Warriors Secular A
Spiritual Path for Those of Us |
In The Beginning No book intending to bring forth a spiritual path would be complete without a description of how the universe was created. My own memories of the earliest times were stimulated by a series of books known as Right Use of Will, in which Spirit, God on High shares how it was from his point of view. While my memories are much more sketchy as I still have much to heal in my unconscious mind, I do have a rather coherent picture of how it was from the point of view of the Body Polarity. My view is that creation was manifested as a series of polarizations, the first of which was the masculine, feminine or Spirit, Will split. This was a strange time and a strange place. I remember the reverie and the many colored light show, something like the aurora borealis, or the northern lights, only there was nothing physical in existence only the light that shifted and changed shape and color as we looked at it. It seemed it was responding to our attention, and indeed it was for this light was us, all that was there and then. We did not have much in the way of consciousness at that time. It was a stage in our development where we had about the same level of consciousness that a two or three year old might have today. We were also pre-verbal as I remember it. This went on for a lengthy period of time, though since time had not yet been created and there was nothing to measure it by, I cannot say just how long. At some point we became aware of something other than us, the masculine polarity, out there in the darkness. Our attention went to it, this thing and touched it briefly. What we received in response was a feeling of incredible fear, even terror. We did not like this feeling and pulled back into ourselves, in an attempt to get away from The Thing. The fear felt much like what a child today might feel in the middle of the night alone in their room as the certainty that a boogie man was under their bed. There was much dissension in the essence there. Part of us wanted to go forth and fight this Thing, while other essence wanted to pull back. Over this issue a split began to form. As I look at it now, it feels like the process of an ameba splitting itself into two new organisms, or like the division of two cells in the body. We pulled and we pulled until we became two separate beings, or bodies of light. It had a feeling there like an army of soldiers on mounted horses in formation outside the castle being granted a sendoff by the citizens they were charged to protect. And then we were off, charging away to face our fear and kill the Thing that had frightened us so. I was not in the lead, but off to the left flank, and slightly behind the leading group of soldiers. We slammed into the Thing in a blinding rage puncturing into it to be received with a strange softness. And then came the thought, my first thought, “That felt good, I want more of that.” And so we slammed again into the Thing again and again, seven more times, each time penetrating deeper and deeper into The Thing. We had been arrayed in a battle formation which there and then meant the speed of warriors. Their speed back then was dependent upon the color of their light. This was akin to a rainbow with white light, followed by purple, then indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. I found myself in the purple contingent in an almost burgundy hue. This is important because this mad dash into the Thing, was where the seven chakras that we know of today was created. The Thing also manifested the chakras, in the opposite direction from us. And on that eighth smack we punched completely through the Thing, with white light on the other side and our chakras matched up purple to red, indigo to orange, blue to yellow, and green to green. At that point we exploded in the largest explosion ever in the history of Creation, or what the science types like to call the Big Bang, an appropriate title for the first orgasm. I remember seeing the white light part of ourselves breaking off and falling out into the void, helplessly, just before I lost consciousness along with everything else that was present there. So there you have it my friends, we of the Body Polarity were born in the terror of a rage-filled battle and the violent rape of all that was feminine in the Universe, where we immediately died in an explosive rage. Have you ever felt that rage? It’s a rage that when you’re in the middle of it feels like you about to explode. I call it the battle rage, or the berserker and it comes from that time and that memory of the Big Bang. We hardly had a clue back then what was happening. But as I see it now it had to go this way. You see in order to manifest a Creation you have to have an object beam and a reference beam and they had to be on opposite sides of the Will who is and was the space within which all things exist, so somehow we had to get a light source on the other side of her. And there was only one way to do that which was to push through her, the Will or the Mother of Everything. So what we seem to have ended up with looks to me like a dumbbell, like two weights with a bar of light in between expanding ever outward and an ellipsoid space which is the Mother and contains the whole of this Creation. We, the Body are everything that is within this space and Spirit, God on High is the super-luminal light source for this hologram that we call Creation. Somehow after that, we manifested ourselves inside this hologram so we could experience our Creation from the inside out. Fromthere on out, everything I have experienced has been within this context or hologram. As an aside, it seems to me that the space inside the hologram is distinctly different than the space we were in before we created the hologram. That first space had a different feel to it. It was much more amorphous than what we experience here. Besides, logic alone will attest to that such an external space must exist because the light source for a hologram cannot emanate from within the hologram itself. I wonder what the physicist’s might have to add to this picture. From an experiential point of view it feels to me like the light from the reference beam is emanating from the center of the sun while the light from the object beam emanates from the center of the Earth. And we exist in between both. It took many billions of years for the essence that was the Mother of Everything to coalesce back into a being that could have conscious awareness and wake up. Spirit somehow stumbled upon her and his light helped to revive her. He offered his condolences, which she accepted. What else could she do? They were the only two beings in Creation. So, then they made love, that was soft and sweet and brought forth Heart in between themselves, the being who would later become known as Jesus. That then manifested the four primary polarities and bodies and the foundation for all that was to come later. The orgasm that produced Heart, also provided enough light to revive us and shortly thereafter we fell out of the Mother and into manifestation in out own right. We expected to be received with a Hero’s welcome for having bravely gone off to war as the Champion of God and having defeated the Thing. But that’s not what we received. All that super-luminal light that Heart was bringing into the Hologram via the Reference Beam had to be balanced with the light from the Object Beam and that made us horny as hell, so we jumped on the Mother and took her right there in front of Spirit. Spirit looked upon this sending blaming rage in our direction, shaming us for daring to be sexual beings. This caused Spirit to view us as a rival and eventually as an adversary. Being ignorant of how this all worked we took in all this shame and agreed that there was something wrong with us because we could not hold ourselves back sexually. That was the point at which shame was created. At that early time we didn’t have a whole lot of consciousness, my best guess is that we of the Body Polarity had about as much understanding of Creation as a nine or ten year old might have in today’s world. But Spirit wasn’t doing much better, he wasn’t really more conscious than a thirteen year old at that point. The reason I’m making an issue of the levels of consciousness, is to let you realize that the pieces of essence that were lost each time we were shamed by God, are still essentially at that age. They have not evolved at all since that time, or the time when they turned their backs on God and went unconscious. I think it’s important to realize also that all of us, including Spirit, God on High are evolutionary beings. This argument over Creation verses Evolution is just plain silly. It’s obvious that both are true. We created the Universe and then we evolved within it, it’s our Creation.
Co-Creating Reality Reality is created as a function of agreements entered into at free-will choice. We are God and we are creating all the time via these choices and agreements, usually unconsciously held. One very important point is that the choices and agreements made in the presence of fear have just as much power over us as the choices and agreements made in the absence of fear. So, if someone puts a gun to your head and says that such and such is so about you and you agree out of fear it will still be the truth for you because you have dominion with respect to how you create your Self, and even though you chose out of fear it was still a free-will choice and as such has power over you. And if you look back at history, this is how reality in this world was usually created. Some nobleman would terrorize the peasantry into allowing him to determine what is and is not The Truth with respect to some thing or jurisdictional area like the law or education, or medicine or whatever. What has been normal is to use fear and intimidation to extort compliance from those who were not willing to fight for their right to have dominion over themselves. Many of these choices and agreements made out of fear were made not by ourselves but by our ancestors. So in order to take back our power we need to discover where they have made agreements contrary to our best interests and simply change our minds. Reality is created as a function of choices and agreements made at free will choice and it does not matter how you obtain that agreement. We are God and we can create anything we can imagine and all we need to do is to get enough people to agree. And we don’t require the permission of the Powers That Be. They obtained that power over us because we gave it to them out of fear and we have the right, the power, the authority and the jurisdiction to simply change our minds. Back in the fifties the science fiction genre really took hold and stimulated the minds and imaginations of the youth of this country. Some writers simply ignored the laws of physics as Einstein had laid them out earlier and were relegated to the Fantasy genre. Others who wanted to write about space wars and the like had a real problem with the lack of being able to travel faster than the speed of light and they came up with many creative ways of overcoming this dilemma. They had to find some way for the opposing fleets of warships in space to travel the vast distances of space in a reasonable timeframe so that the fleets could duke it out and blow each other up. One of these creative solutions was worm holes. These were inter-dimensional pathways that would connect one part of space-time to another part of space-time that could be used to move the fleets about the universe thus avoiding the faster than light dilemma. There are only so many ways to deal with that problem and quite a few authors used the worm hole approach to deal with it. These books were then read by hundreds of thousands if not millions of youngsters with an open-mindedness of children, the vast majority of which thought to themselves that this could be possible, sure. And they aligned themselves with the author in agreement. About fifty years later one of these children, now a scientist listening at a radio telescope calls his buddy over and says, “Hey, Joe? I’ve got something here. That sounds like a worm hole to me, what do you think?” And Joe replies, “You know, you’re right. It does sound like a worm hole.” And today at USC they are attempting to create worm holes in the laboratory, for real, albeit on a microscopic level. So ladies and gentlemen, that’s how I assert that worm holes got created. Because some science fiction writer needed to get the boys together so that they could duke it out. You may think I’m joking, but I’m not. Collectively we are God, and we can do anything, anything we can imagine, anything at all, even to creating worm holes. And all it takes is for enough people to agree to create it that way at free-will choice.
Spitting in the Face In that original Spirit/Body split another archetypal truth was created in an adrenalin rush to choose whether to fight or flee when one feels attacked. We of the Body Polarity chose to fight, while those of the Spirit Polarity chose to flee. Our view of the Spirit Polarity is that they are all cowards, and as such we have never had any genuine respect for these people. We see them as duplicitous and deceitful in all manner of ways as they scheme to steal our light from the object beam, so that they can live high on the hog, while we languish in poverty. What is to respect about liars and cowards and thieves, A.K.A. the Christian God? We did have our time in the light though, and we did kick that boy’s butt on several occasions. There are three battles where we put that boy’s dick in the dirt that I’d like to relate because in each of these cases I was there and have past life memories of those times.
The first of these battles was at this town in Northern Italy called Cannea. I was riding with Hannibal that day as a commander of a group of Namibian horsemen. Hannibal commanded forty-six thousand troops as I recall from my history lessons. We of the Namibian horsemen were a light cavalry force about seven thousand strong, and I was in charge of a company strength group of about two hundred fifty wild men. The Roman Army took to the field marching in a huge square of eighty-five thousand tough infantry soldiers. This was the Roman garrison, composed mostly of semi-retired soldiers. They were nearly all blooded in battle and the best that Rome could field, indeed, they were the best and most feared army in the world at that time. Hannibal met this force with a long thin line that extended well beyond the Roman flanks on either side. Then infantry wrapped around the sides of the Roman formation so our infantry could attack the square from three sides. Then we Namibian horsemen rode around behind the Romans and attacked them from the rear, thoroughly englobing the whole Roman Army. Historians like to think that we won that day because we encircled them, but that’s not the truth of it. You see people, even hardened soldiers have a tendency to take a step back when someone shoves a sword in their face. We won because we succeeded in pressing them, one step back, and then one step back, and then one more step back. Within the first four hours, they were pressed back until they were asshole to belly-button and they could no longer maneuver. And that was the key to winning that battle that day at Cannea. While the Romans could not maneuver, we could because we were on the outside of the circle. This ability to maneuver was key to limiting casualties in that battle. You see when our warriors tired, they could move back and allow a fresh man into the space to kill the Roman in front of them. The Roman soldiers could not do that, when they tired, they died. One thing I’m going to say might be a bit controversial, as it comes from my memories only and historians may very well disagree. Hey, not everything gets written down, okay? As I recall, about three to four hours into the battle when we had completed the encirclement and we knew we were going to win, someone ordered the chuck wagons to the battle lines. These wagons came in about every hundred yards around the perimeter of this ongoing battle. At that point we rotated the men on the outside rank so that they could get a bite to eat and thus keep up their strength for battle. It wasn’t much, as I recall it was just bread and broth, but it was very welcome at that moment in time. We of the Namibian horsemen fought as dismounted cavalry that day, which is not the best use of a light cavalry unit. We were lightly armored and going up against some heavily armored Roman Infantry and it cost us dearly. In that battle the Romans we faced were the best warriors in Europe, all blooded and highly trained. Still after eleven hours of battle nearly fifty thousand were dead, while Hannibal lost about six thousand men. The Namibians took the heaviest casualties of any group. I went into that battle with some two-hundred fifty men. At the end of the day I exited with about one-hundred eighty men left alive, and many of those were wounded. Hey, we were light cavalry fighting heavy infantry, what else would you expect? It’s been about ten years since I received this memory. But it was only about a year ago that I realized that Namibia was a country in central Africa, which means that in that battle at that time I had to have been black. To say the least, that was a bit of a revelation for me. Anyway, this was a way cool battle, where we of the Body Polarity flipped the bird at Rome, or the Inverted Spirit Polarity, and told them to up and go to hell--with prejudice!
The second battle that I want to touch on was more of a campaign than a specific battle, and comes from the time when I rode with Alexander the so-called great. There is a movie that came out recently that shows the decisive battle that was fought for the control of Persia at Gaugamela in 331 B.C.. In that battle Alex and the Greeks faced a Persian Army of some two-hundred fifty thousand men, with a Greek Army of only forty-six thousand men. Outnumbered five to one the Greeks won that battle. The movie isn’t all that great, but it’s worth watching for that one battle scene alone. We of the Body Polarity are masterful field commanders, because we always lead from the front and would never ask a man to do anything that we wouldn’t do, or haven’t done ourselves. There are no untouchables in our army. Inverted Spirit, on the other hand, is masterful at supply, support and logistics, and this battle demonstrates these differences among the Polarities. Can you even imagine how many wagons, four-foot by eight-foot by two-foot, drawn by four horses that it would take to feed two-hundred-fifty thousand men on a three hundred mile supply line, when a wagon can only travel twenty to twenty-five miles a day? Let us say it two-thousand wagons, that’s eight thousand draft horses to feed and water each day. That is one hell of an accomplishment in logistics, supply and support. I think it’s generally understood that it takes eight men in support, supply and logistics to put one fighting man in the field. This means that in that battle for Persia, the Persian King had to have had two million men supporting his effort to field a two-hundred-fifty thousand man army. Hey, credit where credit is due. Even in inverted form, Spirit and Spirit Polarized people are masterful at logistics. They just make crappy field commanders. We on the other hand are magnificent in battle, but lousy at administration, which is why Alex won the war but lost the peace. Alex was a warrior, not a diplomat. His idea of diplomacy was to shove a spear through your chest, if you didn’t want to do it his way. And while that might solve the problem in the short term, it doesn’t exactly build trust with other people you might be negotiating with. Anyway, we kicked a little Inverted Spirit Polarized butt in Persia, and went on to bugger a few Persian babes as our reward. Hey, they didn’t call that country Greece without good reason.
And then there was the greatest battle ever fought in all of recorded history, the battle of Thermopylae. This was again a battle between Inverted Spirit and Inverted Body, where Spirit was the Persian King and Body was the Spartan King. I was there on the left flank of the Spartan King, and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. For those of you who don’t watch the History Channel, what happened was that the Greeks pissed off the Persian King when they raided a few Persian coastal towns, stole their assets, killed a bunch of people, and ran off with all the pretty young women. I’m not sure what pissed the boy off more. So, the Persian King decided at some point that enough was enough, and he gathered his army and moved through Turkey and into northern Greece. Well, needless to say, the Greeks had a bit of a problem with the idea of a foreign army invading their lands. So they decided to put together a delaying force which consisted of a phalanx of three hundred Spartan warriors, and seven thousand auxiliaries, or what were called Hoplite Warriors at the time. The Spartans were the professional soldiers, while the Hoplites were essentially farmers with a sword and a shield and maybe a little armor. So, the Greeks decided to meet the Persian Army at this mountain pass called Thermopylae, a pass that was barely fifty yards wide, if that, strait up to the mountains and strait down to the sea. There is a saying in military circles that says if you want to win a battle you need to know your enemy and you need to know the terrain. The Greeks knew both, the Persians knew neither. There was this wonderful quote that I heard attributed to a Spartan Warrior on the eve of the battle. A young scout returned from the other side of the mountain where the Persian Army was camped. He was visibly shaken as he approached an elderly Spartan Warrior. Then he said, “The archers in that army are so numerous that were they to launch their arrows at once the shafts would block out the sun.” While sharpening his sword the old warrior looked back at the young scout and replied, “Then we shall fight in the shade.” If there ever was a concrete example of spitting in the face of God, this was certainly one of them. My girlfriend, who is a Heart Polarized person and was instrumental in helping me to cross over from the Object Beam to the Reference Beam, said to me once that “everybody serves somebody.” I could not disagree more, for to serve in my mind is to be a slave, and I will be a slave to no man, not even Spirit, God on High. Before I would subjugate myself to God, I would kill every single human being on Earth, and all the plants and animals too. I have my own way of saying what that Spartan Warrior said way back then. “I can be killed, but I cannot be cowed, at least not for long!” To finish the story, those three hundred Spartan Warriors fought the Persians in a delaying action for three days, killing some twenty thousand Persians in the process, which didn’t sit well with the Persian King. In the end the Hoplites fled the field and the Spartans died to the last man, a most glorious death as ever there was. But the story doesn’t end there, the delay allowed the Greeks to put together a formidable force of their own to meet the Persians. Then the Athenians took out the Persian Navy, somewhere around eight hundred galleys and fifty thousand men, sunk, drowned and burned alive. I expect there was a bountiful crab harvest in that area the following year. The sea battle was important because those ships were the supply line for the Persian Army, and without them the majority of the Army was forced to withdraw back to Persia. They did leave a token force of about fifty thousand troops on Greek soil through the winter. The following Spring the Greeks took on this force and killed them, killed them all. All that blood spilled on Greek soil made for good vineyards throughout the land in the years to follow.
These are only a few examples of where we of the Body Polarity have put Inverted Spirit’s dick in the dirt. There are many others. But on the other side of it, he has won almost as often. And do you know why? Because the energy entering Creation from the Reference Beam, must exactly match the energy entering Creation from the Object Beam. Though, I have to say my hat is definitely off to that boy for that Guilt, Fear, Shame and Doubt Induction Program, disguised as a Religion. That boy was thinking when he came up with that one. It’s taken me a long, long time to see the subtlety in this program, and I’m a pretty sharp guy for an ass-burger.