Warriors Secular A
Spiritual Path for Those of Us |
On Stuff It’s amazing sometimes what you can see when you shine the light of The Truth on various aspects of life here on planet Earth. Shortly after learning to do the reframe I created for myself a little affirmation, which goes like this:
This affirmation invokes all the various connections to God, as love connects to the Spiritual Body, lust to the Physical Body, Life to the Emotional Body, and Truth to the Mental Body. It is a declaration that I am connected to God in all the ways that one can be connected, or what I call Quadra Connected. And when you can see a given issue or institution from all the various perspectives, there is no possibility of hiding anything. So, I’ve been looking around the world at various worldly issues and institutions, and I wanted to take a moment to share what I have been seeing as The Truth about some of these things from the perspective of what it is that I am projecting into reality. And that’s really all I’m doing here, looking inside, as Love for All That Is and sharing what it is that I see therein. Some would call this “telling tales out of school.” Oh well, naughty me.
On Education Have you ever seen these bumper stickers on the car in front of you in traffic that say I support Teachers? I do not support teachers or the educational system here in America. So, let me take a moment to explain why I have a different point of view. It must have been around 1977, I was a Marine Corps Corporal, which is to say an infantryman, at that time assigned to a Headquarters Battalion Data Processing Unit as a COBOL programmer at Camp Pendleton in southern California. At that post I ran into a young smallish black man who derived from the Chicago area. Apparently he had gotten into some trouble with the law, and was given the option of going to jail or serving his country as a Marine. He took the latter option, which was how our paths crossed there at Camp Pendleton. He was a very interesting young man, because when he entered the Corps he was illiterate, he could neither read, nor write a word of English, not even street signs. Somebody on high blessed this young man because normally people in the Corps are shipped all over the world in the service of their country, never staying in one place for more than a year or two. But this young man had decided to get his GED while in the service, and he really was working his butt off and to good effect. So, I guess somebody noticed that and chose to support his effort. Three years stationed at Camp Pendleton studying five nights a week finally paid off. And I remember the pure joy in that young mans face the day he came in and declared that he had passed his GED. It took that young man three years, of admittedly some very hard work and sacrifice to reach his goal of passing the GED. Mr. Educator, I have to ask, why do you require twelve years to accomplish the same task? I say that if you can’t do that job in five years you are incompetent, and We The People need to find someone else who can do that job better than you. They’re not going to answer that question, so what is it that I see as the reason it takes twelve years to educate a kid? Because k-12 education has little or nothing to do with educating children. It has everything to do with indoctrinating, conditioning and compelling them into an unconscious willingness to abide an external authority, an authority that does not love or even care about that child. And in order to be effective at this, well realistically we can call it a brain-washing program, they need to get hold of these children at a very young age when they are naturally trusting and unquestioning of authority. And that’s why they want them in school at the age four or five. Personally, I don’t want any educator anywhere near my kids before the age of thirteen, when they have gained some ability to discern truth from falsity and have learned to think critically. My view is that forcing these children into the Public School System at age five is stealing their childhood from them and I feel that child labor laws should apply. Another Truth I see here is that this is just another way to drain away the wealth of We The People, giving it over to Inverted Spirit Polarized people who will assure that our children get a “proper” education. We do it because we love our kids. If they can keep us poor, always chasing after the almighty buck, then they can keep us from seeing that they are holding our children hostage, while killing their souls and their direct connection to God, by the age of ten. We are so screwed up by then, that we spend the next thirty or forty years in therapy undoing the damage done to us in those first five years of school. And you know what, I think it’s all very, very deliberate. Why? Because the so called powers that be need obedient slaves for the business community, and unquestioningly obedient cannon fodder for the military (i.e., your kids). My recommendation to anyone in the Public School System is that once you can read, write and balance a checkbook, you should just quit school and go for a GED later in your teenage years. If then, you get yourself a library card and read a book a week from ten to eighteen, that’s four hundred plus books, and you should certainly be able to pass the GED. And you’ll likely come out with a better education than most students graduating High School today. You will also be much more self-motivated than they, and therefore better equipped to compete in the real world, because you will have taken charge and done it all yourself. Personally, I never understood the basic premise of the Public Education System. The idea that someone else knows better than I, what it is that I need to know, in order for me to get what it is that I want to get from life, seems patently absurd to me. I think I’ll manage my own education and my own life, thank you. Mr. Educator, I don’t need you, you can go to hell. As a Body Polarized person, if you want to know The Truth about anything, all you have to do is to revoke jurisdiction and look inside to see what it is that you are projecting into reality. There is no such thing as an external reality. So, when I look at education, what I see is that it’s mostly about surreptitiously obtaining our agreement to create The Truth the way someone else tells us that we have to create it. It is really about stealing from us the right to create our reality however we want, by getting us to agree to give up that power at an early age before we know what we‘re doing. I, for one, am not going to create my reality to my own detriment or to someone else’s betterment, anymore. And I don’t give a Good God Damn what anyone in the whole of this universe thinks about that. There has been an interesting trend in our educational system to diagnose we of the Body Polarity with this thing they call ADD or ADHD and then require that we drug ourselves with Ritalin or some other drug in order to be allowed to participate in the Public School System. To that, I say fine, quit school and take charge of you own education. When I was a youngster around eleven and maybe sixth grade I encountered this teacher who was a total frigging jerk. You know the type, they’re boisterous, loud, disrespectful and like to think of themselves as disciplinarians. Anyway, this guy really pissed me off. Today, I’m not even sure why, but he did. I hated going to his class. One day I decided on an approach to deal with this man. I’m not sure how it came to me, it must have been a gift from God. He had a test every Friday of twenty-five questions and it represented a substantial percentage of one’s total grade. I didn’t like the man and so for the first several weeks of his class I put in the minimum effort, which was one of the reasons he was all over my butt. He wanted me to do better, so one day I decided that’s what I would do. The next week I actually did homework, something I was not want to do. I studied my ass off and sacrificed all of my other classes, so that when I went in to take the weekly test I knew the material, well, pretty damn good. The next Monday he called me up to his desk after class, he looked at me with the most incredulous look you can imagine. Then, test in hand, he shook his head and said, “Richard, how is it possible that you could take this test and only get one answer right out of twenty-five?” To which I replied, “Well, sir. I studied hard all week, but even so I had to guess at two or three questions. I guess I got one right by mistake.” Then with a mischievous smile of my own, I continued. “Next week, I’ll study harder, and be sure to get them all wrong.” He was stunned, “What! You deliberately chose to get the wrong answers? Why in the hell would you do that?” “Because, I don’t like you. And I want to make you look bad,” I declared, looking him strait in the face, feeling really good and even powerful for standing up for myself. Well, he took me to the Principal’s office immediately, and he went in and had a chat with the boy. I was made to wait for a while, before having to go in and explain my position. I was steadfast. The result was that the following day found me in a study hall during that period, which is to say the Library. I like Libraries, they are filled with teachers who don‘t judge you, it worked for me. In retrospect, what I did there was to effectively strip the State, the School Board, the Principal, and the Teacher of all of their authority over me, by simply changing the rules by which I chose to play the game. This is an important life lesson, and not just for those of us looking to quit school. It is always possible to turn the tables on those who see themselves in a position or authority over you, by changing the rules by which you choose to play the game, or by changing your objective. We are the Body Polarity, and we are the board upon which the game is played. We can always change the rules at any time. And, folks, that’s real power.
On Having Nothing to Lose There was a psychologist I was seeing several years ago who also had a history minor, and in the course of our time together she told me a story about a tribal war in China a long time ago. I forgot what her motive was or even the context of our conversation. And I know this is hearsay but so what, this is not a Court of Law and I declare hearsay to be admissible because it’s a good story. It seems that the Chinese were all over this tribes butt, and apparently intending to take them all out or kill them all off in a genocide. At some point they must have understood that they were so outnumbered and in the long run, they were going to lose. So they did this amazing thing. All the men went back to their homes one day and killed all their wives and female children and all the boys under ten who could not keep up. Then they turned themselves into a magnificent warrior force, and they gave the Chinese some incredible grief for nearly twenty years before the Chinese finally killed them all off. And they could do that because they now had nothing to lose. I think that might have been the shrinks point, the value of nothing to lose. But you know what? I looked at this story again recently and saw something that I don’t think she saw or the history books have ever recorded. What I saw is that during the course of those twenty years of war, these boys left a hundred thousand babies in the bellies of their Chinese adversaries, and in so doing assured the continuation of their genetic lines, and that was their purpose right from the start. They may have lost their culture, but their half-breed children would survive. It’s is sometimes amazing what you can see when you are granted “eyes to see.”
On Tortured Soul It was several years ago, and I was out in the theatre with a former spouse watching this movie called Shine. It was about ten minutes into the movie when they played this classical music called the Rock Three. Now, you have to understand, I am not a man who is into classical music. Realistically, I hate classical music except for Mozart. I really prefer Rock and roll, Country music and maybe a little smooth jazz. But this was an epiphany, when they played this one song called the Rock Three, my body went stiff, I was shocked beyond belief and totally stunned. And the thought went through my head, “I wrote that music.” And at the time I really did feel that I had written that music personally, or that I had been this boy named Serge Rochmononof (***Check Spelling). In retrospect, ten years later, I have to wonder. Was I really this man in a recent past life? Or did I just go into sympathetic resonance, because he was so similar to me? Does it matter? The music is beautiful and grabbed me by my soul, pulling it out of my body and twisting it into a hundred knots. It was so painful for me to listen to that music. I can’t listen to that concerto or whatever it‘s called, without bursting into tears, it hurts too bad. It is so deep and so real that it reveals and shines a light upon all the pain and suffering of the whole of this universe. Nobody in their right mind would want to be Rochmononof, and nobody in their right mind would want to be me. Hell, I don’t even want to be me, but some things are just thrust upon you. Anyway, if you happen to be Body Polarized, you might want to rent this movie. It’s a well crafted flick in its own right, but it is Serge’s music that makes it a great movie. So, Serge, would you like to take a walk with me? I think we could be friends, for you are as deep as I. When I’m done with this job of bringing peace to planet Earth, I’d like to invite you to take a walk with me, in my homeland along the boardwalk, at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.
On Buddhism I have been looking for a long time to find a way to get to the Spirit Polarized people on this planet. You see, I’m all about creating peace on Planet Earth, and the only way to do that is to bring about a healing in the Spirit/Body split. The problem I have been having is that the Spirit Polarized people I have been seeing, the legislators, the businessmen and the clergy all seem to me to be men who are lacking in this very important quality of being called integrity, they don‘t have any. They seem to me to only want for them and theirs, and don’t seem to care about anyone else. And how can you work with someone like that? Anyway, a few days ago I happened to catch a broadcast of a documentary on the History Channel about this boy called the Dalia Lama. I guess the point I want to make here is that you don’t even have to have eyes to see, to look at this man and know without question, that this is a man of impeccable integrity. And then I looked at the Buddhist monks in general and can see that this is a group of mostly Spirit Polarized people who seem to possess genuine integrity as a group. We’re talking about healing the Spirit/Body split, and I think we can work with these people, the Buddhist Monks. In my view they represent the best hope for us to come together in a healing, and the best possibility for bringing peace to Planet Earth. As I watched that documentary, I saw some interesting things when looking deeply. You see he lost his homeland called Tibet when the Chinese came in and torched the place. But what I saw about this was something very interesting. What I saw about the Tibetan Buddhists is that they have been trying to break away from the base earthly desires or their lower chakras for several thousands of years. What this did was to promote fragmentation that I talked about earlier. Their lower chakras, red, orange and yellow broke away from them or more accurately were pushed out in their search for nirvana. This lower essence then incarnated into the Chinese people as separate beings in separate bodies. There is an interesting picture in my mind from a movie I saw many years ago. A slave ship was crossing from Africa to the Bahamas with a full load of slaves to be sold at the market, when they hit the doldrums, or a period of no wind. As a result the trip was taking longer than they had anticipated and they were running out of food. So they chained up a bunch of slaves together, perhaps as many as a hundred. Then they tied that group to a net full of ballast, which is to say rocks, and threw it overboard. Splash went the first slave, splash went the second, splash went the third, splash, splash, splash, until all were on their way to the bottom of the ocean floor to become shark bait and crab food, some seven thousand feet below. It was a heavy picture, that stuck in my mind. But you see, this is what I see that the Buddhist Monks are and have been doing for some time, tossing out one little piece of themselves, and tossing out another little piece of themselves, and then another, and another again, growing older all the while. Until one day they look down and see that their own foot is chained to all of that ballast which they have dumped out, by which time it‘s too late to keep them from being dragged overboard themselves. You see, the Buddha got it wrong, you can’t get their that way. But for four thousand years what they have been able to do is to create for themselves a legitimate and honest connection to Spirit, God on High. Even I can see that about these men. Eventually their going to have to do what we’re doing, which is to cross over, and for them that means from the Reference Beam to the Object Beam. They’re going to have to find the balance between the beams just as we have to. Anyway, I believe that we can work with these men, because they have integrity. So, I don’t know how this is going to go, my nose is stuck too damn close to the grindstone to see much further than the next step or two. Nonetheless, my intuition is telling me that it would be a really good idea to befriend a Buddhist Monk, and I ask that you consider doing the same. Hey, they have some really nice temples with very pretty places to meditate. And since you have to do your three to five reframes a day and an hour of meditation anyway, why not do it at a Buddhist Temple once a week? You can learn about Buddhism if you like, but understand it’s not your path. We are more like Hedonists seeking pleasure as a pathway to God, though I know it doesn’t look that way when you’re in the middle of this process of having to heal your unconscious mind. But my intuition is saying to me that if five hundred thousand Body Polarized people committed to creating themselves as Love for All That Is and befriend five hundred thousand Buddhist Monks, well, that will go a long, long way towards creating Peace on Planet Earth. Hey, these Buddhist Monks have been waiting for four thousand years for us to pull our heads out of our butts, face our fear and get a clue. My ex-wife used to tell me I was slow, perhaps she was right after all.
On Lewd The dragons were after me. I was in this tree hiding from the dragon, crouching behind the limbs of the tree. One swung down on reptile wings and slapped his scorpion tail against the tree trying to knock me off. I screamed, terrified. Then another made a pass at me, slapping its tail against the tree near my head, stripping some bark from the tree. I screamed again in terror and suddenly woke up. I was sweating profusely, and quivering in a fear of unimaginable strength. I got out of bed, shaking in terror, feeling cold because of the sweat on my body in the chilly room. I opened the door of my bedroom and walked down the hall to my parent’s room. I was seven years old. I opened the door to their bedroom, and spoke meekly, “Mama, Mama are you there?” I asked again, before she woke and said, “Yeah, what it is Richie? Are you all right?” I replied, “I had a bad dream, and I’m really scared. Can I sleep with you?” Daddy woke up then and mumbled, “What the hell’s going on?” “Richie had a bad dream and wants to sleep with us.” “Great, but I need to get my sleep. I’ve got to get up at six and go to work,” he replied. “Come on, Richie,” Mama said, as she grabbed me and pulled me into the space between Mama and Daddy. She made spoons with me and it felt good and comfortable snuggling up to her in her soft cotton nighty. She put her arm around me and I felt safe and suddenly at ease, there in that space between Mommy and Daddy. No dragons or daemons could get to me here. I slept soundly throughout the rest of that night. There are some legislators in Washington D.C. that want to put you in jail for five to ten years for doing what my Mama did for me that day. They call it lewd behavior and a crime to sleep with your child. I call these Legislators a bunch of sexually bigoted cowardly Christian fucks who will not face their sexual guilt and shame. I say this unto you Mr. Legislator, the right to make law regulating familial matters is revoked, absolutely and unconditionally, completely and totally. Mr. Legislator, you can just up and go to hell, I’m not going to enforce your law, not any law regulating anything having to do with familial matters. You sir, have overstepped the bounds of your legitimate authority, and I’m not going to stand for that bullshit. Not only that, but I lay Karmic Consequence at your feet and the feet of any judge who dares to enforce these laws against We The People. If you dare to enforce these laws against we of the Body Polarity, I’m going to fry your kids. Would you like them pan seared, or slow rousted? This is where I choose to stand. And Gentle Reader, if you would like to stand with me with respect to this matter you are invited to do so, and you know what to do.
On Sacred I have to ask the question, what the hell is sacred? What does that mean? Especially when it comes to sexuality. What is sacred about dumping a load of hot sperm into the babes mouth? What is sacred about laying a line of sperm up her hot buttered bum? What is sacred about licking your own sperm out of her well laid vagina? What is sacred about sex? No, folks, I say that when sex is good, it’s rutty, hot, sweaty and nasty, and there is nothing sacred about sex. You know what I see? When people tell us, we of the Body Polarity, that sex is sacred, it’s only for procreation, and your not supposed to like it? What I see is what I call guilt and shame induction, or what used to be called a guilt trip. I’m not even willing to give you the concept of sacred anymore. There is nothing sacred on the whole of this planet, not even life itself. I’m not going to stand for the concept of sacred, as this is a Heart Polarized guilt trip upon we or the Body Polarity, and I’m not going to stand for creating a reality that is to my own detriment anymore, and I don’t give a damn what any Inverted Spirit or Heart Polarized person thinks about that. I choose to respectfully refuse to create sacred as The Truth, anymore.
On The Church Today I see the Church, not so much as a religion or a spiritual path, but rather as a psychological conditioning program designed to subjugate and enslave the peasantry to a temporal authority. And the Guilt, Fear, Shame, and Doubt Induction Program does just that, and therefore needs to go by the wayside. What I also see about the Church is that it’s not all bad. There are many good things that the Church does for the community that are useful and worth keeping. They provide a place for people to come together and get to know one another. They raise money for charities and other good causes. They create a safe space for young people to get together and have fun enjoying life. In the end, they’re a kind of glue that holds a community together. So it is my feeling that this institution called The Church can in fact be morphed into a form that will be useful and valuable in the Aquarian Age. The Guilt, Fear, Shame, and Doubt Induction Program has to go, but The Church can stay. How that is going to go, I cannot say. I’ll leave that up to the Preachers. They will need to dump the program, which essentially means no more preaching “Hell, Fire, and Damnation” or the existence of the Devil. And they’ll need to preach the abdication of faith in favor of personal responsibility. The latter might be a problem for many preachers. But you know, what I’m seeing is that there is a big difference between the words faith and trust, as you can trust in God without giving up personal responsibility for your own life. Maybe if the preachers of the world just stopped using the word faith and substituted trust in God instead, that would be enough. We shall see. I can also see that there will be some hard core preachers that will refuse to morph their teachings along these lines. So be it. For those who refuse, I want to invoke Karmic Consequence against they and their families at times forty and over ten generations, for all the pain and suffering that this psychological program causes the members of their congregations. That program is the cause of immense pain and suffering and with the assumption of that much Karmic Consequence the overwhelming probability is that the preacher’s genetic line will cease to exist here on planet Earth in short order, and I would consider that a good thing. With celibate preachers I say we back up one generation and lay the Karmic Consequence upon the shoulders of their nieces and nephews. Now, it’s unfair to lay Karmic Consequence upon a preacher for the pain and suffering caused by the Guilt, Fear, Shame and Doubt Induction Program when they don’t know what they are really doing. Most preachers are just doing the preacher job the way it’s always been done, and are oblivious to the psychological program embedded in their teachings, and it’s effect upon their congregation. However, once they read the first section of this book and understand what they are doing, then we of the Body Polarity can hold them accountable for their actions and fry their kids via Karmic Consequence. I want to be lenient on the preachers, though because their not doing it deliberately. I would give them one year from the time they read that first chapter before invoking Karmic Consequence. I want to give them some time to see the error of their ways. After that, as long as they are actively working to dump the program, they’re off the hook. If however, they insist on perpetuating this program upon their flock, then we nail them. So gentle reader, does that sound like a reasonable and appropriate stance to take? Do you agree? If so, then raise your right hand and speak the words: “Hip, hip, Hazzah! Hip, hip, Hazzah! Hip, hip, Hazzah! I agree!” Then take a picture of yourself speaking these words, and you know what to do. Okay, so if you go to Church in your community, I ask that you inquire of your pastor as to whether he or she has had the opportunity to read this book. And if they say no, I ask that you gift them a copy. My intention here is to have every preacher in this world be aware of what they are really doing, so that we can hold them accountable; Karmicly Accountable.
On the Seven Deadly Sins The seven deadly sins were made up by Christianity, and is basically a roadmap that says if you indulge in these behaviors then you are going to have a difficult time getting into Heaven, because you do not understand God’s plan for man. So, I wanted to take a moment to look a little more closely at these so-called sins to see what we can see in the light of a genuine love. Indulge me. Pride. This is often called the sin from which all other sins arise as it interferes with one‘s recognition of the “Grace of God.“ I’m sorry, but I have to disagree. When you do a good job at some thing and you look back and recognize that you did that thing, or when other people value and appreciate your work, I say it is entirely appropriate to feel proud of your accomplishment. Folks, pride is the foundation of what we call self-esteem. Calling it a sin and getting people to create that as The Truth, keeps the peasantry small and malleable. I declare, in the name of God, and on my own authority that there is nothing wrong with pride. Envy. This is defined as the desire for someone else’s situation, abilities or traits. What’s wrong with that? Realistically this can be a powerful motivator to create for oneself what someone else has created for themselves. And in terms of personality traits, can there be anything wrong with aspiring to be like a role model who possesses traits like honesty, integrity, tenacity and steadfastness? Or in terms of abilities, what could be wrong with desiring to create within oneself an ability that another possesses, say in athletics? I say that there is nothing wrong with these things, unless of course, you were to whip out your sword, cut the boys head off and steal his stuff. Yep, that would be a problem. Gluttony. Have you ever been to a French restaurant? I mean a real French restaurant where they serve a twelve course meal, and the meal is the evening? Yeah, the French are masters of the culinary arts, and those sauces are to live for! Anybody who cannot appreciate French cooking has to be two steps from the grave. When you can get food that tastes that good, I say it’s completely appropriate to be gluttonous. How about a real family Thanksgiving dinner? You know what I mean, a dinner with turkey, ham, and yams and potatoes, gravy, biscuits, cranberry sauce and all kinds of other good foods. A dinner that was served at three P.M., with seconds at six, and thirds at nine? What’s not to love about gluttony? My Mama used to make these pork ribs that were particularly magnificent. They were made with this basted on barbeque sauce and slow roasted to perfection. Serve that with fried okra in that corn meal batter, and mashed potatoes just a little bit lumpy, with loads of real butter. Oh yeah, babe! Definitely, kick it up a notch. I’m here to tell you folks, that there is nothing wrong with a little bit of gluttony. Lust. Let me ask a simple question here to illustrate my point of view with respect to lust. Have you ever had an orgasm you didn’t like? I didn’t think so, and neither have I. All orgasms are good. Lust is good and lust is great. The only real issue here is when it drives a person to violate social mores in the pursuit of passion, like diddling someone else’s wife or crawling into bed with a prepubescent babe. Yes, that could create a few problems, but the experience of being lustful, or libidinous is simply a result of bringing in super-luminal light through the feet and into the orange chakra and there is nothing sinful about that. Again, I say that there is nothing wrong with lust as expressed between two consenting participants. Lust can lead to hot sex, and that is a godsend when it happens. Anger. People don’t get angry for no reason. Anger is invariably the emotional response that we feel when we have been perpetrated against by someone else, and as such, is a perfectly normal reaction to a given situation. We can also get angry at ourselves for not living up to our own expectations, but again this is perfectly normal. There can be a situation where old charge hanging out in one’s auric field can be triggered into an inappropriate expression for the current moment and that can be a problem, but it’s not a sin. Under normal circumstances anger can be a powerful motivator to action, which is why I think it was included in this list in the first place. No, folks, there is nothing wrong with anger if expressed appropriately, or channeled into a positive direction. Greed. I’ll grant you that of all the seven so-called sins, greed can be a real problem. Though I don’t know that I would call it a sin, which means misunderstanding. I see greed as a symptom of held fear, more often than not some old charge from ancestral memories. It seems to me that greed is a result of the fear of there not being enough to go around, and that you must get yours before it’s all gone and you are left to starve. The hording that results from greed is also a problem in that is stops the free flow of energy between people and in extreme circumstances leads to the impoverishment of the masses. Sloth. Robert Heinlein did a wonderful little story once about a boy who was too lazy to fail. I think it’s in his book, Time Enough for Love. Anyway, it was a sweet story where this lazy boy kept finding innovative ways to accomplish the work he was required to do in less time so that he could rest on his laurels and lay about being lazy. The point is that the desire to be a sloth can be a powerful motive to innovate. Who in the hell wants to work harder than is necessary to sustain an acceptable lifestyle? You know what I really think this edict against sloth is about? Making sure that the peasantry have something to steal, through tithing and taxation. So, in conclusion, I’m seeing the Seven Deadly Sins as just another piece of the psychological conditioning program designed to keep the peasantry small and malleable that they may be sheared of the fruit of their labor, like the sheep in the springtime. Can you see what’s really being done here with these Seven Deadly Sins? That’s right, you’re getting it, guilt and shame induction.
On The Corporate Form There is a great documentary called “The Corporation” that I would highly recommend. It goes into a lot of the history of how corporations came to be and how this form has been abused and used to create a reality to the betterment of the board members, officers and shareholders of the corporation and to the detriment of We The People. The way I understand it the corporate form was created because we needed to create very large projects like railroads across the country, large dams and hydro-electric projects, ship building and other projects of very large scale. And the corporate form allowed the leaders of these projects to avoid personal responsibility in case something went wrong. For instance, you could not take the house or personal property of the officers of the corporation. This limitation on liability was important if you wanted to attract good leaders for these very large projects. All corporations have what they call a charter, which is granted by the state and is essentially permission to exist. We The People elect our legislators who create a regulatory body that grants charters to corporations in the state. So in a very real way all corporations exist at the bequest of We The People. The original form was intended to benefit those businesses that operated in service to We The People, or did a public service if you will. And if that were the truth, I wouldn’t have a problem with corporations. After all we do need transportation companies, utility companies, retail stores and so forth, and so on. However, the officers that run these corporations today have seemed to have forgotten that they’re supposed to be operating in service to the public. Today, they seem to be operating more in service to themselves, or the officers of the corporation and in some cases the shareholders, but certainly not in service to We The People. In the 2004 election, I saw a negative campaign ad about a candidates mining company.
It was asserted that this company had pulled two hundred million dollars worth of metal from their Rocky Mountain Mine, while polluting the ground and streams with chemicals that cost the taxpayers, We The People some two hundred million to clean up after the fact. Of course, this is what is called maximizing shareholder value. If this was true, I say that’s totally irresponsible and absolutely unacceptable behavior on the part of those corporate officers. However, this kind of thing is pretty commonplace here in America today. I say we need to hold corporations accountable when they pull this kind of crap, screwing We The People or the environment our Mother Earth. Limited liability only goes so far, and does not include the assets of the corporation. In a case like this I would like to invoke the RICO laws, confiscate all the corporate assets, force them into bankruptcy and revoke their corporate charter. Furthermore, I would ask the corporate regulators to create a black list and forever forbid the officers and board members of that corporation from ever participating as a board member or officer of any other corporation. Sound like a good idea, folks? Do you agree? If so, imagine a radio news announcer speaking the words: “In a historic move the Justice Department today invoked the RICO laws to shut down XYZ Corporation, confiscating all of its assets, for polluting three rivers in Montana.” Click. Put a frame around it and you know what to do. The corporate form will need a lot of changes to morph into a form that is acceptable to we of the Body Polarity. The most urgently needed change is to get the corporations out of the political process, and subjugate them to the legislature and subsequently We The People. As it stands right now the corporations are buying up our legislators and subjugating We The People to their will and that’s unacceptable. I say what we need is a law forbidding corporate officers and board members to lobby Congress or contributing to any political campaign fund or any PAC, or attempting to influence any election in any way. Getting caught in such interference should cost the company it’s charter and black list all of the officers and board members involved. Does that sound like a good idea to you folks? Then speak the words, “I agree, this is a really good idea.” And click, you know what to do. One example of this interference is the recent change to the bankruptcy laws to the betterment of the bankers and the detriment of We The People. This practice has to stop. It’s not right for corporations to effectively make laws to enslave We The People. The corporate form as it stands today is a two legged structure that is primarily intended to benefit the investors and the management team. The employees are basically treated like slaves and We The People benefit hardly at all, as most corporations pay little or no taxes. Indeed, many communities attempt to bribe the corporations with tax breaks and free land to open a business and create jobs. I say this situation is just nuts. I say that since all corporations get the right to exist from We The People, that We The People deserve to benefit in return. What I propose is that we require a fifty percent state ownership in all corporations. This way We The People would receive fifty percent of all dividends paid as a kind of tax. Then we can create a law saying that a corporation cannot accumulate more cash than the sum of the last three years profits, and thus pressure them to pay dividends. A final piece of this change in the corporate structure is to require an employees union, where the union can veto any rule or regulation made by the management that affects the employees. This is just a part of The Deal, that We The People shall be given the power to take our leaders down a notch or two if they wax a little too despotic, as in drug testing. Then since the employees are granting to the corporation the fruit of their labor, they are also deserving of more compensation than they receive at present. So, I propose that the total compensation for all corporate officers, directors and board members, shall not exceed the total compensation of all non-managerial staff plus first level supervisors. These changes together will bring about a four-legged structure where all participants benefit, the officers, the shareholders, the employees and We The People or our government. As such, this is a much more stable structure and a win-win form. Over the last few decades there has been a proliferation of large multi-national corporations. The problem I’m seeing here is that they are not sufficiently regulated which opens the doors to all kinds of abuses and shady practices. So I would like to see three levels of corporate charters, the State Charter, the Federal Charter, and the International Charter issued by the U.N.. And at the higher levels we could apportion the state-owned stock and thus the dividends by the state or country where the profits were generated. I have to say that even twenty-five percent of all dividends paid by all multi-national corporations would be a fine revenue source for the United Nations. What do you think? Is this a good idea? Then speak the words “I agree!” And click, you know what to do.
On the Secret Ballot It has been pretty clear to me that the last couple of presidential elections have been tampered with, and it was the secret ballot that allowed for the kind of duplicity and deceit necessary to steal an election. So, I have to ask the question: Why do we have a secret ballot? The only answer I can come up with is that it allows the politicians to stuff ballot boxes with bogus votes, like voting dead people and such. It creates a space for people to manipulate an election and not be found out as to what they are doing, (i.e. no accountability). I for one want to see an end to the secret ballot. I want the name of every voter on every ballot, so we can verify an election after the fact. And since I no longer trust the people who run the elections in this country, I want every vote registered on the Internet, so I can write my own spreadsheet program to tally the votes myself. And putting all votes on the Internet would also allow me to verify that my own vote is as I really voted. In short I want to see these election officials held accountable for what they are doing, and if fraud can be proven after the fact, I want to see these boys and girls in jail. And as a final suggestion for reform, I want to see Internet Voting for the week prior, and election day made into a national holiday, so that everyone will have a better chance to vote. If you agree with these suggestions then speak the words, “I agree!” out loud. Then click, take a photo of yourself speaking those words and you know what to do.
On the NCAA This is an interesting organization and pretty typical of the structure used to create organizations by the Inverted Spirit Polarity. Here we have a situation where the colleges around the country got together and created an organization with jurisdiction over college athletic programs and the athletes involved in those programs. This jurisdiction was obtained by contracting with the athletes which basically said that if you want to attend this college and play sports you have to abide the rules and regulations as set out by the NCAA. As Inverted Spirit always does, they then set about creating the rules to the betterment of themselves and their friends, in this case the colleges and universities, and to the detriment of the athletes. The athletes in these institutions have no say in any of the rules set out by the NCAA, and as such are little more than slaves to a despotic regime. I call this exploitation without representation. These young people are trapped in a situation and as far as I can see, they’re not going to be able to free themselves without external assistance. So what I’d like to see is the creation of a National Organization of Athletic Alumni who will stand up to the colleges, universities, and the NCAA on behalf of these young athletes. I don’t know how to go about negotiating a shift in the form, I’ll leave that up to the alumni. But the shift I want to see is pretty clear, I want to see the NCAA agree to abide The Deal. That means that fifty percent of the light shall go to the Body Polarized athletes and the athletic departments. In this case that means fifty percent of all ticket sales, all television and radio proceeds and generally any and all revenue generated from all sporting events where these athletes participate. This money is the fruit of the labor for these athletes, and they deserve to have their cut. If they are paid for their performance, then they should be able to pay their own tuition, rather than having to live off the crumbs offered by the school. The second part of The Deal also needs to be honored, we need a national college athletes union which needs to be granted the authority to veto any rule or regulation set out by the schools or the NCAA. If fifty-one percent of the players declare a rule to be unacceptable, then the rule must be abolished. And finally we need to eliminate that rule that says a college athlete is an amateur and as such cannot play professionally while they are in college. That’s just total crap and needs to go. We can and need to morph this form into something that we of the Body Polarity can find acceptable in today‘s world. So Mr. Alumni person, are you willing to help these kids? After all they may very well be your children. Wouldn’t it be nice if they didn’t have to put up with the same bullshit you had to? If you think this is a good idea, then speak the words, “I agree, this is a splendid idea.” and you know what to do. The way the NCAA is put together is nothing new, it’s how most institutions in this world have been constructed, to the betterment of Spirit and Heart and the detriment of Will and Body. All such organizations are going to have to morph into abidance to The Deal, or be destroyed. And all we really have to do is shine a bright spotlight of loving light upon these organizations, so that all may see what they are really doing.
On My Son Born of Yolanda Manalastas Pasqual of Aparri Cagayan, and I, Richard Dale Harper sometime in the spring of 1979, at the hospital on the Marine Corps Base at the Camp Pendleton in Southern California. From that description young man, you will know me, as your father if you should happen to run across this book. The last time I saw you, you were still in your mother’s belly and she was about eight months pregnant. She had left me for another man because, as a Marine Corps Sergeant, I was not making enough money to suit her, or to provide her with the kind of lifestyle she desired. So she found another man who was soon to leave the Marines, a Banker’s son, and she saw greater prospects there. While I can’t blame her because I wasn’t making much money at the time, if she could have waited two more years I would have come into my own, as a Software Engineer and would have had plenty of money, but she couldn’t see that. She said I loved my computers more than her, and maybe she was right. It was a time when I had to pay my dues in order to get good at my chosen profession. And she was very young and couldn’t see that need, or appreciate the sacrifice. Young man, I love Yoly, your mother, I always have and I always will. That breakup, being dumped by the woman I loved took its toll upon me. I came very close to suicide in the year of seventy-nine. When you were born she called me and told me your name, but I was still too broken up at the time to think about writing it down, so I don’t even know your name. I simply left that space, trying to forget the pain of a broken heart, and I have never looked back until now. You see, I am the seventh most powerful being in the whole of this Creation, though I don’t experience much of that power while being physically incarnate here on Planet Earth. There are only six beings more powerful than me, Mother and Father God, Jesus and Mary Magdalene or Son and Daughter Heart, and Lucifer and Lucille or Son and Daughter Body, my parents by blood. I am he who is known as the Father of Manifestation in Purple, the first born son of the first born son of God. Now, if you think that’s arrogant, forget it, being physically incarnate is a real problem for me. While I have almost total responsibility for the way things are here on Planet Earth, I have almost no power to change things. In fact, the only real power I have had to pursue a healing is the willingness to speak The Truth, and a little bit of courage. To be honest, because of fragmentation, there are probably a hundred thousand people who have the right to call themselves the Father of Manifestation in Purple, and they are all over this planet. The difference between me and them is that I realize who I am, so I will assume that Title for now, until someone else wants to pick up the ball, and take point. You see, Son, for thirteen billion years I have been in a war with my Grandfather Spirit, God on High, and he has been a formidable opponent. The only way to win in that game was to give up any and all attachment to life itself, and be willing to focus one hundred percent of one’s attention upon the fight. He’s just a little bit smarter, and just a little bit faster, but at the core of his being he has been seen by we of the Body Polarity as a coward. So we could take advantage of this and we have won a few times, in this perpetual conflict with Spirit, God on High. I guess the point I want to make here is that the fight took precedence, I couldn’t take time out for anything else, not even you. And while that truth pains me, I ask that you try to understand that Inverted Spirit has had the intent to enslave everyone on this planet, and I will not be enslaved, not even on pain of death. I’d rather kill the whole of Creation and everyone in it, than to accept slavery as my lot in life. I will not live in a world where anything not required is forbidden. And so in a very real way, I have been working on securing your freedom, the freedom of future generations, and my own freedom in future lifetimes, for freedom is more valuable to me, than life itself. This book is the culmination of my life’s work. If I can get this information into the minds of many other Body Polarized people around this planet, be they male or female, then we have a chance of creating a balance between the Body and Spirit Polarities here on Earth. It’s just a chance, but it creates the possibility for bringing forth a genuine peace to this planet, with the healing of the Spirit/Body split. That’s my job, it’s what God and my Higher Self has tasked me to do in this lifetime, and like it or not, that task takes precedence over you. Once this bloody book is done, I still have one more job to do. It has not been easy, this lifetime. But after I finish these tasks laid out before me by God, I can dally with a few dames for a while until my health fails. Then I‘ll likely move to Oregon, take the Easy Out and finally be able to Rest in Peace, at least until my next incarnation. Sometimes a job well done has to be its own reward. If I am the first born son, of the first born son, then that makes you the first born son of the first born son, of the first born son of God, also known as the Purple Heart. A piece of essence that was so thoroughly damaged at the very beginning of Creation, that your very name means wounded. I suspect that you have not had a happy life, any more than I. But I also see that the work I have been doing in this lifetime will lift a great deal of the burden off of your shoulders. I am making my peace with Spirit, God on High. Once I’m done with that task, and we have found a mutually agreeable and equitable solution to the problem of the Spirit/Body split, then I can put my full attention upon you, and give you a helping hand up out of the abyss. In the meantime, I hope that you will run across this book, and find the tools and the understandings provided herein useful to you and helpful in your healing process. You know, My Son, I may never get to see you in this lifetime, but understand it’s just a matter of priorities. I had a job to do for God and the people here on Planet Earth, and you just don’t shirk that kind of responsibility. I don’t know what you might think of me, or what your mother has said to you about me, but as they say, the pen is the long arm from the grave. So, if you happen to stumble upon this book and see these words, I want to communicate and let you know one simple thing, no matter what you might think, your Father loves you.
On Smoking When I was a kid and I saw my first whiskers grow out of my chin around the age of fourteen, I was excited, as this was clear evidence that I was becoming a man. My father told me not to shave because that would encourage the growth of hair and I might end up like him having to shave twice a day to remain presentable. Well, I was a kid who wanted to be a man and I saw a beard as a way of hurrying the process. So I ignored my fathers advise and began clandestinely scraping my face on a daily basis. The result was that I was the only boy in my High School senior yearbook who sported a full beard. It was a little thin between the goatee and the sideburns, but it was indeed a full beard, and I was quite proud of it. We of the Body Polarity live in the lower chakras, red, orange and yellow, while those of the Spirit Polarity live in the upper chakras, violet, indigo, and blue. And the center chakra, or green is the bridge between the two and where the lungs are. So for us, smoking is like a Destroyer laying down smoke behind a retreating fleet so the enemy can’t see and therefore target the ships in retreat. It’s a tactical maneuver designed to befuddle your enemy. You see Spirit looks into us from the crown chakra, and if we cloud the space between he and us with tar and nicotine then it keeps him from seeing too clearly into us. And it is for that reason that smoking is pretty common among Body Polarized people. When we get around Inverted Spirit people they tend to shine a lot of blaming rage at us, and that is painful to receive, and the buffer of smoke in our lungs helps to deflect their rage at us. However, if you’re going to do this work, that strategy of using cigarette smoke as a defense mechanism will get in the way of further progress. And while I don’t recommend that you stop smoking as you begin this work, because you need to get a few thousand reframes under your belt in order to be able to succeed at that task, if you wish to progress to the higher levels you will eventually need to quit smoking. The reason is that the tar and nicotine in your lungs will interfere with the energy flows in the micro-cosmic orbit limiting the amount of energy that you can channel, and thus limiting your power to create your Self, your Reality and your Truth as you wish. It’s all about energy awareness and energy flow. I quit smoking a few years back and it was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in this lifetime. I had reached a point where I intuited that if I was going to grow any further I needed to quit smoking and clear out my lungs to allow the energy to flow to move more freely through the micro-cosmic orbit, so I quit smoking. What that did for me was to increase the amount of energy that I’m able to channel very significantly, perhaps as much as forty percent. Okay, 2002 was not a good year for me. I quit smoking in April, I got mauled by a pit bull in May, I lost my job in June along with my wife and my house in the divorce. If I’d had a dog to lose, I’d have been a country song. One of the things that happened as a result of all this incredible stress, was that all the hairs on my chest turned as white as an old fashioned bed sheet and the hair on my head started to turn gray. I became a little worried at this premature whitening of my chest hairs, but then I remembered what I had learned in my youth, that hair grows faster if you keep it trimmed back. And I had an inspiration or an intuition that caused me to start trimming back my chest hairs. They are normally about an inch long, so I took a pair of scissors and cut them back to about a quarter of an inch in length and allowed them to grow out. I’ve done this three times now, and the hair has started to grow back brown. You see hair is just another way that the body uses to remove toxins from the body, and it’s not so different than fecal matter, urine, snot, ear wax or hacked up flem. The body uses many different ways to clear itself of the toxins you put into it, and hair is just one of them. So, what I’m intuiting about this process of chopping back my chest hairs on a regular basis is that the growth of the new hair is pulling out of my body the tar and nicotine that I had placed into my lungs over a long period of time while I was a smoker. While there are a lot of other things you can do to cleanse your body, this is a new one you might want to add to you repartee, keep your hair short. You might want to consider keeping your hair short to promote growth and the evacuation of toxins from your system, especially after quitting smoking.
On The Oh Three Eleven I was sitting at this small little table with my girl at this place called the Rusty Spur in Scottsdale Arizona. It was a small locals bar maybe 50x30 feet, but it sported a live band most nights which was why we were there. The music was quite good. It always was, which was why it was usually packed by merrymaking patrons. We were lucky, we got good seats because we were there early. When the first act stepped down around six o’clock the place began to fill up. My Girl noticed a girlfriend of hers who came to sit with us. They did their girl-talk thing. Then the new band kicked in and began playing some really cool tunes. I like good music, and you can always find good music at the Rusty Spur. Anyway, at some point this couple came in and there were no tables left, so they ended up standing behind me and to my right. She said to her boyfriend, “I really like George Strait,” which I presume looking back later, was the original artist of the song that the boys were playing at the time. I happened to make a comment under my breath “Who the hell is George Strait?” She got my attention then by looking down at me and saying, “You didn’t really ask that question, did you?” I looked up into a pair of size ‘C-cup’ boobies sporting enough cleavage to make Dolly Parton jealous, damn near choked on my own tongue, and replied, “Well, I’m a California boy. I’m new to the Four Corners area, I’ve only been here about two years, and I’m still studying country.” My Girl had heard this short conversation and spoke up, “He does too. He puts it on every morning, and it drives me nuts.” “Oopsy, doopsy,” I said, shaking my head in embarrassment. That twenty-something girl actually giggled. “Did you just say ‘Oopsy, Doopsy’? That’s too cute.” Well, I felt I was getting way to much attention from this Hot Busty Babe, especially since she was sporting a Gorilla on her other arm. You know, one of those citified wanabe cowboys? Now, I have drunk a beer with real cowboys in Ridgway, Colorado. Real cowboys, you know the kind of people who turn bulls into steers and can actually ride a horse? There is a difference in the feel or countenance of a real cowboy or ranch hand, and their stockbroker look-alikes in Scottsdale Arizona. Yep, he may be sporting the cowboy shirt, the ten-gallon hat, Levis 501’s, those shit kicking boots, and the belt buckle twice the size of his penis, but if you look a little deeper? It’s just a businessman in a cowboy costume. Anyway, this boy was a big man at six-foot-two and probably two-twenty, and since this young woman was giving me a little too much attention, I decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and it might just be a good time for me to seek a little fresh air. It was a small place and was quite smoky, so I used that as an excuse. I walked up to the door, beer in hand, stood there and sucked in some oxygen. There was a young man standing near the door clearly as sober as the day he was born, which was a dead giveaway. “So, I take it you’re the bouncer?” I asked. He smiled, and nodded. “Don’t worry, I know I can’t walk out this door with a beer in my hand.” There was something about this twenty-something young man in whom I could since a real affinity. So, I just happened to ask the question, “You wouldn’t happen to be a Marine, would you?” He nodded and said, “Yeah, two tours in Iraq.” I went stone cold, as I realized who it was I was talking to. I reached down and unbuttoned my left sleeve and pulled up my long sleeve shirt to reveal a tattoo of a bulldog underscored by four little letters U.S.M.C.. He didn’t say a word, but he lifted the right arm of his tee-shirt to reveal the same four letters tattooed on his shoulder. Instant respect. “So, you were in Iraq. I expect you saw combat?” I queried. “Yep, I was 0311, infantryman.” I smiled. “I was 3069, myself, which basically means a computer programmer. I was lucky, I never saw combat. But every Marine is an infantryman.” Then something very special happened. That boy looked into my eye and deep into my soul, which I invited in that moment, and then he nodded. It was such a sublime thing, but I’ve never felt more acknowledged in my life. “So what rank did you make in the Corps?” I inquired. “I made Corporal, before I was busted back down to Pfc,” he replied. I laughed. “I made Sergeant, before I was busted back down to Pfc.” He smiled, it was a moment in time. He didn’t ask why, and neither did I. “Can I buy you a beer?” I asked. “I can’t, I’m on duty,” he replied. “I understand,” said I, and nodded. There is something special about being a Marine. It’s not that we’re the best force or even the best trained. The Seal Teams, Recon, and Special Forces are better, but we’re the biggest best force in the American arsenal. The 82nd and the 101st are equals, but they’re the elite of their groups in the Army, while we set the standard. Every Marine knows that they’re going to get the worst duty, and rack up the most causalities, it’s just what it means to be a Marine, an Oh Three Eleven. They call it a Marine Occupational Specialty or MOS, and 0311 means Infantryman and is every Marines first MOS. After that encounter I thought a bit about what it is that’s special about being a Marine. I had usually found myself in a Headquarters Battalion for a Marine Corps Division, which is all the people who do logistics, supply and support, or around six hundred people acting in support of a Marine Corps Division of around ten thousand men. In the Marines, they could take those six hundred people and turn them into an effective fighting unit, and they can do it in three hours time. That’s amazing, but true. And you know what? Most of that time would be spent in trying to find the keys for the armory and dispensing the ammo. It’s just what it means to be a Marine. Actually, John Glenn put it really well too. Some journalist asked him a question (and I paraphrase), “Colonel Glenn, What is it that you do in the Marine Corp?” To which he replied, “I’m an infantryman, currently assigned to flying jets.” It’s all in the attitude. Another image that came to mind while I was talking to this young man, was a story I heard on NPR. It seems that a young Marine fresh out of Boot Camp stepped out of the helicopter and took his first two steps upon Iraqi soil with a few of his other mates. A rapport was heard and the boy on his left took a bullet in the face—dead. Another rapport and the boy on his right took a bullet in the throat—dead. He had brains enough to hit the dirt and survived the experience. It’s just what it means to be a Marine. At the beach landing at Tarawa, it was said that the life expectancy of a Marine Corps machine gunner was seven point two seconds from the time he hit the water. If there’s something special about being a Marine, it’s that win or die attitude. And it’s just what it means to be a Warrior, or a Marine. Do you still want to follow my lead? Do you have what it takes? Why would anyone choose to be a Marine? Because in thirteen billion years of existence, it’s the only real family I have ever known—The Band of Brothers. God bless the boys at Bastone. Semper Fi, Marine, Always Faithful, unto one another. Anyway, I finished my little conversation with that young Marine and went back to sit at our table. The twenty-something vixen was out there on the dance floor wiggling her bottom in those painted on camel-toe jeans, and flaunting those silicon boobies for all she was worth. There was no doubt though that her wanabe cowboy boyfriend was going to get lucky that night. I shook my head in wonder at our American mating rituals. I did learn something from that experience though. I never knew that they made cowboy boots with six-inch spiked heels.
On Your Relationship With God Do you know about this Babe called, Mother Teresa? She was a Nun running a hospital for the poor somewhere in India, I think it was Bombay but it might have been Calcutta. I heard a quote from her a long time ago and I can’t remember the exact words, so I’ll paraphrase. She said that when she looked into another persons eyes, she saw Jesus. Which is to say that she saw a little piece of God in every person on this planet. She also said something like, that in the end it’s not about your relationship with that other person, it’s all about your relationship to God. What an astute Babe, and what a lovely woman. This Heart Polarized girl has certainly earned her place in Heaven. I have a card with a quote from her that says, “I know that God won’t give me any task that I can’t handle. I just wish he didn’t trust me so much.” And I tell you Boys and Girls of the Body Polarity, boy do I know that feeling. Sometimes, I wish he didn’t trust me quite so much. My N.D. who I counseled with through my divorce told me something that was very interesting. She said that your relationship with God is no different than your relationship with any other person. That was a strange concept to me at the time, as back then and there, I had no relationship with God. But I took that information in and have since found it to be true. Our problem has always been that we will not swear obedience and certainly not fealty to anyone, not even God on High. We demand the right to live our lives according to our own free will, and we would rather be dead, and if necessary kill the whole of Creation and everything in it, rather than succumb to what we see as slavery. And since that’s exactly what the Inverted Spirit Polarized people demanded of us, absolute obedience, we have found ourselves in a perpetual war for all of time. Another problem we’ve had with Spirit is that we have always seen him as a coward, and that’s probably the biggest reason that we do not have peace here on Earth, for what warrior will allow himself to be led by a coward? We saw him as a coward because at the moment that the Spirit/Body split occurred, we fought and he fled. And there can be no doubt about this, because we carry the memories in our bodies, in point of fact, we are the acashic records (***Check spelling), the recording of every human interaction in all five senses throughout the whole of time. So we know, and that knowledge is undeniable and irrefutable. We of the Body Polarity have been at war with Spirit, God on High for thirteen billion years. The question is: How do you make peace after all that time, after all that water under the bridge. I’ve struggled with this question for a long, long time. What I’m seeing today is that there is a big difference between Uninverted Spirit in the Godhead, and his Inverted Spirit Polarized fragments here on Planet Earth. So, how do you make your peace with God? For me it started with a single word, called “Respect” and my willingness to offer Spirit respect for his thoughts and my seeing his willingness to respect my experiences, and that created a bridge that opened up a communications path. What you have to understand B.P. Boys and Girls is that God has found his courage. While he may have fled way back in the beginning at the time of our original split, about two thousand years ago he crossed over from the Reference beam to the Object Beam and punched a hole through the fear shroud around the Emotional Body. I just did that in 2002, and I’ll tell you it was no easy task. He did it long before us, and that was certainly an accomplishment worthy of respect. It also created a place where we can find a
common meeting ground. Look, I will not sell out my integrity, and I will not be a slave, not even to Spirit, God on High, but everything else is negotiable, if we can negotiate in good faith. You don’t have to be subservient and you don’t have to be obedient, but you do need to be respectful of Spirit, God on High, if you want to have any hope of healing your unconscious mind. In time I’m sure that we will grow into a mutual admiration and appreciation of one another, for we are both seeking the same thing, Peace on Earth. I want to make my peace with God, I’m just not willing to do it at any price. So, the second recommendation is that whenever God dynes to give you a helping hand, in terms of understandings or intuitions, you need to be grateful. It doesn’t take much, all you need to do is speak the words or think the thought, “Thank you, God.” If you want that Man’s help, and you’re going to need it, then you need to be appreciative when it‘s granted. It’s a simple principle, be grateful for what you have, and you will likely be granted more in terms of understandings and intuitions. Another thing, is that you need to commit to being ruthlessly honest with your Self and Spirit, God on High,. You cannot lie to God any more than you can lie to yourself, especially with me backlighting you from the center of the Earth, so don’t even bother trying. A commitment to honesty is required in your relationship with God, just like it would be in any other relationship that you want to keep around for any significant period of time. One of the things that I’m seeing since I lit myself up, is that we of the Body Polarity are actually backlighting Spirit’s Inverted fragments here on Earth. This is allowing Uninverted Spirit to see The Truth about his fragments and all the stuff that they have been hiding from him for all this time. This is helping Spirit to heal his own fragmentation. In a similar vein, his light shining down from on high is helping us to heal the fragmentation in the Body Polarity. So, in a very real way, this is a quid pro quo. It’s like saying, I’ll show you the nastiness about you, if you’ll show me the nastiness about me. Then we can both heal our own stuff, and hopefully find a balance point where we can manifest a genuine peace between us and a healing of the Spirit/Body Split. This has been a tough lifetime for me, but it‘s also been very productive. I’ve done three things in this lifetime of which I am extremely proud. I’ve created my Self to be an honest man. I’ve created my Self to be a loving man. And I’ve created my Self to be a man of integrity. Having manifested these accomplishments, I feel like when I stand before those Pearly Gates, I can look God square in the eye, and say: “Grandma, Grandpa, I done good. I done really, really good.”
On the Body Polarized Babe It was only a few years ago in 2002 when I realized that she had to exist. It was necessary that she exist due to the polarizations that I was seeing. She needed to be there in order to balance Creation. You see I had to get all the way back to that memory of the time prior to the Big Bang, when we and Spirit did the amoeba thing, where we created the Spirit/Body split. It was only then that I was able to look into Creation from the beginning into today and begin to see the original polarizations and how they occurred; Spirit, Will, Heart and Body all in masculine and feminine derivations. And it was from that perspective that I could see that the Body Polarized Babe had to exist. Once I saw that, I began to see many things about her. You see, she is the most endarkened and sequestered essence in the whole of this universe. Way back in the beginning, she saw that we of the Male Body Polarity found ourselves in this war with Spirit, God on High, and she wanted nothing to do with that. Frankly, I think she was frightened out of her mind, and I don’t blame her for that. Anyway, for all this time, some thirteen billion years, she has been pretending to be Heart Polarized, and in a real sense this left we of the Male persuasion of the Body Polarity holding the bag, having to do it all on our own, which is to say stand up for ourselves against, Spirit God on High, with no backup. Yep, she dumped us early on, out of her fear of God’s wrath. She has been hidden for all this time, but because I am now backlighting the planet I’m beginning to see some of the Truth about the B.P. Babe. She is the woman that says “You don’t have to be in the mood for sex, you just start and it gets good, quick.” Or,“Just bend me over and do me, I’m just that way.” Or, “Boy, I’ve never had an orgasm I didn’t like.” She is the woman who values sex more than love, the B.P. Babe. And it’s taken me thirteen billion years to realize that she exists, and you know what? That Woman is my right mate. The problem is that we, in a Christian world are indoctrinated into seeking Heart Polarized women as the ideal of womankind, so we usually seek out this model. She, the Body Polarized Woman, on the other hand usually seeks out the inverted Spirit Polarized types, because she is he archetypal gold digger, the babe who can be counted on to look out for number one. But Inverted Spirit can’t possibly give her what she wants or needs in the bedroom, so she often ends up having affairs. Either that or a Cedar Chest full of sex toys. In all this time, she and I have rarely been able to get it together. There was one time though, and this is a past life memory. I was a Company Commander for a company of what was called the Michigan 21st Regiment riding with Sherman through the South. I had started out with some two-hundred-fifty men, but by the time we took Atlanta, I was down to one hundred-eighty or so. Anyway, I took over this house and bedded the Mistress of the house. I won’t go into the actual details of the story because that’s not relevant to what I’m trying to communicate here. The point is that when you can remember a lay after a hundred and forty years and three subsequent lifetimes, well, that’s a memorable lay. As an anecdote, I met this woman in this lifetime and I told her the story. She subsequently remembered that lifetime, from her point of view. And that’s a really cool experience when two people can remember a past life conflagration. I remember looking at her and saying that from my point of view that the sex was really good. She blushed beet red, but, you know, she took it as a compliment. She knows that she is a spectacularly great lay, and with my comment she knew that I knew too. We haven’t gotten it together in this lifetime, and probably won’t because she is in another relationship and integrity demands that I respect that. Also, I am in a relationship, and therefore unavailable. But if she reads these words, she’ll recognize herself. And if it ever turns out that we’re both available at the same time, if invited, I’d jump into that Babes bed in a heartbeat, the archetypal Body Polarized Woman. Oh, and if you’re lucky enough to have a B.P. Babe in your bed, you don’t have to worry about giving her an orgasm, she’ll take care of that herself. You might have to worry about asphyxiation, though. And remember, with this woman, don’t even think about wearing your glasses to bed.
On Delusional I’m sure that some of those in the scientific community will characterize me in this vein, so I thought I’d address the issue up front. When I look in the dictionary I see many strange definitions and derivatives, that all seem to relate back to one another. In other words the dictionary did not do a good job of defining this word. It says that to delude is to “mislead the mind,” and I infer that means as to The Truth, but they didn’t say. Then I looked up the word delusion and it said a lot of things, such as: “1) the act of deluding; the state of being deluded; an abnormal mental state characterized by the occurrence of psychotic delusions. 2) Something, that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated; a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self.” This definition is, of course founded in the notion of a Newtonian Universe or the presumption that there is such a thing as a reality external to the Self, which is a concept that I, for one, am no longer willing to grant. Now, I ask that you listen to the definition of this other word called “heresy.” The dictionary states that: “1) adherence to a religious opinion contrary to church dogma; denial of a revealed truth by a baptized member of the Roman Catholic Church; an opinion or doctrine contrary to church dogma. 2) a dissent or deviation from a dominant theory, opinion or practice; An opinion, doctrine or practice contrary to the truth or to generally accepted beliefs or standards. (Emphasis added).” Can you see the similarity in these two words? As I’m seeing it the word delusion in a Newtonian science based reality, is the functional equivalent of the word heresy in a religious based reality. The point is that they mean the same thing, if you don’t see The Truth as I do, well then, you must be delusional or a heretic and definitely wrong. Actually, my feeling is that the writers of the dictionary did a much better job of describing the true meaning of the word heresy, than they did in describing the word delusional. With the word delusional they are in agreement with the ‘powers that be’ in the scientific community, and so are asserting that this is an archetypal Truth. With the word heresy, their assuming that this is an antiquated reality and describe the word pretty clearly for what it really is, an assertion as to what is The Truth by a group of adherents to a certain doctrine. Both words are saying that if it isn’t true for me, it can’t be true for you. And isn’t that the height of arrogance, to say to someone that my truth is the only possible truth? That’s science for you though, as written by the inverted Spirit Polarized people. To me these people seem to be just as closed minded as the religious zealots of the sixteenth century, wallowing in their own doctrine called the scientific method. And what is a doctrine anyway, but a thought tension-strut-wire system of thoughts, choices, experiences and agreements for which we choose to stand? What hasn’t been seen yet, is that science to this point is all founded upon the Newtonian reality, and it is a doctrine in its own right, and as such is no different than the preceding religious reality. Folks, we are God and we create The Truth, and we have the right to create it any damn way we wish. Are you beginning to see The Truth about this word the Spirit Polarized scientific types call delusional? Yeah, well, you should be getting it by now. That’s right, it’s nothing other than shame and doubt induction.
On Why Folks, I don’t know what you might be thinking is the motivation for me to write this book. But if you think it’s for my own personal gain, you’ve got to be nuts. While it’s true that I do the three to five reframes a day for my Self, that’s not why I wrote this book. By the time it’s done this book will have taken three to five years of my life. For every five hundred to a thousand words on paper, there is at least twenty hours of pacing back and forth trying to get the words just right in my head. And, of course, many reframes because these words came to me largely as a result of healing my own unconscious mind. So there were also thousands of hours of meditating that went into the crafting of these words. No, I wrote this book because, if I, as a Body Polarized person am so sensitive that I am experiencing life as little more than varying levels of pain and suffering, well then, that must be true for you too. I found these tools and they have been helpful for me. And I wanted to pass them along to others in a similar plight to mine, those B.P. Boys and Girls who don’t have these tools, and as such are wallowing in their pain with no way out of the quagmire, other than to spiral down into lower and lower levels of consciousness until they finally expire. No folks, I did not write this book for me, I wrote it for you.