you?" And she said, "Yes." "Then teach me to kiss you the way you want to be kissed." In that moment, she was taken aback. She lit up like a Christmas Tree and with a big smile on her face, and said, "Okay." So, that's how I got 'Kissing Lessons'. It was great fun. The next day, we were sitting at the Bar with her girlfriend, and she bragged to her friend that she was giving me Kissing Lessons. They laughed, and I was embarrassed. I was a forty-eight-year-old man and in need of Kissing Lessons. Oh, well. Every woman is different, each woman is her own person. So, if you like the boy, and he's not kissing you the way you want to be kissed, just tell him, "Let me teach you how to kiss me the way I want to be kissed." He will say yes, 100% certain. Boys like Kissing Lessons. So, Making Out is Level One, where everyone starts. You get to fog up the windows in the back seat of the car. You can sit on his lap and feel his penis grow under your bum, feeling your power over him. It can involve kissing, touching your breasts, even suckling your nipples, if you desire it. It can go as far as touching each other between the legs, if you feel so inclined. And then you can both go home and masturbate thinking of one another. That's called Making Out; Level 1, Great Fun. Level 2: Mutual Masturbation; Very Low Risk Okay, boys masturbate, and girls masturbate, that's all normal. It feels good to touch your genitals and it feels better when another person touches your genitals. That's just an archetypal truth. That said, understand, the boys your age won't have a clue about how to masturbate a girl. They don't know what the button is, or any idea where to find it. So, when you find a boy your interested in going this far with, you're going to have to teach him. It's not so different than Kissing Lessons. By the time you get to this point in your sexual evolution, I expect that you will know where the button is. So, teach him. Grab his finger, place it on the button, and tell him, "Move this finger, right here, slowly up and down, and kiss me while you're doing that." Okay, he can learn, and I assure you he wants to learn. He wants to make you happy. And he wants to give you that orgasm. It'll be great fun for the both of you. At that point, he's likely to have an erection too. He wants you. So, you need to masturbate that boy. And that's pretty simple. You just grab his penis and move your hand up and down, while kissing him. You may also be clumsy, and he may need to teach you. But in the end, he will reach orgasm. You'll figure it out. Again, great fun. But before masturbating your boyfriend, you should ask him to remove his sock. A boy's orgasm releases semen. You should place his sock over his penis, so that you can clean up the mess that will result. I assure you, he will not mind wearing a wet sock home under those circumstances. That's why God gave every boy two socks, one for masturbation in the evening before going to sleep, and one to use in the morning, before getting out of bed. Every Mother knows this. You can't hide this truth from your Mother, boy. She does the laundry. So, with respect to risk? There is some risk of pregnancy for you Young Lady, though not much; very low risk. You see, when masturbating a boy, you may get a little live semen on your fingers. DO NOT touch your vagina with that hand, at least not until you've washed it thoroughly with soap and water. You see Young Lady, there is some small risk here, which is why even at this low level of sexual self-expression, you still want to have that spermicidal jelly in your vagina. Besides, it makes for a good lubricant. Level 3: Oral Sex; Very Low Risk In French it's called cunnilingus and Fellatio, licking the vagina and suckling the penis, or going down on your partner; oral sex. Everybody does these things, at least since World War I, when the boys came home from France. What do you need to know about cunnilingus? The boys your age are just as clueless about this, as they were about how to masturbate a woman. They need to be taught, and that's your job. And it can be a fun job. Not so different than Kissing Lessons. Hey, the woman knows what she wants. She knows where the button is, only this time it's not a finger, it's his tongue. So, teach him. He will like these lessons too, and be happy to oblige. I promise you. If you think you're going to engage in oral sex on your date, you need to do what I call pre-coital preparation. Basically, you need to make sure your vagina is clean and tasty. So, get in the shower, wash with soap and water, and douche. This is just to make sure you don't have some kind of feminine discharge in there. Plain water is all you need, just a good rinse. That said, when you're up for this experience, there is one thing that some women have done for me that I thought was particularly thoughtful and sweet. When you get out of the shower, dab a little perfume or cologne on your inner thighs. So, when he gets down to do the cunnilingual thing for you, he will notice and appreciate the thoughtfulness. It's also a non-verbal communication that says to him, you knew you wanted this, before you ever put on your dress. And that's just plain sweet. When it comes to Fellatio, there are a few things you need to know. You use your lips, your tongue and the back of your throat, watch the teeth, the penis is not a chew toy. The other thing you need to know, is that you must swallow the semen. If the boy has his orgasm in your mouth and you spit out the semen, that will be received, as an insult. He won't tell you of his disappointment, because he'll want you to do that again, but it will be in the space. So, best practice is to just ask him to tell you when he's about to orgasm. He will happily tell you. It's important to communicate with your lover. That way you can prepare. When he says he's about there, pull back so your mouth is just over the head of the penis which will create a space to receive the semen in your mouth, and use your tongue and hand to bring him to climax, while holding your breath so you don't choke. Then swallow. He will be quite happy and very enamored with you. After you've done this for your boyfriend, he needs to say thank you, and that means a big sloppy wet French kiss. And you better kiss her boy, because if you don't, or worse won't, then that will be received, as an insult by your women, and she may never do that for you again. But for you to understand, Young Woman, this is where you have some risk when it comes to oral sex. When he kisses you after you've gone done on him, you may have transferred a few sperm cells into his mouth. So, DO NOT allow him to go down on you after you've gone down on him. And DO NOT touch your vagina until you've washed your hands. If you're going to do serial oral sex, get him to do you first. This is best practice. And he will happily comply. Make him work for it, that's okay. He won't mind. It's also best practice to always have spermicidal jelly in your vagina anytime you engage in any kind of sexual experience. It's your last line of defense from pregnancy. Level 4: Intercourse; Low to Very High Risk, depending Okay, let's back up a bit. You need to understand your menstrual cycle. It happens every 28-days for every woman on this planet from puberty to menopause, so call that thirty years, maybe forty, something like that. So, the first thing you need to know, is to have a tampon or tampax in your purse when you are expecting to start. Be prepared. Be a good Girl Scout. The second thing you need to know is that fourteen days after you start your period, you will reach this point called ovulation. You're going to drop an egg, just like a chicken. Only it's a single cell that will drop into your womb. That single cell, if fertilized will become a baby in your belly. It's important for you to know when you're ovulating. So, keep track, mark it in your iPhone, and know. Because that's the day you become at serious risk of pregnancy, the day you have a fresh egg in your womb. And this will happen every 28-Days. We're talking about risk here. In the first half of your menstrual cycle you are at lessor risk because you have no egg in your womb. In the second half, that 14-day period, you are at greater risk because you will have a living egg in your womb. So, from the point of view of your risk, you just need to know that. During that six or seven days after your period, after you stop bleeding, you are at the least risk of pregnancy for that month. That doesn't mean you can engage in sex without a condom or spermicidal jelly, you'll always need your protection. I'm just saying that when you decide to go "all the way" with a boy, and at some point, you will, those six-seven days are the safest time for you to engage in that experience. Understanding ovulation is an important thing for a woman to know. Let's say you're twenty-four years old, you have a husband, a home, you're a mature woman ready to be a mother, and you want to make a baby. You just need to stop taking the Pill, and dump your diaphragm. Stop all forms of contraception. And fourteen days from the start of your last menstrual cycle, bed your boy. Every morning and every night, and maybe a little afternoon delight, starting three days before and the week following your ovulation. And you will likely get pregnant. And you will be joyful, because it's what you want, and you're ready. When it's right and proper and you want it, you go for it, Girl. Okay, let's talk about condoms. They're not foolproof. A condom is only about 85% effective. This is why you need the spermicidal jelly in your vagina any time you engage in any kind of sexual experience. As I've said, it's your last line of defense. A condom is a balloon around the boy's penis. And balloons can burst. If the boy is enthralled with you and super-excited, that condom can break. And if it bursts in your vagina, you will be at serious risk. The other thing that can happen, is that the semen can seep out from the base of the condom, and mix with the hairs on his genitals, transfer to the hairs on your genitals, and that could put you at medium risk. Another risk here is that the condom may slip off and be left in your vagina, at which point you are at medium to very high risk depending on if you have spermicidal jelly in your vagina or not, and where you are in your menstrual cycle. Understand, it only takes one sperm cell to reach your egg, to make a baby. And a boys ejaculation will have hundreds of thousands of sperm cells. Look, Young Lady, I don't mean to terrorize you. You can have your fun, you just need to fully understand the risks that you're taking. And take proper precautions. You are the woman. You are the one at risk. And you are responsible for contraception. Not the boy. Now, you can minimize the risks. Ask him to pull out before he has his orgasm, and finish him off with your hand or your mouth; that's very low risk. And it's likely that he will be happy to comply. Because while he wants his fun with you, and he doesn't want to make a baby either. For him that's 18 years of child support. Anal Intercourse. There is a lot to say about this one. From the point of view of risk of pregnancy, anal intercourse is far less risky than vaginal intercourse. Your rectum is not connected to your womb. For you it can be just as pleasurable, as vaginal intercourse. And you can have an orgasm during anal sex, though you may need to assist with your purse-pocket vibrator. Fine, it's safer. This is why I've gifted you the three different size butt plugs. Do you know why in gym class they always have you do the stretching exercises before engaging in serious physical activity? Touch your toes, and stretch out the muscles of your body? They don't want you to hurt yourself. You need to stretch before you do gymnastics, or get on the soccer field. When you touch your toes, you can feel the muscles in your thighs and your calves stretching, and it can feel good. It limbers you up. Some folks can put their hands flat on the ground in front of them. I can't, but I've seen it done. Well, the sphincter is just a muscle, just like your calves or your thighs, and it can stretch. It can easily stretch sufficiently to accept a boy's penis and still be comfortable for you. You can do this, you really can. And it can be great fun, and low risk. Gay men know this. Understand, that boy, your boyfriend, just wants to diddle you. And he doesn't care what hole he sticks it in. And it's safer for you. In fact, the boys love anal sex with women. That's because, it's nasty, forbidden fruit, and dangerous. Poop comes out of that hole. And a little bit of danger adds spice to the experience. It is dangerous. So, if you decide to offer your boyfriend this experience, you need to send him on a reconnaissance mission. He needs to get down there and do the cunnilingual thing, put a finger in your bottom to see if there might be some obstruction. And if he finds none, then you're good to go. Get him to help stretch you by working two fingers into your bum, the index and forefinger. These two fingers are about the size of his penis, and if those will fit comfortably into your rectum, so will his penis. If there is an obstruction, well you have a few choices. If it's an option, you can do an enema and clean out your bottom. Or, you can forgo the experience for this date and go for oral sex instead. Or, if you feel fully protected, you can engage in vaginal intercourse. It's your call, Young Woman. Just know what your risk is. Sex is always the woman's choice. Just let him know what you're willing to do. Anal sex is medium risk for you, depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle. It's not low risk, there is some risk. You see, if you end up with semen in your rectum? That hole is only ½ inch from your vagina, and that semen can seep out into your panties and into your vagina. Anytime you have live sperm anywhere near your vagina, you are at some level of risk. Spermicidal jelly, Girl, make sure you have that in your vagina. Look, Young Woman, the boys love anal sex with women. And if you will do this for him, he will be stuck on you like super-glue. At low risk for you. The vagina is for making babies, the bum is when it's just for fun. Vaginal Intercourse. Okay, when you decide you want to go there, you come talk to me, okay? I'm not going to disallow you this experience, because I know you'll just defy me anyway. But I want to know, so I can protect you. That's my job. When you decide you want to go there with your boyfriend, you let me know. We'll get you down to Planned Parenthood, get you fitted for a diaphragm and get you on the Pill. At that point you will be fully protected, and you can do whatever you want. So, what is a diaphragm? It's a very effective form of contraception. It's essentially a condom for a girl. It's a rubber round ring, 3-4 inches in diameter depending on the size of the woman that fit's in the vagina and covers the cervix, the entry to the womb. That combined with the spermicidal jelly, is a 98% effective form of contraception. Add the Pill, also 98% effective, and you are at 99.99% safe from pregnancy. So, that's where I would like you to be before you engage in vaginal intercourse. The problem is you need to be fully grown before we can get you fitted for a diaphragm, that means at least 16-years old, they call it Sweet Sixteen, a fully formed woman. Now, there are all these other things I've talked about, that you can do with your boyfriend that will make him very happy. You don't need to go here, until you are fully protected. So, while it is your call, not mine, nobody in the whole of Creation gets to have any say about when you decide to sit on a penis; not me, not your mother, not the lawmakers, or even God Himself gets to have any say about that. It's your call, and the first truly adult decision that you get to make, all on your own. I will honor your choice, you have my word. But just let me get you fully protected before you make that choice. Do you hear me, Young Lady? Post Coital Clean-up Okay, this gets back to the douche bag. You should never go to bed with any semen in your body. I don't care at what level you have expressed yourself sexuality on your date, you need to make sure that there is no semen in your body before you tuck in for the night. So, best practice? Get in the shower after your date. Wash your vagina, douche or enema as necessary. Make sure to evacuate all the sperm cells from your body. Then put a little more spermicidal jelly in your vagina just to be sure, before you go to sleep. Okay, you've had your fun, but you also need to be responsible and protect yourself. You are the woman, and you are the one at risk. You are responsible for contraception. So, just be responsible. Young Woman, all I can do is my best to influence you, in the hopes that regarding your sexual self-expression, you will make wise choices with respect to the boys you choose to invite into your bed and into your body, and responsible decisions about how far you're willing to go in any given experience, knowing the level of protection that is available to you. Hey, sex if fun. Everybody loves their orgasm, all the boys and all the girls. Enjoy yours, Sweet Woman, and have no shame about that. It's all good, and as it should be. There will be a time in your future, it's called Prom night. Your boyfriend, your knight in shining armor, will arrive at your door, likely in a truck. He will place a corsage on your wrist, and give you a sweet kiss. And you will kiss him back. That's all normal, and expected. What you need to do, young lady, is pull out one of those three condoms that you will have in your purse along with the tube of spermicidal jelly that you will also have, and show it to him. Then look at him with a big smile on your face, and say unto him, "I'm a good Girl Scout, I'm Prepared. Now, let's go dancing." Thank you, I love you. I love you, thank you. Your loving father, P.S: To the young women who might be reading these words, I just have one more thing to say. All these things I've suggested that every young woman needs to have in her Toy Box? They're all available in Walgreens, Walmart, CVS Pharmacy, or on the Internet. You don't need your parents to get them for you. You can do it yourself. Postscript I wrote this piece because a friend became a Grandfather when his daughter was fifteen years old. My mother was fourteen years old and two months, when she conceived me. That's too young. Look, my mother was a slut. She was a woman who loved her orgasm, and had no shame about it. And I love that about her. But fourteen years old is too young to make a baby. While young women are capable of making a baby after their first menstrual cycle, they're not old enough or responsible enough, to be a mother, or to properly care for that child. Okay, I have a diagram for you. ^ Do you see the four levels? When you bring forth a child onto this planet you have a 10% chance of bringing in a Spirit Polarized person, represented by "0". They do not care about sex. They only do it to make babies. These are the so-called Leaders of the planet, the politicians, the corporate CEO's. The second level is "1,2"? A 20% chance, this represents the Heart Polarity, they too don't much care about sex or Lust, their thing is Love. These are the Preachers, the Ministers, the Priests. The third level "3,4,5" These are the Will Polarity people, Teachers, Phycologists, Social Workers, a 30% chance of who that baby will be. Will polarized people love their orgasm, it's not the most important thing for them, but it is important. At the bottom level "6,7,8,9", are we of the Body Polarity, and any baby you bring forth has a 40% chance of being Body Polarized. What you need to understand is that for we of the Body Polarity, life without sex is not worth living. What I want to get across to you, Gentle Reader, is that when you bring forth a baby onto this planet, you have a 70% chance of bringing a Will or Body Polarized person into existence. Someone who will hold lust to be a thing of great value when they reach puberty. I recently saw an episode or Bill Maher, where Stormy Daniels was the featured guest. She's a Porn Star, you go girl. Anyway, Bill asked her this question, "So, what should I call you, Stormy or Stephanie?" To which she replied, "There are only two people on this planet who call me Stephanie, my Mother and the IRS, and I hate them both." Stormy, is clearly a Body Polarized babe, who was so unfortunate, as to have grown up in a Christian family, and was subjected to Christian teachings around human sexual self-expression. So, that's what this piece is all about; A Rescue Mission. I'm here seeking to rescue all those Body Polarized young men and women who were so unfortunate, as to have been brought onto this planet by a Christian family, and subjected to the teachings of the Church. A morality that does not work for them. Look Christian, you're not teaching your children what they need to know about sex. Especially, your daughters. And forty percent of those young women are Body Polarized. By denying them this knowledge of how to have their fun without getting pregnant, you are putting her at terrible risk. If she gets pregnant, it will be your fault, because you are a terrible parent. Shame on you! For we of the Body Polarity, abstinence is not an option. If I had my way, I would see condom and spermicidal jelly in vending machines in every girl's bathroom, in every High School, College and University in America. If we were to do that, and teach these young women what I am teaching them here, we could drop the level of teen pregnancy by 90% in a single year. But the Christians won't allow us to do that, because their idea is that abstinence is the way to teach young women about sex. This is unacceptable for both the B.P Babe, and the B.P. Boys on this planet. Abstinence is not an option for the 40% of your children who are Body Polarized. So, if you won't teach your Body Polarized children what they need to know about sex, Christian? I will. So, Say I,Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate