Warriors Secular A
Spiritual Path for Those of Us |
Healing the Unconscious Mind
Pogo, a Fireside Character Do you remember in the Bible when Jesus was on the cross and the crowd was slinging all their sins upon him? When he spoke those now famous words, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” It was a sweet moment and an expression of infinite compassion, about what you would expect from a Christ, eh? Well, we are the Body Polarity, the equal and opposite of he who was once known as Jesus the Christ. And it is the equal and opposite that is true for us. Speak the following words out loud, and click take a picture of yourself speaking these words and you know what to do. I
forgive you Father, The Christians are likely to see this as some kind of blasphemy, but I see that this is a necessary beginning for we of the Body Polarity. We must forgive our fathers, all the way back to The Original Father, for all the hundreds of thousands of viciously cruel beatings, for pushing us outside of love, for pushing out of himself all of the things he did not love about himself and then punishing us for reflecting to him his self hatred. We’ve been at war for thirteen billion years, and it’s time to put down the sword. We were shamed by God almost instantly at the beginning of this Creation for daring to be sexual beings. We took this in as The Truth, and created ourselves in that mold because God said it was so, and we believed him. Where I found the willingness to forgive, was when I realized that this boy at that time, didn’t have any more consciousness than what we would attribute to a twelve or thirteen year old today. It was when I realized this that I was willing to forgive God, for his transgressions against me, and we of the Body Polarity. Gentle Reader, what I noticed then was that true healing begins when you realize that you are more conscious then your parents and they were more conscious than their parents and they were more conscious than their parents all the way back to the original parents, Mother and Father God. This is an expanding Universe or Creation and each successive generation is more conscious than the previous one. It is when you can stop blaming them and realize that if we are going to produce Peace on Earth, tag, you’re it. It’s up to you to make it happen. Well, you and I, and hopefully a few others. So, will you follow my lead? I need a few hundred thousand warriors, veterans and brave soldiers. How about it Apache Warrior, Cossack Warrior, Samurai Warrior, Spartan Warrior, Celtic Warrior, Germanic Warrior, Zulu Warrior, will you follow my lead and help me to produce peace on planet Earth? It won’t be easy and it requires a warriors courage, tenacity, fortitude and steadfastness. We will be walking into the Gates of Hell in our underwear, with open hearts shining brightly into the Pit of Doom where we will use our infinite compassion to love it into a healing. So I ask again, will you follow my lead? Because that’s where I’m going, and that’s what I’m going to do, and I could use a little help.
The Choice During the summer after I learned HMR I was building that process of creating my Self as who I wish to be. One of the things that I wrote as who I would wish to be was a man who love everyone, everywhere, everywhen. One morning while I was pacing on the porch, as I am want to do, I realized that this statement was the essence of what it means to be an avatar or a Christ. And so, I got a wild hair up my ass, and spoke the words out loud, “Mother, Father God, I ask that you make me Richard the Christ.” Later that afternoon, I was with a woman who was doing Reiki on me. She would usually sit and talk for an hour followed by an hour long Reiki session. She was quite experienced, as she had been doing Reiki for a living for some ten or more years. Since I was also a Reiki Level two at the time, we were getting some incredible energy moving in these sessions. Anyway, during our little pre-session talk I told her that I had asked God to make me a Christ. I will never forget the expression on her face, her jaw hit the floor and she said to me, “Boy, you just put yourself on the biggest roller-coaster ride in this world.” To which I replied, “Yes, I know. But I won’t take those words back.” And you know what ladies and gentlemen? She was absolutely correct. My life has been filled with up and downs and huge changes. One way I have characterized it was to say, I lost the house, I lost my wife, I lost my job, and if I’d had a dog to lose, I’d be a country song. But you know what? Though all these trials and tribulations have crossed my path over the last few years, I have not taken back those words, nor do I expect I ever will. For me this is a commitment to win or die trying. Hey, I am the consummate Spartan Warrior, it’s who I have always been and in all likelihood I will always be. This is a choice and you have the right to choose. But it is not a choice to be taken lightly. Personally I would suggest that you take six months or a year and get some experience with this work before committing to such a path as this. I can say with clarity that some of you will not survive the experience. When I say win or die, I mean exactly what I say. I am intending to put together an all volunteer army of beings committed to creating peace here on planet Earth. And I don’t want anyone with me who is not as completely committed as I am. So if you’d like to follow my lead, when you’re ready a year or so from now, you are invited to speak the words below. Take a picture of you self speaking these words and you know what to do.
Be careful not to wax arrogant. This is not a power trip. While you might become a Mini-Mighty God or a Christ, you still must abide the Law of No Interference. What this means is not so much that you will have power, but rather that you agree to assume responsibility for All That Is. Yeah, that’s a whole hell of a lot more sobering, isn’t it? It means that when a twelve year old girl walks into restaurant in Tel Aviv and blows herself up, killing herself and thirty Israelis, you’re responsible. When some American bomber pilot drops a two thousand pound bomb into Kabala and kills the three young children of a baker, you are responsible. It means when another man dies of AIDS in Africa, because there is no political will to solve the issue, and the drug companies see this epidemic as a way to maximize profits for their shareholders, you’re responsible. When the fish are being killed by nets that were cut and left on the bottom of the oceans, and the oceans themselves are being polluted by boat trash, plastic bags and garbage, you’re responsible. That’s what it means to be a Christ, folks, and that’s just a small sampling of All That Is. There was a phrase that came to me in my early days of this work. It said, “Be humble, or be humbled.” You need to remember that you don’t have a lot of power here on this planet. We have some power, but not a lot, and it can only be used in the pursuit of justice. I just want to leave you with a warning. If you wax a little too arrogant, God may very well hall off and backhand you right across the face. It’s happened to me, that’s how I know. I have been there and done that, and you might want to save yourself a little grief. The DNA Reframe This is what I call the DNA energy flow through the body. First I need to describe a new metaphor for the chakras. I imagine that inside the body at each of the seven chakra points is a little crystal ball of the color of that chakra and the little tornado that is the external part of the chakra touches down upon these crystal balls feeding them energy. The energy flow I’m seeing is a spiral flow that spirals up from the base chakra around each of these crystal balls, circling seven times before exiting through the crown chakra. The second flow moves in the opposite direction, beginning at the crown chakra circling seven times and exiting through the base chakra. These two flows form the archetypal pattern for the DNA in our bodies, also known as the double helix. It’s interesting to note that what I’m seeing is that the energy is moving in opposite directions for the two strings of the double helix. The way I see it, it’s flowing mothers love to father, and fathers love to mother. Sweet, eh? The actual DNA created also has genes which are like the rungs of a ladder crossing between these two energy flows, a spiral ladder that crosses seven times. These genes represent who we are, and are the memories, choices, agreements and constructs that we hold in our bodies. So we live in the space between the flowing love from our mother, and the flowing love from our father, Mother and Father God. I’m going to explain this reframe now, but it’s not something you probably want to be doing in the beginning. The reason is that you have not healed your Gap, the gap between lust and love. And the energy flows that I’m talking about here are moving right through the middle of where your Gap is currently. If you actually get some energy moving through these flows you will be forced to feel all the stuff about you that you do not love that you are holding in your Gap. So the wisdom is that you should wait and deal with you Gap a little at a time, at least until you can get the basic micro-cosmic orbit flowing. Realistically, that may take a year or two. At that point come back here and try this reframe, because it is awesomely powerful as it is designed to turn you into a super-luminal light energy magnet. And the power of your flows will increase quantumly. When you get there you might want to do this periodically for a while, until you cease to see any benefit.
Do you know the difference between a magnet and a hunk of iron of the same dimensions? Most people will, but I will explain it anyway for those who might not. Each iron molecule has a magnetic positive and a negative end to it. In a hunk of iron, there is no alignment between these molecules, there just pointing in whatever direction in complete disarray, with the magnetic effect of one molecule canceling out the effect of another. So it produces no magnetic field. A magnet is just another hunk of iron, but in a magnet the molecules are aligned in such a way that all the positive ends point in one direction, while all the negative ends point in the other direction. It is this alignment, or agreement between the molecules in the iron bar that produces the energy flow that we call magnetism. One way to create a magnet is to send a flow of electricity, or energy, though the hunk of iron from one end to the other. You can create a magnet with a flow of direct current, which is a current that flows in one direction, as opposed to alternating current which flows back and forth. The flow of direct current from one end of the bar to the other causes all the molecules in the bar to align with the flow of direct current and creates a magnet from a hunk of iron. So that’s how that works. I went to some effort to explain this for those who might not understand, because the DNA reframe is based upon a similar principle. The idea is that the DNA in every cell in our bodies is very much like the molecules in a magnet. When they are in disarray you get nothing, it feel like there is no potential here. But when they are in alignment, or agreement, then the super-luminal light flowing through the body increases dramatically allowing you to create your reality much more substantially. This reframe is intended to align the DNA in every cell of your body vertically from head to toe. So if you’re laying on your back imagine the Mother of Everything at your feet, her hands channeling loving gold light into your feet up through your base chakra, circling up the DNA path and out the crown chakra. Picture, God the Father at your head, his hands channeling loving white light into your crown chakra, which spirals down the DNA path to meet the Mother at your feet. Next feel a pulsing in this energy, a flow that pushes down and then back up, Mother’s love to Father, and then Father’s love to Mother. Feel the light in the DNA Path become a filament like in a light bulb that creates a channel of loving light that expands beyond your body. Feel the pulsing of the light. As you DNA comes into alignment, feel the pulsing grow faster, and faster. When the energy flow gets to a point to where you can’t hardly handle it anymore, click. Take a photograph of that picture. Put a frame or a border around it of whatever colors come to mind. Move that picture through your body and a picture of the planet, taking all the time you need to do that.
Reiki Attunements Some Reiki Master that I had heard had a problem with giving the Reiki Attunement from a distance. Another Reiki Master that I had found on the Internet was happy to give the Attunements without having to in physical contact. I stand with the second group. My reasoning is that since I am this planet and everything on it, by simply being Body Polarized, if we can establish a relationship, then I can easily provide these attunements from the astral plane of within the dream state. I did have a little practice with this when I decided to give my ancestors, both male and female, these attunements. The HMR reframe was quite helpful in this and it turned out to be a very powerful process indeed. So, what I offer you, the reader, is to give you these two of three attunements from a distance. We have a relationship, in that you have read my book, so if you wish to have them, I will do that, but I ask a few things of you. First, I have to have your clear permission to do this. So, you will need to speak the following words out loud, “I give you permission to grant me the Reiki Attunements.” One of the things that happens during these attunements, is that it creates an earthly connect between me and you, and a part of my higher self moves into your auric field through that connection and clears the caps on your base and crown chakras, allowing you a direct connection to the super-luminal light in your own right. This can take a lot of energy, because what we are doing is dealing with issues like hatred for God, hatred for the Church, hatred for the Mother, and rage at the earth, and then, of course, the equal and opposite, the fear and the terror. And transmuting the energy in these emotions could be a significant drain upon me. So, I have a little fear about this, and what it might mean to me if I am giving attunements to thousands of people on the same day. I could find myself laid up for a while, recovering. So, the second thing I ask of you is permission and other people who are legitimately doing this work, draw some small amount of super-luminal light from you during these times when we might be overwhelmed. In return, I grant you a similar right, should you ever have the need. It’s kind of an one for all and all for one deal. The third and final thing that I ask of you is that you help me out by invoking the power of two. I ask that you buy two additional copies of this book and give them away to anyone you might know who you think could use this information. So this is what I ask of you. The Reiki Attunements are a significant gift for which some people charge as much as $650.00 each. I’m asking the cost of two of my books, and I think that’s more than fair. While it is true that I would make some serious money in that event, please understand, I’m a modest man and I don’t require a lot of physical trappings. The important thing here and the reason for asking this, is to get this information out and into the hands of other Body Polarized people who are in great pain and suffering. Thank you, I love you. I love you, thank you. I will do these attunements, on the solstice and the equinox, or four times a year. You will need to abstain from alcohol and any drugs for a period of at least two days prior to that date. The attunements will take affect while you sleep and you may have some interesting dreams. In the morning when you wake you will need to activate you Reiki. Place your hands somewhere on your body, and then do the following process. Breath in through your nose and suck in some super-luminal light through the crown chakra at the top of your head, and as you breath out push that light down your arms and out through your hands and back into your body. Next, breath in through your nose and suck some super-luminal light into your body through your base chakra or the end of your tailbone. Let this drift up your spine and down your arms to be pushed back into your body. That’s it, thereafter you should be able to place this light into your body any place where it’s needed, and into the bodies of other people as well. To learn more about Reiki, I suggest Diane Stein’s book Essential Reiki, which you will find in the bibliography.