Warriors Secular A
Spiritual Path for Those of Us |
Tools of the Trade This is where the work begins. This is a process of healing your unconscious mind, releasing all the guilt, fear, shame and doubt that we hold in our auric fields so that we may come to love ourselves absolutely and unconditionally, completely and totally. What that means for we of the Body Polarity, is that we have to create our Selves as a being who is love for everyone, everywhere, every when. There are many different tools that I have run across as I have been working to create my Self thusly. Some have worked better than others and some have stopped working as have grown and evolved. I remember a Guru I saw on PBS once who described these spiritual tools as rungs on a ladder. Sometimes you have to let go of one tool or rung, in order to reach for the next rung so you can lift your Self higher into the light. And I have experienced this to be true, both in terms of tools and in terms of understandings.
The Process of Healing I’m going to back up a little bit here and tell a little story to illustrate a point. It was about 1982 and I was in my mid twenties. I was working for a Savings and Loan in California as a programmer writing an Investment Portfolio System to keep track of short term investments in things like coupon bonds, corporate bonds FHLB’s etc. One day I was getting ready to go home and a friend offered to smoke a Doob in the parking garage. It was some pretty good Thai Stick, so good in fact that just three small hits totally wiped me out. I realized real soon that I was in no shape to drive, so I went back to my desk and sat there for a bit wondering what to do. My attention span was very short, as was my ability to focus. I couldn’t read, and I couldn’t drive, so I decided to write a program. I sat there at the terminal and pulled up the model program. I asked myself what’s the first thing that has to be done. And I said okay, I need some basic structure, a few subroutines. And so I coded that twenty lines of code. What’s next? Then is was, okay I need a table. Okay, define that with a hundred lines of code. Okay, how about a binary sort. Copy over some previously written sort and make it work with this table. Okay. I need to calculate bond yields. Copy some more code previously written and tweak. And that was how it went for about four hours. After I would finish each piece I would stop, take a look at the whole thing again, and say okay, what’s the next thing? Around ten o’clock that night, I reached the conclusion of a small piece, stopped and began to look for what was next. After about ten minutes of looking, I began to get really frightened because I could not discover what to do next. Then it finally dawned on me that there was no next thing. I was done. The process of healing your unconscious mind and coming to love yourself is going to like the process of writing that program. This is because in the beginning you do not have the ability to see the overall. You can only see a little piece of what needs to be done here, and a little piece of what needs to be done there, the next thing, and the next thing, and then the next thing to do. As you continue to work through this process you will grow in your ability to focus and expand the scope of what you can see. Each time you heal a little piece of your unconscious mind, a little guilt, fear, shame, or doubt, you receive a little more super-luminal light, become a little more present in your body, gain in your ability to understand that which you perceive, and are allowed to see a little deeper into The Truth. In this process we have to face what we fear might be The Truth, push through what we have believed was The Truth, deal with what other people have told us was The Truth, until we can see for ourselves what it is that we are projecting into reality, the Real Truth. Since we are the holographic plate and nothing can exist in the physical universe unless we are projecting it into reality, you do not have to depend on anybody else’s opinion as to what is The Truth. You just have to look inside your Self and tell the truth about what you see there. Once you can get to the truth about yourself and love it exactly the way it is, then you can change, evolve, and grow. The light of The Truth is a powerful thing. You see, that ability to look inside your Self to see The Truth is what is known as intuition. You’ll need to get good at it. So, follow your intuition, follow your intuition, follow your intuition.
Energy Transmutation The breakthrough tool for we of the Body Polarity was created as a psychological modality in 2000 by a man named Brent Baum. He wrote a book called Healing Dimensions (See Bibliography) that defines this modality as a means of healing trauma called HMR or Holographic Memory Resolution. In that book, available at his web site, he describes the very intricate physiological processes involved in the induction, the holding and the release of trauma. I’m not going to do that here because I don’t care. If you’d like to know you can buy his book which I do recommend. I don’t care about the details of how it works, really. I just care about how to use it to produce the result that I want. What I’m showing you here is not HMR. That is a true psychological modality that can be used by a Psychologist, Naturopath or Counselor. One thing I want to make sure you’re aware of is that if you are truly going to do this work for real, you will need someone to talk to about your process while your going through it. And it would be best to find one who knows HMR who can help you with the really difficult issues like rape, molestation, murder and so forth. While you can do most of the work on your own, with things like abandonment issues, of embarrassment issues, or held grief, or the childhood loss of a dog, every now and then you will need the help of a professional. So find yourself a good shrink before beginning this process, and develop a relationship. What I’m showing you here is a subset of what HMR is that has been tailored for use by an individual to produce a healing in his or her unconscious mind. Those traumatized children that I sometimes refer to affectionately, as the screaming brats. The Reframe The problem for us as the Body Polarity is that we cannot simply break away from the pain and suffering of the world, as the other polarities can do. They just turn their backs on all that pain and suffering and ignore it. We cannot do that because we are the receptacle where all the pain and suffering is stored, the body. The more consciousness we emit, or the more super-luminal light we allow to pass through us, the more we feel the pain and suffering in the traumatized children we are holding. So, to date, the only way for us to get away from this pain has been to grow less and less conscious until we finally expire. And we have often done this with drugs and alcohol. Today we also have the SSRI’s. HMR has provided us with another tool called the reframe. This is basically the NLP change personal history reframe with two additional pieces, a frame or border of whatever colors come to mind and the idea of running the picture through your body. The result is that this action causes the brain to emit what they call theta waves, or generate a theta level of consciousness. When you have a trauma, the energy in the memory is stored somewhere in the body. HMR as a modality uses little aches and pains in the body to locate the unconscious memories, or what they call a metaphor, bring them into consciousness where they can be healed. The approach I’m taking here is the opposite. I start with the memories that we are already aware of and ignore the metaphor since we’re moving the picture the whole body anyway.
So the process works like this. You locate of a memory where when you look at the memory you feel some kind of pain or suffering. This could be the physical pan of a beating or a fall, the emotional pain of embarrassment or fear, the spiritual pain in the shame having to hide from God, or the mental anguish in self-abuse or self-doubt, any kind of unpleasantness whatsoever. Once you have a memory you ask yourself a simple question, if this experience could have gone any way you would have liked to have gone, how would you have had it go? And with that you make up a fantasy. It works best if you can translate the experience from an unpleasant one to a pleasant experience. But if all you can do is create a scenario where the experience is no longer unpleasant that works too. Next you pick some point in the new scenario that represents the hole of the new experience for you and imagine yourself taking a photograph of the moment, put a frame or a border around the new picture of whatever colors come to mind, understanding that your unconscious mind knows precisely the right colors to use. Then you take that picture and starting from the top of your head, let this picture drop down through your body letting every cell of your body know that this new picture replaces that old picture. When you reach your feet picture a beach ball size image of planet Earth move it back and forth through the planet before letting go and seeing the picture drop to the center of the Earth, where it explodes outward to permeate the auric field of the planet. Since we Body Polarized people are the holographic plate for this creation, we are in fact this planet and everything on it, so using the metaphor of the planet is particularly useful for us. It is also useful to do the reframe a second time. In the second iteration you stack up all the earlier similar experiences you have ever had by picturing all of your younger selves behind yourself in the original picture, letting them trail off into infinity. It does not matter how many there might be, this will pick them all up and heal them. You can also do the earlier similar experiences in the first reframe, but I like to do them separately.
What I’m seeing about this is that running the picture through your body activates the chakras and manifests a connection between all four bodies and allowing every cell of the body be informed of the intention to change the content of the traumatic memory. When the new memory is laid on the old memory, stored somewhere in the body, the emotional energy or pain stored with the original memory is released and transmuted into body heat or electrical energy. The energy is in fact the energy of consciousness, or super-luminal light. So, when it is released you become more conscious and able to see The Truth more clearly. A side effect of the release of this energy is that the unconscious traumatized part of yourself, is now conscious and can teach you new things from the experiences that part of your Self has had of which you were previously unaware. Our unconscious minds have a great deal to teach us about The Truth. So, once you get good at doing these reframes you start actually looking forward to the process. In fact all the information I have to share with you in this book in terms of new understandings has come to me in this way, through the healing of hundreds of thousands of traumatized children in my auric field. So that was what Brent Baum had to teach me in pages 114 to 115 of his book Healing Dimensions. He handed over unto we of the Body Polarity, the keys to the Pearly Gates and opened a partway home, a path to God. I for one am immensely grateful. Brent Baum is an archeologist, but he’s also a retired Catholic Priest, so I view this as a genuine and authentic gift from God. Thank you Spirit, God on High. I don’t think he really understands that our minds and our bodies are really the same thing, but that’s what I see when I do these reframes. Three
to Five Reframes a Day As they say, “a journey of a thousand leagues begins with but a single step.” I say the healing of the unconscious mind begins with but a single reframe. I suggest that you get a little notebook that you can carry around with you. And throughout the day, any time you remember an experience from your past but especially from your childhood that was unpleasant for you at the time, make a note of it. At first you will likely find yourself remembering ten or twenty experiences in need of reframes per day. So, it’s useful to write them down so that you can get to them at you leisure. There were times in the beginning when I did as many as thirty reframes in a day, but it takes a lot out of you and you don’t have to go that fast. A steady pace is better and a notebook will take the urgency out of it. You see, as you begin doing reframes these traumatized children are going to wake from their slumber, see that other traumatized children are being loved into a healing and want that for themselves. So, if you don’t write the memory down, they may feel frantic at the possibility that they may be left behind and this can feel like people trying to crowd into the lifeboats from a sinking ship. The notebook will help to alleviate those feelings. Also pay attention to your dreams. Some of the most important reframes were my dreams, especially bad dreams or nightmares. When you have a bad dream, I recommend that you reframe it immediately before even getting out of bed. Once you have a list of memories in need of attention, simply pick a time of day and do three to five reframes. It’s best to do them at the same time every day because then you can get help from what they call the other side, Spirit Guides, Angles, Archangels and in time even Mother/Father God. It is important to realize that in this work, you cannot lose any more than you can lose a walk around the block. It‘s not a competitive effort, you cannot lose, you can only quit. But even that’s not an issue, because you can always return to the work of three to five reframes a day. If you need to take a vacation, by all means do so. Others of us will pick up the ball and run with it for a while. And when you decide to return, well, it should be easier for you, because what we have done in the interim will have lightened the load for all of us. This is because as Body Polarized people I am you, and you are I, and what you do helps me, and what I do helps you.
Chakra Clearing Excercises Once you actually do your three to five reframes, it’s very useful to just lay back and relax in a meditation for a while. If you do nothing but lay back, be quite and be open, that’s fine. But there are other things you can do during this time that can assist in your healing process. First, you can invite God and/or your Higher Self into your body by simply thinking or speaking words like, “Mother/Father God I ask that you be powerfully present with me and assist in my healing in any way that you can,” or perhaps by saying, “Higher Self, I ask that you enter my body and help me to heal the pain and the suffering that I have been holding within my body.” It’s important to understand that you need to ask for help and invite that assistance. You see, this is a free-will universe and neither Spirit, nor your Higher Self can offer any assistance to you unless you ask and give them your permission to assist you in your process. So as you do this work, it would be wise of you to refresh your permission to assist on a relatively regular basis. There is a subtle difference that I’m not sure I fully understand between God, and our Higher Self. But for now my understanding says that Spirit God on High, is somehow separate from me, while my Higher Self is me as God on a higher plane than this physical one. More on this will obviously be revealed as we heal more and more of our unconscious mind, but it’s an interesting distinction, because I’m more inclined to trust my Higher Self than I am to trust in Spirit, God on High. This is undoubtedly due to all the flak I’ve taken from Inverted Spirit over these many millennia. Anyway, shortly after I began doing this work of three to five reframes a day, I was also introduced to Reiki, and with that came an understanding of the chakras of the body and something that people have been doing for many centuries called a Chakra Clearing Exercise. And this is an exercise you can do while you’re hanging out doing your meditation. Before you can do chakra clearing you need to understand where your chakras are on the body. There are twelve primary chakras. The red chakra is at the base of the tailbone representing the connection to the Mother. The purple is at the top of the head and represents the connection to the Father. In between these are an additional five male chakras that run down the front of the body and a corresponding five female chakras back running down the of the spine. Orange is just below the belly button, yellow is at the solar plexus, green is in the center of the chest, blue is at the throat, and indigo (navy or dark blue) is between the eyebrows. Each of these front chakras have a corresponding female chakra in the back of the body.
(***A picture of a human body and the
The simplest way of doing chakra clearing is to use the Father’s white light. But no matter how involved you get with this you should always move from the red chakra up to the purple chakra. This is because the vibrational rates of the colors increase as you move from red to purple, and it helps to build one upon the other. So you start with a little prayer, “Mother/Father God I ask that you bless, purify, spin and heal my chakras with your loving white light.” Then you breath slowly in through your nose, tensing your red chakra, and pulling the super-luminal light into your body there as a ball of white light. Then as you exhale you relax the tension in that chakra releasing the light to go wherever it’s most needed to produce a healing. This is an intelligent light which has consciousness of it’s own, and it knows where to go. Then you move on to the orange chakra, breathing in tense, breathing out relax and let go. The process continues until you reach purple. A variation on this process is to increase the number of breaths per chakra. I have done three, five or even seven breaths per chakra. I always did odd numbers, I don’t know why, I just intuit that this is correct. The more breaths you do, the more energy will be built up in that chakra and throughout the whole process. Obviously, it will also take longer. The greatest energy will be experienced when you reach purple, because there you will have cleared the whole micro-cosmic path along which the energy flows. I’ll talk about that path in more detail in the next section Another variation, and much more powerful when you have to time for it, is to move through all seven colors of the basic spectrum. You start by changing the prayer to “Mother/Father God I ask that you bless, purify, spin and heal my chakras with your loving red light.” The do this process with red light. The start over again, say the prayer for orange light and do the process again. When I do this process I usually think to my self, red into red, red into orange, red into yellow, and so on. This is because it helps me to keep track of where I am in the process, so I don’t skip a chakra or a color along the way. And as in the previous process you can do one of more breaths per chakra. A final variation that I have done here is after processing the red chakra, to alternate between the male chakra in the front of the body to the same color female chakra along the spine, zigzagging my way up the torso until completing the process upon reaching purple. Obviously this can take quite some time, especially if you increase the number of breaths per chakra. Other variations are possible, and I invite you to play with the process of clearing your chakras. At the end of the process, it is best to remain still, quite and breathing slow and steady. At that point you may experience your Higher Self entering your body through the Crown Chakra. I could see it in my third eye as a white light string of light moving through my body toughing a memory here, and a memory there, often shooting at the speed of light from one memory to another healing the emotional charge in those memories that I carry in my body. Sometimes I could see the actual memory or event, and at other times the light was moving too fast for me to see any details. In any case it was all good, and after a while I began to crave more of these kinds of encounters with the light. The more energy you get moving via the reframes you do, the more energy there will be in the clearing. If you do twenty reframes, you are likely to experience a much more wild ride than if you do only three. You can’t mess it up however. If things get to intense, simply stand up and begin moving your body around. In all likelihood this will break the connection. It will certainly greatly diminish the experience.
The Micro-Cosmic Orbit This orbit is, at least from my experience, the major energy flow through the body. It might be a little easier to imagine if you can remember that we were all once primates walking on all fours with a tail. So think of yourself that way for the time being. The orbit has two of what I call crossover points; the tailbone and what we call C7. This is the seventh vertebrate from the skull. If you reach back to feel the bone or lump along your spine behind your throat at the base of your shoulders, that’s C7. The orbit begins at the crown chakra at the top of the head. It then moves down the front of the body until it reaches the genitals, then it move to the tailbone, spits and begins the path down the back of both legs. When it reaches the foot it moves up over the big toe and begins the path back up the front of the legs until it reaches the genitals where it moves back to the tailbone and crosses over. From there it moves up the spine until it reaches C7. There it splits and moves to the armpits and down the underside of the arms. When it reaches the hands it crises over the tip of the index finger and moves back up the outside of the arms until it reaches C7 and crosses over again. From there it moves up the back of the head and up to the crown chakra to complete the path and begin the journey again. This is known as the micro-cosmic orbit. In practice you can work this system similarly to what we did with chakra clearing. You start by sucking a ball of white light into your crown. From there you move the ball through the entire path of the micro cosmic orbit which will take that light and nurture your entire body. You can also do the path using the seven colors of the basic spectrum in the same way we did with chakra clearing. This can get some very serious energy flowing. There is also a concept called Hu-Yin, which is used in giving Reiki Attunements and works well with this process. Hu-Yin basically enhances the crossover points for the micro-cosmic orbit. This is going to get a little gross, but if you can imagine how you would react if you had to poop and piddle at the same time and you had to hold it until you found a bathroom. Well, that’s the first half of Hu-Yin, you have to pull in your anus and your unary tract and hold it tight. This connects the crossover point at the tailbone much more powerfully. The second part is simpler, you just hold your tongue against the roof of your mouth, which somehow creates a stronger connection at the C7 crossover. I don’t understand it, but I do know it works. If you can master holding Hu-Yin throughout the exercise you will experience a significant increase in the energy flows. So it’s worth practicing. Another thing to note is that the micro cosmic orbit doesn’t have to orbit. There is another use for this energy pathway which I see as a direct connection to God both Mother and Father. If you imagine a string of gold light emanating from both your feet and your tailbone coming together a few below your body and streaming to the center of the Earth. Well, that’s how I see your connection to the Earth, or your ultimate Mother. If you imagine a string of white light emanating from your hands and your crown chakra coming together a few feet above your head and shooting to the center of the Sun. Well, that’s how I see your connection to Spirit, God on High. We exist in between both Mother and Father God. So, it’s fully possible to extend the orbit to include both Mother and Father God. In this picture you can clearly see that there are six different ways for an individual to connect to the super-luminal light, the two feet, the two hands, the crown and the base chakras. The crown and base represent Mother and Father God. The two hands represent son and daughter, or Jesus and his wife Mary, if the Da Vinci Code is correct. And the two feet represent son and daughter Body. The right side represents the masculine or sons heart and body, and the left side represents the feminine or daughters heart and body. This fits in nicely as I’m coming to see creation as a six beam hologram and a tesseract of six sides. During the process of writing this I came to see a possibility that is very interesting. There are six primary male chakras, there are six primary female chakras, and there are six primary ways to connect to the super-luminal light. Could it be that the so-called number of the beast is merely a cryptic description of the true nature of form?
The Lazy Mans Chakra Spin When I was a child around ten I got a bike for Christmas. One of the things I and the other kids in the neighborhood used to do was to take a playing card and a cloths pin and pin the card to the front strut such that the card just barley entered the spokes of the front wheel. The effect was that when we would ride the bike the card would make a clickity-clack sound and we could pretend that we didn’t have bicycles anymore, these were now motorcycles. This chakra spinning exercise works in a similar fashion as that card on the bicycle spokes. What you have to do here is to create a couple of energy flows, where you take a ball of white light and use it to basically slap each of your chakras in turn. There are two equal and opposite flows. The first moves up the front right side of your body spinning each of the front chakras, then up over your head to spin the crown chakra. The it moves down the to spin the back chakras, and finally down below the tailbone to spin the base chakra. From there the process repeats. The second flow is equal and opposite across the left side of the body. It moves up the back chakras, over the top, down the to the tailbone and repeats. It works best if you can move both energy flows at the same speed and in tandem. However that takes practice. Sometimes I will simply pick one flow to use. And sometimes I would alternate first one flow, and then the next. It’s amazing how much this can increase the energy flowing through your body, so it’s worth practicing. This may not be a good practice to use when you are just beginning this work, because most chakras in most people are atrophied from lack of attention or use. You need to have some healthy chakras in order to be able to spin them. So in the beginning the chakra clearing or micro cosmic orbit exercises might be more useful. I would suggest that you try this one when you’ve been into this work for about a year.
Recreating Your Self Many years ago I came up with this cute little lyrical affirmation. I would write down a number of things that I would like to change about myself and then read them, well, if not every day, frequently. This process was pretty powerful in the original form, but when I added the HMR reframe to this process, it because one of the most powerful tools for producing change within myself that I have yet to come up with. Today, I just write down a list of things that I would like to be true about me, not to exceed a single page, put a frame or a border around it and run it through my body on a regular basis. Now, you’re either going to get the result immediately, which is not likely if you are not already that thing you wish to become, or you’re going to bring up from within yourself the things about you that are inconsistent with your desired Self. This will allow you to work out those thing that are in the way, be doing the appropriate reframes. This process can create some incredible growth in a relatively short period of time. So, below is an example, some of the things that I wanted to create my Self to be. You can do whatever you like. If I could be, who I would be,
This is who I choose to be, You can list whatever you want, anything that you would choose to be, anything at all. Just do the reframe two or three times a week. Each week read the list and determine if you are or are not any of the items on the list. When you become the thing you have chosen to be, take it off the list because you don’t need to affirm that one anymore. And then you might want to add something new, some new thing that you would like to become on your way to your perfect Self. This is a simple process, but one of the most powerful tools for personal change that I have found to date.
Feldonchrist, Body Work, and Exercise Feldonchrist is a strange form of body movement that studied the initial physical movements of babies. It appears that all babies go through the same physical movements in an instinctual way. So the process is to move your own body in those same ways, which causes you to resonate to the child you once were in those first few weeks of life. It was a very strange concept and I only did this a few months ago and for a single afternoon. I didn’t think much of it a at the time. However, since then I have had some of the most incredible memories come back from those first few weeks and months of my childhood. I didn’t have thoughts at that age, because I didn’t have words to think with, but I remember the excitement I felt the first time I was able to raise my head up and look around. I looked around for perhaps a few seconds and then realized that my head was so heavy, I just had to rest for like twenty minutes. I remember the first time I rolled over from my belly to my back, and the surprise that I felt. The I remember not being able to turn back to my belly. It’s harder to roll over from your back to your belly because your belly is round and your back is flat. You can also push with your hands and feet when you’re on your belly. I also remember holding the bottle with both my feet and my hands and how cool an accomplishment that was. Lots and lots of memories like that have returned in the last couple months. There were also some unpleasant memories in need of reframing, like my parents fighting in my presence. I also remember them having sex while I was in the crib. She was making these outrageous sounds and I was frightened, because I thought she was being hurt. I realize now that, no, she was having a good time, but I didn’t see it that way then. Anyway Feldonchrist is highly recommended because it helps to bring up memories in need of reframing, and connects you to those early days when you were still connected to God directly, and is thus helpful to recreate that reality in the hear and now. The more memories you clear from your birth to now, the more powerfully you will feel your connection to God in the here and now. Reiki is something you also might want to consider, as it’s a pure form of healing energy work that works at the level of the stored traumas. I did this for a time and found that with me doing this work, the energy flows we experienced during the sessions were at a level that the person doing Reiki on me had rarely seen. Which is to say we experienced some very intense energy flows. The people who do this work also have some useful insights about things like soul retrieval and such. So I highly recommend that you experience a few Reiki sessions. They will impress you or they won’t, but it’s worth the experience. Body work is also a useful tool, especially after you have done about five hundred reframes. And I mean deep tissue body work. It helps to stir things up so you can bring up even deeper stuff. You have to remember all these memories are stored in your body somewhere, if you can afford it body work once a quarter would be useful.
The Invocation The atmosphere around us is being purified by the divine presence.
The invocation below is something I was given by Brent Baum when I attended his classes on HMR. This was tool I used extensively when I first began doing these reframes. I went strait to the core and found myself having to deal with manic terror for about three months strait and this invocation was comforting and brought a sense of reassurance when spoken aloud.
Connecting With Ancestors In the early going I understood that I had to deal with the ancestral memories of ten generations of mother’s and fathers of me. Which is to say all the traumatized memories that they had experienced in their lives and had passed on down the line to me like a hot potato that no one wanted to hold for long or admit was there. The problem is that these held ancestral memories tend to reinvent themselves in our present lives in one form or another so that they can finally find the release in the love that they have always desired. But what most often happens when one is not doing this work is that the new iteration of the event is pushed down and suppressed even more harshly than it was in the past. Anyway, I kept running into these old ancestral memories almost by happenstance in dreams and sometimes simply as that would go through my mind that were totally foreign to me personally in this lifetime. This led me to a desire to want to deal with my past patents in a more direct an conscious manner. After all, these were the people that had given me life. They were now asking for my help with their problems and I could not refuse them any assistance I could give. So, I intuited a means by which I could bring about a closer relationship with these past ancestors, that I might more quickly attend to their distress, that I was feeling in me. Quite simply put, I named them, all 2046 of my ancestors for the last ten generations. It’s important to understand that there is a special power in naming something. If a deer enters your garden every day during the summer and eats your flowers and then gets hit by a car, it doesn’t make a big impact. But if you name that deer Charlie, and it dies on the road it will impact your heart and you will likely feel a loose. By naming my ancestors, it in some way brought me much closer to them and them much more deeply into my life. Of course, you can look them up through genecology as many people do, but I wanted a complete list over ten generations. Anyway, I used the form below, sat down one day and began entering names into the blank spaces provided, until I had filled a page. Then, since a single page only goes back five generations, I took another page and indicated “Beginning With: MMMMM” or Mother’s, Mother’s, Mother’s, Mother’s, Mother, and proceeded to continue. If you choose to do as I did here you will need thirty-three pages to name all your ancestors ten generations back. When I was done I took those thirty-three pages and slid them under my mattress where I was wont to do my meditation. Suffice it to say that I found it quite valuable in stimulating memories during my meditations, memories that were vivid as a lucid dream, and could not have been my own. This process turned out to be quite helpful for me in my process. Will it be helpful to you, I don’t know. But you might want to try it and see. If you want to try, copy the form on the next page and break out a pen. You also might want a phone book, and/or a baby naming book. My Ancestors Five Generations Beginning With: __________ M ____________ M____________ M____________ M____________ M____________ MMMMM F____________ MMMMF F____________ M____________ MMMFM F_____________ MMMFF F____________ M____________ M____________ MMFMM F____________ MMFMF F____________ M____________ MMFFM F____________ MMFFF F____________ M____________ M____________ M____________ MFMMM F____________ MFMMF F____________ M____________ MFMFM F____________ MFMFF F____________ M____________ M____________ MFFMM F____________ MFFMF F____________ M____________ MFFFM F____________ MFFFF
F ____________ F____________ F____________ F____________ F____________ FFFFF M____________ FFFFM M____________ F____________ FFFMF M____________ FFFMM M____________ F____________ F____________ FFMFF M____________ FFMFM M____________ F____________ FFMMF M____________ FFMMM M____________ F____________ F____________ F____________ FMFFF M____________ FMFFM M____________ F____________ FMFMF M____________ FMFMM M____________ F____________ F____________ FMMFF M____________ FMMFM M____________ F____________ FMMMF
Using Crystals for Healing I just happened on the use of crystals to facilitate me in my process. The woman who gave me the Reiki Attunements also gave me this Lumerian Crystal at the same time and I began playing with it. At first it appeared to me like just any other rock, of no real usefulness or significance. However, as I grew in my ability to become aware of the energy flows in the body, a year or more into this process, I also noticed that holding the crystal in my hand seemed to enhance the power of those flows. Since then I have purchased several more crystals, many clear quartz, but also pink quarts, a sodalite wand which they say is great for opening the third eye, some amethyst wands and many others. When meditating these days I will often arrange them around my body at strategic places to help maximize the energy flowing through me. There are many books on the subject of crystals and stones in general that also describe their potential healing properties, but I like Healing with Gemstones and Crystals, by Diane Stein.
Frequent Bathing This may sound just plain silly as a tool to help you heal your unconscious mind, but believe it or not there is a method to this madness. Actually this was something that was suggested to me by my N.D. when I was in the middle of having to deal with some of my greatest fears, even unto what I call manic terror. I was dealing with fear big time and wanting to confront and get it over with as quickly as possible so as not to prolong the process. So I was doing from ten to thirty reframes a day, and spending most of the rest of my time in subsequent meditations. I was having a hard time of it when the shrink suggested frequent showers. In retrospect I can see how this works, though I was oblivious at the time. You see after you do the reframes and are in the meditative state, your body is in the process of transmuting the emotional energy in the old memories into either body heat or electricity. In either case you are very likely to sweat, sometimes profusely. This sweat pulls out the toxins associated with the memories and deposits them on the skin. To remove them completely from your being you need to shower. I made a ritual of this, sometimes soaping up three times during a single shower, especially if I was dealing with some particularly ugly scenes or memories. I even gathered up different color soaps, gold for the Mother, white for the Father, green for Heart, and purple to represent my Higher Self. I would often soap up with all of these colors if the intensity of the session seemed to warrant it. Also use the drying towel as few times as possible between washings, once per is ideal, though that means frequent laundering. I don’t know why it works, but it did for me. So go ahead and try this, you might find it as useful as I did. On a related note it’s useful to have a special sheet, beach towel or such that you can lay on while doing your reframes and meditations. I happen to like a Hawaiian sarong, but you can use what you like. The reason for this is that this material will also pick up some residue from your processes and it’s useful to be able to launder it on a frequent basis, without having to launder all your bedding.
Angels and Archangels When I was in the depths of this process, I was looking for anything that I could find to help me ease the pain and suffering that I was in. At one point a sweet friend, actually she was the person that gave me the Reiki attunements and made me a Reiki Master, anyway she gave me an affirmation having to do with angles. I forget what that affirmation was, but the essence of it was to ask the angles to grant you protection and serenity. When I was in the midst of it, I found this to be very helpful, actually. You just have to ask, and that’s the key point with respect to angelic assistance, you have to ask, and I mean out loud. You see, they are really anal about this thing called The Law of No Interference, and rightfully so. They will not help you if you don’t ask. But when you are feeling psychicly attacked, as in someone shining blaming rage at you undercurrently, well, that’s when you can ask the angles to grant you protection, and they will do so in the form of a shield to buffer you from the blaming rage. Look, I don’t know how this works, I just know that I have done this several times and it worked for me. It gave me some solace, and a feeling of comfort. The other thing has to do with the Archangels, particularly Michael, the archangel of protection, Rafael the archangel of healing and Chamual the archangel of love. Actually I went onto the Internet and found a site that sold these 14x20 prints of all the archangels, I think there were seven of them in the set. I’m sure you can find these on the internet. I know it sounds silly, but I put these up all over my house, during the time I was dealing with manic terror. At that time I was looking for anything that would help me in any way to move through the fear shroud around the emotional body. And, you know, strangely enough it did help. Understand, it’s not like an idol worship. It was just that seeing these prints in my house on a daily basis brought these Archangels into my consciousness and helped me to connect to the actual essence that are these beings on the other side. These prints also provided a focal point for my prayers. This was especially important, since at the time I had no trust in Spirit, God on High. So I used the Archangels as a stepping stone to develop that trust. It worked for me, maybe it will work for you. The other thing that I did, strange as this may sound, was to become a Reverend of the Progressive Universal Life Church. Hey, I was looking for anything that would help me to move through the fear shroud around the emotional body. And it seemed to me that this would help me to connect more solidly to Uninverted Spirit, and perhaps get a helping hand up out of the abyss. It also seemed to help me punch through the shame shroud around the spiritual body. It seemed to be helpful for me, maybe it will be helpful for you. It cost me $26.00 to become a Reverend. Understand, I’m not a Christian, if anything I’m and Anti-Christian and a Hedonist by my nature. But to be a Reverend for me, just means that you have to be a person who speaks his or her Truth genuinely and authentically, and maintains their commitment to integrity at all times, even on pain of death. And I fit that bill, in spades. Hey, it seemed to help me to become a Reverend, maybe it will help you. It’s your call.
Sleep Deprivation This is something I stumbled upon about three years ago in the process of doing this work. One day I just decided to stay up all night. I was doing lots of reframes at the time, but I could only do a few in a given session. So I would do a few reframes, and meditate for a while. Then I would get up, have a beer and ponder what I had learned during meditation. Then I would go back and repeat the process, more reframes and meditation followed by a little R&R in the form a beer. I did that process several times during that first all-nighter. I noticed several things about that experience. The first is that the world quiets down between the hours of two to six a.m. in the morning because nearly everyone is asleep. What this means for we of the Body Polarity is that the constant barrage of hatred that we have to shield ourselves against during the day, slows down almost noting during those hours. It means that we can drop our shields a little bit, and during those times we can see a little more clearly into The Truth. Another thing about staying up all night is that it presses you up against your envelope, or said another way pushes you up against anything in you that you are unwilling to love. The process allows you to see those things more clearly so that you can clean up your act. Many deep insights came to me during these times. This meant more reframes to do, and deeper understandings to assimilate, understandings that came to me in the predawn hours. The following day gets very interesting too, as you’re pretty much going to be getting along on adrenalin. I found that while I might be a little sleepy in those early morning hours, once the sun came up, I would loose that feeling of sleepiness, though it did set in motion an altered state of consciousness, or a little closer to the edge. And during that day I would seem to remember old memories that had been long buried but were still in need of reframe. I also found many new understandings would simply come through as thoughts or intuitions. Anyway, the point is that this can be a useful tool in this process. If you decided to try this, I recommend that you don’t do it on a work night, as you won’t be fully functional the next day. I would suggest that you do this on a Friday night, so that you can get a good nights sleep Saturday and Sunday, before having to show up for work on Monday morning.
Three Wishes There was a story my father told me when I was a child about this hermit called Darby O’Gill. I’ll keep this brief, but it seems that Darby invited over the king of the Leprechauns an old man named king O’Brien. He plied the boy whisky, hundred year old Irish Whisky at that. And he kept him up all night until the sun cam up and the leprechaun King lost his powers. In this way he had captured the King of the leprechauns. The king knowing that was had, offered unto Darby three wishes. He said, “Three wishes I’ll grant, both big and both small, but ask for a forth and you get none at all.” So, Darby proceeded to ask what most of us would ask for in such a situation, wealth, sex and power. He got himself a castle, lands that included several villages to produce his wealth, and all the busty, red headed Irish maids he could want. Lo and behold, he found the responsibility of power to overwhelming as it kept him working late into the night most nights, simply to keep up. So come the day he get fed up and declares, “God, I wish I didn’t have to deal with all of this work!” At which point King O’Brien materializes and says, “Aha! That’s a forth wish, Darby O’Gill. Three wishes I’ll grant, both big and both small, but you’ve asked for a forth, and now you get none at all.” And so the king was relieved of his obligation unto Darby, who was much relieved to find himself a hermit again. It’s a cute story that really enamored me when I was four and five years old. There are other stories with the three wishes theme, and realistically that is what most people would ask for if given the choice, wealth, sex, and power. When I asked God to make me a Christ about three years ago, it came to me to consider what would a Christ ask for if he or she could have anything to facilitate them on their journey? And so I thought about that for a time and in the end I chose to ask for the following three things: 1)
I ask for infinite compassion I just stumbled upon the idea of infinite compassion, but it was brilliant and has served me well. You see, each of these traumatized children that are hanging out in our auric fields, are a little piece of consciousness hunkered down over that which they do not want God or anyone else to see as The Truth about them. And if you don’t have compassion for them, then you don’t love them and they’re not going to open up and show their truth to someone who doesn’t love them. And you cannot heal, that which you do not love and are not allowed to see. You cannot heal the pain in the pimp, the pervert, the prostitute, the pornographer, the pedophile, the rapist, the murderer, the philanderer or the adulteress, the torturer, the greed in the businessman, or the fear in the hawkish politician, if you don’t have compassion for their plight. So, if you are going to create your Self as Love for All That Is, infinite compassion is key. If you are truly Body Polarized, you are All That Is, even if you are the smallest piece of the holographic plate. And your power in this world is directly proportional to that which you are willing to love, or inversely proportional to that which you are unwilling to love. Where do you draw the line? How much of you are you willing to love? It would be wise to ask God on High to grant you these three wishes on a relatively regular basis. I ask every month or two these days, just to reiterate my desire and my commitment to being The Truth. Three Metaphors While all memory is metaphor, there are different kinds of memories hanging out in our auric fields. When I started doing these reframes a few years back, I began seeing all these memories show up in my meditation and dreams. These were memories that were clearly not my memories from this lifetime. I simply assumed that they had to be some kind of past life memory. There were lots of different memories here. I remember parachuting out of a plane during WWII and getting killed on the way down by a machine gun burst. I remember cutting a woman’s throat while raping her. I remember cutting a five year old boy in half with a sword while raiding a village. I remember several battle scenes during the Civil War. These and many other similar scenes all have one thing in common, they were not my memories and they could not have been the memories of my ancestors. So I have to assume they were past life memories. I simply choose to treat them as if they were me in a past life and reframed these memories as I would any other memory. And that seemed to work just fine. Another metaphor that I have found useful is the idea of ancestral memories. I have assigned this status to memories that could have occurred during the last three hundred years or the last ten generations, the 2046 mother’s and father’s of me. Now can you really tell the difference between a past life memory and an ancestral, I don’t think so. If it happened during the last three hundred years, realistically it could be either. In the end it really doesn’t matter, because all unpleasant memories are reframed in the same manner. If they’re unpleasant or difficult to look at or accept, then they need to be reframed because that’s why we are remembering them. Some long lost part of ourselves is waking up and pleading for our help. So don’t just ignore these memories, much healing can be produced by healing them. The third metaphor is what is called fragmentation which is a relatively new concept that I’ll need to take a moment to explain. The idea is that over the course of our lives we often find one part of ourselves in conflict with another part of ourselves. When that happens we push the part of ourselves that we are not willing to love out of our consciousness and into our body. That part then get stored in our auric fields just like any other trauma. If you deny your love to large parts of yourself in this way, you can build up enough denied essence to actually create another personality. Fragmentation happens when the parents have a child and the denied personality chooses to incarnate into that new body. This is a means of splitting yourself into two separate physical beings, so that you can work our your differences in physical reality. This is why often times parents do not love or even like their own children. Because the child is made up of all the essence the parent did not love about themselves. As fragmentation happens over centuries, you can see that our own essence can easily be distributed over hundreds if not thousands of different physical bodies, all moving through time simultaneously. So I can see that in a very real sense, I exist in many thousands of separate physical bodies on this planet here today, due to the long term effects of fragmentation. And these fragments exist at all different ages, and interestingly enough as both sexes. As we heal our unconscious mind and resolve the differences between ourselves and our fragments, we begin to coalesce back together into a new whole. This will happen over time as a result of healing our unconscious minds. So another form of memory that we have to deal with are fragmentative memories. These are memories happened in current time, so they could not have either inspectorial or past life, but they were also not my personal memories. One such memory I have had was of falling off a container ship in the middle of the ocean, and watching the move over the horizon, knowing I was going to die. There are a lot of death memories that we are having to confront, because is a major trauma for all of us. This concept demonstrates the connection between ourselves and our fragmented selves and indeed a connection to all people due to original fragmentation. It’s interesting to note that I can heal a trauma in another person somewhere else in the world, if I can see their memories. Like I said earlier, I am you and you are I, and what I do helps you, and what you do helps me. Thank you for everything you do. Clearing Chakra Caps Back in the late eighties and early nineties I was into playing these video games on the computer that were all based on a previous board game called Dungeons and Dragons. These were some cool games, and as I recall they got better in their graphics over time as the computers of the time became faster and had more memory to work with. I haven’t played them in years, but I suspect that the games of today would be pretty awesome. Doing these reframes releases a lot of super-luminal light that had been held by the traumatized children that we have carried around in our auric fields. That light acts very much like a light bulb in our bodies allowing us to see much more than we had previously seen. If you get enough light in motion you can actually see your chakras. It’s almost like the mind takes your internal sight and your external sight and superimposes one upon the other, fully integrating the inner and outer words. At least that is what I think is happening with people who see auric fields. Anyway, when I got enough energy moving in me, I saw my chakras. And then I saw that each of these twelve little tornadoes had a cap that had be laid upon them. And every one of these caps was the face of a devil or a daemon, and they were all different. On my crown chakra I had a bright red leather faced devil. Over my third eye was the Jolly Rodger or what I called scull face at the time. Over my heart chakra was a green lizard face devil complete with scales. Anyway there was a devil or demon standing guard over each and every chakra. And their job appeared to be to keep me from connecting to the light, the super-luminal light. It was fortunate that I had played those video games, as the graphics in those games, the pictures of devils, daemons, ogres, and trolls, seemed to condition me to the point where I had lost most of my fear. They were conscious in their own right, little pieces of me that I had not loved up to that point, but they were also protecting me from outside influence. They had their purpose and a mission to keep me in and everything else out. When I first saw these caps I was afraid for a time. Then I faced them. As I looked at these devils and daemons, one after the other I found that they all represented relationship issues that I had not dealt with that were also related to the chakra in question. The crown chakra was all about issues with God or Father. The base chakra cap was all about issues with Nature or Mother. The heart chakra cap was about issues with Love. The yes sow daemon was about personal power, or the lack thereof, and so it went through all the chakras. As I would deal with these issues by acknowledging them and reframing the memories, the power of the devil or daemon over me would decrease until at some point they simply disappeared. Eventually I was able to connect to the super-luminal light in all chakras, though it took a few years and thousands of reframes. One of the things that will help you in clearing your caps is when you realize that there is no such thing as an adult devil or daemon. They’re all children, children every one. There is no devil or daemon that has ever grown up emotionally beyond about the age of fifteen and usually less than that. They grow older, but they never grow up. I was on a flight from Hawaii to San Francisco a few years back. It was a five hour flight and the movie on that flight was called, Spy Kids 3: Game Over. It was a movie that I would likely never have bothered with, just because of the name. And indeed, as you might suspect, on the surface it was silly, ridicules, childish tripe, though it did help to pass the time through that long flight. But when I delved a little deeper, I saw that the four major characters were the four parts of God as I know then, Spirit, Will, Heart and Body. And each of these characters were pretty accurately as to their points of view as I have come to understand them. There was one scene where the adult character representing Spirit picked up these two Programmers, who looked like devils or daemons, he picked them up by their coats and shook them causing them to transform into a couple of twelve or thirteen year old boys. It was an incredible scene, precisely because it was so god damn bloody accurate. That scene showed up the fact that reality on this planet is created by programmers, programmers of people, programmers of the human computer, and those programmers are children, hateful, mean and viciously cruel children, creating reality to their betterment and the detriment of others. Or as I see it, the programmers are the Inverted Spirit Polarized people on this planet. But that movie was a psychological coup beyond belief, as it portrayed The Truth about how reality itself is actually created and it got that information into the young minds of children at an age when they could accept it. It sewed the seeds necessary to destroy our current reality, that it might rise again from it’s own ashes like the mythological Phoenix. My hat is certainly off to the writer’s and producers of this film. They did it, and they did it right under the noses of the established ‘Powers That be,’ the institutions of family, Church, and State. Way, cool! The point is that all devils and daemons are essentially children. And if that seven percent conscious part of you is a little more grown up than these devils or daemons, and you are willing to face your fear, then you can be empowered to deal with these brazen brutal brats. You need to be respectful though, and not look down upon them, as you discover them in your auric field, because an angry child with a pistol is a very dangerous thing. Still, it helps to know what you’re dealing with.
I remember watching a show on the History Channel about Elliot Ness and his campaign against the Liquor Cartels in Chicago during prohibition. It was interesting in it’s own right, but the scene that stayed with me was the hell, fire and damnation preacher up behind the podium shaking his fists in the air while declaring alcohol to be the work of the devil. That particular Deacon had a rage filled demeanor and the blackest eyes that I have ever seen on a human being in this lifetime. His message continued by stating that the imbibing of this potion would cause the person to be cast into the pit of doom by God himself to burn in hellfire forever. Yeah, well, that’s Christianity for you. Anyway, what I’m seeing is that this is just another inverted reality. There is no problem with drinking alcohol, the problem is with the shame induction of which the hell, fire and damnation preachers are masters. That’s their job. They shame the crap out of you, make you feel shitty about yourself, and in this way gain power over you, guilt tripping you into dropping a few buck in the basket when it’s passed around. Devils, daemons and deacons are all the same in that they’re all inverted. But my view is that the deacons are the worst of the lot. For it is the preachers, deacons and the like that are actually manifesting the agreement to create reality in the way that it has been created. You have to realize that these people are inverted, and they do not love themselves, no matter what their presentation face might be saying to the contrary. Oh, they present as loving and sweet, but if you peel back the vale over their presentation face, what you’re likely to find is layer upon layer of denied guilt, fear, shame and doubt.
Once you understand what needs to be done the first step is to create for yourself a connection to both the Object and Reference Beams, or said another way to the Mother Earth and God in the Heavens. The reason you don’t have those connections at present is going to be found in the guilt, fear, shame and doubt carried in the auric field. These will always be relationship issues of one form or another. As a Body Polarized person, you should probably start be working on developing a connection to the Mother Earth. That connection will be initiated from the tail bone which is also the red of survival chakra. These days I perceive it as a red laser beam that runs from the bottom of my tail bone to the center of the Earth. So, to effect that connection you start by reframing any issues that you might have with the Mother, your own mother or the Mother Earth. There could be many different issues here, like rage at the mother for not protecting you, hatred of the mother for always holding back and moving too slowly or being too emotional, rage over her shaming us to get her way, terror of her rage at us for not getting with her program, guilt for being a burden too heavy for her to carry, anger at her for caring about her other children more than you, sibling rivalry, fear of there not being enough light to go around. I just mention a few possibilities here to help stimulate your own mind. What was there for me might very well be different issues for you. It doesn’t matter, you just start where you are and keep doing reframes. When you’ve done your prep work and think you’re ready, picture a laser beam hooked to your tailbone and send that laser beam to the center of the earth where it becomes securely attached to the core. Then take a picture of yourself thus, put a frame or border around it of whatever colors come to mind and run it through your body. You might want to do this a few times over a period of days. After doing this reframe you will likely been to see other issues you have with the Mother, that you have previously been unaware. You may also bring up past life memories and death experiences, at least that’s what happened for me. Just reframe them as they come up, like any other reframe, and keep doing this until you came feel somewhat comfortable in your body before taking the next step. You will need a secure connection to the Mother to take that next step, so don’t skimp on this one. The next step is of course, to connect your Self to the Reference Beam, or Spirit God on High. This will likely be a big problem, as we have been rivals and even enemies for all of time. He doesn’t trust us and we don’t trust him. So that’s where we start. As with the issues with the mother it’s all about relationship. You begin by reframing any unpleasant memories or relationship issues with you sired father in this lifetime. This will be things like abandonment issues, rage and hatred of the father for being punished, feelings of not being loved, feelings of being enslaved, terror of the father even to thinking you might be killed by him, feeling like he doesn’t want you around, rivalry issues for the love of the mother, sibling issues where he takes the side of the sibling, being punished for things you didn’t do, being emotionally pushed down so that you couldn’t outshine the father, and oh so many other issues. Your issues will be your issues; I’m just giving you some ideas in order to help you to prime the pump. Many of the issues in relationship to the father will be issues of sexual shame and sexual shame induction since this has been his primary path to acquiring dominion over we of the Body Polarity. So, I suggest that you spend quite some time working on sexual shame before trying to connect to Spirit God on High. It’s not only sexual shame, though in my experience that was the most of it. It’s also shame around not being good enough, fast enough, thorough enough, studious enough, or whatever the reason he choose to withhold his love from us as a means of asserting his authority over us. Shame induction is a real big deal here, and it would be best if you could clear as much of it as possible before attempting a connection. When I was a youngster, my father used to tell me, “Don’t do as I do, do as I say do.” I took offense to that and saw it as hypocrisy. So, I ignored him and decided I needed to find out for myself, which is how I became a smoker for many years. In retrospect I see that my issue was that he always came down as if it were an edict from on high, never taking the time to explain why I should not do as he did, or allowing me the opportunity to learn from his experience. And so, I just saw his actions as draconian and basically defied him and his wishes for me. As I write these words, I find myself in a similar situation, where I want to say unto you “Don’t do as I did, do as I say do.” Funny, eh, how some things come around full circle? I guess what I want to say is that you should get connected to the Mother first and spend a few months dealing with that level of connection as the first order of business. Then spend a few months working on clearing your relationship issues with God and your sired father before attempting to create direct connection to God. Now, I didn’t do it that way. I was stupid, ignorant and hardly had a clue as to what I was doing, because I had no teacher, there was no one who had gone before me to show me the way. So, what did I do? I connected both base and crown chakras to the light on the same day. Folks, I here to tell you I almost did not survive that experience. I came very close to suicide, and the possibility of insanity. You can do it that way, but I don’t recommend it. I’m looking at my experience in hindsight and can see that it’s best to go slow here and be very thorough. In other words, don’t do as I did, do as I say do and hopefully your process will be much easier than mine. Once you have done your prep work and you feel you’re ready it will be time to hook up. Picture a beam of white light coming down from the heavens and attaching itself to the top of your head. Create a knowingness for yourself that this light is from Uninverted Spirit in the Godhead. Then click, take a photo of yourself thusly connected and run the picture through you body with an appropriate frame. Again, you might want to do this several times over a period of weeks. After you connect to Spirit, you will be what I call dual connected or connected to both the Mother and the Father. This situation can be painful, especially if you haven’t done your prep work, because you will be beaming super-luminal light into your body both the top and the bottom and that will make it difficult for any shame-based traumatized children to hide from the light of love. What it will do is to start waking these kids up giving you many more memories that you will have to deal with. Being dual connect will begin the process of healing your gap. This gap is known by me as the gap between lust and love and it includes all the potential relationship issues between these two vastly different points of view. This gap is the majority of your body, which has been the battleground for the war between Spirit and Body over the issues of sex and love. Realistically most people’s bodies looks like no-mans-land in WWI, an ugly space of destruction where almost nothing is left alive. When I look into my third eye at a person these days what I usually see is that the head and the hands have some light in them, though there may also be some light in the feet of the tailbone area of the body. But pretty much the rest of the person’s body looks like a corpse that has been halfway through the cremation process, in other words a crispy critter. What I’m seeing here is that most of what exists in the gap is dead and has been for some quite time, many millennia. So the process of healing your unconscious mind is the process of healing the relationship issues and conflicts that exist in this gap. Have you ever seen the movie Star Wars, the first movie with the Death Star? There is a scene where Luke Skywalker flies his craft through a canal and a gauntlet of enemy fire in an attempt to blow up the Death Star. It’s a good analogy for what needs to be done here. We need to get the energy flowing from the base chakra to the crown chakra, and also from the crown chakra to the base chakra. But in the beginning, if you try to go directly through the body in both directions you will likely wake up hundreds of thousands of traumatized children wanting to take pot shots at you and the experience will likely be overwhelming even for the best of warriors. So, you don’t want to do like Luke did, you don’t want to run the gauntlet. What’s needed is an alternative path for the energy to flow that does not wake up too many of those kids. So, here again I did something I didn’t know I could do until I had actually done it. I imagined a series of quartz crystals making an arc over the front of my body from about a foot above my head to about a foot below my tailbone and allowed the energy to flow from the Father to the Mother through this arc without having to actually move through my body. Then I did the opposite from the base chakra to the crown arcing over the back chakras, bypassing the body but allowing the energy from the Mother to flow to the Father completing the cycle. Then I did the reframe in the usual way. I called this arcing over the gap. Over time what I did was to lower the crystal arches closer and closer to my physical body. This had to effect of shining more and more light into the deeper dark recesses of the gap, while allowing me to control the process so as not to be overwhelmed. As I moved it lower and lower more and deeper relationship issues arose to be dealt with, and I dealt with them in turn, peeling back the onion a little at a time as I could handle the process. Today I can actually move that energy down the center of my torso, which is no small accomplishment. The whole process took me a couple of years. Hopefully you will be able to learn from my experience and it won’t take you quite so long. At first waking up your gap is going to feel like being a burn victim in a hospital. It won’t be pleasant and it will take time to heal before you can feel good again. It really is like waking the dead, the dead traumatized children that we drag around like a sack of cotton behind us. In fact, there was this wonderful image that came to me during a meditation while I was going through this process. It was like a total lucid dream, as real as anything else in the world. I found myself sitting in a lotus position and before me lay the body of a naked man. He was obviously dead. On the other side of the body were three other men sitting in a lotus position. They could have been Buddhist monks, but I just though of them as teachers. We communicated in some way that I don’t understand, but they seemed to be asking me to help this man. My intuition kicked in and I lifted my palms, pointed them at the body and began to suck in super-luminal light through my crown and push Reiki energy out my hands and into that body. Then the most amazing thing happened, his color went from gray tones to flesh tones. As I continued to breathe in light and feed that light into the body, I noticed that his heart had started beating. The heart beat for some time before the respiratory tract kicked in and he began to breathe slowly. I was getting tired from the effort when I noticed the light begin to emanate from his head and I realized that the man was now fully alive and just resting. I stopped the process. One of the monks smiled at me and nodded his approval, after which I woke from the dream. Do you remember in the bible where is says that the seas shall give up their dead (***get proper quote). It really is like that folks, only it’s not God on High that is going to do. It’s going to be you who raise the dead, as you heal those stone cold traumatized children that you carry around in your body. The next step in he process is to get connected to Uninverted Body. This is done by clearing the chakra caps on the soles of the feet. There is actually another set of chakras under the sole around the arch of the foot, with a corresponding chakra that pops out to the top of the feet. This is supposed to be the connection to Body, or the masculine aspect of the Earth, but because of Christianity most people do not have this connection. What I found when I looked inside was that I had caps on these chakras. I called these caps the sticky goo guys, and they were twins with one under each foot. The were your basic human skull with an attached jaw bone, but they were covered with this goo that acted like a rubber cement or bubble gum tht has attached itself to the bottom of your shoe on a hot day. In the beginning, every time I tried to pull these boys off they would just slide right back into place, keeping me from connecting to the earth through my feet. I did lots of reframes to try to resolve their issues, but it was like the presence of the goo kept me from seeing accurately what their issues really were. So I took a different approach, I decided to give them a bath and clear away the goo first. I did a few reframes where I used turpentine to clean up these skulls. Then I did more reframes where I used fingernail polish remover. I even imagined using WD-40 to do this job. I used soap and water, and anything else I could think of at the time. Each time I did a reframe, they would seem a little less gooey until one day the goo was gone. That process alone took at least a week. After that I began to see what the real issues were. It was all about issues with the Devil, and my ancestral memories that were convinced that Body was the Devil and to open this connection would be the equivalent of Devil worship. As such, many subsequent reframes were required. Fear of the Devil, Hatred of the Devil, fear that I might be the Devil, fear of God for connecting to the Devil, rage at the Devil, rage at Body for being abandoned by him, rage over feeling betrayed by God, and so forth and so on. I don’t know what will come up for you, but these are a few of the things that I had to deal with in my process. You will probably have to deal with something similar. It’s really the process of moving through Inverted Body, before you can establish the connection with Uninverted Body, and this process is likely to take some time. Again, this is not something you should skimp on, because the next step is to get connected to Heart or he who the Christians call Jesus, and you’ll need to be firmly connected to the planet in order establish that connection because you’ll have to go through Inverted Heart in order to get connected to Uninverted Heart. Inverted Heart hates our guts, and is committed to either enslaving us or putting an end to our existence. (***Connecting to Heart) (***Other connections)