The War on Christianity

Taking the Fight to the Christian Right

The Rift is not between Democrats & Republicans
The real rift is between Christians
And Secular America

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Thr Rift in America

I overheard a conversation recently where some Republicans were talking about this Rift we have here in America. They were seeing it as an issue between Republicans and Democrats; people who get their news from Fox News, and those who watch CNN or MSNBC.

That perception, in my mind is a total misunderstanding of the Rift. The Rift is not between Democrats and Republicans, it just looks that way on the surface. You need to look deeper. The real Rift we have here in America, as I see it, is between Christianity and Secularism. It just looks like the rift is between Democrats and Republicans, it's not. The reason is that 80% of Christians vote Republican, and 80% of Secular people in America vote Democrat. So, it looks that way, on the surface. But it's not a true understanding of the Rift.

So, a little history. When I was born back in 1954, America was 80% Christian, Christianity ruled. Then a few of things happened. Alfred Kinsey did his research into human sexuality, and wrote his book. Then we got effective birth control, and from that the Feminist Movement, where women were empowered. And we got Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler Magazines. And these things have all contributed to the demise of the Church in America.

In 1960, because of birth control, women were sexually freed from Patriarchy, which is foundational to the Church, and they left the Church. And the boys followed the women, because the women have what they want. So, many of the boys left the Church too. And the congregation has continued to shrink, even unto to this day. In 1960 America was 65% Christian and 35% Secular. Today, judging by Donald Trump supporters, that number has flipped, and America is now 65% Secular and 35% Christian.

Christians hate having to face this truth. They're seeing their whole paradigm, their understanding of how reality is put together, their way of looking at the world, their very values, as being taken away from them, by these Secular Americans. From their point of view, Secularism is destroying their way of life, corrupting America. For them, Secularism is blasphemy. So, they respond with "Make America Great Again," when what they really want is "Make America Christian Again." And that's never going to happen. Christianity is dying in America, and has been for seventy years.

And the reason is Christian teachings around human sexual self-expression. They're teaching, that sex is only to be had between a man and a woman and only within the sanctity of Marriage. Girls only do it to make babies, and are not supposed to like it, because lust is one of the seven deadly sins. And if they do like it, they are sinners, bad people, according to Church teachings. This is called shame induction, the bedrock upon which the Church has been built. And these concepts are being resoundingly rejected by the youth in America today, now that we have birth control and Internet porn.

The Church is dying, and since the Church is foundational, or the base of the Republican Party, so is the Republican Party.

Let's talk about demographics and the Republican Party. Every year some three to four million people die in America, just from old age. So, in the four years since the 2016 election to 2020, twelve to sixteen million people will have died, the majority of whom will have been Christian. In that same time, four to five million young people per year, will come of age to vote, most of whom will be people of color. And the Republican Party has totally alienated people of color here in America. They see themselves as the White Male Party, the Christian Party, or the Party of the Klu Klux Klan, White Supremacy. That's a losing strategy, I would think, for the Republican Party. The only thing that keeps them in power, is gerrymandering and voter suppression. But that's changing, their voters, the base of the that Party, are dying off in droves. And dead people don't get to vote.

In ten to twenty years, Christians here in America will only represent ten to twenty percent of America, and White people in America will be a minority. It's just demographics, people of color make more babies, than white people. The republicans have tied themselves to the Church, it's an albatross around their neck, and when the Church dies, so will the Republican Party.

What I'm trying to do with my words, is to hasten the day that the Church dies. And to destroy the political power of the Church in America. The Churches teachings around human sexual self-expression, the induction of sexual self-hatred (shame) into pre-pubescent children, has done great harm to every child in America. They're raping our children, all children in America, at the level of the emotional, spiritual and mental bodies, if not physically with their dogma (AKA Bullshit). And their doing it with postulates. Frankly, I think it should be a crime, punishable by twelve years in jail, to take a pre-pubescent person into a Church.

I would like to see a world where sex is no more important than a handshake. A world where every marriage is an open marriage. A world without jealousy. A world where we can embrace the Celtic concept called 'Rites of Passage,' where the mother would pick some older person to be the first lover for her sons and daughters. A world without lewd laws, age of consent, or laws against prostitution. These laws all represent Christian bigotry and cowardice that has been canonized into law; Christian morality being forced upon the rest of us secular beings here in America. These laws need to go, and so does the Church.

Have you ever read Sun Tzu, The Art of War? "Know your enemy, know the terrain." The Democrats don't understand who their enemy is, they think it's the Republicans. If you're going to win this war Democrats, and take power, you need to know who your enemy really is, and it's not the Republicans, it's the Church.

This guilt, fear, shame and doubt inductive psychological program that we call the Church today, was created by Rome in 200 A.D. by a Byzantine Emperor, 200 years after Jesus was dead.  Rome is the archetype, the model, for every Christian Church. So, if we're going to make war on the Church and bring Secularism fully to America? We need to start with Rome. The Roman Catholic Church.

So, Say I,

Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate


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