Warriors Secular A
Spiritual Path for Those of Us |
The Nature of Reality I should say my reality, as I have come to understand just how different reality can be from one community to another, and even from one person to another. Believe it or not, this can extend even unto changing the physical laws of the universe, as in fire-walkers and levitation and such. What I have come to see is that reality is not what we have been told that it is. There is no such thing as an external reality, there is no such thing as a Newtonian Universe. Today we are living in a relativistic world where we each and every one of us can literally create our own reality. What appears to be an external reality is simply the average reality as created by some six billion separate persons here on planet Earth. It is the way that it is because we all agree to create it that way, usually unconsciously. The way I see it today, is that our bodies are holographic plates. We draw energy from the void, the infinite, or God, and this light shines through our bodies and the DNA memories in every cell, to project outwardly the reality that we then perceive in reflection. This energy or light is experienced by me as being different than any other form of energy I had previously known. I like to call it super-luminal light or light that is faster than light, as a play on words, though I actually experience it as more like an inter-dimensional energy source. In today’s world, people who are aware of this light are referred to as people who can channel. We used to be called witches or wizards. This version of reality might be a little easier to see if you can imagine a large balloon. A rather special balloon where you can stick your finger in up to two knuckles and it surrounds the finger. Then imagine six billion people pushing their finger into this balloon, where each finger is a holographic projector. Then imagine that these people all push their entire consciousness fully into those two knuckles and cut themselves off from the rest of themselves. Then as a final step invert the balloon, turn it inside out so it looks like a huge porcupine. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s pretty darn close to how reality actually is for me, or as close as a metaphor can get. Another important piece to this puzzle is that much of our DNA is the memories of our ancestors, usually unresolved traumatic memories from childhood. The DNA or the memories of parents get passed on to the child at conception and become the unconscious mind of the newly incarnated spirit. In the Bible there is a quote that says “the sins of the fathers shall be laid down upon the sons for unto ten generations.” (***verify quote and get reference) What I take this to mean is that the DNA we carry or the memories of our ancestors only go back ten generations. Still that’s 2046 people, 1023 men and 1023 women, or two to the power of eleven minus one minus you. What I have also seen here is that the memories that we’re talking about are for the most part from the childhood of these people. When I look at my ancestry, I see that the average ages of the mothers were seventeen and the average age of the fathers were twenty-one. If that’s true and these are the memories we start with as our unconscious minds, it’s pretty easy to see that there is not a lot of wisdom in these people. Childhood can be rough. And there are many, many childhood trauma’s inherited by us from these people who have given us life. The next thing I have seen is that there are four different ways to draw in that super-luminal light that activates our holographic plates, or our bodies and creates the projections that we then experience as our own personal reality. They represent the four different aspects of God, as I know them: Spirit, the God in the sky often referred to as the Father, Heart also known as Jesus, Will, the Divine Mother or Mother Earth, and Body also known as Form and often vilified. A hologram is created by splitting a beam of light in two and using one as a reference beam and the other as an object beam. And very much like a magnet the energy in the object beam must exactly match the energy in the reference beam. You cannot create a magnet without a negative polarity and the strength of the negative energy will exactly match the strength of the positive. It is the same with a hologram. So people on this planet tend to draw their energy from one of the four possible aspects. At issue is that the connection through that energy is drawn is experienced differently by each of the different polarities. With a connection to Spirit, the energy enters the body through the crown chakra at the top of the head and is experienced as enlightenment, epiphany, and understanding. What I have recently seen about Spirit is that spirit polarized people tend to value family above everything else. With Heart polarized people the super-luminal light enters the body via the hands up the arms and into the heart chakra. This energy is then experienced as unconditional love, and of course love tends to be the highest value for Heart polarized people. For Will polarized people the light enters the body through the base or survival chakra at the base of the tailbone and is experienced as zest for life and/or desire to procreate and nurture. Will polarized people then tend to value life more than anything else. For Body polarized people the energy enters the body through the soles of the feet, travels up the legs and into the orange chakra to be experienced as libido, or sexual desire. As such Body polarized people will in all likelihood value sex more than anything else in life. That said, it can pretty easily be seen that whatever ones polarization, what we value most in life will be seen by us as our connection to God, the Force, the Source, the Void or whatever you want to call it/him/her. More than anything else, we must protect that connection, for to lose that connection is to die. Spirit polarized people will happily sell out love, sex and even life itself for family. If push come to shove Heart polarized people will sell out family, sex and life for love. Will polarized people will surely give up family, love and sex to secure a good life. And Body polarized people will risk the loss family, love and even life itself for the possibility of sex. We all have our own points of view, but in the past we have assumed that everyone else has a pretty similar point of view to our own. And that is just not the case. People are not so alike. We differ greatly in our perspective, points of view and values in life. Seeing this, it becomes pretty clear to me why the world is in such dire shape. Another thing I have been seeing is the nature of just how our bodies are put together. What I am seeing when I look inside at what I am projecting into reality is that we are not the three dimensional beings that we have been told we are. What some would call the auric field, I’m seeing as four separate and distinctly different bodies, one within the other that correspond to the primary polarizations, the mental body, the spiritual body, the emotional body and the physical body. And each of these bodies are a quantum leap more dense than the previous one. Another thing it’s important to realize is that each of these bodies exists in three dimensions. But as I’m seeing it, they are a different three dimensions for each of the four different bodies, for a total of twelve different dimensions that make up our bodies, sixteen if you count time. Our bodies are, as I’m seeing it, much more complex that anyone has imagined to date. To illustrate this I need to take a moment to explain a multi-dimensional concept called a tesseract, which is defined as a four-dimensional analog cube. To envision this imagine a smaller cube within a larger cube. Then in your minds eye draw a line from the eight corners of the outer cube to the corners of the inner cube, such that the six sides of the inner cube can be seen to be boxes, albeit a little out of shape. You’re now seeing it in a three-dimensional form, in a real tesseract the inside boxes, the outside boxes, and the six boxes that make up the sides of the inner box are all exactly the same size. It is a weird concept that I never thought would apply to anything but I’m now seeing that it does seem to apply as I am coming to understand the true nature of Form. What I’m seeing now is that our physical bodies are made up of a form similar to a tesseract within a tesseract, within a tesseract, within a tesseract. Way back in the beginning before creation was created all essence in was one somewhere outside this creation in a different kind of place. Then a split occurred, the first split in consciousness, called the Spirit/Will or Masculine/Feminine split. This was necessary as it split the beam of energy or super-luminal light into the two beams necessary in order to create a hologram or what today we call creation. At that time, Spirit experienced himself as God, though as I’m seeing it today, the Will or the Mother of Everything, as she has come to be known, was also God. I don’t think She has ever realized this simple fact, even unto today. What I’m seeing is that Spirit is the Reference Beam, and the Mother is the Object Beam for this hologram that we call Creation. I don’t know much about this first split, and will likely never know for myself because I was not conscious at the time. I only infer that it had to have gone this way. The next split was the Spirit/Body split. I also infer that there must have been a Will/Body split also at the same time, though I expect we will have to heal a bit more of our unconscious minds before we will know for sure. The split that created we of the Body Polarity was a necessary first step to creating a creation because we are the holographic plate for the hologram. The super-luminal light was then able to shine through we of the Body Polarity to bring forth a true Holographic Creation into reality. Nothing can exist in a hologram unless it exists in the holographic plate. So while Spirit experienced himself as God, we also experienced ourselves as God, because we knew even then that we are the holographic plate, and nothing can exist in creation unless we are projecting it into reality. Our understanding back then was that We are God, We knew it, and there could be no possible doubt about this, because we could look inside and see that we were in point of fact All That Is. So there was a struggle right from the very beginning over who gets to be God. As I heal my unconscious mind, what I’m seeing now is that Spirit and Will are the super-luminal light of male and female consciousness that shines through we of the body polarity to manifest this Creation into reality. So in retrospect, it turns out that we are not the Almighty God we have always thought we were, but rather, the first born Sons and Daughters of Mother and Father God; Spirit and Will. Heart or Jesus are the second born Sons and Daughters of our Mother and Father God. Our problem has always been that we experience the connection to God as libido, and neither Spirit, nor Will, nor Heart has ever understood that simple fact because we have never told them. The problem was that Spirit shamed us almost instantly for being sexual and we turned our backs on Spirit to hide our shame. This created a situation where Spirit could not see The Truth because we were hiding it from him. You see, Spirit looks into Creation from the Reference Beam in the Heavens while we look into Creation from the Object Beam or the center of the Earth. As such we can and did hide a lot of stuff from God for all this time, but also from ourselves. And in all this time Spirit has been unable to give us the consciousness that we needed to heal because we wouldn’t accept it. And we wouldn’t accept it, because we didn’t want to have to face what I call the Four Horsemen, the guilt, fear, shame and doubt that are in the space between us and Spirit. The truth that I’m seeing about that is that we simply didn’t have the tools that we needed to be able to create a bridge between the Reference and Object Beams. We got nailed by Spirit very early on, and since then we have never been able to grow up beyond about the emotional age of around fifteen. So Spirit needed to get the tools into our hands in such a way that a fifteen year old could understand them. We needed concepts like the tesseract, fractals, and the hologram, and psychological modalities like NLP and HMR and the ability to transmute the energy in stored emotions so we wouldn’t have to feel the fullness of all of those that we carry. These are now available and we can now proceed to heal our unconscious minds, so that we may come to love ourselves, absolutely and unconditionally, completely and totally. The problem for us has always been that collectively we are the holographic plate, and the nature of a holographic plate is that no matter how many pieces you break it up into, even the smallest piece projects the entire hologram. So for we of the Body Polarity anything that exists in Creation that we do not love is a little piece of ourselves that we do not love. So if we wish to love our Selves we must choose to create our Self as a being who is genuinely and authentically Love for All That Is. If you are truly Body Polarized then you don’t have a choice about that. It’s the only way to love yourself, because like it or not your Self is All That Is. That’s the bitch of it, because I’ll tell you folks there have been a whole lot of people and stuff on this planet that I have hated, that I have had to find some way to come to love. The good news is that when you are done and have created your Self as legitimately and authentically Love for All That Is, well, that’s the definition of an Avatar and you get to be God physically incarnate here on Planet Earth. The difference is that you don’t get to be the Almighty God we used to think we were, but rather what I affectionately call a Mini-Mighty God. You’ll get to have dominion over what you choose to create as your truth, your reality and your Self, but you don’t get to tell anyone else what they have to create as their truth. Free Will shall prevail.
The Four Horsemen Engineering 101: You cannot solve any problem, no matter what it is, if you don’t thoroughly understand the problem. And you cannot understand the problem if you can’t see it from all sides. And since for all of this time we have been hunkered down and hiding our truth from Spirit, out of our fear of what our truth might be, Spirit has never had all the facts and has therefore been unable to develop an equitable compromise solution to the problem of the Spirit/Body split. This has now changed and I am now beginning to see the problem for what it really is.
Guilt He has been sure that we were the problem and that if we could just stop having so much sex and live our lives according to the moral values that he laid upon us from on high, then everything would be fine and there would be no more problems. And, of course, we could not do that, and when we failed to live up to his expectations, we would feel guilty and he would see the guilt and feel justified in punishing us, sometimes brutally. So, this was the first of the four horsemen that have been laid upon we of the Body Polarity, guilt induction. Under the guise of teaching us right from wrong, we were taught at an early age to value certain things, the most important of which was family, or so we were told. And at that early age we said sure, I agree, and that agreement at free-will choice was a co-creative act with God that created our reality. These values are things virginity, love and holding back on your sexuality until your wedding night, to mention a few. But then we come to puberty and really begin to experience our libido as a powerful all-consuming drive. At which time we find ourselves going against these values that were inducted into us earlier by our family, the Church and the State. And when we we’ve had enough and choose to breach these values we feel guilty for doing so. So ultimately guilt can be seen as going against that which you have agreed to value, it is essentially the breaking of our word that causes us to feel guilty. Spirit does not value sexuality the way we do. Spirit Polarized people can go there whole lives without an orgasm and never notice. We on the other hand have to have an orgasm every day, at least one, from the day we reach puberty until the day we die, or we feel deprived. And Spirit has never understood that simple truth about us. Unlike what we’ve been told, it’s not a matter of just getting with the program and choosing to live our lives in accordance with these values. We cannot, as these values are totally inappropriate to we who obtain our super-luminal light from the Object Beam, the Will and Body Polarities. Indeed, I expect we need a separate morality for each of the four primary polarities. But what is certain, is that what works for the Spirit and Heart Polarities does not work for us and never will. There was a point in my process when I realized that this guilt-tripping was all about a asking me to give up my free-will and to demand that I live my life according to someone else’s will. When I realized that, I understood that I didn’t deserve any of it, and that I was hurting myself by holding onto this guilt because somebody else asked me to, usually someone I loved and cared about and at a very young age.
Fear Fear induction is done by creating a trauma within another. For most children this is done by their parents through verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or maybe it’s just something simple like get with my program or you are a bad person who will burn in hellfire forever. There used to be this saying that if you spare the rod you will spoil the child, so most of our ancestors were physically abused and we still carry those memories in our genes. We each are carrying around with us thousands upon thousands upon thousands of traumas in our genetic memories. The induction of fear is for a purpose of getting someone to do what they are told by someone else. It is often a means of extorting an agreement to create such and such as your truth, thus giving them power over you. It is an important lesson to learn that the agreements we make out of fear have just as much impact upon our reality as any agreements made in the absence of fear. These are still agreements made at free-will choice, and thus have power. While fear is the bulk of what we carry around in our auric field, any emotion that is not felt completely at the time of the original experience will be stored in the body until such time, as you are is able to return to that moment and heal the emotional content in that memory. And any time we store a trauma in our auric filed we lose a little bit of consciousness with it or a little piece of ourselves. This is why we are only using about seven percent of our brains, most of our consciousness is tied up and lost to these thousands upon thousands of traumatized children. And
the feelings I refused to feel, Realistically, the healing of the emotional body is one of the most difficult tasks before us as we heal our unconscious minds and come to love ourselves.
Shame While fear, especially in the form of manic terror can be nearly impossible to deal with, shame induction is the absolutely the worst of what we’re having to move through to come to love ourselves, well, at least from the point of view of the Body Polarity. This is because shame is an agreement to create ones Self as a being that is unworthy of love, especially God‘s love, but also Self love. And an agreement is a co-creative act with God. Most of this shame is taken in very young ages from our parents, the church, school, and any and all institutions we get involved with. They’re all basically saying that you need to get with the program and allow someone else to determine what is and is not the truth with respect to this institution or you are “bad boys” and “bad girls“. If at some point you fail to live up to the rules of the institution, you have agreed to create your Self as a being who is unworthy of love, which is to say “Bad“ or “Wrong“. And there will come such a point because the rules are always way too stringent for anyone to live up to. And that too is deliberate because shame is one of the most effective ways of obtaining power over another human being, another Mini-Mighty God being. Another aspect of this induction is that with the inducted shame the person inducting the shame is given permission to punish. That’s important because permission to punish is the flipside of legal term ‘jurisdiction’. And it allows the Judge or Jury to punish the person holding the shame without having to suffer the karmic consequences which are pretty severe at times forty and for ten generations. This is all done under the guise of teaching a child right from wrong and a ‘healthy’ respect for authority, an authority that does not love that child. This is what passes for power here on planet Earth. The induction of shame is also a trauma. At the point at which we take in the shame a little piece of our consciousness breaks off from us, turns it’s back upon God, hunkers down to hide the reason for the shame and goes unconscious. This has the effect of insulating the institution from being found out as to what they are really doing, because the piece of ourselves that knows what happened is now asleep. Continual shame induction over time will have the effect of draining consciousness from that person. Personally, I believe this is a key component of the whole process of aging. Spirit, Heart and even to some extent Will Polarized people have an ability to just break away from their shame and pretty much ignore it’s existence. We, however, cannot break with it because we are the Body in which the shame is stored. We feel their shame in our bodies as if it were our own shame, because we are their bodies. Then for us to bring in the super-luminal light, raises consciousness and forces us into an awareness of the shame. It also backlights us and allows others to become aware of it’s existence which is then used as a justification for punishing us for holding their shame. And we have not been able to get away from this pattern because we know we were deserving of the punishment, because we agreed to create ourselves as a being who deserved to be punished, as a “bad boy“ or “bad girl.” This is why the prisons of the world are so overcrowded. You may or may not be aware of it but there is a universal law, in other words God’s Law, called ‘The Law of No Interference.’ It says, basically that you cannot interfere with another person’s process or experience without assuming a Karmic Consequence, unless you have that person’s permission to do so. I’ve known this intuitively forever and that created a big problem for me when it came to healing all the guilt, fear, shame and doubt that I have been holding in my Body. The problem I was having was that I am the bodies of all the Spirit, Heart, and Will Polarized people on this planet. I was hanging around waiting for them to heal their stuff, so I wouldn’t have to hold it anymore, feeling like it was not right for me to interfere. The breakthrough came when I realized that they are not going to heal their stuff, or even admit to having it. So I decided that anything that I am holding in my body is mine by default and I have the right, the power, the authority and the jurisdiction to heal it in myself if I so choose. And I do. So, my intuition is telling me that there is going to be on average three hundred thousand traumatized childhood memories for each person on the planet. Each and every one of these kids has to be loved into a healing and it’s going to take some time. That’s the bad news. The good news is that each of these traumas is a relationship issue and you only have to deal with a given issue once. The earlier similar issues will be taken care of automatically by our unconscious minds during meditation. More good news about the process is that each of these children are hunkered down over a little piece of consciousness and when you heal them you realize a gain in consciousness and awareness, even if the child was originally a Spirit, Heart or Will Polarized person. Another side benefit here is that the consciousness comes in the form of super-luminal light and you get to use that light to create your Reality, your Truth and you Self, more powerfully. And that is way cool.
Doubt Doubt induction is the last of the four horsemen and also represents a trauma inducted into us usually when we are very young and naïve. Later in life we usually come to question these statements about us, but early on we soak them up like a sponge because they’re inducted into us by our parents and other people who are pretending to love us. Simple little phrases like “You can’t do that!” with contempt. “What makes you think you can write?” With absurdity. “Just who the hell do you think you are?” With disgust. These simple little phrases are used to make us doubt who we are and what we can accomplish in life. And it’s often done in the name of love, because after all, it we tried we might not make it, and the we might get hurt. But the effect is to keep us small and manageable. And, of course, smaller than our parents who do not want to be out-shown. The healing of doubt is pretty straightforward. You just have to change your mind about creating these things to be your truth. You simply find the childhood memories and do the reframe, which I’ll teach you how to do later in this book. Do you remember how the Church is always telling the congregation that they must believe? Or that the power of their belief is somehow related to the depth of their faith in God? Yeah, right. Folks, belief is the most insidious form of doubt induction ever created, by God or man. I’d like to suggest that you do a little process. Speak these two phrases out loud and pay attention to how they feel when you speak them. “I believe that such and such is The Truth.” “I stand for that such and such is The truth.” Can you feel the difference? What I noticed is that doubt is an inherent a part of the word “believe”, while there is no doubt about that for which I choose to stand, because I have the right to choose. So what I’m seeing about this inclination of the Church to espouse belief is just a very clever and subtle means of doubt induction. If you can fill the people up with many things that they “believe” then you clutter their minds with self-doubt. In that state they will likely believe anything they are told, making it easy to baffle them with bullshit. That folks, is a profound understanding. What I’m seeing here is that “belief” is a shield over that for which you stand, and is intended by the doubt inductors to keep you from seeing that for which you really stand. And, of course, that’s how institutions work. You give over unto them the right to determine what is and is not The Truth with respect to such and such, and then your beliefs as to what is The Truth is keep you from being able to see what you are actually projecting into reality. The beliefs act as a kind of a shroud, through which we see darkly, if at all. In this way the institutions of this world can create The Truth however they wish, without having to ask our permission. It does not matter what you believe. The super-luminal light shines right through this shroud like gamma rays through a linen sheet, and then activates and projects The Truth into reality according to that which you have agreed to stand for, at the bequest of the institution. In other words, The Truth does not care whether you believe it or not. So in order to be able to see for yourself what you are unconsciously standing for you have to eliminate all of your beliefs, and destroy the shroud that is covering up that for which you are unconsciously choosing to stand. So, would you believe it? I have a couple of reframes that you might wish consider. I like the picture of the burning bush that Moses encountered in the desert. You know the one that didn’t consume the bush? It was never said but I perceive it as a purple flame of healing and perception. So this is the first reframe, the purple flame of God that is programmed to burn up all the beliefs you hold in your auric field. Picture yourself standing on a cloud. God’s hands raise up under your feet, and from those hands emanates a purple flame. This flame grows in size until it completely engulfs your body and the whole of your auric field. It feels cool and soothing, like a mother’s love and you know that all of your doubt inducted beliefs are being burned away, so that you may see that for which you actually stand. Click. Take a picture of yourself there and you know what to do. Next, picture the Eye of Horus that you see on the back of the one dollar bill. Then in the gap between the top separated pyramid and the part below place four logs, with one of these four words written upon each, guilt, fear, shame and doubt. The picture yourself lighting these logs and watching them burn away the top pyramid until when the purple fire dies down there is only an eye and the pyramid is gone. You see the eye open and you realize the that it no longer sees darkly into The Truth, but is now empowered to see The Truth as clearly as looking into a crystal ball. Click. Put a frame or border around the picture, and you know what to do. These two reframes are intended to open you up and give you permission to see for yourself what it is that you are projecting into reality as Your Truth. This is crucially important, because you cannot heal that which you will not allow yourself to see. There is just one more thing I’d like to say while were the subject. I’d like to speak about this word called “Faith”. What I see about this word called faith, is that it is an abdication of personal responsibility. They’re saying, have faith and everything will be okay. Turn it all over to God and you will be taken care of. Don’t worry, be happy. Sound familiar? Another thing I’m seeing about faith is that when you choose, of your own free will, to have faith in a God on High, you are abdicating personal responsibility in the right here and right now. And in so doing, you give up the right to create your own reality on your own authority, which is something that you have a God given right to do. Choosing to have faith is in fact giving over the right to determine what is and is not The Truth with respect to all things. That truth will then be determined by others here on planet Earth, and more often than not by some inverted Spirit Polarized person, running an institution. So, as I’m seeing it today, this whole Guilt, Fear, Shame and Doubt Induction Program has one purpose and one purpose only, to subjugate we Mini-Mighty Gods, you and I, to a temporal reality. The final thing I’d like to say on this subject is that if you are going to create yourself as an avatar, even as a Mini-Mighty God physically incarnate here on Earth, you do not get to abdicate personal responsibility. As a piece of this holographic plate you are projecting the whole of this universe into reality and you are personally responsible for all that exists in this Creation. You do not get to cower behind this idea of Faith and lay it upon the shoulders of Spirit, God on High. If you want to follow this path, you will need to abdicate faith in favor of personal responsibility for all of That Which Is. Hey, I never said it was going to be easy.
We were all nailed by the horsemen. Guilt is a direct attack upon the Physical Body. Fear is a direct attack upon the Emotional Body. Shame is a direct attack upon the Spiritual Body. And Doubt is a direct attack upon the Mental Body. And together these attacks are intended to disconnect you from any possible direct connection to the super-luminal light. Guilt,
fear, shame, and doubt,
I’ve recently discovered that Spirit, Heart and Will polarized people have an ability to push their, guilt, fear, shame, and doubt out of their consciousness and into their bodies. It is a way to break with it, so as to not have to feel these things. We, on the other hand being Body Polarized cannot break with these things and just ignore their existence, for we are receptacle or the place where these things go when the other polarities push them out. We are then a kind of Pandora’s Box that nobody wants to open for fear of what might be revealed, or that they might have to face The Truth about themselves. So, for all this time we have taken in their stuff and held it at bay so that they wouldn’t have to feel it. And we did it for all of our mother’s and fathers, brothers and sisters, and aunties and uncles, because we loved them. This has to be the most incredible irony in the whole of the universe, that the Devil became the Devil and the scapegoat for creation, at free-will choice, out of his and her love for Mother/Father God, mommy and daddy. Well, I for one am done with that. I’m not gonna be the Devil no more. Game over. I wrote the above sentence in that way because somewhere inside of me there was a nine year old boy, terrified, facing down a viciously cruel, angry, blaming rage-filled God. A child in me who somehow found the courage to speak those exact words; I’m not gonna be the Devil no more. And that picture just totally breaks my heart. That’s the picture of how the Devil got created in the very early going of this creation. A younger version of you and I, with a consciousness level of about a nine year old, agreed that he was the Devil when Spirit God on High asserted that this was who we were. It was a simple agreement, and very similar to how children play today when one chooses to be the cop and another chooses to be the robber. We had no idea what we were agreeing to. So I say unto you little boy, no, you don’t have to be the Devil no more. I can take it from here. You and your sister can go play now. If that little child was in me, he’s certain to be in you too, if you’re body polarized, since this experience happened so very early on. You might want to do the following reframe. Picture them moving across the grass to a swing where the boy helps the girl into a swing. He pulls her back and let go, and they both squeal “Weeee!” Click; take a photo of that picture. Put a frame around it or a border of whatever color comes to mind. And starting from the top of your head let it drop through your body and a picture of the planet below your feet. Take all the time you need to do that.
Inverted People Have you ever seen a pastry sock? The really good ones are made of cloth with a metal tip on the end where you can screw in various and sundry kinds of tips. They are usually used for decorating cakes with different colors of icing. They look like an ice cream cone made of cloth with a metal tip. Imagine taking this canvas sock and turning it inside out. The tip would be in the original direction because it’s metal and cannot be inverted. But the rest of the sock can be inverted over the metal tip and turned inside out. This is a pretty good analogy for what I’m seeing as The Truth with respect to the people of this planet. They have turned themselves inside out in that they have chosen, of their own free will mind you, to create themselves as beings that are unworthy of God’s love, or self love for that matter. This is a pretty good metaphor for the unconscious mind vs. the conscious mind. The conscious mind is the metal tip, the part of the Self that we are still willing to love. If the scientists are correct in their quantification then this part of our Selves represents about seven percent on average. The other ninety-three percent of our Selves represents our unconscious minds and that part of our Selves that we are unwilling to love. I see it happening this way. Young people who enter this Earth are subjected to the Guilt, Fear, Shame and Doubt Induction Program from the day they leave their mother’s womb. This program is intended to sever the connection to the super-luminal light that they are born with (AKA, their connection to God) at the earliest age possible. Without that connection, it is impossible for the child to know for themselves what is and is not The Truth. At that point those in power positions on this planet or those controlling the institutions, are given the power to determine what is and is not The Truth with respect to some aspect of our lives. In other words, the source of their power is that they get to tell us how to create The Truth. For those of us who want to have some power over our lives, we reach a point of choice, probably sometime during adolescence. Having been told so often and with such vigor that we are “bad” and/or “wrong” for being who we are, many of us choose to accept that as reality and of our own free will choose to create our Selves as bad boys and bad girls in order to have power with respect to our lives. So, often we will we choose to invert, choose to create our Selves, at a very early age, as beings who are unworthy of love. The people who deliberately choose to invert themselves completely are given positions of power, over those of us who do not choose to give themselves over to this idea that the are inherently bad or wrong. So, the sheep who want to hold out to the idea that there might be something redeeming about them get herded by the wolves who choose to be bad. However, it is important to note that the sheep are almost as inverted as the wolves, they’re just holding out hope of redemption.. They don’t see themselves as inverted, because they haven’t recognized the incredible pervasiveness of the Guilt, Fear, Shame and Doubt Induction Program and how it has effected them. They’re just trying to do the best they can, and earn a place in Heaven. Nonetheless, the vast majority of the people on this earth are inverted. They have chosen, of their own free will, to create themselves as people who hate themselves. Indeed, from this point of view, it looks to me like the price of a ticket to planet Earth is the induction of self-hatred by the age of ten via the institutions of Family, Church and State. Inverted people also have an inverted perspective on life. So, the result of this individual inversion is that we are creating a world were love is hated, and hatred is pretending to be love. Love is hated because genuine love accepts all things for what they really are. If an inverted person is in the presence of genuine love that person will be seen for what they really are, rather than the facade they are presenting as themselves, and that cannot be tolerated. So, genuine love is hated by inverted people. These people have also taken in an abundance of self-hatred and have actually become that self-hatred that is presenting themselves as loving and ‘good’ people. This is then another inverted reality where the ‘good’ people are pushing out of themselves all the things they do not love into their bodies which is very unloving, and the ‘bad’ people who are holding all this trash for the ‘good’ people are actually more loving for holding this trash. So the true reality I’m seeing here on Earth is that the ‘good’ people are ‘bad, and the ‘bad’ people are ‘good’. I’m starting to see many different ways that we have inverted reality on this planet. It would be wise to keep your eyes open for other situations where two opposites are presenting as the opposite of one another. This can be clearly seen in the Al’Anon, Alcoholic relationships. The Al’Anon is presenting as the victim, while accusing the Alcoholic of being the perpetrator. But it is the Al’Anon who is inducting the guilt and shame into the Alcoholic who then agrees to hold it out of his or her love for the Al’Anon. For me it was outrageous to realize that in these relationships, the perceived victim is the perpetrator, and the perceived perpetrator is the victim. It is amazing what shame induction can do.
The Thousand Years War Do you recall in the Bible where it says that the Earth will be given over to the Devil for a period of a thousand years? Yeah, well, we just went through that time, with Ganges and Kubala, the Spanish Inquisition, the Hundred Years War and so forth. I’m not sure where it started by I suspect it was around 352 A.D. when Rome canonized the Bible, morphed itself into a religion and began instituting the Guild, Fear, Shame and Doubt Induction Program. And so began the thousand years when the Devil in charge of planet Earth. The problem is that there was not just one Devil, there were two, Satan, and Lucifer. Satan was all the inverted Spirit Polarized essence hanging out here and Lucifer was all the inverted Body Polarized essence on the Planet. What I’m seeing when I look into the past is a world where Lucifer and Satan have been slugging it out for all their worth over who gets to be God. If you look at the Guilt, Fear, Shame and Doubt Induction Program it’s pretty easy to see that this is a Spirit Polarized program. It’s very subtle. While we of the Body Polarity may have made use of it once instituted, since this is the foundation of all institutions on Earth, we would never have thought this up. So it’s pretty easy to see that all the non-pagan religions of the world as basically Satanic. While on the other hand nearly all of the secular governments of the world are basically Luciferian. Both are inverted and want to rule the world. So it’s been like a pendulum moving back and forth, for a time the Inverted Spirit would be in charge. Then we Inverted Body people would throw a war destroy what Spirit created and take over. And so it has gone at least a thousand years. Spirit would declare what he wanted, and we would get in his face and say “NO!” in defiance of his will, because we had other ideas about how to create The Truth. Have you ever heard this one, “If you’ll just do what I tell you, everything will be all right.” That’s classic Inverted Spirit. The one thing that Inverted Spirit people seem to hate more than anything else is defiance, which of course, we can be counted upon to do. The problem for Spirit was that Spirit cannot bring anything into reality without getting a Body Polarized person to choose to put his ideas into the holographic plate, which is to say, our bodies. And that kind of pissed the boy off, because we would not simply follow his lead and do it his way. We wanted to have some input, and we have steadfastly refused to be enslaved by Spirit, God on High, especially the inverted Spirit Polarized people on this planet. So Spirit Polarized people have resorted to all manor of duplicitous and deceitful means to obtain our permission to create The Truth the way they tell us to. And since they are a little more intelligent and we are a little more naïve, they have often succeeded in convincing us to create The Truth the way they ask. One of the more important ways that was done was to guilt trip us with respect to our sexuality. By inducing sexual values into us prior to puberty, they could assure that we would find ourselves in a horrible internal conflict when the hormones kicked in around the age of twelve. Spirit and Heart people can go years without an orgasm and hardly ever notice. It’s not their path to the super-luminal light. We, on the other hand, have to have an orgasm every day from the day we reach puberty to the day we die, at least one, or we fell deprived. If we can’t have sex, we don’t want life, and Spirit and Heart polarized people cannot understand that simple fact. It’s been three years now since I learned how to do these reframes and with something close to six thousand reframes under my belt I can see a lot of The Truth that had previously been obscured. One of the things I’ve noticed recently is that I have often been accused by Spirit, Heart, and even Will Polarized people of doing things that when I look at it are not true of me, but are true of them. They are doing to me exactly and precisely what they are accusing me of doing to them. So, Inverted Spirit says to me that I am not willing to allow Free-Will. That’s not quite true. I just want a few babes around the house who don’t have the right to say no, or at least never do. I really have no interest in running the world according to my will. However, that’s not true with Spirit and Spirit Polarized people on this planet. They want to rule the world and they do not want to allow Free-Will. They feel that they could do it better if they could run things from on-high. A former woman friend a Will Polarized person accused me of pushing out all of my ugliness into her and blamed me for her problems with her weight. What I’m seeing now is that she was pushing out everything that she was unwilling to love about herself into her body. And I was forced to feel her pain and suffering, her stored guilt, fear, shame and doubt because I am her body and find myself automatically in sympathetic resonance to those stored traumas. And then we have Heart polarized people. They accuse us of being perverted. And I have to say, “For What?” For enjoying cunnilingus, fellatio, intercourse and buggery? I don’t think so, what’s not to love about sex? No, Heart Polarized people, I name you pervert. When you want to tell other people what they can and cannot do in the bedroom, who they can and cannot fuck, I say that‘s perverted. So the point is that you should be on the lookout. When a Spirit, Heart, or Will Polarized person accuses you of being something that they do not love, what’s really happening is that you have gone into sympathetic resonance with what they do not love about themselves and have pushed out into their body. They are then seeing their own self-hatred reflected in you and accusing you of being that which they hate about themselves. And as if that weren’t enough, they then feel justified in punishing us for reflecting they’re ugliness back to them. Then if we do decide to medicate with alcohol or drugs because the pain and suffering becomes too much for us to hold, they shame and punish us for that too. I’ll tell you B.P. Boys and Girls, that’s a way cool understanding.
ADD, ADHD, Autism, and Asperger’s Syndrome I was listening to a show on NPR (National Public Radio) the other day when a women who was involved in helping food-source animals to be slaughtered without trauma. The show was interesting in it’s own right, but then she said that she was autistic, and she needed to be on anti-depressants. To that point I considered this an irrelevancy. That is, until she described how she thought. She described her thinking process as one of looking at a videotape and describing what she saw to the interviewer, and suddenly I was very interested, because that’s how I think, as a Body-Polarized person. So I suddenly found myself very interested in autism and later Asperger’s syndrome. It seems that these are basically the same except that autism is usually diagnosed in people with an IQ of thirty to fifty, where Asperger’s syndrome is diagnosed in people with an IQ of one-twenty to one-fifty. It has been suggested that Einstein today would be diagnosed as having Asperger’s syndrome, and having read about it, I agree, he probably would have. So, it’s not exactly bad company.
I did look at ADD and ADHD specifically, and I’m seeing some interesting things with respect to these two so-called disorders. As I said earlier we are each made up of the memories of some 2046 ancestors of us. So when we of the Body Polarity look at a person we’re seeing 2047 different faces, one juxtaposed upon another and it’s confusing to us especially in our youth.
The Rape of the Object Beam The history of the world as I’m seeing it now goes something like the following. For all of time there has been a Spirit/Body split, a split in the consciousness of the universe and an ongoing war over who and what is god. The universal question has always been: Is God All That Is, or is All That Is God? Should God be On High, or On Low? Is sovereignty vested in the King or in the People? The Body Polarity has taken the position that we are God because All That Is, is God, while the Spirit Polarity has taken the opposite position. So this war has been going on for all of time. Even today we’re still fighting the Peloponnesian war, Sparta verses Athens.
The Deal Okay, here’s the deal that I have proposed with Spirit, and intuit has been found to be acceptable. We’re going to meet the boy half way. That means fifty percent of the light, or the wealth of the world will be granted to us, the Will and the Body Polarities, while the Spirit and Heart Polarities will be granted the other fifty percent.
Poe’s Pendulum I offer up a reframe here to anchor in this agreement a little more solidly. And since all memory is metaphor, I’d like to use Edger Alan Poe’s story of the Pit and the Pendulum as a basis for creating for our Selves a peace with God, or at least a truce. Edger was an asshole, and he ticked me off by writing stories of horror for the purpose of terrorizing children to give away their power to an unloving authority. So, I’d like to strip him of some of that power, right here and right now, by using his story as the basic for a healing reframe. The purpose here is to stop the never-ending war where Spirit is sometimes on top and then Body is on top for a while, until the next swing of the pendulum.
Memory, Metaphor, and Constructs All memory is metaphor, and indeed all things that we hold in our auric fields are a metaphor of some kind. These are representations of what went down back there and then, and they can contain all of the five senses, but what we carry with us as memories are also filtered though all subsequent related memories to bring the super-luminal light into the present moment. So, the memory of an experience will always be somewhat different than the experience that it was in the moment at which it occurred. And in truth, we can remember things radically different then they were originally experienced. However, it does not matter if the memory is accurate or not. Regardless of the accuracy, the memory as it exists today is a filter upon our current experience and does affect that experience. This is why the HMR reframe is so affective in giving us the ability to change our current reality. I mentioned earlier that reality is created as a function of our memories, experiences, choices and agreements. That’s true, but there are also these things that I call constructs built out of experiences, agreements, and thoughts to create a form through which to filter the super-luminal light that creates our reality that we then experience in reflection. These constructs are important, because for the most part these have been created or defined by Spirit Polarized people that we have then agreed to place into the holographic plate and manifest into reality as The Truth. Many of these constructs are useful, valid and needed. But many of them are also projecting a reality that is specifically designed to shackle we of the Body Polarity into creating a reality that is to our detriment. So we will be needing to, over time, shine a very bright super-luminal light onto all of these constructs to determine for ourselves whether or not we are willing to stand for that such and such shall be The Truth with respect to some aspect of our reality. And folks, it really is time that we made that determination, in our own names and on our own authority. It is time for us to take full and complete responsibility for that which we are choosing to create or bring into reality. You see, the Inverted Spirit Polarized people that run this place today have been screwing us into creating reality to their betterment and our detriment, and it’s necessary to stand up for ourselves and put a stop to that practice. What was it that Thomas Jefferson said? “We must hang together, or we shall surely hang separately.” A construct is a structure or a form, built up out of thoughts, hooked together by agreements and founded on experiences that when the super-luminal light passes through the construct creates a reality, which we then perceive or relate to in reflection. These constructs are perceived by me as being very similar to a strut-tension-wire system. So, let me take a moment to explain what that is for those readers who might not know about these systems. These systems are a means of creating a structure that has some incredible flexibility to shake and move but basically holds it’s shape. So, I’m going to build a picture in your mind of what this would look like as a cube. It could also be a fun project for a young person in the classroom. The tools needed are a bunch of straws, some butcher string, and a pair of scissors. First string four straws onto a piece of string, then pull the ends together and tie them off, so that you can form this into a square of four straws. Do this twice. Then string four pieces of sting through four more separate straws and use these the tie the two squares together such that you have a loosely formed cube. Next take two pieces of string and tie them together in a granny knot such that you have a knot in the middle with four strings radiating from it. The cut some straws to size and tie these to each of the four corners of one of the squares that make up the sides of the cube. This will help the square to hold it’s shape. Do this for all six sides of the cube. And finally take four pieces of string tie a granny knot in the center such that you have eight strings radiating from the knot. Then cut some straws to size and placing the knot in the center of the cube tie the ends to each of the eight corners of the cube. This final piece will help the whole cube to basically hold it’s shape while being flexible. This is what I call a strut-tension-wire system in the form of a cube. They’re not limited to a cube shape, you can build them as any desired form, this was just an easy form to use to illustrate the system. So, in addition to our holding experiences as Christmas tree ornaments within our auric fields, we also hold these thought tension-wire-strut constructs. These constructs then define our reality. So let’s take something like logic. Logic is a Spirit Polarized construct. The construct is made out of thoughts such as “a science that deals with the principles of the validity of inference and demonstration” or so says the dictionary, and “The science of the formal principles of reasoning,” and “The interrelation or sequence of facts or events when seen as inevitable or predictable.” These thoughts or struts are held together by the agreement to create this construct in that way. In other words, that this shall be The Truth, so that when the super-luminal light shines through this construct we then perceive The Truth of logic in reflection as a self-defining prophecy. It is the way that it is, because we say so and we are creating it that way as God physically incarnate through our agreements. If you take that a step further, you can see that a construct can be founded upon not just memories or experiences, but also upon other constructs. Logic is important because this is a construct that is foundational for all the other constructs collectively known as Science. So Logic is foundational to all other sciences, like Physics, and Anthropology, and physiology, and psychology, and essentially the whole of what is known as the Newtonian Universe. What I’m seeing is that reality is actually created as a hologram in a very similar way that computer programs create a reality within a computer. These smaller thought-strut-tension-wire constructs are like subroutines that can be built up one upon the other in both a procedural manner or as what has become know as an object-oriented construction and probably other ways too, that we have not seen as yet. What I’m seeing today is that our brains are only the CPU for the Human Computer. It’s all these thought tension-strut-wire constructs, and memories, experiences, choices and agreements, which are hanging out in our auric fields at various frequency levels that constitute the programs that run the human computer, projecting our reality into existence. Plato did have it close when he talked about people thinking that they were the shadows on the wall. He may very well have perceived this entire structure of how we create our reality. He just didn’t have an educated populace who might be able to understand his perspective. Anyway, I’ll tell you, it’s been a whole lot more fun hacking God‘s Operating System, than it ever could be to hack the phone company, IBM or Microsoft. It appears that those were just practice for the real thing. Actually, the process of healing this planet is going to require a heck of a lot of work in terms of personal reflection. You see, the vast majority of the constructs built over the last few thousand years have been Spirit Polarized constructs. We of the Body and Will Polarities have not been allowed input. This is now going to change. We’re going to have to look at absolutely every construct that we are projecting into reality and decide for ourselves whether or not we are going to continue to stand for that this is to be our reality. We’re going to have to shine a bright super-luminal light onto every construct and look at every thought and every agreement. Then we can decide if this is to our betterment to continue this reality, but if it is to our detriment we shall simply respectfully refuse to continue to create that as our reality. Meeting God on High half way, means that we are now going to recreate reality, based upon what’s already there. We will add our input, allow what’s good and useful to remain only changing that which has been to the detriment of we of the Body and Will Polarities. A lot of what the Spirit Polarity did was in fact good and useful. Our purpose here is to provide some feedback so that all these constructs can be morphed into constructs that will create a reality that is for the betterment of all of We the People, not just those on the Reference beam. When we shine the light of love on all the constructs that we are creating, all the skeletons are going to come out of the closet for everyone on this planet. The archeologists are going to have a field day, as all the sites they wish to discover will be easily uncovered. The politicians and the businessmen, however, are likely to be sweating bullets. That’s okay, because we don’t want anyone in any position of power on this planet who is in any way lacking in integrity. If you, Mr. Power monger, are going to be in position of power, I demand that you be a man of impeccable integrity.
To Sequester or Not to Sequester Have you ever seen a documentary about Army Ants on the Science Channel or some other like medium? They are an interesting breed in that they never seem to create for themselves a permanent home. After marching all day across the forest floor they climb up into a tree to bivouac for the night. They have six feet and they hook their feet together over a branch and build up a spherical home out of the bodies of the soldiers. Inside, they maintain temperature for the storage of eggs, larvae and food, and the comfort of the Queen. As far as I know, no one has ever described the inner structure of this temporary abode. But when I look inside myself, what I see is a very complex structure of caverns, storage rooms and pathways all temperature controlled by the body heat of the soldiers. I see this as a good metaphor for how reality itself is put together. We have created reality as a series of thought tension-strut-wire systems founded in thought and experience and relationship. Those ants inside the abode are in a much deeper relationship to their reality than the ants on the outside of the sphere. What I’m seeing from this is that the more people one is in relationship with, the more strongly held will ones reality be due to the unconscious agreements to create reality in a similar fashion. So if you want to see what is really The Truth, you have to pull yourself out of relationships to be able to see what you are actually projecting into reality from the outside in. I see what I had to do as a single Army Ant, dangling from the bottom of the Sphere, holding onto only one other ant and then looking back at That Which Is and telling The Truth about what I saw. For myself I had to sequester in this way for almost three years in order to build A Truth for myself that was more acceptable than what we have been creating to date. It has not been fun, and indeed has been quite painful and difficult. So, will you have to sequester as I did? I hope not. If I could I would spare you that. If however, you are as pig-headed as I, and have lost the ability to trust anyone, due to Inverted Spirit and Heart Polarized people having lied and abused your trust to force you to create a Truth that was so often to their betterment and your detriment, well, maybe you’ll just have to see for yourself. If you do take that path, be sure to maintain one relationship in this world, while pulling the rest of yourself outside of the current reality. You need to keep one foot in the door, even though that will be painful. To break entirely from our current reality for any length of time is risking the possibility of insanity. So you have to be careful. My expectation though, is that you shouldn’t have to do as I did. I suspect that The Truth as I have created and been presenting here will ring True to the core you your being, and that there should be no doubt in the minds of any Body Polarized person as to the authenticity of what I have created. My gut feeling says that The Truth that I am presenting here has sufficient depth, breath, and width, that if you choose, you can simply climb up on this little thought tension-strut-wire raft and join me in building it out further. I know it’s still small, and feels like a tiny raft on an endless ocean. Nonetheless, if you choose, I invite you to stand with me. Simply drag up a little more driftwood or thoughts from the previous reality, and if they prove useful bind them into our new structure, helping to build out a new more acceptable reality, founded on unconditional love and committed to the betterment of all, and the detriment of none.