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Spiritual Path for Those of Us |
Bibliography, Some of My Teachers
1) Instinct for Freedom, by Alan Clements. A book about the Dharma Life. This book was helpful to me in understanding Buddhism, which is as I see it a Spirit polarized path to God. As I see it, it’s important to we of the Body polarity to understand Spirit’s point of view if we are going to be helpful in bringing about a healing of the Spirit/Body split, which is the first step in creating peace on planet Earth.
2) Hands of Light, by Barbara Brennen This is a very good healing arts book about channeling energy through your hands for the purpose of healing. This is similar to Reiki. I found two things that were particularly helpful for me. First was the descriptions of what she call our defense strategies or what we do to defend ourselves when we feel attacked by another. And the second thing was the pictures of the Auric fields. Barbara Brennen seems quite Spirit Polarized to me, so the entire book is coming from that perspective.
3) Essential Reiki, by Dianne Stein This is the basic text on Reiki. Diane Stein broke the back of the Kauai Reiki masters who were keeping the art close to their chest. She wrote this book, with the intention of creating a world where Reiki was universal and I support that desire. She seems quite Will Polarized to me and this book is a pleasant read.
4) Healing With Gemstones and Crystals, by Diane Stein Gemstones and Crystals can be very helpful in getting the energy flows within the body moving where the had previously been stuck. This book describes hundred os different stones, and the healing properties of each.
5) Right Use of Will, by Ceanne DeRohan This is a channeled book authored by God in the first person, or what I would call Spirit, God on High. It gives a lot of good information on how the Will or Emotional Body is put together and how to go about healing oneself of these stored emotions.
6) Healing Dimensions, by Brent Baum Brent seems to me to be very Spirit Polarized, and the book reads like a medical treatise, which is to say it‘s a difficult read. It goes in to boring detail about how trauma is stored in the body, and the physiological realities therein. However, the real value is in the reframe that he created and the idea of running this picture through the body letting every cell of the body be effected by the reframe.
7) The Seat of the Soul, and The Heart of the Soul, by Gary Zukav Gary Zukav is clearly Heart Polarized. It’s always useful to see the world from the eyes of the other polarities, especially now that we can understand that we’re supposed to have different points of view, and thus honor that. Most of what he has to say is good stuff. Where I took issue was his acquisition in his notions about sexual addictions. If you want to get really pissed off and clear out a little bit of rage, you might want to read his notions here.
8) Conversations With God, by Neale Donald Walsch This was an interesting book where this guy woke up one day and started writing, what they call cathartic writings, and suddenly found himself in a conversation with God. This is a bit of a fluffy book, and by that I mean it’s made up of a lot of story. That said there are three or four important epiphanies that I found in the text of this work, not the least of which was the idea of ‘acting on your own authority.’ This idea subsequently morphed into the idea that I present herein, the idea that no one gets to have any say about that for which I choose to stand but me. That was a profound understanding of great value. So, thank you Mr. Walsch.
9) Letter to Earth, by Elia Wise This is a beautiful, beautiful book. It is essentially a letter by a profound light worker and a mother to her daughter who was still in the crib at the time. This woman looks to me to be very Will Polarized, and the personification of Motherhood. She is wise as God Herself, and seeks to pass her wisdom so hard won onto her child. It is also a source of wisdom for the rest of us who inhabit this planet along with all the other plants and animals. I’m not going to speak much more about it, for it’s value stands on it’s own. I highly recommend this book and this woman’s wisdom, especially to the Native American peoples of this planet, because I’m sure you will get her perspective.
10) Flying Without a Broom, by D. J. Conway Ms. Conway appears to me to be more of a Heart Polarized person. She does seem to have a lot to say about psychic abilities and how to develop those abilities, which is essentially the value of this book. Though since she’s Heart Polarized it doesn’t really have a lot of value for we of the Body Polarity, except to point out what might be possible as we develop our own psychic abilities from the equal and opposite perspective. I was particularly interested in her chapter about astral sex. I had never considered that possibility before reading this book. But, you know, it really does seem possible.
11) Unlimited Power, by Anthony Robins This is a book that describes what they call Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP for short that was developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. It’s realistically a programming manual for the Human Computer. Bandler and Grinder are a couple of scientific types and they write like lawyers, so their text is pretty much unreadable. Tony Robins accomplishment was to take the same information and write it in a way that the everyday person could actually get it. I did an NLP certification program with Mr. Robins, and I’ll tell you, I don’t like this man, I think he’s a total jerk. But as another teacher of mine, a boy named Jim Rohn once said, “It’s doesn’t matter if you like the teacher or not, get the information!” And, I’ll tell you Folks, this is some very important information to get.
12) The Law That Never Was, by Bill Benson & Mr. Beckman This was the boy who went around to all the states that were supposed to have ratified the 16th Amendment. He’s my hero, as he proved that We The People had been defrauded, and that only four states had actually ratified that Amendment. I recently purchased a copy of this book. It used to be hard to get, but you can now find it on
13) The Trance Formation of America, by Cathy O'Brien with Mark Phillips This is a book whose major value is in its shock value, and/or its trigger value. It talks in great detail about the CIA’s sex slave program, paid for by tax dollars I might add, that has been going on since the 1950’s. It is the story of a woman Cathy O’Brien, who was trained as a ‘Presidential Model’ and how she escaped the program to tell her story. The value of this book is in asking the question: “What are the limits of that which you are willing to love?” I promise you that if you read this book, you’ll spend a little time in manic terror.
14) The Sister Charlotte Story, by Sister Charlotte This is another of those writings that are particularly valuable for their trigger value. This is a story of how this young Sister who was a Cloistered Nun for the Catholic Church, escaped her situation there. The Cloistered Nuns, you see, for hundreds of years were basically prostitutes for the clergy of the time. Anyway, she delineates her situation, how she was recruited, her life as a cloistered nun and her eventual escape. You can find this story on the Internet; it’s only about ten thousand words. You know what I had the most difficulty with in this story? Dropping newly born babies into lie pits (***Check Spelling) to be burned alive by the caustic liquid sometimes for days, so that the clergy wouldn’t have to take responsibility for their brethren. Oh well, what are the limits upon that which you are willing to love?
15) The Lightworker’s Way, by Doreen Virtue This is another pretty substantial work that provides a lot of information on the how-to’s and why-for’s with respect to psychic abilities. But again, this woman seems to me to be a Will Polarized person and so her path is not ours. However, her path does lend itself to inspiring we of the Body Polarity to discover for ourselves our own path into these realms of otherworldly spaces. I guess my point here is that this book is an inspiration, and since this woman is Will Polarized, her knowledge come from the Object Beam and is thus more closely related to our position than Spirit or Heart.
16) Earth Angles, by Doreen Virtue This book is just plain fun. It’s a little handbook with a subtitle that says “A pocket Guild for Incarnated Angles, Elementals, Starpeople, Walk-Ins and Wizards.” It’s almost like reading your Horoscope, and the kind of thing you might leave in the bathroom to read during your morning constitutional. I read this book and in her terms see myself as a Wizard. Who knows? How will you see your Self?
17) The Care and Feeding of indigo Children, by Doreen Virtue This book is all about some very special children that have incarnated over the past twenty years or so, the Indigo Children. These are some very special people who have very special abilities, you see indigo is the third eye chakra and as I see it they are here to open the third eye in all of we who inhabit this planet. You cannot lie to an indigo person, but you can drug them into submission, as they are often diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD syndromes by the stupid, incompetent, ignorant and arrogant psychiatrists of this planet. So, many of these children have been caught in the web of deception made up by the AMA.
18) Breaking Reality, Tilak Tilak is a healer from Sri Lanka who currently resides in Las Vegas. He does seminars and retreats all over the world. He is an experience to be had, and an extraordinary teacher of mine. If you are genuinely doing this work you might want to consider doing a session with this man. It takes about ten minutes, but I promise you an experience like you have never had in your life. It can’t be explained, it can only be experienced. Anyway, his taught me a lot about how the Spirit Polarity are put together, most especially about their powers of distraction and distortion. If you’d like to check this man out, he has a web site at:
19) The New World Order, Eustace Mullins This is a book that I read, oh, probably around 1985. At that time I think it was the first book the man had written. It delineated in great boring detail all the details that we have come to know as the Shadow Government in America. It was very useful for me, as at the time it scared the crap out of me. At that time I had no idea that such organizations existed in the world. Boy was I naïve. Anyway, this book is useful for the trigger value, even though it reads like a lawyer wrote it.
20) Heal Your Body, A-Z, by Louise L Hey Ms. Hey is a very special person. She came up with, intuited or channeled from God, all the psychological reasons why various and sundry physical ailments might manifest in the body. She has a few different books out, of which I’ve read two. Pick one. If you happen to have a particular ailment, her work can help you to look into the psychological causes of that ailment and thus direct you as to where to look within yourself for the root cause. Once you find the root cause, you can use the power of the reframe and take charge of your own healing process.