Warriors Secular A
Spiritual Path for Those of Us |
Taking back Your Power I struggled with this one for some time. I knew that I could be much more powerful than I was, but I did not see for a long time how it was that I was holding myself back. Back then I was filled with anger and blame for all manner of people and institutions that I felt were constantly getting in my way or holding me back. However, in the last two years I began to wake up and see how it was I and my ancestors, had given over our power to these people and institutions of our own free will, simply through our choices and agreements. In fact, that is how all institutions get created, by We The People giving over unto the institution the right to determine what is and is not The Truth with respect to a given aspect of our lives or some common resource. In this process we have given up the power to determine the truth for ourselves, and agreed to create a reality in accordance with whatever the authority or institution has determined or defined to be The Truth. We are all little mini-mighty Gods, so when everybody agrees to create reality the same way then it will be so. And this is how all institutions come into being. It’s not just my choices and agreements that influence me with respect to this giving over of power. It is also the choices and agreements of the 2,046 mother’s and father’s of me, my ancestors for the last ten generations. It was when I saw that I was bound by their choices and agreements because I carry their memories in my DNA, that I was able to discover a means of taking back the power that has been lost to me. Let us delve just a little bit deeper into this understanding to see more clearly how this works. I’ll use the law as an example. Nearly all of our ancestors at some point made an agreement to abide the law. And in America that has not been such a bad thing, as we have had the most progressive legal system in the world for some time. I believe the watch words as I was growing up were that we all needed to “respect the law.” And so, nearly all of our ancestors have agreed to that. Since my unconscious reality is made up largely from their memories, experiences, choices and agreements, I am bound by those choices and agreements until I choose of my own free will to change my mind. So, with these ancestral agreements in place if I choose to break the law, then I will have large parts of me in my unconscious mind that are in conflict with that choice and I will feel bad and often look guilty because of this incongruence within the self. So, if we want to take our power back from any person or institution to whom we or our ancestors have given over that power, the first thing we need to do is simply change our minds with respect to giving this power away. This is a free will Universe and we always retain the right to change our minds about anything. In other words, we have the right, the power and the authority to revoke jurisdiction. In fact, in a larger since than just the law this is what jurisdiction is, our permission to allow someone else to determine what is and is not The Truth with respect to some thing. So if we want to take back our power and give ourselves the right to create The Truth as we would like to have it be, we need to change our minds about giving that power away to others. We can do that for you much more quickly than I was able to do it for myself. I was stumbling around in the dark, following my intuition wherever it led. But now, seeing the path from the other side I can give you much clearer direction than I had available to me at the time. The first thing we need to do, is to figuratively kill off Newton and the agreement to create a static reality or a Truth that is external to the Self. You see, it was Sir Isaac Newton who came up with the idea that the Universe and everything in it was bound by the Laws of Nature which operated very much like a machine. Well, Newton is dead and Einstein rules a world were today everything is relative to everything else. And while Newton’s perspective was useful, as it is the foundation of modern science, it’s not archetypically true. The Truth is, there is no such thing as The Truth. There is only My Truth, Your Truth, His Truth, and Her Truth. What appears to be the Newtonian Reality is simply the intersection of where all these Truths come together in agreements made at free will choice. Way cool, eh? Of course this new truth might not sit too well with the scientific community. They’re not likely to appreciate the idea that physics exists at the bequest of psychology. But as a result of healing our unconscious minds we are seeing the hard sciences become soft, and the soft sciences become hard. So the first thing we have to do is to change our minds with respect to this agreement that there is a static reality. To accomplish this speak the following words out loud.
Next, create in your mind’s eye a picture of yourself speaking these words and “Click” take a photo of yourself. Put a frame or a border around this picture of whatever colors come to mind. Your unconscious mind knows exactly the proper colors to choose. Then starting at the top of your head, drop this picture frame and all down through your body, letting every cell of you body and all your ancestors come into alignment with this declaration. And finally, imagine a picture of the planet below your feet size of a beach ball and push this frame through the picture of the planet to anchor it therein. Now, consciously revoking jurisdiction from our conscious mind doesn’t have a lot of influence with respect to our unconscious mind or the agreements of our ancestors. So, to effect this changing of the mind fully and completely, and thus free ourselves from these agreements, we will need to do a few reframes. And since I used the Law as an example, let us begin there. The Law is crucially important because our reality is created largely as a function of our agreements, and the Law is nothing other than a hierarchal structure of agreements. So let us revoke jurisdiction. To accomplish this task speak the following words out loud.
And again, create in your mind’s eye a picture of yourself speaking these words and “Click” take a photo of yourself. Put a frame or a border around this picture of whatever colors come to mind. Your unconscious mind knows exactly the proper colors to choose. Then starting at the top of your head, drop this picture frame and all down through your body, letting every cell of you body and all your ancestors come into alignment with this declaration. And finally, imagine a picture of the planet below your feet size of a beach ball and push this picture through the picture of the planet to anchor it therein. It is important to do this not so much to change things, but because we as individuals are often not allowed to see what is The Truth for ourselves, once we have given away that authority away to others. I’ve listed several other institutions, organizations and such below from which you might wish to revoke jurisdiction. Simply insert the word or phrase in the blank space provided and repeat the process above.
Doing these reframes will open up a lot of space in the unconscious mind and release a lot of personal power. Once these have been done, new understandings with respect to these institutions and other aspects of life will begin to come through as intuitive understandings. I would recommend doing a few of these each day and checking them off as you go. And if you would add a few more that you think up. Place these in the empty slots provided. This is by no means a complete list. So if we each add a few of our own we can expand the list over time to include all such agreements to give our power away. We are all one being, in the since that each piece of the holographic projects the whole image no matter how small the piece. We are in fact all one being. I am you, and you are I. So in a very real way, what you do helps me and what I do helps you in your process.
For thousands of years now the most powerful organization in the world have been the various churches and religious organizations. As you can probably see by now they obtained that power over the people by simply telling them or divining what the truth was. And the poor people were so ignorant, they simply took it in as The Truth and began creating it that way. Even though you might be secular in this lifetime, it is certain that you have had many ancestors that were devoutly religious. This process started for me when I ran into a man who’s father had been a Mason. When his father died he went to his house to remove his father’s personal effects. What he found in a box in the closet were a set of thirteen secret books of Freemasonry. Each of these was about the size of the bible, and according to him laid out a pathway that this group wanted to create for the future. As I understood it, it was basically the enslavement of humanity. I don’t like idea of operating in secret, and though I didn’t know what these books contained when I arrived home that day I decided to do a little reframe that I also ask you to do now. I pictured these books stacked up on a table, labeled Freemasonry Volume I, through Freemasonry Volume XIII. Because I didn’t want this reframe to take forever by doing each book separately, I stacked them up in three rows, first four, then five, and then four volumes. Next I took an imaginary light pen and drew a line from the lower left hand corner to the upper right hand corner of the top book on the first stack. Then above the line I wrote the words “I do not agree to create this as my reality.” And under that line I signed my name. Then I took a moment of concentration and forced these words down through all the pages of those four volumes burning these words onto every page. I then repeated that process for the other two columns. Then “click” I took a photograph of me and the books in that scene and ran it through my body with a frame of whatever colors came to mind, followed by a picture of the planet. When you do these reframes, you can often tell how intense of an issue this was for you by the degree of resistance that you feel in your body as you’re moving the frame through your body. Sometimes, the things I thought would be a significant issue turn out to be easy, while at other times it could take minutes to move the frame though my body. I did this reframe just because I didn’t want to be in unconscious agreement with an organization that operated in secrecy. I didn’t expect it to be a big deal. But it turned out to be the most difficult reframe I have ever done, it took many minutes to run this one through my body. I don’t know why. It could be that these books were important to manifesting reality as we know it, or it could be that I had many ancestors and/or past lives as a Mason. I don’t know, it could be both. In any case there are many other books that you can do this process with if you choose. Anyway, the following is a list of suggested writings. If you can thing of a few others that are not on this list, please do and add them in here. Thank you I love you, I love you thank you.
Competition and Privacy Some time back I was looking into the power of the third eye and develop what I call Far Sight. This is the ability to look inside my Self and see anything that might be going on anywhere in the world. In order to do that, I saw that I had to revoke the agreements that I and my ancestors had made to respect the privacy of others. And I worried about that, because as they say what goes around comes around, and I did not want to give permission to see the truth about me to people who do not love me. The problem I was having is that such people might take that information and use it to my detriment. So, in the end I decided to lay this one before God, as I made the following decree:
If you would like to stand with me with regard to this declaration, you are invited to do so. Read the words above aloud, picture them in your minds eye and click, take a photograph of the words. And you know what to do. By God, I don’t just mean Spirit, God on High. I also mean we who are the mini-mighty Gods here on planet Earth, those of us who have chosen of our own free will to create our Selves as love for All That Is. This is important, because you cannot heal that which you cannot see. So for us, we have to give ourselves permission to see All That Is, so that we can then choose to love All That Is, legitimately and authentically. So privacy has to go, if you are going to be on planet Earth, you don’t get to have privacy from God. So there are a couple of reframes to do here. First, imagine in your minds eye a document with the title of “Privacy Act” on the cover. Then do the same reframe as we did for the holy books above. “I do not agree to create this as my reality.” A second reframe is needed here to change our minds with respect to any agreements we have made to not look at The Truth that we are projecting into reality.
Read the above words aloud. Picture them in your minds eye, click, put a border around these words of whatever colors come to mind and run the picture through your body and an image of the planet below your feet. At some point you are likely to realize that the picture of the planet below you feet in all of these reframes is not just a picture. As you grow and evolve you will find that you consciousness expands tremendously and realize that this image is the real planet. Have you seen those images on the Weather Channel, the one where zoom in from very high perspective to a very low one? You will actually develop that ability over time, the ability to look at anything on the planet. It’s what we used to call Far Sight back in Atlantian times, or what the CIA calls Remote Viewing these days. Later in the book we’ll do some reframes to assist you in developing this skill. The reframes in this section are a necessary foundation for Far Sight.
Yes, childish things like competition. Sorry to burst your bubble folks, but competition is not a good thing. Competition at the level of business, also known as capitalism, always leads to the impoverishment of the masses. Competition at the level of nations always leads to war. Is that what we really want? I say it’s time to put away childish things, to grow up and get cooperative. Some of the reasons I can see that that communism failed, is that it was too centralized and that the leaders were allowed privacy. However, it was a good first attempt to build a society founded upon cooperation. I think we can do better now. Now, why do people in positions of power want privacy? Because they want too be duplicitous and deceitful. They want the ability to con we of the body polarity out of the light from the object beam. In other words, they want to steal our light and take it for themselves. And folks, I am not going to stand for that anymore. Mr. Power Monger, if you want to be in a position of power, you do not get to have privacy or secrets, not even trade secrets. I’m not going to honor that concept. We who are your shareholders and your employees, who have chosen to be love for All That Is, are giving our Selves the ability to see absolutely everything that is The Truth about you.
Other Thoughts Nearly all Spirit Polarized institutions operate like this: Create a problem, and then create a solution to the problem that perpetuates the problem, so as to maximize the fleece from the sheep. ADD, ADHD, DUI, and the War on Drugs are some obvious examples of this practice in practice. These Inverted Spirit Polarized people have no intent to actually solve the problem, because then they would be out of a job. And I don’t think their incompetent or stupid, I think their malicious.