Warriors Secular A
Spiritual Path for Those of Us |
cannot teach you,
What we’re doing here really is an exploration in consciousness. I’m all about healing the unconscious mind in a quest to find self love. The ultimate goal is to bring peace to planet Earth, by creating self-love for the individual, bringing peace to the tortured soul. I can show you the path that I have taken. I can give you some tools to make the job easier, and I can show you some of the pitfalls to avoid. With these pointers your path should be easier than mine, though if you should choose to follow, it will still be uniquely your path. In this book there are a lot of requests for you to do what I call reframes. Many of these you will make up yourself, and some I will provide for you. The reframe is the core of the work. While you can read what I have written here and gain many understandings, if you don’t do the reframes you won’t get the full benefit of what I have to offer. It will be like reading a book on body-building, if you don’t get to the gym on a regular basis you’ll get to keep your flabby abs. In other words, you have to do the work, if you want to reap the benefits. So what’s new about that? When I first discovered the reframe a few years ago, I was on the path to death along with all the other human lemmings that populate this planet. It was a path that was lined with brambles on both sides and I could see that it led inexorably to a cliff in the not too distant future. The reframe, for me, was like being handed a Bowie knife or a Roman Short Sword with which to cut the brambles and forge for myself an alternate path into the future. So, with blade in hand, I turned left facing uphill, always uphill, and began to hack away at the brambles, take a step, then hack away some more and take another step, and then another and repeat. Over time I have created a new path through life, a new possibility or paradigm, essentially an alternative reality to the one in which most of us live. It is this new path that I offer you today. It has been painful and difficult to create a Truth in opposition to that which is the generally accepted Truth on this planet, and I have certainly been battered and bruised by the effort. But I had to ask, what was the alternative? To march in formation over the cliff in an ever ending progression? If as you read this book you agree and choose to take this path, then pick up your blade, make a left turn and follow the bloody track through the brambles. This path will involve having to face everything about you, that you do not love about you, or what we like to call the unconscious mind. That mind is ninety-three percent of who you are. And so you begin what is essentially a battle with yourself where you have seven percent of you fighting ninety-three percent of you. You will need to be a Magnificent Seven for your Self, a warrior extraordinaire. You must have courage in abundance, tenacity beyond belief, and the steadfastness and fortitude of a genuine warrior in order to succeed at this task of coming to love your Self. This path is not for everyone. Might it be for you? We shall see. Understand, you don’t have to do this now, you can surely wait for others to proceed you. The more people ahead of you the wider the path will be and the easier to tread. But remember, while you wait you are getting ever closer to the cliff at the end of the lemming’s trail. If you choose to follow my lead, simply turn left and follow the trail of blood, I’ll be somewhere up ahead and I’d appreciate your company.
How do you know if you’re Body Polarized?
Anyway, as you read through this material and begin doing a few of the
suggested reframes it will become clear whether or not this material is right
for you. It will either work for you
or it won’t. And you will either
have sufficient courage to proceed or you won’t. Again, we shall see.
Let Me Show You My Power I picked the title for this book because I wanted it to be immediately controversial as is the content of the book. It is however, a very serious work with the objective of helping body-polarized people heal the guilt, fear, shame and doubt inducted into us over centuries by the institutions of the world for the purpose of obtaining power over us. So, in a sense it’s a path by which we can take back our power and come to love ourselves absolutely and unconditionally, completely and totally, as sexual beings here on planet Earth. This process involves healing the emotional charge embedded in unpleasant memories from our past so that we can move on with our lives. We do this by what is called a reframe, which I will explain in full detail in the body of the book. But for now, I’d like to take a moment and give you a little demonstration. If you will do this little process, I will show you my power in a very real and tangible way. This process is intended to demonstrate the healing of just a little bit of sexual shame. So, I’d like you to locate in your mind a memory of an intimate encounter that was slightly unpleasant. Not something big and heavy, but just one that you might not do over again if you had it to do over again. Okay. Now take a little time and make up a fantasy experience. If you could have had this experience have gone however you wanted, how would you have had it be? Make it up to be pleasant, make it up to be loving or sweet, make it up to be hot and passionate, whatever you want, it’s your fantasy. Next, pick a point in the drama that represents the whole of the drama for you, the point of greatest intensity, the point of maximum love feelings, or post-coital cuddling, whatever works for you. Then take a photograph of you and your partner at that point and in your minds eye put a frame or a border around that picture of whatever colors come to mind. The colors will just be there. Your unconscious mind knows precisely the right colors to use. Now, take that picture and move it outside your body and above your head. Then let it drop down through your body from the top of your head to the soles of your feet, letting every cell of you body know that this new picture replaces that old picture. And take all the time you need to do that. The next step is to go back to the original picture in your minds eye and modify it a bit. The idea here is to place all the other younger versions of yourself who would like this picture to replace their intimate experience. They’ll just be there, so stack them up one behind the other off into infinity behind you in the original picture. The idea is that we’re going to remove the unpleasant feelings from all of these earlier-similar memories in one shot. At this point you need to freeze the frame and put a new frame or border around the picture of whatever colors come to mind. Repeat the process of moving the picture through your body from the top of your head to the soles of your feet taking as long as you need to do that. If you’re in a book store or a library, you might want to stop there. It has been my experience that if you do this little process three times, you’ll likely be in serious need of a lover. So, you might want to plan accordingly. This has simply been an introduction; there is a whole lot more in the way of powerful processes and new understandings that are revealed about we who are Body Polarized, or we who experience the connection to God as libido. I hope I have piqued your interest. If so, you are invited to follow my lead.
Where Few Men Have Gone Before I’m here to show you an alternative reality, an alternative path to God, and a path to self-love. If you choose to read on, I suggest that you fasten your seat belts Boys and Girls, because we are jumping down the rabbit hole.