The War on Christianity

Taking the Fight to the Christian Right

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Shun the "Good" Christian Woman

Are you a Body Polarized boy, like me? A boy for whom life without sex is not worth living? Are you a boy who loves his orgasm, loves sex? Did you ever masturbate in the bathroom between classes in High School? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes", you DO NOT want a Christian woman for a wife.

You see Christian women have been postulated, by these faggots in the Vatican. Yeah, these leaders of Christianity, the Ministers, the Preachers, and the Priests. Christianity is at its core, Patriarchal. It's all about "Father Knows Best." Women make babies, while Daddy runs the show. And as such, all Christian teachings, are targeted to facilitating this as reality, and the subordination of womankind to men.

So, this is what Christian sexual values does to them. It's a deliberate intention to suppress female sexuality, to deprive women of their power. And all Christian women have been postulated. Just look at what they're taught, when they were pre-pubescent girls.

  1. You must be a virgin when you get married, or you cannot wear white.
  2. Sex is sacred, only to be held within the context of a marriage.
  3. You're not supposed to like it, even if married, if you do, you're a slut.
  4. You're only doing it to make babies, it's not supposed to be fun.
  5. Marriage is between one man and one woman.
  6. Infidelity: You can only ever have sex with your husband and no one else.

These are some of the Christian teachings around human sexual self-expression. And these were inducted into her, before she ever had her first orgasm, while she was playing with her Barbie Dolls. And she agreed that these statements about sex would be her truth, while she was still pre-pubescent. This is the modus operandi of the Roman Catholic Church, and all of Christianity. This is how they subjugate women throughout Christendom, to patriarchy.

Do you know what a postulate is? The dictionary defines a postulate as something that is just "obviously true", or "assumed to be true, as a basis for reasoning". But I see it differently. A postulate to me is an agreement. An agreement that has coalesced, condensed, and calcified into a thing that is held to be so obviously true, it is not to be questioned. It is an agreement to choose to stand for that "this", whatever the statement is, shall be your truth. Which, of course, you can do, because you are God.

And this is what the Church does to these poor girls. She agreed to all these statements above, and many others, in her pre-pubescent younger years. The Catholics call this Catechism, other denominations call this Bible Study. By the time she reaches adolescents, those agreements have likely coalesced, condensed, and calcified into postulates, a reality that will be her truth for the whole of her life around her own sexuality. Yeah, that's what Christianity does to young girls. It's all about promoting Patriarchy and subjugating womankind.

All women who grew up in Christendom, have been raped at the level of the Emotional Body, the Spiritual Body, and the Mental Body, if not the Physical Body, though that sometimes happens too. The Church has raped them, subjugated them, and enslaved them, and they did it with postulates when they were still pre-pubescent. Why are not more of them pissed off, and enraged? Hey, they've been postulated. They cannot see the truth.

If you're a body polarized boy, I must ask you this question. Is this what you want for a wife? A woman who holds these postulates to be her truth, these Christian sexual values. It's very questionable whether she will even let herself have an orgasm. Do you want a woman who is filled up to her eyebrows with sexual shame, AKA sexual self-hatred? A woman who feels guilty every time she has an orgasm, because lust is one of the seven deadly sins that will certainly send you straight to Hell.

I don't know about you, but I want the woman who actually likes sex, as much or more than I do. You know how I define the word "Slut"? A woman who likes her orgasm, and is unabashedly unashamed about that. That's the woman I want. How about you? The Christian, or the Slut? Your choice, boy. Choose.

Now, if you're young and stupid, and the girl gives you a hand-job, a blow-job, or even beds you, you will be enamored with her. But you have to understand the longer consequences. She will bed you to get that ring on her finger. And she will continue to bed you until she has her desired number of babies. After that, she's done with sex. Because she has been postulated by the teachings of the Church. And every time she enters a Church, her postulates, the agreements she made, as a pre-pubescent person will be reestablished, reinforced, and made more real for her.

She's not supposed to like it, so she will feel guilty every time she has sex, when it's not to make a baby. She's not into it, just for fun. She will then see your desire for sex with her, as an obligation, something she has to do, just for you. And she will become resentful over time, and even possibly think of you as a sex addict, someone who needs psychological help. And that would be her point of view, because she has been postulated, by the Church. Is this what you want for a wife?

If you're a body polarized man, which means 40% of the men on this planet, you will not be a happy camper, if you marry a Christian woman. Once she has had her babies, you will be stuck, trapped. And you will love your kids, because you can't not love your kids. They're your children and your responsibility, and it's your job to care for them, raise them, educate them, and love them. That's your job as a father. Something you will be expected to do, and hopefully a responsibility you will accept.

However, in that circumstance, you will feel like a pack mule, or a plow horse, bringing in the money, doing what you need to do to serve your family, because you're the man, and it's your job. But we as men have needs too. What do I want? What do I really need? It's really quite simple. I just need a woman in my bed who really wants to be there, to feel a naked female body next to mine when we go to bed together. Pillow talk. And of course, sex on a regular basis. That's all we, as men need to soldier on, and do our duty to our wife and our family. But these needs of yours will not be met, if you marry a Christian woman.

And you can't leave her, because then you'll be required by the court to pay child support and perhaps alimony. And you won't have any money left over to attract another woman who might be willing to lay with you. So, you will be trapped in a prison devoid of sexuality.

If you marry a Christian woman, after she has had her babies, your sex life will likely be watching internet porn with you five-fingered best friend, your right-hand man, after she goes to bed. Sex is not fun for her, and she will not be there for you in your time of need.

The Christian woman has been postulated with Christian sexual values. She is a sexual cripple. Not a good choice for a wife. Find yourself a porn star, a prostitute, or a good old-fashioned American slut. Find some woman who can prove to you, that she likes sex, as much or more, than you like sex. But shun the good Christian woman. For she is damaged goods.

Thank you, I Love You, I Love You, Thank you,

So, Say I,

Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate


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