The War on Christianity Taking the Fight to the Christian Right An Idea Whos Time Has Come! |
The Equal Representation for Women Constitutional Amendment I was listening to NPR radio recently and heard that Arizona was taking up the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, this year 2019. If it passes it would be the 38th State and it would go into law. And that would make it "The Law of The Land." You see, it's already been passed by two thirds of both houses of Congress, but still needs three quarters of the states to ratify this Amendment. Arizona would do it. Understand the President does not have veto power on this one, because it already passed both houses with a two thirds majority. It's veto proof, as are all Constitutional Amendments. The ERA was first introduced in 1923, right around the time we had the Women's Suffrage movement where women got the right to vote. In 1943 the original Amendment was amended to be a little more clear, and over the decades since 37 states have ratified that Amendment. Only one more is needed; will it be Arizona? Let us hope. This should not be controversial, it basically says that with respect to the law, women shall be treated equally under the law. Why would anyone have a problem with that? See the full text below:
It's a benign law, who could disagree with this, that women under the law shall be treated equal to men? What could possibly be wrong with that? Well, way back in the 1920's, women didn't even have the right to vote, it was the "Good Old Days" that Donald Trump wants to return us to, where men were men, and women were property. At that time women were treated, as chattel property. Even in 1943 when the above version was instituted, women were still considered second class citizens. Now, I would very much like to see the ERA passed by Arizona and become the "Law of The Land". But I don't think that goes far enough. That was all they thought they could get in the 1920's. So, the women of the time settled, it was better than what they had before. Fair enough, they were living in a misogynistic Christian reality, trying to get what they thought they could; equality. But now, we're in the 21st Century, and I want more. I want it for my Grandmother, my Mother, my Sister, my Wife, and my Daughters to have full equality here in America. I love these women in my life, and I want them to have equal say. So, I propose the following Constitutional Amendment: The Equal Representation for Women Constitutional Amendment
This Amendment, if ratified has some serious ramifications. There are seven states that only have one Representative, due to their populations. These are presently: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming. So now, they will be the winners and have two representatives, and there will be some juggling. Delaware and Vermont will likely lean Democrat and the rest will likely lean Republican. Texas, New York, Florida and Pennsylvania can afford to lose one representative. California can afford to lose two or even three. Redistribution is up to Congress. These states with only one representative are mostly Republican majority states. But you know, I'm okay with that, and I think most Democrats will be okay with that too. These new Representatives will likely be Republican women. But republican women care very much about women's issues, just like any other woman. To get equal representation for women here in America would be such a great thing, I will happily give these Republican Women up to seven additional seats in Congress. Hey, they deserve a say too. They are our mothers. This country is not a patriarchy, and women need to have just as much say with regard to the running of this country, as the men. It's just a good balance that I seek, between the masculine and the feminine. To Make this Happen? You know, we're going into an election season in 2020. These Senators and Congress Men and Women, they're going to be out doing these things called Town Halls, and staged events and such, where you get to confront them. And talk to them personally, with a microphone in your hands. I ask that you get a friend with an iPhone to videotape you, live stream, as you ask the question to your potential Representative or Senator. And then ask the question, "How do you feel about the 'Equal Representation for Women, Constitutional Amendment', can I count on your vote?" He's probably not going to know that you're talking about, so explain, "'Every state has two Senators, one shall be male, and one shall be female. Every congressional district shall have two representatives, one shall be male, and one shall be female.' How do you feel about that, would you support this Amendment to the Constitution?" It should be a woman who asks the question in that forum. Put the response up on YouTube, it will likely go viral. I want to know how every one of these potential lawmakers really feels about this. If he's a republican, watch him squirm, trying to avoid answering the question. It's like asking, "Do you love your Wife, your Mother, your Grandmother, your Sister, your Daughter, or are you a patriarchal, misogynistic bastard?" Let the Republicans run against this one. Go ahead, I dare them, I double-dare them. This is something the Democrats can run on, and win. Every woman in America in going to support this Amendment, even Republican women. And even 85% of men will support this Amendment. You know why? Because they like getting laid, and you the women in this country, have what they want. And that's more important to them than politics. This is a totally winning argument for the Democratic Party, for this 2020 election cycle coming up. Democrats, I don't think you can lose with this one; The Equal Representation for Women Constitutional Amendment. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would you like to introduce this bill. Think you can get co-sponsors? You've got more testosterone in your body girl, than most men. Nancy Pelosi, could you push this one through the House? I think you can, you are just so damn capable. It's up to you ladies, you need to ask for what you want, and then fight for it. This is a winning issue for you, lovely ladies of the light. Full equality for womankind that's all we're asking for. Is that too much to ask? To put an end to patriarchy, AKA misogyny. Emilie's List, do you hear me on this? Planned Parenthood, can you see what I'm saying? Indivisible, can you see the value in this idea for 2020? Will you folks jump onboard and support this idea? Equal Representation for Womankind in America? Full female equality? Don't you think it's about freaking time? I do. Please help me to make this a reality. Thank you, I Love You, I Love You, Thank you, So, Say I, Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate