The War on Christianity Taking the Fight to the Christian Right Why do we need to start this war? |
I never thought in a million years that I would actually, START A FUCKING WAR. But then came Trump, and that's where I see myself today. That son-of-a-bitch wants to overturn Roe V. Wade, and that cannot be allowed. So, we're going to war, boys and girls. An all-out war, no quarter given, and the enemy is Rome. You know, it was the Evangelical Christians that gave us Donald Trump. And all because they want to overturn Roe V. Wade, and implement their damnable Social Agenda. They want to Make America Christian Again, and force the rest of us secular Americans to live by their moral values. That's not okay with me. Like 65% of all Americans, I am not a Christian. And Christian moral values suck; not acceptable! These Evangelical Christians are misogynists at they're core. Patriarchy is foundational to Christianity. They hate womankind, and want to keep them in their place, barefoot and pregnant. I'm sorry, but I cannot stand for that. I will not sit still and allow these Evangelical Christians to subjugate my mother, my sister, my wife, or my daughters, and strip them of their right to choose. Get your God Damn hands out of my woman's panties, that's her vagina, and her choice, not yours. So, I say it's time for a war, a war on the Christianity in America. Will you stand with me? When I was a Marine, I saw it as my job to protect the women and children of America. That was just my job, and I was proud to do it; to be a Marine. Now, you look at what Donald Trump is doing on our southern border. Yeah, he's out there, persecuting women and children, tearing families apart. This is unacceptable to me. And yet these Evangelical Christians are supporting him in the persecution of these women and children, refugees from war torn realms. Yeah, Donald Trump, go ahead, kick them while their down. I guess that's what you call Christian Compassion. This reality is disgusting, and makes me ashamed to call myself an American. Now, if we're going to win this war against Christianity, we have to start with Rome. That's because Rome is the Model, the Archetype. Every other Christian denomination is modeled after what Rome built 1800 years ago. It's a guilt, fear, shame and doubt inductive phycological conditioning program, and was created by Rome. The Bible is not 'The Literal Word of god,' the Bible was written by Rome. Let me be clear, this war that I'm proposing, is not about bayonets, bullets, or bombs, okay. I am not advocating violence of any kind. It's more of a Gandhi-like thing. It's really an effort to educate the populace and especially the young people, as to what The Church is really doing to you, and your kids. These people who call themselves Preachers, Ministers and Priests? They are raping your children, at the level of the Emotional Body, the Spiritual Body, and the Mental Body, if not physically. And you don't see it, because you have been postulated when you were three, six and nine years old. Do you love your Mother, your Sister, your Wife, your Daughters? Then step up fellow warrior, it's time to go to war, for those we love. It's time to fight back, don't you think? If for no other reason than to protect Roe V. Wade, a woman's right to choose. That is, if you love the women in your life. If you will follow my lead and read on, I'll show you how we can win this war. We're going after the children of the Evangelical Christians here in America. This is an effort to educate the young people, the teenagers and the twenty-somethings, as to how the Church has, and is continuing hurt them. We just need to educate them before their postulates have calcified in their brains, and the Internet will allow us to do that. Let my words go viral. This is a winnable war; we really can do this. Christianity was created by Rome to pacify an illiterate peasantry, and cannot survive an educated populace. The Church is already losing, because of education, I just want to hasten the day when that job is done, and the Church is dead. The Evangelical Right is also the base of the Republican Party. If we can destroy the political power of the Church here in America, we will also destroy the Republican Party. Think on that one, if you will. Will you go to war with me Brother? Will you go to war with me Sister? Help me to get my words out there on the Internet. Just tell a friend, that's all I ask. I want to put Donald Trump's dick so deep in the dirt, that he'll have to worry about magma burns on his penis. And in doing so, destroy the political power of the Church here in America. We're going after his base, the children of the Christian Right. The objective is clear and focused, get the young people to stop going to Church. Get them to stop funding their perpetrator, and by doing so, defund the Church. That's how we kill Christianity. It's time, boys and girls. It's time, to: "Take the Fight to the Christian Right!" So, Say I, Richard the Christ, God Physically Incarnate