Warriors Secular A
Spiritual Path for Those of Us |
Using Love as a Weapon Who would have ever thought that you could use love as a weapon. I wouldn’t have believed it myself as little as a few years back. Like most of what I’ve done here I just stumbled across this possibility, but I’ll tell you I see it today as the most valuable lesson of this lifetime. And I would like to gift it to you, if you’re willing to do the work. So, to that effect, I’m going to tell a few stories, so that you can understand how I came to discover this information. I think it’s important to anchor the knowledge in experience, rather than just telling you what I know, which would sound like pontificating. My feeling is that if you can see how I came to realize that I could use love as a weapon, then it should make the possibility more real for you. Anyway, that’s my hope, and why I’m sharing it here in this way.
Dark Wizards I had cleared the caps from my chakras and connected my Self to the super-luminal light directly, early on in this process. It was quite painful to be connected in the early days, but I stuck in there and persevered. Thereafter, I kept ran into several men and even one woman who seemed to want to connect with me, but their presence near me felt, well, not good. Some of them felt sleazy, some made me feel afraid, but all of them had a quality about them that I began to notice over time. Like me, they too were lit or connected to the super-luminal light directly. So you need to be aware that these guys and gals are out there, and they have the ability to notice you as being connected, just as you will have to develop the ability to recognize them when they cross your path, and they will. These Wizards come in many different levels of development and seemingly with many different intentions. The first ones I encountered tried to frighten me into closing up and disconnecting from the light. At one point after having such an encounter, I had to focus on clearing fear for several days. It was during my meditation when I realized that the only thing these people could do to me was to show me where it was that I still had fear which needed to be cleared. With the realization I stopped being afraid of them, as by that time I was well versed in knowing how to clear fear. A second type that I’ve encountered seemed to want to recruit me or something like that. And yet I could easily see that these men were not loving, and had certainly not committed themselves to creating their selves as Love for All That Is. Therefore, I was clear that I was not going to play with them. I’ve also noticed a third category of Dark Wizards who seem to simply be keeping an eye on me to see what it is that I might do. I’ve also noticed one other type, which seem to want to attach a cord to me and steal my light. This is not a good idea for them. The point is that if you light yourself up and are out in the world much, you will attract these Wizards like moths to a fire. My strategy has been to refuse to engage with them in anything more than polite conversation, but certainly never to invite a relationship. In order to trigger you or steal your light, you have to choose to engage with them at free will choice, so I recommend that you don’t do that, especially in the beginning of your process. One encounter was particularly interesting and an experience from which I learned a lot of good information. I had just returned from a business trip to San Francisco and was sitting in a pub in Makawao on Maui when one of these Dark Wizards came in and sat on the stool next to me. I had seen him on many occasions over the previous three months or so and we had had a few previous conversations. I had been involved in energy work for some time, and so the conversation drifted in that direction until at some point the mentioned that he was a Reiki Master. To which I replied that I had just received my third attunement the previous Friday and that I too was a Reiki Master. He looked shocked and replied, “You? Are a Reiki Master?” Now frankly, I can appreciate his incredulous response, for indeed, it was only the previous August that I had received the first two attunements and this was only the subsequent mid-November. There was a lot yet for me to learn as I had been given no real training, only the book Essential Reiki by Diane Stein. Oh, well, I had the attunements and that’s what counts. We talked a bit about Reiki and energy work in general for a while. This was November 2001, shortly after 911, and I had an experience in the airport that I related to him. I was standing in the ridiculously long line trying to get through security when I experienced a tremendous jump in the energy I was channeling through my crown and base chakras. It was like a quantum leap increase in intensity. I was not afraid, but curious and uncomfortable though feeling much more present in the moment than was normal for me at the time. And suddenly, I began to see the first level of the auric fields around many of the passengers there in that line. It was quite an interesting experience. So I told this man about it and then related what I thought had happened. My feeling was that I was spontaneously healing traumatized children in the auric fields of some of the passengers waiting there in line and that somehow I was benefiting from the healing that was happening with or too them. It was like I was healing relationship issues in them that I had already healed in myself through the reframes that I had done. I also noticed that it was not everyone there who was being healed, but only a subset, a subset who I intuited had in some way given me or God their permission. Anyway, the conversation went on and this man asked me if I wanted to do a Reiki session with him. I thought about it for a moment, and basically said sure, why not. A moment later I felt my energy or super-luminal light being sucked from me from the left side of my body toward this man. I was shocked, a little stunned, curious, and a little concerned, but not afraid. Then I began to notice the flow was entering my crown chakra, moving down through indigo, blue and green into yellow where it was being sucked into this man. The flow became a torrent, a feeling like standing under a waterfall of extreme force. The white light energy flow was nearly a foot in diameter and was probably flowing at twenty-some-odd miles per hour. I was realizing fully that this man was stealing my light and decided there and then that there was no way I was going to get up on the table with him, where he would have the additional use of crystals. So I thought firmly in my head, “This is never going to happen!” The energy flow immediately stopped. I looked at that man and he smiled looking like the cat who had eaten the canary. About a week later he happened to call me up and ask me if I wanted to do a session, to which I firmly declined. But in talking with him briefly there I could feel that he was in incredible pain and suffering. It was almost like he was begging to allow him to give me back my light. I refused. I didn’t trust him after he had pulled the vampire thing on me by stealing my light. I never saw him again, but I learned a great deal from that experience. I was a man who had chosen to create my Self as Love for All That Is and he certainly had not made that commitment. I had been doing at least three to five reframes a day for over six months. I had dealt with manic terror, torture scenes, warrior scenes galore, rapes, molestations, back-stabbing bitches, and explosive rage. There were many thousands of relationship issues, perpetrators and victims that I had resolved and come to love within myself that he had not. So even though he had been a Reiki Master for over twenty years and I for only three months, my light was much more pristine than his. I was turning myself into a loving man, while he was only an energy worker. So, he stole my light and I saw that it had overwhelmed the man. What I intuit, for on this I cannot really know, is that my light in his auric field began to awaken all the traumatized children within him that my light loved, that he did not love. He was therefore forced to deal with the truth about who he was and what he was hiding, even from himself. As I said, I never saw him again. I also feel no connection to him today, and therefore conclude that he has found some way to extricate himself from planet Earth, so as not to have to feel the truth about who he was. A footnote here is that I told this story to a shrink I was seeing at the time and she said something about being drained by these Vampire Wizards. But as I told her, I never felt drained for I am connected to an infinite source and whatever was sucked from me was immediately replenished. I was never drained, nor was I frightened, but rather curious to learn from the experience. But what her comment did tell me, and what I can see today is that most people are not connected to the source directly, and I see that this is just another of the ways we are creating death, our own demise, at free will choice.
The Development of Psychic Weapons Systems It was approximately 9:45 when I left my home to take a walk around the neighborhood in Maui Uplands. It was a simple loop that took about ten minutes. It was my habit to take this walk a couple of times a day for exercise. This was quite a nice neighborhood and often one could see women and children out taking the same walk as I. About three minutes into my walk and 200 yards away from home I saw a truck pull up in front of a house up ahead and a Hawaiian man get out. Another Hawaiian man came out to meet this new arrival. As I moved up towards the end of the truck I saw these two men together and a gray pit bull came around the head of the truck and began to approach me. I was a bit concerned about this because this dog would often bark at me when I passed this house on my daily walks. It was not a friendly dog. So I stopped, as the dog came up to me and sniffed my crotch. Then I spoke to the men. “Call your dog,” I said in a commanding tone. At the same time I noticed some real fear in me and sensed that this dog noticed. Instantly the dog jumped for my throat. I threw up my left arm to protect my throat and the dog chomped down on my upper left forearm. “Get your dog off me,” I screamed, worried but expecting immediate action from them. They just stood there. The dog pulled on my arm shaking his head which caused significant damage. He pulled me to the ground and I went to my knees where I screamed again. “Get your dog off me.” I was really getting worried because I was now at the dogs level where it would be easier for him to attack. It was about four seconds into the attack, and still the men did nothing, they just stood there in silence. The dog released my arm and chose to bite me again in my left calve. I was infuriated at their lack of assistance and I screamed, “Help me! God damn it, help me! Oh God, please help. Please help me.” I was in abject terror at that moment. I knew with clarity, that I might not survive this experience. Then the dog let go of my leg, My hearing was hyper-sensitive and I heard his claws touch the pavement as he moved behind me. I was in a fetal position facing away from the truck with my back to their yard. I meekly put my good right arm up to cover and provide some protection for my throat, pretty much thinking I was about to die. Then it was over and I heard the dog trot off back toward these two men. The attack had consumed about ten seconds, which seemed like an eternity. I just lay there for a moment, maybe thirty seconds went by when the two men approached me. I looked up and saw that the dog was gone. He was not in the yard either, so he must have been put into the house. I lifted myself up to my feet and inspected my wounds. I realized that I could stand and probably walk, and my hand worked. Next I noticed that I was bleeding, but not badly from several puncture wounds. What happened next was about the strangest conversation I could ever have imagined in such a situation. They came up to me and one man said, “I don’t know what happened. He’s never done that before.” He said it in a tonality like I should be concerned about his dog. Then his said, “Can I help you dress your wounds?” And then, “Do you need a ride home?” Which was all well and good, but it was their attitude that struck me. They were coming from this place that said this incident was a minor event, and that my wounds were about the equivalent of a mosquito bite, and easily dealt with. After about a minute or two of this, I declared that I needed to get myself to an Emergency Room and left to hobble my way back home. When I arrived home I called the Police and left a statement before going to the hospital. A few hours later with my wounds having been dressed, I filed a complaint with the Humane Society. As I lay there in my bed, I reflected several times about the incident. Why did they not help, or offer any assistance at all? I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, but this nagging question kept coming up. I went into the living room and looked at the clock. Then I recanted the words that I had spoken during the event. They were burned into my memory, I knew exactly what I had said. As I spoke those words, reenacting the attack, I watched the second hand move through a full ten seconds. Why had they not helped? Were they in shock? Maybe, shock might account for a three or four second delay in assisting, but not ten. Were they frightened? I could believe that, though I would have expected them to at least call to their dog. But they had remained silent throughout the entire time. Then I considered their trivializing of my trauma and the extent of my wounds, as if to say that this was a mere scratch and that I was not a real man if I made a big deal of it. At that point I began to see their attitude as a form of shame induction, intended to get me to drop the issue. That was the moment when I realized that these men had never intended to help at all. The experience from their point of view was that I was entertainment, as they got a rare opportunity to watch the Howlie Howl. Now I understand the attitude held by many Hawaiian people with respect to the white immigrants to the lands. They call these white immigrants Howlie, and pretty much hate them. I spent three years in Maui and I can understand their rage, as we Americans did in fact steal their lands. In fact, what we did to Hawaii is exactly and precisely the same thing that Saddam Hussein did to Kuwait in the first Gulf war. We annexed their country at the point of a gun and gave it over to American business interests. Then later we made their country a state, against the will of the Hawaiian people and pretty much enslaved them to the legislature with this ridicules notion of “General Powers.” Then we bring in a bunch of white immigrants from California who raise the property values to the point that their children cannot afford to live in their homeland and must move to California where they provide cheep labor to minimum wage businesses. I personally believe that there are more Hawaiian people in California today, than there are in Hawaii. And it has been said that there will come a time soon when there will be no Hawaiian people left in Hawaii. Can you understand why they are a little miffed? That said, when I realized that I was entertainment for a couple of older Hawaiian men, I was more than miffed, I was livid. In thinking so much about the Law recently I saw something else that was relevant here. God is All that Is, and All that Is, is God. So when one person perpetrates an injustice against another person, it needs to be realized that both the perpetrator and the victim are God with equal rights. What I realized was that in the act of perpetrating, the perpetrator gives over to the victim the right to seek justice with respect to the perpetrator, without the victim having to worry about Karmic Consequence. And this is another legitimate means of acquiring jurisdiction. What that meant to me was that I had a right to seek justice with respect to this matter. I talked to an attorney and found that what I would likely come out with in a litigation would be three times my actual medical expenses. I was also told that I had no right to require that the dog be put down. To say the least, I was disappointed with this news. A few days later during my meditation I was reflecting on the incident and decided that whatever the Law would provide in recompense was not going to be sufficient to constitute justice in my mind. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands, and I lit the boy up. I guess the idea came from my previous experience with the Vampire Wizard. That man had stolen my light and it had damaged him. And my intuition told me that I had to ability to push my light into the perpetrator, and that if I did that it would likely have the same effect. One of the things I noticed here is that a perpetration creates a yellow chakra cord between the perpetrator and the victim. And that cord is a connection. So, what I did was really simple. I laid back in my bed, closed my eyes, and imagined that property. Then I drew a line of white light from each of the four corners to a center point about a hundred feet above the house. Then I sent a laser beam of white light all the way up to the Godhead. Next I drew four lines of white light to a center point about a hundred feet below the property where I attached a laser beam that shot to the center of the Earth. This connected that space to both the Reference Beam and the Object Beam which is very unusual. Then I used my connection to this man, God, and the Earth and somehow pulled in loving light from both sources until I saw that space permeated with a light so bright that only the Sun could outshine it. Then I took a picture, and click, put a fame around it, and pushed the image I had created through my body and a picture of the Earth below my feet. But I was not done just yet, for after doing this process another idea came to me. I creates these balls of white light within myself and I gave them the form of Collie Puppies and Calico Kittens. Then I sent a hundred of each of these into the perpetrator through the yellow chakra cord between us. These balls of loving light had instructions to move into the mans auric field, the puppies would lick the faces of the boy traumatized children, and the kittens would sit on the laps and purr for the female traumatized children. These puppies and kittens were given instructions to wake the children so that the man would then be forced to deal with the truth of what he was holding in terms of guilt, fear, shame, or doubt. The man would be forced to face the truth about who he really was. And that, to me, would be considered justice. After that I let the whole incident go, turned it over to God and returned to my life of three to five reframes a day. A week to ten days later I received a phone call from a woman at the Humane Society who told me that the man had put down the dog and requested permission to visit me so that he could apologize. I was surprised, but I agreed to his request. He came down and offered up what turned out to be a very sincere and genuine apology, which I of course, accepted. I did notice one thing about the man during that visit, he was in pain and suffering. Have you ever seen someone who was totally depressed and in desperate need of Prozac. It was that kind of pain I saw in his eyes, and I knew that the reason for his pain was my light. So, I decided I needed to relent. I went back into my room and pulled up the original vision. Then I pictured a pair of white light scissors and proceeded to cut the laser beams at both ends watching them shrivel up and die. Then I pictured the space created dropping in intensity of super-luminal light until it was the same as all the other surroundings. This new picture I ran through my body and a picture of the Earth to let the man off the hook. As you can probably see, this experience turned out to be the most valuable experience I have had in this lifetime. This experience let me know that I have to power to enforce justice with respect to me, in my own right and on my own authority. And that I have the power to light people up and force them to feel the truth about who they really are. At present I have this power but you do not. It will likely require you to take two or three years doing three to five reframes a day to create your Self as a being who is close to where I am today. So be patient, as with anything else, you have to pay your dues. Another thing to note is that the Law of No Interference still applies, even though you have this power. God gave it to me, and I give it to you. You can use it to seek justice when someone perpetrates an injustice against you, but that’s about it. And if you use this power without provocation, it is highly likely that you may end up assuming a Karmic Consequence, which is something that you really don’t want to do if you have any brains at all. You must have the legitimate jurisdiction of having been victimized to avoid Karmic Consequence. Understand? Good, because this is an important point.
Extinction Can Be a Good Thing In dealing with the dog bite incident I lit up the space within which the man resided. This would effect anyone who entered the space, which may not be what is wanted. I have since realized that it is also possible to light up a specific individual. Since we are the planet and everything on it, it is simply a matter of focusing ones intention. I have not done this yet, but I envision a simple reframe where I suck in some super-luminal light into my crown chakra, push it along the micro-cosmic orbit and down into the center of the earth. There the light bounces off the molten metal core, as if it were a mirror surface and up into the soles of the feet of the target following the micro-cosmic orbit in that person, out the crown chakra and back up to the Godhead to complete the circle, asking God to determine what justice would be in this case. Then take a photograph of the whole pathway and run it though my body and a picture of the planet to anchor it into reality and turn the whole thing over to Spirit, God on High. Again, this can only be done in the pursuit of justice. Another thing I perceive as possible is the ability to snip an entire genetic line from the Tree of Life. This is something that you would never really want to do, except in the direst if circumstances, for if you exceed what the universe would conceive as legitimate justice, you would run the risk of assuming the Karmic Consequence which might very well mean the end of your own family tree. Nonetheless, in the case of those who were perpetrated against by Hitler, or the Kumar Rouge in the killing fields, or had a bomb dropped on your family, the snipping of a genetic line might very well be considered justice. One way that might work is a simple reframe where you imagine an olive tree, otherwise known as the Tree of Life, then move your focus to the end of one of the branches with a few sprouts beyond one branching. Picture the persons face in the center of a flower at that point, take out your pruning shears and cut the branch just before that flower, watch it drop to the ground and begin composting. The, click, put a frame around the picture and you know what to do. Another way is to simply light up the whole family in the same way you would light up an individual. Just about any metaphor you make up should work, as it is really just a matter of intent, and the alignment of that intention. That one is a little intense and in my mind taking on too much personal responsibility. It would usually be more appropriate to simply light the person up, demand justice and turn it over to the person being lit up to determine what justice would be in this case. One way to do that would be to ask the unconscious mind of the person what they would consider to be justice if they were the victim in this situation, then simply agree that this shall be so. You can’t really go wrong this way. Since the person agrees up front what justice is, there can be no Karmic Consequence coming back at you.
This may or may not be the right place to say this, but I want to have a word or two about logic. Logic is a Spirit polarized construct. It has its uses in a Newtonian reality, but is not necessarily valuable and indeed can be a liability in a Relativistic reality. Spirit and Spirit polarized people have used logic against we of the Body Polarity as a means by which to baffle us with bullshit. They feel that they are a little more intelligent than we, and they are, just a little bit faster, and therefore capable of conning us into giving over our light, often with logic. I, for one, am no longer willing to be limited by logic. Our power is in our intuition. Intuition is your unconscious mind looking into the holographic plate and letting you know what it is that you are projecting into reality. We just need to get better at deciphering what our intuition is saying to us. I’m just now seeing that some of the reasons why its hard to see, is that we have been doubt inducted by Spirit who called intuition women’s folly, hocus pocus, ludicrous, and therefore not so, and we agreed to create that as The Truth. In this way he stripped us of some of our power. Can you think up a reframe where you give your Self the power of perfectly accurate intuition? You should be getting good at this by now. Knock yourself out and give it a go. Another thing is that if you genuinely seek to create your Self as Love for All That Is, you will find that you cannot be lied to, without having a feeling that something is not quite right. You will find that you can intuit The Truth. It just takes practice, a lot of practice.