The War on Christianity Taking the Fight to the Christian Right Teaching The Teachers |
Do you see what I see? That Christianity is a Guilt, Fear, Shame and Doubt Inductive Psychological Conditioning Program, created by a Byzantine Emperor, 200 years after Jesus was dead. So, Jesus had nothing to do with the creation of this Institution, or the Bible. These were Roman Constructs. That said, Rome, since it morphed itself from a State into a Religion has been incredibly successful, as it has lasted for some 1800 years. In this program, Fear is easy to understand (Burn a few of the Heathens and the rest will come into line. St. Augustus), and Guilt is about breaking your word, but do you see that Shame is self-hatred and the words "believe" and "hope" are doubt induction and part of this program we call Christianity today? Do you know what a postulate is? I know, you think you know. The dictionary defines a postulate as something that is just "obviously true", or "assumed to be true as a basis for reasoning". But I see it differently. A postulate to me is an agreement. An agreement that has coalesced, condensed, and calcified into a thing that is held to be so obviously true, it is not to be questioned. It is an agreement to choose to stand for that "this", whatever the statement is, shall be your truth. This is a key understanding from a psychological point of view, if one is ever going to understand "The Church". Because the postulate is the primary tool Rome used to enslave Humanity. Yeah, those Psychologists (The Guild), back in 200 A.D., they knew what they were doing, when they manifested this form called Christianity. And they used the Postulate. You see reality, as experienced by a human being is subjective, and is created, as a function of agreements made at free will choice. And it does not matter the circumstances under which one enters into those agreements. Agreements made under duress have just as much power to create one's reality, as any agreement made in the absence of fear. And it also, does not matter at what age one enters into these agreements. Agreements made at three, six, or nine years old, have just as much power to create one's reality, as any agreement made at thirty, forty, or fifty years of age. So, when a child is told by an authority figure in their lives that such and such is so, they just automatically agree, because they are young, gullible, naïve and trusting of that authority. That agreement will then condense, coalesce, and calcify into a postulate over time. And that young person will likely forget that they ever made that agreement. And a postulate has a magical property about it, especially those taken in at a very young age. Once calcified, it acts as a deflector shield. Any information that the person in later years comes across which is in opposition to the postulate, will simply not be heard, because it could not possibly be true. Your own brain will filter out the information before it ever reaches the level of consciousness. Can you not see this mechanism at work in the Christian Right, in today's world? Now, there are postulates that are useful. Take Euclid, for example. Two points define a line. Three points define a plane. Four points define a space. Useful, if you want to build a bridge over a river. There are also postulates that are not only not useful, but destructive to the person holding them. The point here is that a postulate should be judged, not on whether it's true or not, (because it is true solely because you have chosen to stand for that this shall be your truth), but rather on whether it supports your well-being, or is detrimental to your well-being. There is another aspect to this Psychological Conditioning Program that I call the False-Equivalency. Have you ever heard the phrase "Real men don't cry?" There are a lot of problems with this one. What that phrase says is that grief is the same as cowardice. And it's not true. Look boy, if you can't grieve crocodile tears when you have to put down your dog, or you can't keen out your grief when your mother dies, proudly and for the whole of the world to see, or when your son come home in a box! You're not a real man, you're just an empty husk of a human being. That phrase is part of the program. And it's not a loving thing to do to a child. Do you, as a Psychologist understand False-Equivalencies? The third tool I see, as part of this program is what I call the False-Dichotomy. I just saw this one recently and it absolutely floored me. It was when I realized that the word "hope" was actually "doubt induction". But then we also have the word "hopelessness" which was taken in by me at a young age, as the opposite of hope. Nothing could be further from the truth. If hope is doubt, the opposite of doubt is certainty. Hopelessness, is debilitating despair. What's the opposite of that? Self-confidence? I don't know, but it's not doubt. Do you see how this Psychological Conditioning Program is built into our language? And by the very definitions of words? One more thing I want to say about this false dichotomy; hope and hopelessness. Do you see how the emotional content (fear/dread) around the word hopelessness in the Emotional Body, supports and empowers the doubt induction into and of the Mental Body? Other False-Dichotomies? How about right/wrong, good/bad, or good/evil? Room for research, Research Psychology. So, "The Church" has three primary tools they use to manifest and maintain their political power in this world; the postulate, the false-equivalency, and the false-dichotomy, inducted into pre-pubescent children. At least that's what I see for now. There may be more. It's a very sophisticated program, they knew what they were doing back then in 200 A.D. This didn't just happen, it was constructed. Look, there are postulates that serve you, and those that don't.
These are just a few of the postulates inducted into all Christian children, all around this world, hundreds of millions of children every day. Rome calls it the Catechism, I call it the Book of Postulates or how to subjugate a child to an authority that does not love that child. Do you see what I see? Do you understand, as a psychologist, that every word in every language across the whole of the world, involves an agreement; this means that? This furry little creature is a "cat". This barking being is a "dog"? These are agreements that this word represents that thing. It's a simple understanding, that has profound implications. Take the word "slut" for instance. I, as an older man, would define that word as a woman who enjoys her orgasm and is unabashedly unashamed about that. How is that not a "good" thing? If you ask any hundred men anywhere in this world "What would you prefer, as wife material, the virgin or the slut?" I think 90 of those men would say, the slut, "Yeah, give me the Slutty Woman, I want her!" The other ten men would be either seriously postulated Religious men, or the gay man looking for a Trophy Wife to run cover for their being a homosexual and doesn't want to bed her anyway. But when I pulled it up on Wikipedia, it says that slut means "a promiscuous woman", "a dirty, slovenly woman." Isn't that terribly unkind, and even an unloving thing to say about a woman? The definition of this word, "slut"? There are many other examples of words like this related to human sexual self-expression that have been misrepresented or redefined by "The Church". What about this word "Jealousy"? How does this get triggered in people? You know, there is no scarcity of pussy on this planet, every woman has one. But by inducting bad postulates into pre-pubescent people, religion makes it so. You must be a virgin on your wedding night, (Super Bad Postulate) But this is what we do to our girls, our daughters, here in America. These postulates create what I call a False-Scarcity, and this is another part of this program, and promotes expressions of jealousy. The girls feel ashamed anytime they feel any kind of lust, and the boys can't get laid. This is because the Church has put a chastity belt on all the girls in Christendom, before they ever had their first orgasm, via these agreements that have calcified into postulates. This creates a lot of backed-up boys who will fight, kill, and die for pussy. And because war creates a lot of women who will be free with their favors, this is why the boys love war. And I think this is deliberate, because we need these backed-up boys, as cannon-fodder for the military. Want "Peace on Earth"? Legalize prostitution, un-backup the boys and they won't seek war. Or, if you will, "make love not war", to use a 60's phrase. Two things to see here. Do you see that "The Church" is inherently misogynistic? That it's built on a bedrock that requires the induction of sexual shame (self-hatred) into pre-pubescent children, especially with regard to girls and young women? Do you see that "The Church" has infiltrated the lexicon of the language? And that they have had 1800 years to do this? That this Psychological Conditioning Program that we call Christianity is embedded in the very definitions of the words that we use to communicate with one another; this means that; AKA agreements? This is an important understanding around false-equivalencies, false-dichotomies, false-scarcity and the very definitions of words. Do you see what I see? Do you see that Oxford University is and has been in cahoots with The Church, helping them to enslave the whole of the world, by defining the words? They maintain the English Oxford Dictionary, the EOD, the ultimate authority of the English language. How have they been postulated by Rome, the authors of the EOD? This program all seems to begin with telling pre-pubescent children that they need to be virgins on their wedding night, and that virginity is a thing of value. This is the initial induction of sexual shame. And pre-pubescent children, in their youthfulness and ignorance will just agree. That agreement, and many others like this, will come back to bite them when they enter puberty. Such that every time they experience lust, or have an orgasm, they will feel ashamed and/or guilty and dirty. Self-hatred made manifest, impowering "The Church." What if you were to postulate your children with good postulates? Postulates designed to maximize the experience of lust in that post pubescent person. Things like: It feels good to touch my genitals, (Archetypal truth and good postulate) If you were to induct these kinds of postulates into your children, designed to maximize the experience of lust for them when they reach puberty, and free them from sexual shame or self-hatred, as a loving parent? Well, Child Protective Services in this country, would come down on you like Thor's Hammer. They would call this lewd, they would put you in jail, take away your children, put them into a foster home, with a "Good" Christian family. Where they would be taken to Church, and thoroughly and totally raped at the level of the emotional, spiritual, and mental bodies, if not physically. You see folks, it's not just that the Church is allowed, to induct sexual self-hatred (Shame) into your children. It's not just that this is condoned. It is REQUIRED BY LAW that you induct sexual self-hatred into your children in this Puritanistic, Sexually-Bigoted, Homophobic, Cowardly Christian Culture that we have here in America. They're called lewd laws, sodomy laws, prostitution laws, the prohibition of "minors" seeing pornography, and most importantly "the age of consent". Do you see this? And if so, how does that make you feel as a parent? That you are "required by law" to hurt your children, to cause them pain and suffering, to force them to choose to hate themselves? All this is built into the American culture. If you don't do it, and you won't allow the Church to do it, then the K-12 School System will do it on your behalf, and the Criminal Justice System will follow up on that. Yeah, this is the America that I see, and it disgusts me. The induction of sexual self-hatred into pre-pubescent children is the bedrock upon which Christianity is built. It is the base of this Psychological Conditioning Program. Inducting postulates that would allow your children to feel good about their sexuality when they reach puberty would be an existential threat, a threat to the very existence of the Church. And the Church is a cornerstone of every other institution in America. So, that cannot be allowed, and this is why we have these laws to suppress sexual self-expression and promote sexual shame (Self-Hatred) and the guilt that follows. These laws exist to support the continued political power of the Church and have no other purpose. Do you see what I see? Do you know what a trauma is? I wonder if you do. But isn't that your job, PhD Psychology Professor? To help other people to heal trauma? Do you see that there are four different flavors of trauma? You see, we use this one word to describe four completely different things. There are traumas of the physical body. That would be like breaking your leg skiing, going through the windshield in a car crash, or taking a bullet in the chest. Okay, these are physical traumas. Then there are traumas of the Emotional Body. Rapes, molestations, physical abuse; "Please Daddy, please Daddy, don't beat me anymore, I can't take it anymore!" Or, it could be something as simple, as the boy didn't' call, or the girl dumped you. Heartbreak can be intensely painful. Then we have traumas of the Spiritual Body. These are all about agreements to choose to hate oneself for some perceived failing. It's about lack of self-love, shame and the guilt that follows. Telling a young woman that she must be a virgin on her wedding night or she cannot wear white, or a young man that "real men don't cry", are just a couple examples of Spiritual Trauma. And finally, we have traumas of the Mental Body. This is all about doubt. I've seen that the words "belief" and "hope" are two forms of doubt induction. But this is where I'm stuck. I'm still trying to understand the fullness of the doubt shroud around the Mental Body. Maybe you can help. Maybe you know more than me, though I doubt that. This one is really hard to deduce or even see, as the understandings needed are embedded in false-equivalencies and false-dichotomies that are built into very definitions of the words in the English language, the words we use to communicate with one another. It's just so hard to see, because of the postulates that won't allow the truth to percolate up into my consciousness. Can you see that every single human being on this planet has 300,000 unresolved traumas hanging out within their auric fields? It's called the unconscious mind; 93% of who we are as human beings. When I look inside myself, as a Body Polarized Boy, I have an image of a Deciduous Forrest in late Fall. All the leaves are gone. It's a cold and cloudy place. And buried under all those leaves are 300,000 comatose children, for the most part. These are little pieces of me that I have pushed out of myself, and each one holds some kind of unresolved trauma. Something that was just too overwhelming to be fully experienced at the time, by he who was once me, back there and then. So, that little piece of my consciousness curled up into a fetal position and went to sleep, buried under the leaves, until I could find it within me, to return and heal that overwhelming experience in that younger version of me. That's what I've been doing for the last few decades, healing my own unconscious mind in the quest to find self-love. Let me ask you something Psychology Professor. Do you remember your birth? Your job is to help other people heal trauma, right? This is one trauma that every single human being on this planet has in common. Have you healed that one in yourself? If you can answer that one question in the affirmative, I will have immense respect, admiration, and appreciation for you. Because I know how damn difficult that one was. It means that you have faced and healed absolute, total and complete abject terror. And that you can stay present in the experience of those kinds of super-intense emotions; the Battle Rage & Manic Terror. I remember my birth. My head was sticking out of my mother's vagina, my eyes were open, and I was vibrating at 50,000 cycles per second. I was fully conscious and absolutely terrified. The doctor came down with his scalpel and sliced my mother's vagina over my left shoulder. I thought he was going to kill me. But then I slipped out, bathed in Mothers' blood. Mother was 14-years old at the time. This was one of the most difficult memories I have ever had to deal with. Fortunately, I had the help of a Naturopathic Doctor, a woman with a Psychology Minor who knew HMR (Holographic Memory Resolution), as she and I had taken Brent Baum's class together in Hawaii. She had been present at many births and she helped me to reframe mine. Gratitude, does not begin to express the feelings I have for that woman. This was a very difficult one for me, but can you imagine what kind of terror must be there for a person born of a C-section? It has to be ten times worse than what I experienced. Do you see what I see? These understandings around trauma? Is this common knowledge among Psychology Professors? Or, am I the only person on the planet who sees this stuff? The memory of your birth is a really important thing to seek, because that's the cork in the bottle, and most people will never go there. It requires facing and healing absolute abject terror. But it also opens the portal to all your past life memories, ancestral memories, and fragmentary memories, thousands upon thousands of traumatized children. Once you've done that, it's like the Klondike. It's a gold mine for the potential for expanding one's consciousness, if you can handle it. Let us chunk up into Philosophy. Do you see how Metaphysics, Philosophy and Psychology are three disciplines that are totally intertwined, like a woman with a braided pony-tail down to her ass? All three disciplines are required to understand how human beings are actually put together. If you take away the sanctification, and theology (blind faith & acceptance) from Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism or Islam, you can see that these are all really, just Philosophies. And what is a Philosophy? I assert that a Philosophy is the Operating System for the Human Biological Computer, built up with postulates, equivalencies and dichotomies (AKA language), along with memories, choices, experiences and agreements. This is how I see that we human beings are actually put together. You know, if we're ever going to achieve this goal of "Peace on Earth", we're going to need a better Philosophy. One not founded upon the induction of sexual self-hatred into our children. Now, I'm a Reiki Master, I can channel the Superluminal Light. I'm also agnostic, which is to say Spiritual, but not Religious. So, in my view while "God is All That Is" the Christian point of view, "All That Is, is Also God". From my point of view, we manifested this Creation, and then we stepped into it to experience it for ourselves. We are God and we create "the truth". And I say that you are God, and it's time you took responsibility for that. What we need is a new philosophy, the "Hedonistic, 'Thou Art God', and It's Okay to Sex Philosophy". But that presents a problem. You see, you can't just take away someone's philosophy. An iPhone without an Operating System, is just a hunk of metal, silicon and plastic. And a human being without a philosophy is just a comatose lump of flesh. No, you need to supersede the previous philosophy. And create something that is inclusive of yesterday's level of knowledge but is now better and more substantial. A philosophy that can include complete acceptance for human sexual self-expression, which is to say a philosophy not founded on sexual shame or guilt. That will be a difficult task, like a salmon swimming upstream to spawn, because we're living in a world where sexual self-hatred or shame, is the norm or mainstream. I think this will require a team involving three disciplines, the Philosophers, the Psychologists, and the Computer Scientists. We need to start looking at people, as if they are computers, because they are. NLP was a good start, though it needs more work. My objective is clear and focused, produce this result called Pease on Earth, and the 600-year lifespan, (I really want to piss off the Actuaries in the Insurance Companies). But this will provide time enough for Wisdom to manifest itself. This is what I seek more than anything else in the world; Wisdom or true understanding. When I wrote The Warriors Secular Path to God, I was just asking this simple question, "How is reality put together?" And I just told the truth about what I was seeing. You know, I didn't set out to destroy Christianity, it just happened. When I finished writing my words, I looked back at what I had written, and saw that I have manifested the power to bring down Rome, to destroy the Roman Catholic Church. I may be the only person on the planet who can explain what they're actually doing, how their doing it, and that their doing what they're doing for political power in the here and now. The Church has nothing to do with spirituality, which is to say the promotion of Self-Love, the realization of your own Divinity, and the fact that you are God. No, they want to suppress that notion at any cost. Yes, boys and girls, we are God and we create The Truth. And this is how Rome enslaved God; Yeah, that would be you. They clipped my angle wings and stole my divinity, before I ever had my first orgasm. And they did it with Postulates, False-equivalencies, False-dichotomies, and False-scarcity. How does this understanding make you feel about The Church? Angry? That might be an appropriate response. So, I would like to set out, "A Man on a Mission" to destroy the political influence of "The Church" here in America. To end this Reign of Terror by the Church, and the legally required induction of sexual self-hatred into our children here in America. Now, I think I have that power, but as I said earlier; I'm still working through the doubt shroud around the mental body. So, that's why I'm approaching you, the PhD Psychology Professor. Please, read my words, my book, and you tell me; Do you think I have that power? Your professional opinion would be greatly appreciated. Just an honest, thoughtful critique, that's all I'm asking. Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I have a second question. Do you agree with Vanessa (a reference to the Fair Warning story)? Are my words so dangerous, that humanity should not be allowed to read them? That these words should not be published? If you concur with me that I have the power to destroy the Church, I mean to start "The War on Christianity." To destroy the Roman Catholic Church and raze it to the ground. Such is the level of my rage at what they're doing to our kids. If we can take down Rome, then all these other secondary religions will also fall, the Protestants, the Presbyterians, the Methodists, the Mormons, the Lutherans, the Baptists, and even the Jehovah's Witnesses will just fall like dominos. And that's because, their all just variations on the very same Guilt, Fear, Shame and Doubt Inductive Psychological Conditioning Program. I don't think you, the PhD Psychologist see what I see, though you just might be open to these understandings once I've pointed them out to you. But, you know, I don't think that will be true of the PhD Psychology Professors at Notre Dame, Jerry Falwell's Christian University, or Utah State. There, I would expect resistance. Just the thought of how my words will be received in these places, puts a smile on my face. A good giggle. Look, if we can destroy the political power of the Christian Right, which is the base of the Republican Party, then we can also destroy the Republican Party, and take down Donald Trump. Wouldn't that be great? Do you see what I see? "Steal an Anchor Wherever You Can," Anthony Robins, Unlimited Power Thank you, I Love You, I Love You, Thank you, So, Say I, Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate