Warriors Secular A
Spiritual Path for Those of Us |
Let's Talk About Sex Sex is the path that Spirit and Heart Polarized people have used to secure a rung of slavery around the neck of we of the Body Polarity. They saw early on that we required sex in order to have a desire for life and they used this against us various and sundry ways. I present a few of the ways that I have looked into and share my views of what is really going on here.
Pornography What’s not to love about porn? There is only one thing more fun than watching other people having sex, and that is having sex yourself. Sex is inherently pleasurable, folks. That is unless you have been massively shamed with respect to your sexuality, in order to obtain power over you. Those who have been shaming us have said that pornography is denigrating to women. And that my have been true fifty years ago, when the compliance of the women involved was extorted for the purpose of making money off of them. However, that is not true today. In today’s world, women are on top. There are significantly more women graduating college these days than there are men. They are the officers of many corporations, and the owners of many successful businesses. They have taken over Psychology, which is not necessarily a bad thing, and they are the teachers for the world. So, it’s a strange turn of events today, where a Professional Psychologist marries an starving artist, or a successful business owner ends up marrying down because that’s all that’s available. I have been watching and reading porn for the whole of my life and I have seen it change dramatically over the years, especially since the turn of the century. And I’m not willing to give you the idea that pornography is denigrating to the women working in this field today. That idea is bullshit. The women working in that field these days are all there at free-will choice, they’re having a great time, enjoying themselves immensely, and making a bundle of money along the way. The porn they are producing these days are a quantum leap above what I was seeing even five years ago. They are actually producing some really good feature films. What I see happening in the next twenty years is a gradual mergence of the porn industry filmmakers and they’re Hollywood brothers and sisters. I see porn stars taking acting lessons and getting better and better as genuine actors in they’re own right, and I see Hollywood getting more and more liberal with respect to expressing sexuality on the big screen. Until at some point, which I expect within twenty years, you will see a crossover of star power and full penetration in Hollywood films. Won’t that be cool. Which Hollywood stars would you like to see doing it in the bedroom or on the road?
Prostitution A while ago I happened to catch a History Channel presentation about the Civil War. It seems there was a time back then somewhere on the East Coast, I think it might have been Washington D.C., where more soldiers were being wounded by venereal disease than Johnny Reb was wounding on the battle fields of the time. And as you might expect the General’s were a little miffed by that. So, one of the top dogs went to the Surgeon General of the Army and demanded that he fix the problem, no matter what he had to do. This is what is known as carte blanch authority folks, and you don’t get it very often. So, what the Surgeon General did was to decriminalize prostitution. He moved all the working women into a common area of town, tested them all for V.D., quarantined those who failed the test, and let the others do their job. Then he had his physicians give a short arm inspection to all the troops, and quarantined all of johns that failed the test. Thereafter he and the Army physicians were able to treat the infected soldiers, and working girls at their leisure and the problem of the V.D. epidemic was resolved in a few short months. That boy was pretty smart, he could see what I can see and most legislators seem to be oblivious to. He knew that you do not get to have any say about that which you are not willing to tolerate or love. So, Mr. Legislator, you don’t get to criminalize free will choice behaviors because they don’t suit your moralistic values. We The People, especially the soldiers will simply flip you the bird and tell you to up and go to hell. That said, while I won’t let you criminalize prostitution, I do ask that you regulate it for the same reasons as those Civil War Generals. In the last century, this world got together and declared the intention to eliminate Small Pox from the face of the Earth. And while it took a concerted effort, it didn’t take too many years for that intention to become a reality. We can do it when we want to, all it takes is the political will and therein lays the problem. There is no political will to eliminate AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, venereal warts, herpes, or any other sexually transmitted disease. The reason there is no political will is because all the sons and daughters of Abraham, the Christians, the Muslims and the Hebrews, see these diseases as just retribution for those of us who would be promiscuous, libidinous, lewd and lustful. They see it as God’s Justice, and they don’t give a damn about those people who contract these diseases. This is what’s known as Christian tolerance. I, on the other hand want to see an end to these sexually transmitted diseases. And to that end I will happily give over unto the legislators at the state level the legitimate right to regulate prostitution. When you think about it, this could be a windfall revenue source in the licensing of prostitutes and their johns. We could issues Dear Licenses for all the Johns or about every male in the state over say fourteen and issue Cow tags for the prostitutes, and then just let the games begin. I could see all the johns and the prostitutes being issued a credit card sized computerized device that could be connected to one another to let each card know that this hook-up was made. Then when the prostitute gets a medical checkup monthly or the john tri-monthly, if they are found to be infected, there would be a way to track and notify any potentially infected person. In this way we could eliminate all sexually transmitted diseases from the technological world in just a few years. That’s if we can find the Political Will, we have the means to do this thing. If you think this would be a good idea, then speak the following words out lout picturing the planet and all the Body Polarized people on this planet raising their right arms and chanting in unison:
And, click, take a picture of yourself agreeing that this is a very good idea, put a frame or border around the picture of whatever colors come to mind and run this through your body and picture of the planet.
Polygamy Yes, we will have polygamy in this world. This is because no one person could ever be enough sexually for any Body Polarized Boy or Girl, and I’m not going to enforce any laws limiting marital relationships. As I see it this is an issue between God and the parties involved, and it’s God damned arrogant to think that the State should get to have any say in these matters, whatsoever. So, polygamy is here to stay, but only for those who choose to participate at free-will choice. While the Mormons have allowed polygamy for some time, I’m not actually too keen on their limited ideas of a one to many relationship. This is because it leaves too much responsibility upon the father to single-handedly, if necessary, provide for the entire group of his wives and their many children, and I just feel that the burden is just too great to lay upon one person. No, I prefer the many to many model. Historically we have the patriarchal Clan marriage, wherein the male line would marry in women from other families and then share sexual relations between all members of the Clan. These days, I don’t really like that model either, because it’s patriarchal in nature and because it limit’s the gene pool to a single family line. And besides, who can say whether you will even like your sons, brothers and nephews? I saw a model that I prefer called the Line marriage that Robert Heinlein create in his book The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. This was described as a marriage where ever few years they would marry a new person into the line, alternating genders with each new partner. It struck me, as this took care of the children, the elders, and the welfare of the group as the line never dies. The downside is that the children never inherit because the marriage goes on forever. In this structure, it’s not blood that matters, but the loyalty and friendship of those people who have come together out of free-will choice, to love and support one another in matrimony. Now, we can go ahead and set this up today, as a living trust under a corporate structure. All you have to do, is ignore current marital customs and refuse to register your marriage with the state. From their point of view then, every participant is single.
Molestation In the dictionary it defines this word as: 1) To annoy, disturb, or persecute esp. with hostile intent, or injurious effect. 2) To make annoying sexual advances to; to force physical and usually sexual contact on. This is interesting because, my understanding from a legal perspective was that the crime of molestation was founded in the idea of an “age of consent” in that any sexual experience with a person under that age and a person over that age was considered statutory rape and was a crime against the younger person by the older person. This understanding of the law has little or nothing to do with the dictionary definition of this word called molestation. I find that interesting in it’s own right. Now there are a lot of potential problems that I have seen with respect to this thing that we call molestation, but the sexuality is not one of them. I took me a lot of time looking at this word, shining loving light upon the matter, facing the fear of what might be The Truth, and what other people were saying was The Truth, until I could actually see The Truth with my own eyes, and consciousness. The first thing that I see as a legitimate problem is the issue of shame induction through sexual self expression. When two people have sex they merge their auric fields, and in so doing the younger person will in all likelihood take in some of the sexual guilt and shame that the older person is holding. This is a huge problem for Heart Polarized people because shame is a direct attack upon the Spiritual Body and so the induction of this shame is a direct attack upon their connection to God and their experience of self-love. This is why Heart Polarized people consider sex crimes in general and molestation in particular to be the worst criminals in the whole of the world, worse than murderers, serial killers and even terrorists. On the other hand we Body Polarized people don’t feel that way at all, because our connection to God is through the feet into the earth and we experience the connection to God as libido, so this shame induction has almost no effect on us. We take the opposite point of view, that parents who don’t teach their children about sex by having someone who knows what the hell they’re doing, is abdicating a parental responsibility and a duty to their children, leaving them to flounder, having to figure it out on their own. And we consider this position to be very unloving. The second thing that I see as a real problem here is that in most of these cases we’re talking about a Father having sex with his Daughter, though in some cases much less frequent it can be Mother and Son. In either case, if the married couple has pledged fidelity then this incestuous relationship would be considered an infidelity and therefore an instance of out-integrity, or a lie in the space. This out-integrity can be a big problem for the parents as it creates a pulling apart of their relationship at many different levels. The third problem I see is the potential loss of parental control and/or the respect of young person who is still likely to be living in the house. Young people especially young women, can be particularly manipulative, and this can be great cause for concern.
Where the Rubber Meets the Road I just wanted to cut the balls off of Jesus for this one, except that it wasn’t Jesus who did the dirty deed in creating this word to lay upon we of the Body Polarity, it was the inverted Heart Polarized people on this planet. You know who I’m talking about, those super-loving and gregarious people who are too damn cowardly to face their sexual guilt and shame. This is the core issue between those of the Heart Polarity and we of the Body Polarity. It took me six solid weeks of doing many more than three to five reframes a day to move through all the disinformation regarding this one single word to begin to see some of The Truth of what was really going on here. The word itself has a prefix of pedo which is Greek for child (***check on this it could be Latin) and a suffix that means defile, the word means to defile children and it is the most viciously cruel accusation ever laid upon anyone. Heart Polarized people, nobody wants to defile children. Though, of course, if you shame a person badly enough in an inverted state you can get them to demonstrate any behavior you wish and then use that behavior as justification to punish. At issue is how the Heart Polarity and we of the Body Polarity differ in our sense of how children should be taught about sexuality and sexual matters. We of the Body Polarity assume that our children are like us and need an orgasm at least once a day from the day they reach puberty. And we view it as our parental duty to teach them what they need to know about sexuality at that early age. Our point of view is that what a young person most needs to know about sex is how to please a member of the opposite sex in bed, and that the only way to do this is for some older person to climb into bed with them and show them the ropes, regardless of the sex of the adolescent in question. We hold this to be the Mother’s responsibility, though it may fall upon the Father if the mother is unavailable. We call this the Rites of Passage, a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. This would involve the mother finding someone in their late twenties or early thirties, which is to say someone who knows what the hell they are doing, to be the first time, the first sexual experience, for her child, someone who was admittedly pleasant to look upon, but more importantly someone who would take the job seriously. Someone who would take that young person, show them what their bodies could give them in terms of pleasure, how to please another person in bed, move them through their awkwardness, and fear of inadequacy and help them to feel confident and able in intimate matters. And yes, it might take a month or even six weeks to do that job thoroughly. But we think of it not so much as a pleasure for us, but as a duty and a genuine responsibility to the young person and his or her family. I will grant you that it is an honor to be asked, but the Rites of Passage also carries with it a very serious responsibility to produce a young person who knows what to do in the bedroom with his or her future lovers. That’s how we of the Body Polarity view this word that Heart Polarized people call pedophilia. Heart Polarized people don’t feel there is any need to teach people about sex. They want to just figure it out on the own, and we of the Body Polarity have never understood how that could be. What I’m seeing now is that sex is not anywhere near as important to the Heart Polarity as it is to us. They do not experience the connection to God as Lust, they experience it as Love. For us, we see their point of view of not teaching their children anything about sex beyond a few conversations as abdicating their responsibility to their children and leaving them in troubled waters to have to figure it out on their own. The result for we, their Body Polarized brethren, is that we Body Polarized Boys don’t figure out how to please a women in bed before we’re thirty, if we’re lucky, and the Body Polarized Babes run a higher than average risk of contracting V.D. or getting pregnant because the Spirit Polarized & Heart Polarized parents abdicated their responsibility as parents, putting their children at risk because they were too frightened at the prospect of having to face their own sexual guilt and shame. Another related thing I have seen around this issue is the fact that the adolescent women learn real quick that the boys their own age haven’t got a clue about how to please a women in bed because their parents have abdicated their responsibility. All the boys their own age are totally clueless, and what woman wants to invite a clueless groper into her bed? Answer, none. No these young women discover pretty early on that the men who know what they’re doing are all over thirty. So they want the older man, they’re not interested in the boys their own age. And woe be to the poor stupid fool who falls victim to the wiles of these little seductive vixens and says yes, in this sexually bigoted nation that we used to call the “land of the free, ” which to me seems to be an oxymoron in this context. It’s amazing the kinds of things that came to light with the peeling of the onion around this single word. One thing I saw is that Daddy wanted to have to right to punish the lovers of his little girl, his Little Princess. The idea that she might actually want to learn about her own sexuality prior to the wedding night was just inconceivable to the boy, so if it happened, it couldn’t possibly have been her choice. Or, at least, that seems to have been his train of thought from my point of view. So, some laws were put into place that would allow Daddy to punish his daughter’s lovers. One thing that these laws did was to allow the young woman to abdicate responsibility for her choices in the matter, and lay the blame at the foot of her lover, because she was too frightened of her Daddy‘s wrath. Let me clue you in folks. Sex is always the woman’s choice, one hundred percent of the time. Anytime it’s not her free will choice, it’s forcible rape or sexual extortion. I say unto you young woman, you are God physically incarnate and you are responsible for the choices you make no matter what your age. Anytime you choose to bend over and drop you knickers, you are responsible for that choice. And you do not get to try to weasel out of that responsibility by claiming seduction, or because you were romanced, or plied with drugs or alcohol, because you are too damned cowardly to face your Daddy’s wrath. I recently happened to catch a show on TV where Montel Williams had a couple of young adolescent women on that show who had chosen to have sexual relations with their teacher in High School. Montel is a total rating’s whore who loves to investigate anything sexual in nature. This is not so different than any other talk show host, he just takes it to a lower level than most. Anyway, it seems that these two young women had been crawling into bed with this older man for quite some time, but they didn’t know about each other. They, in their youthful naiveté were “the one”. So at some point they found out about each other and were a little upset about that, so they went public with their relationship. I don’t know how that happened, but I suspect they probably told their parents or the school authorities. In short, they ratted the boy out. Then the two young women negotiated a plea bargain where they were assured that the teacher would get at least five years in prison and be forever labeled a “sex offender.” And in this way, they ruined that man’s life. Montel took the party line and steadfastly agreed that justice had been served. His position was that these young women were the victims of this situation, that they had been seduced by the wiles of an older man and that he deserved to be punished for what he had done to these poor young women. That was his point of view, but I am a man with “eye’s to see,” and I saw something quite different than Montel was presenting to the audience that day. Both of these young women were slender and beautiful at the time they were diddling their teacher, but when they showed up in the studio, they were both, thirty or forty pounds overweight. That was very telling to me. The way I see it, the sexuality was always at free-will choice, and at no time were these young women doing anything they didn’t want to do. It was only when they found out about each other that they became outraged, and again at free-will choice, chose to drag this boy across the coals by selling him out. Since the sex was at free-will choice, and they are responsible for their choices, the choice to put that man in jail because they were filled with indignation and a jealous rage, was a preparative act. And perpetrations are always personal. So what I saw in the additional weight on these young women was that they had suffered a Karmic Consequence, times forty and for unto ten generations for putting this man in jail for what was essentially their choice to crawl into bed with him. So what I’m seeing with respect to these young women and their choices is that they will forever be struggling with their weight, and thus be unattractive to men. And because they know that they are untrustworthy, they will project that telepathically into any relationship they get into with a man, and in most cases drive him away. And you know what I call that ladies and gentlemen? Justice.
The Bottom Line There are only two legitimate sex crimes, forcible rape and sexual extortion. That’s right, you don’t get to put a gun to the girls head and say drop your knickers, babe. That would be extortion and we agreed that we’re not going to do that anymore with the 13th Amendment. Sexual extortion is not however rape, it is a free will choice made under duress. You see, that babe is God, and the perpetrator is God, and the experience is one piece of God trying to work out the balance point with another piece of God. Anyway, every other so-called “sex crime” is just some kind of sexually bigoted Christian moral value that was been canonized into law and used to bludgeon we of the Body Polarity into creating The Truth the way someone else tells us we have to. And as a result more often than not, we end up creating The Truth in a way that is to their benefit and to our detriment. And we did it, because we loved them, our Mommy and our Daddy. We believed them when they would say “just do what I tell you and everything will be fine.” Okay, folks, this is where I choose to stand. If you would like to stand with me you are invited to do so. Speak the following words out loud, and click, take a photo of yourself speaking the words, and you know what to do.
And here is another related reframe that is worth considering as a place to stand, as a foundation to allowing ourselves to create a morality that is more appropriate to we of the Body Polarity.
When I speak of moralistic matters, I don’t just mean sexuality, but also things like criminalizing of physician assisted suicide, and abortion. I stand for that the right to make such laws is revoked, and I’m not going to enforce any such laws, or any other Christian moral value that has been canonized into law. In my reality, free will shall supersede rule of law.
Sexual Addictions I happened to catch a program about sexual addictions on the Discovery Channel recently, where they had a few psychiatrists defining the problem and pontificating about how they go about attempting to help these patients with this very difficult problem. It’s amazing when through a gift from God, and the light of love, you are given eyes to see the truth. For I saw something there that was completely different than the producer and the psychiatrists were presenting to the audience. What I saw was that we of the Body Polarity have abdicated the responsibility to determine what is and is not The Truth with respect to mental health, and have given that responsibility over to the psychiatric and psychological communities, primarily at an unconscious level. These people then have created a Truth with respect to mental health that perpetuates the problem and is interested in only producing a coping mechanism for which they can continue to charge on a regular basis. These people appear to me to have no real intent to solve any of these problems, for to do so would put them out of business. During the course of the show I happened to catch this one young man describing a day, where he “acted out” in the morning, and then again “acted out” in the afternoon with someone else, then found someone else to “act out” with later, and finally he took someone home to “act out” with there. What the hell does “acting out” mean? He had taken on this ridicules vernacular designed by the shrinks for the purpose of inducting shame and perpetuating the very problem that they were purporting to solve for this young man. And that poor boy totally bought into the program. This is an issue where the authority we have given our power over unto, are convincing we gullible B.P. Boys and Girls to create a reality that is detrimental to our own well being. It is nothing other than a con job. Look, you are not “acting out” your sexual addiction. You are getting laid, and most people would consider that a good thing. The real problem here as I am seeing it, is that you carry the memories of 2046 sexually bigoted Christian mothers and fathers of you in your auric field. These people are convinced that sex is wrong, sex before marriage is bad, and they carry the judgments that if you continue to go against the “will of God” you will burn in hellfire forever. In short, you carry a couple pickle buckets full of sexual shame and guilt around with you in your auric field, and this is the source of the compulsive behavior. There is nothing wrong with the sex, it is the shame and guilt that is the issue. I promise you, when we move into showing you how to go about clearing these undesirable memories and experiences, sexual guilt and shame are going to be some of the first to go. Once you heal your sexual guilt and shame, you can have all the fun you want without feeling bad.. Knock yourself out, and screw yourself silly, I assure you that God will love you in the morning. Just don’t be stupid and practice safe sex. The bottom line here is that there is nothing wrong with you. Nothing that can’t be cleared up with three to five reframes a day. There is an interesting thing I noticed about twelve step programs. As the first step in all of these programs you acknowledge that you are powerless over the substance, whatever it is. The point I want to make is that an acknowledgement is also an agreement, and an agreement is a co-creative act with God. So, when you stand up and declare that “My name is so-and-so, and I’m an alcoholic,” the whole of the universe replies, “Okay.” And you will have just created you Self as the very thing that it is you say, you do not wish to be. And this agreement is binding upon you because you do have dominion over your Self, and have the right to choose, of your own free will mind you, to create your Self however you wish and the Universe or God will support you in whatever you desire, declare or decree to be The Truth about you. Therefore, as I’m seeing it now the twelve step programs will never evolve beyond being a simple coping mechanism that perpetuates the very problem that they are purporting to help you with. That said, all things are right and proper for the time and place in which they occurred. And the twelve step programs had a right place in time, as they provided a workable coping mechanism at a time when one was sorely needed. But as I’m seeing it today, we can do much better now that we are coming to understand the real reasons that people are in so much pain and suffering in this world. As such, I expect to see most if not all of the twelve step program go the way of the Dodo bird over the next few decades as we develop better programs, programs that actually solve the problems in question, rather than perpetuate the problem into eternity for the betterment of the caregivers and the detriment of we of the Body Polarity. I haven’t looked at all the potential compulsive addictive behaviors, but my intuition is saying they’re all pretty much run a similar pattern and we’ll find their ultimate cause somewhere in the induction of guilt, fear, shame and doubt, or some combination thereof. However, I did notice a couple of things that are worth noting. When I look at it, it seems to me that in a great number of cases, if not the majority, obesity is an issue of not getting enough orgasms. My view is that everyone on the planet needs to be getting three to five orgasms a week to be balanced in their bodies and have their bodies support them maximally. A person, who has taken in a great deal of sexual shame and guilt from this life and their ancestors, will likely not choose to live up to that ideal. Since they are not giving their bodies pleasure in the way God intended, they will need to find an alternative path to find pleasure, and in these cases that turns out to be gustatorialy. It would be interesting to see a study, relating frequency of orgasm to number of pounds overweight. I would expect to see a seventy percent correlation. Another related issue I noted had to do with hair loss in younger men. I’ve been hearing on the tube lately that the authorities are saying that this is often due to so-called “bad testosterone” in the body. What seems obvious to me is that again this is an issue of not getting enough orgasms. These boys are backed up and not even noticing it, and so their body is punishing them because they are not respecting the needs of their body. This especially rings true for me, when I note that the vast majority of the balding men seem to be Heart Polarized to me. Again, it would be interesting to see the results of a survey on this one.
Promiscuity and Forget what those who get their light from the Reference Beam have been telling you, for we of the Body Polarity promiscuity is a good thing. Barbara Brennan was correct when she said that it’s all about relationship, but there is more than one way to create relationship. When you create a friendship or a love relationship you create a connection to that other person, what is known as a yellow or green chakra cord connection. When you have sex with another person you also create a connection, only this is an orange chakra cord connection. My assertion is that it is a heck of a lot easier to create connections through sexuality, than through love or friendship You see, if you have sex with a thousand people, who each have had sex with a thousand people, then that puts you in relationship one level away with a million people. And Boys and Girls of the Body Polarity, therein lays true power. That is the power to draw upon super-luminal light from other like minded people, or people who value sex more than love, that you can then use to create your reality more powerfully. So, true power has historically been for us manifested by creating these like-minded connections through sexuality. And, of course, the Church had a problem with that in that they did not want us to reach anything near our true power potential. This is why they have shamed anyone who dares to express themselves sexuality in any real way. And this is the source of their power over us, we of the Body Polarity. It was the primary way that they could get to us, so they could steal our light from the Object Beam. And every institution in the world, from Family, to Church to State, is founded on this one simple principal, sexual bigotry. Heart and Heart Polarized people had a real problem with these orange chakra cord connections because they never go away. Any previous lover is always there at some level because the lovers have exchanged essence during their experience with one another. This is why Heart Polarized people prefer to marry a person who is has never had a previous lover. We on the other hand have the equal and opposite point of view. The more previous lovers a current lover has had, the more valuable this connection is to us, because it connects us to more like minded people. In short, the more the merrier. So, the most valuable woman that ever lived was the High Priestess of Istar. This is because in order to be ordained a High Priestess in that day and age she had to have had sex with ten thousand previous lovers. And a connection to a woman with this many connections was very valuable, indeed. I have only one memory of those times. I was some kind of lower Noble in the Court Orgy. A High Priestess would preside over the experience with some other lower level priestesses. She would sit in a chair with a box under her seat containing scrolls with the names, dates, and places of every lover she had ever had, recorded upon these scrolls. During the orgy she would draw super-luminal light into her base chakra through this box and bring in any undigested sexual desire from all of those previous lovers. Then she would spew all that sexual energy about the room, invigorating those of the Nobility who were participating. This would then give the Nobility the ability to create their reality, the reality that said they were in charge of the world, much more powerfully than they would have without the assistance of the High Priestess. This helped the Nobility to maintain their power over the peasantry of the times. Another memory I have had comes from Atlantian times, and is a memory of exercising what I call “Power Sex.” In this memory, a painting was created of a future battle scene between Atlantis and some rival nation. The battle scene clearly marked Atlantis as being the victor in this battle and stomping their rival into the ground. Power sex was introduced with many people having sex doggie style while clearing their minds and focusing on that picture, then sending that intention out into the world, or reality, on the power of the orgasm, for the purpose of creating this as a future reality. And all of this was done long before the battle ever took place. There are many things that we have yet to discover as possibilities that we might be able bring into reality around sexuality. Christianity and the other religions of the world have suppressed that discovery in a significant way over the last couple thousand years. I wonder what we might find out if we were to merge these and other ideas with the idea of the reframe?
The Guild The information that I have about the Guild comes from a series of past life memories that arose as a result of doing this work. It was way back in Rome starting around 200 B.C. I was with the Guild for several lifetimes and a time span of perhaps three hundred years. The Guild had a name, but I don’t remember what it was after nineteen hundred years. Past life memories are based on emotional content which don’t always contain all the details, just a strobe flash here and there. You see, like it or not, Rome was a slave society and it was my job in the Guild to create sex slaves. I say it that way for the shock value, but it’s not exactly an accurate characterization. In Rome all slaves were required to provide sexual favors for their owners. It was just part of their job description. What we in the Guild did was to make sure that the slaves we trained could do that job exquisitely well. This training made them more valuable and a commodity that we could market to the aristocracy of the time, and for a considerable profit. In the reality of the time, it was just a business like any other business. In the Guild we started with very young women. There was a nursery, with wet nurses to attend to the babies and any children under six. But at six years old, we would begin the training. One of the things we learned was that if you sexually stimulate a six year old child four times a day for five minutes she will become fully pubescent and orgasmic by the age of eight or nine years old. And as a sexually trained slave she then became an incredibly valuable product and a very marketable commodity. It took a while for me to move through the emotional content in the memories that came back to me around the Guild, which is to say many weeks. I struggled with it a lot, because in this world today, what we did back there in the Guild would be completely unacceptable. But I worked at it, and I worked at it, and I did reframe after reframe and still I struggled. Then one day God actually spoke to me. Now, you have to understand that God doesn’t speak to me in words very often, I’ve heard his voice maybe half a dozen times in this lifetime, though I have felt his presence and noticed that his attention was on me several thousands of times. Anyway, one day I was struggling with how to hold all these memories about the Guild when God spoke to me in a voice as clear as day, “Richard,” he said, “they were slave children.” And suddenly it all came together; because I also remembered a History Channel documentary on Rome where they said that the children of slaves were often taken out with the trash cart to the dump with all the other garbage. There they would die of exposure and be eaten by coyotes, wolves, or vultures, sometimes while they were still alive. So at that moment, I began to see what we were doing back there in the Guild, not as a perpetration, but as a rescue mission, and with that understanding I could find peace within myself with respect to my participation with the Guild. So, why do I bring up the Guild? I have two reasons for doing so. The first is to get you to begin to ask yourself, “What are the limits upon what it is that I am willing to love?” If you are going to do this work, you’re going to have to ask yourself that question over, and over, and over again. You must continually push against the envelope, expanding your consciousness by expanding that which you are willing to love. You see, you don’t get to have any influence over that which you will not love. In fact, often times, you won’t even be able to see the truth, or get to the memory in need of healing. That memory has consciousness in it, a little piece of you that you have not been willing to love. So, in order to see the memory so you can heal it, you need to convince those traumatized children that they will be loved if they show you the truth about what‘s going on with them. This is an important lesson to learn, if you’re going to do this work.
There is a second reason that I brought up the Guild. You see, the Guild were essentially the psychologists of that time. Only they were not there to help people, their job was to condition people. Again, Rome was a slave society and they wanted to find a way to make sure that their slaves were docile, to avoid revolt so they wouldn’t have to keep a large army always at the ready to put down a revolt. And so that’s what we in the Guild did, we created psychological conditioning programs. We did all kinds of experiments upon people, well children for the most part, to see what would work best. And I did that job for some three hundred years. We got good at it, we got very good at it. You see, it doesn’t matter whether you come to psychology from the point of view of helping people or from the point of view of creating conditioning programs, either way you still have to know how people are put together, if you’re going to do that job to good effect. And so we come back to Christianity to look at it from the bottom up. By the time Rome canonized the Bible and morphed itself into a religion in 352 A.D., the Guild had some six hundred years of experience in creating conditioning programs. And I am certain that they had a hand in creating this Form called Christianity. As I see it today, Christianity is a Roman Guild based psychological conditioning program, founded on sexual bigotry, the induction of guilt, fear, shame, and doubt into children for the purpose of destroying their self-esteem at the earliest age possible via the institutions of Family, Church, and State. It is a program where belief is doubt induction and faith is abdication of personal responsibility. This is an institution that was created and is specifically intended to subjugate the peasantry to a temporal reality, thus giving over all power unto the church, and allowing the church leaders to define what is and is not the truth with respect to all things under the sun. It is a system designed to allow the ‘Powers That Be’ to shear the sheep of the fruits of their labor with minimum fuss. I think it’s quite telling that the preachers of this world think of us, We The People, as ‘The Flock’. It is a program designed to enslave We The People, without our even knowing it. They knew what they were doing and they were damn good at it. And you know what? I helped put it all together during my time with the Guild doing basic research in human conditioning programs. Then for well over a thousand years I became the victim of those programs over many subsequent lifetimes. Talk about being hoist upon your own petard, eh? This program was created as a function of three basic institutions, Family, Church, and State. It was a system where the Church was on top, doling out wisdoms from God as his representative upon this Earthly Domain. Next came the State which was, of course, subordinate to the Church, which at that time had desire to be the ruling body for the whole of the world. And after that was the Family, the flock and sheep available to be sheared by the Powers That Be, the Church and the State. And that’s how it was for a period of about a thousand years. It reminds me of that phrase from the Bible that says the Devil shall be given over control of the Earth for a period of a thousand years, the Devil in this case being the Catholic Church. There is a simple mathematical principle that says if A is equal to B and B is equal to C, then it follows that A is equal to C. This is also a principle of logic and a Spirit Polarized construct. So, if we apply this principle to this situation we can infer that since the institutions of Family, Church and State were foundational to the original psychological conditioning program, and since all subsequent institutions were built upon these first three, it should be pretty easy to see that all institutions in this world today are also founded upon the very same Guilt, Fear, Shame and Doubt Induction Program. Then along came this babe called Elizabeth, Queen of England, and she threw a wrench in the works when she decided that she was a Frigging Queen in her own right and was not going to be no sweet submissive to no bloody faggot in a purple robe. In other words, she spat in the face of the Pope and told that boy to up and go to hell when she created the Church of England and subordinated the Church to the State in England. I consider her the first feminist and thank God that she did what she did, or we would all likely still be slaves to Rome. Then came the American Revolution, where we who had fled England turned around and spat in the face of the King and told him to go to hell. We were damn lucky in that we won that fight. Without the help of the French it’s unlikely that we would have won. Viva la France, forever, for it is they to whom we owe our freedom in this country. Anyway it is those two historical events that have led to the downfall of the Catholic Church, which will soon be followed by all the fundamentalist religions of the world, all the sons and daughters of Abraham. Why, you might ask? Because the psychological conditioning program started out with three institutions, the Church on top, the State subordinate to the Church, and the Family subordinate to the State. Because of those two events we have inverted that reality. Today we live in a world where We The People (i.e. The Family) are on top, followed by the State which is subordinate to We The people, followed by the Church which is subordinate to the State. It’s going to be fun to watch as we move forward in time seeing every institution on this planet either having to morph into a reality consistent with this new paradigm, or be ground up like pepper corns in a pepper mill. There is a Chinese curse that says, “May you live in interesting times.” I guess we’ve all been cursed, as we are clearly living in a time of great change. One can only hope that these changes will be for the better. As a footnote, this is why the Gnostics had to be taken out. They were somewhere in North Africa as I recall and there were about a hundred thousand of them. The problem was that Rome founded this conditioning program on sexual shame, and the Gnostics would not accept that. They were a Christian sect into all kinds’ orgies, swapping and such and held sex as a means of worshiping God. Anyway, that could not be tolerated as it would break up the psychological conditioning program. So, Rome sent in their legions and put them all to the sword, every man, woman and child. Hey, it was a time when children ruled the world and brutality was considered normal human behavior. Yep, that was Rome, and I was there.
A Little Advice to Younger Body Polarized Men My girl had a girlfriend fly in for a visit, a woman she hadn’t seen in over five years. While she was here they went out to some outdoor event, but I don’t remember what it was. Anyway, while they were out I went to the store and bought some cooked shrimp, some brie and a few other premium cheeses along with some high quality crackers. Then I came home and set up a presentation with the shrimp on a base of lettuce set around a small cup of cocktail sauce and the cheese laid out on a cutting board so that it would warm to room temperature. When they returned a few hours later, I set this on the kitchen table before them, so that they would have something to snack on while they continued to get reacquainted. Then I went into the bedroom, laid down and gave them some private time together for girl talk. Her girlfriend left that afternoon. Later that evening we left the apartment to go out to dinner and we met our upstairs neighbor who was leaving to go out at the same time with two other young women. Now, my girl is pretty gregarious and she likes to get to know her neighbors, so she stopped to have a conversation. After some basic introductions, she began bragging about what I had done earlier that day, and the young twenty-something neighbor was obviously enamored. I became a little embarrassed, so I spoke up and said “I was just doing what boyfriends do.” In reply the young neighbor girl looked down at her feet, grimaced, and then looked up and said aloud, “Some boyfriends do.” It was just three little words, but those are three little words that speak volumes about how single women feel that they are treated by the men in our society. Some boyfriends do. Since then my girl has said those same words to me on various occasions, and for various reasons maybe a dozen times, and every time I hear them, it nearly breaks my heart and I find myself close to tears. Some boyfriends do. She told me that she had felt totally run over by most of the men in her life, though she has had five men that really did love her. And you know what? I think that’s the typical experience for women here in America. So, often times they just give up on sex or go the lesbian route. Or, they cop an attitude like the lyrics in that old song, “If that’s all there is to love, then let’s go dancing.” When I was an adolescent in high school there was a saying called the four F’s that we would brandish around in the locker room. It stood for the phrase, find ‘em, feel ‘em, fuck ‘em, and forget ‘em. Boys, I’ve been around the block a time or two by now, and I’m here to say, as an older man, that this saying a recipe for failure. If all you want is a hot wet hole to stick it in, well that’s not going to work with any woman in this world except a working girl, cash up front. If you take that position you won’t be able to keep your woman around for any longer than it takes for her to discover the truth about your attitude towards her. Young man, you need to understand that while women are often needy, they’re not stupid. You see, that woman in your bed does not have any problem getting herself laid. If she’s pretty, she can have almost any man she wants. Another way I’ve heard this put is in the question: You know what a woman has to do to get laid? Show up, and say yes. Even ugly women and fat women can find themselves a little satisfaction at 2 a.m., if they desire it. You see, we as males want and seek sex, for us love is a given, or something that you grow into. The women, especially the Body Polarized women don’t have that problem, what they seek is love. And so it becomes a teeter-totter, a balancing act, they give us sex and we give them love. That’s just how it works. So, a side benefit of doing this work of creating your Self as legitimately and authentically Love for All That Is, or in other words as loving man, is that you are going to have women crawling out of the woodwork seeking to get hot and sweaty with you under the sheets. This is because what she wants is to be loved, and if who you are is love, well then, that’s very attractive to her. Or to say it lyrically, the lusty ladies love to lay the loving lads. This is again another inverted reality. Women do not need to be attractive to get laid, it’s the boys who need to be attractive. This is because sex is always the woman’s choice, even in the case of a sweet submissive, the initial choice is still her choice, not yours. It is the boys who needs to learn to be like the peacock. Love the babe and she will likely lay you. It is you who need to be attractive to her, to get her to invite you into her body. This idea that you are somehow going to conquer the woman using duplicity and deceit to get her into your bed and spread her wings is just total bullshit, it doesn’t work. And as long as you maintain that James Bond attitude you’re never going to be able to keep a woman in your bed. Look it’s hard enough to get a woman into your bed the first time, and usually first time sex is pretty bad. This is because you don’t know one another and it takes time to learn the other persons body and their preferences in the bedroom. Once you’ve gone through that initial process of getting to know one another, wouldn’t you like to keep her around for a while? Okay, let me take a moment to try to clue you in, young man. And you need to read these words in a whispering tone, because this is a secret, man to man, just between you and I. Once she’s there in your bed, and she genuinely wants to be there, it’s not difficult to keep her there. The first thing that you need to know is that you need to be respectful of her at all times and under all circumstances. Remember, she’s not stupid even if she is blond. She knows and can easily discern when you are being disrespectful of her. And that will happen from time to time, because we’re guys, and guys sometimes get angry with our women and we screw things up. That’s okay, that’s just normal relationship reality. When you do screw up and later realize that you did, after all the steam leaves your ears, well, you might need to eat a little crow and have to apologize to your woman. That’s just the way it is. But if you’re sincere in your apology, she will almost always forgive you, as long as it doesn’t happen too frequently. Oh, and don’t ever hit your woman, that’s a show stopper. I’ll tell you, in that event, she’s gone and you lose. Beat up a tree, but don’t hit your woman. The second thing that took me forty-eight years to learn is what I call Relationship Maintenance. You have to maintain your relationship like you maintain your car by putting oil in it every three thousand miles. The way I like to put it is that: “You need to be thoughtful and considerate of your woman on a regular and consistent basis.” Yep, it took me a long, long, time to learn that one. The key here is that it is what you do outside the bedroom that will get you laid inside the bedroom. And it’s simple stuff. It doesn’t take much and it doesn’t usually cost a lot of money. Look, if you wake up in the morning and the sink is full of dishes, and you wash them, so that when she gets up it’s all been taken care of; well, ca-ching, ca-ching, boy, blow jobs in the bank. In fact, house work is a big issue for most women. Even if they don’t lay that responsibility upon themselves in this lifetime, they have 1023 female ancestors in their auric field that are telling them that housework is woman’s work, and they need to do this. So any time you do anything housework related, she will likely notice, because you’ve lifted a little bit her burden from her back. Make the bed, straighten up the house after a party night, sweep the floor, clean off the counters, this stuff will be noticed. And ca-ching, ca-ching, blow jobs in the bank. Around housework, there is one job that will really be noticed. You know how the toilet can get really funky after a couple of weeks of not being cleaned? If when your woman is out, you clean that toilet, so that the next time she sits down on it, it’s Clorox clean, well, ca-ching, ca-ching. It’s simple stuff that demonstrates that you are thoughtful and considerate of her and her needs anddesires. But in order to be thoughtful and considerate you need to know your woman. You need to know what she likes and doesn’t like, what turns her on and what turns her off. This means you need to listen to her when you’re talking and really strive to get to know who she is at the core of her being. You see, lines don’t work, at least not more than once for most women, they’re not dumb. But if you listen to her, you can learn her being and then you don’t have to bullshit her to get what you want. You will get her to give you what you want, which is to be invited into her body, by being sweet, thoughtful and considerate on a regular and consistent basis. And yes, you should also do the standard stuff too, bring her flowers and/or See’s candy every couple of weeks, take her out to dinner or make her dinner once a week. And just do fun stuff with your woman like going to the beach or a walk through the park with the dog. But it’s the more personal stuff that really gets noticed. Rent a chick flick, like How Stella Got Her Grove Back, or Sleepless in Seattle. And if you rub her feet with body lotion while she’s watching that flick, ca-ching, ca-ching, boy, blow jobs in the bank. It is simple stuff done outside the bedroom that will keep that woman in your bed. She will likely stick around as long as she feels appreciated and cared for. So, do stuff for your woman. Anyway, the point is that you might want to consider creating your Self, as one of those boyfriends who do. I guess a final thing that I want to say here is that you also need to be affectionate, and with this I mean daily. Rub her shoulders, kiss her on the top of her head, her cheek or her forehead. Slip a card or a note under her pillow, reminding her how much you love her. Write her a poem and tape it to the refrigerator. Turn down the bed when she’s not looking. Demonstrate your affection on a regular and consistent basis, and ca-ching, ca-ching, boy, interest in your bank account. Look, for the ladies that might be reading this, I feel a little like Patton here. In the movie he was once asked about the crudeness of his language. To which he replied, and I paraphrase, “When I want them to really get it, I give it to them loud and dirty, that way they’ll remember it.” Ladies, I hope you understand that on this particular issue, I’m on your side. You know, men don’t just have sons, sometimes they have daughters. And I would like to do what I can to see to it that any and all of my daughters are treated well, by their boyfriends who do. My current girlfriend is my third long term relationship in this lifetime. We’ve been together for a few years now at the time of this writing. She was the one that actually coined that phrase “Blow jobs in the bank” which I thought was really cute. I would do something nice for her, the kind of things that some boyfriends do, and she would look up at me and say, “Richard, you’ve got blow jobs in the bank.” I didn’t think much of it at the time, after all our sex life was pretty good or we wouldn’t have been together. But after hearing that phrase from her, perhaps a hundred times, a day came when I was feeling a little bit amorous in the afternoon. And I looked at her and said, “Hey Babe, you know that bank account that I have with you? The really special one with the blow jobs in it?” A smile, a wink, and a nod. “Do you think I could make a withdrawal?”
With Respect to Wifely Duty I know, I know, just about every woman on this planet who reads this title is going to groan from the bottom of her belly. And you know why that is? Because this is just another example of an inverted reality. In Christendom, what this means is that the babe has to pretty much bend over and diddle her boy whenever he wants. It is an obligation that Christendom has placed upon womankind. What I’m seeing about this is that this really came about out of the need for Catholic cannon fodder. They wanted the men in their military to adhere to absolute obedience. They needed these subservient men to run around the world and kill people in the name of Jesus, and for the greater glory of God. There is this wonderful quote, I don’t remember where it came from so I’ll paraphrase, where a Spanish monk said to the Conquistadors in California, “Burn a few of the heathens and the rest will come into line.” Convert or die, this is what is known as Christian compassion. So what they did was to make all the male cannon fodder the “King of their Castle,” requiring the women to be absolutely obedient to their men. And as they say, shit roles down hill, so the women under Christendom, were forced to take it all up the butt, sometimes literally. This policy of the Church eventually led to the Feminists Movement, though it took a couple thousand years. As I’m seeing it when I look inside, this idea was originally a Celtic concept, and it meant a very different thing than the Christian version. It came out of the understanding that sex is always the woman’s choice. What it meant was quite simply that the woman is responsible for assuring the she and her mate have a healthy and happy sexual component to their relationship. Or put another way, Babe, if you want to keep your man around, you need to fuck him on a regular and consistent basis. Realistically this concept puts the woman in the power position with respect to sexuality in the relationship. And from my perspective, the Celtic version of this thing called “Wifely Duty,” is a clean, clear and responsible attitude towards sexuality in relationship. What I see here in America is that women often resort to withholding sex and shaming their men for desiring to be a sexual being. The men take in this shame and agree, at free-will choice mind you, to create themselves as a being who is unworthy of love, and in a strange twist of reality they do this out of their love for their women. And I can understand the woman’s perspective in this too, because for a couple of thousand years that was the only way for her to create for herself any real power in her relationship with her man. Woman, let me show you an alternative path. Your Man should not have to seduce you, or romance you with flowers or candy in order to get laid. Girl, it’s your job to make sure your man is a happy man walking around with a smile on his face. Basically, if you have a Body Polarized man in your bed, you need to jump up on his lap, snuggle up, grab his crotch, stroke him a few times until he’s up for the idea. Then look him in the eyes and say, “We’re doing it now.” You’re in charge girl, I suggest that you might want to take charge, because ultimately and in the long term, it’s in your best interest to do so. That said, young man, you also need to show your gratitude and appreciation whenever your woman does dyne to diddle you really well, flowers and candy might be appropriate, but a night out at the wine bar might work just as well. Remember, he who is not grateful, might not be invited back into her bed or into her body. Oh yeah, and one more thing, it’s always her bed not yours, no matter who paid for it, or who pays the rent. The point is, there is a big difference between obligation and responsibility, and it‘s all in how you hold it, Babe. So, the universal wisdom here is pretty straightforward. If the woman wants to have a man in her bed, she needs to bed her man on a regular basis. And if the boy wants to be invited back into her bed, he needs to remember to be grateful and appreciative on a regular basis. Enough said.